"Father, father king?" The five sons all raised their heads and looked at Cao Cao with surprise on their faces. How could they be willing to leave here? How could they come here now? They all have a little idea about Cao Cao's position. However, Cao Cao still waved his hand, and then ignored the five haunted sons and insisted on letting them leave. Ding and Bian also winked at their sons to follow Cao Cao's orders and leave the room temporarily.

When Cao ang and his five brothers all retired, Cao Cao forced his body away from Ding's body and leaned against the wall of the bed. Both Ding and Bian looked at each other in awe. They didn't know what Cao Cao intended to do, but they didn't dare to stop him.

Leaning against the wall, Cao Cao waved to both Ding and Bian and said, "you go too!"

"Ah?" However, Ding and Bian did not expect that Cao Cao was driving himself away. Just like their son, they widened their eyes and looked at Cao Cao's pale face with disbelief.

Cao Cao was obviously not so good-natured. He frowned and cried out, "go Although the sound of Cao Cao's drinking was not as big as his usual voice, the accumulated Yu Wei still made Ding and Bian leave the bed in a panic and retreat from Cao Cao's room backward.

The two beautiful women who quit the room of Cao Cao are relieved. Although they have been living with him for decades, it does not mean that they know him very well. For Cao Cao's sudden emotional changes like today, they will never be able to master, not only they, I believe that no one in the world can master what Cao Cao is thinking.

After a sigh of relief, Ding and Bian looked at each other subconsciously. Bian immediately bowed to Ding and said, "sister, since the king doesn't need us to serve, sister, I'll take Zihuan and them back first."

Ding's also a smile, said: "sister has a heart, I'm going to take the son to repair back." Although Ding's words are very intimate, but her eyes are hidden with a deep guard. Bian can stand out from the numerous concubines of Cao Cao, and become no inferior to his own in Cao Cao's mind. Ding has long changed from contempt to attention. Although the woman in front of her is originally a humble Kabuki, her means are absolutely not She is inferior to a pretty girl of her family background.

However, Bian turned a blind eye to the guard in Ding's eyes, and said to his four sons still standing in the yard: "Zihuan, Ziwen, Zijian, Ziwei, don't you salute and say goodbye to the aunt?" However, Bian read his four sons one by one, and then looked at Cao ang, who was alone. The meaning was obvious.

But how could Ding, who was born in an aristocratic family, be so simple that he could not hold his breath. A cold light flashed in his eyes, but he did not. He said to Cao ang, "Zixiu, you'd better send these younger brothers to you!" However, Ding specially stressed the two characters of his younger brother, emphasized the identity of Cao Ang's eldest son, and then his eyes looked at Bian as if they were demonstrating.

However, Bian's face did not change at all. After urging his four sons to salute Ding, he took Cao Pi and others out of the yard, walking very smartly. But Ding had been staring at Bian's back coldly. The cold light in his eyes almost penetrated Bian's back. Then he gave a cold hum and said to Cao ang, "Zixiu, let's go!" Having said that, he walked back to his courtyard from another exit of the yard.

At this time, in the room of Cao Cao, but alone against the wall, the pair of turbid eyes tightly staring at the opposite table light. No one can guess what Cao Cao was thinking, no matter who. Cao Cao suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Cao Xie, can there be news from Jia Xu?"

Although Cao Cao's voice is very small, but in the empty room, it is very clear. Just after Cao Cao's voice dropped, a masked man in black appeared in the corner of the room. He knelt down in front of Cao Cao and said in a deep voice, "Jia Xu has reached an agreement with the king of Xiqiang. Now he should have gone west of Longxi."

The black man's voice was a little loud and hoarse, but Cao Cao didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He can't remember when Cao Xie started to follow him. Anyway, he was used to having such a person around him. Even on his wedding night, Cao Xie always stayed by his side. Cao Cao only knew that he was the guardian of the family faction around him at that time. His martial arts skills were very high. Cao Cao had a lot of things to do with him, and he had saved Cao Cao many times. If we really want to find a person in this world that Cao Cao trusts, then Cao Cao will not choose his wife or his son, but the Cao Xie in front of him.

After listening to Cao Xie's reply, Cao Cao's eyes closed slightly, but his physical illness did not affect his thinking. Then he murmured: "I'm still in Longxi, I'm afraid I can't wait for him. The Dongwu army was afraid that it would soon break the Bohai Sea. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait until the Bohai Sea is broken. Chen Ren, who is at Hangu pass, will soon lead his troops to attack Chang'an. At that time, we will have to break through to the West. "Cao Xie was just there quietly listening to Cao Cao's self talk. For him, he only needed to know what task Cao Cao arranged for himself, and he didn't have to listen to other things. Cao Cao also knew the habits of Cao Xie, so he still said to himself with closed eyes: "my body is unable to meet the breakthrough. It is better to die in the capital of the Emperor than to die on this road. But did I, Cao Cao, die in silence? "

Speaking of this, Cao Cao suddenly opened his eyes, but there was a glimmer of cold light in his eyes. He looked at Cao Xie tightly and said, "Cao Xie, take the medicine you said last time."

Cao Xie, who had been keeping calm all the time, was shocked, but then recovered calm again. He took a small medicine bottle from his arms and said to Cao Cao: "in terms of the king's body, the king can only take this medicine once. Although taking it can restore the king's energy for a period of time, it is an overdraft of the king's remaining energy and efficacy After that, the king will have no possibility of survival! " Cao Xie simply stated the efficacy of the bottle of medicine in his hand, but he did not mean to dissuade Cao Cao. For him, he might not have the right to interfere in Cao Cao's decision.

Cao Cao looked at the jade vase in Cao Xie's hand. His eyes were full of complexity, and everyone was afraid of death, even such an unrivalled villain like Cao Cao was no exception. But if he lay on his bed and waited for death to come, he could not. So he decided to go crazy before he died and do something he had wanted to do for years, but he never did.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao raised his arm and slowly extended to Cao Xie. Cao Xie immediately understood and walked quickly to Cao Cao's side. He knew that with Cao Cao's physical strength, he could not finish the bottle of medicine himself, so he simply helped Cao Cao lift the lid of the jade bottle. Suddenly, the whole room was filled with a strong fragrance. Cao Xie held the jade bottle in one hand and swept it around Cao Cao's neck with the other hand. He put the jade bottle to Cao Cao's mouth and slowly poured the medicine for him.

But Cao Cao did not drink this bottle of medicine for a long time, suddenly his face recovered some ruddy, his dry hands, slowly clenched, suddenly opened his eyes, but in his eyes a flash of red light.

In the palace, a large hall, as the symbol of the highest power of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Han Xian, Liu Xie, was walking back and forth in this hall. Beside him, a eunuch and a minister were standing respectfully aside, afraid to say more.

Liu Xie walked back and forth in the hall for more than half an hour, but at last he couldn't help it. He went to the minister and directly asked, "Huang Kui! You say that Cao Cao's life will not be long. Is it serious? " When he said this, Liu Xie's hands trembled involuntarily. It's no wonder that Liu Xie's intelligence was superior among several emperors at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Unfortunately, he was not born at the right time. However, such a wise emperor did not have a chance to give full play to his wisdom. Liu Xie scolded his father, Emperor Hanling, Liu Hong more than once in private. If his father had not left him such a mess, Liu Xie was confident that he could become a good emperor not inferior to his ancestors and complete the rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty.

However, the reality is always cruel. No matter how smart Liu Xie is, it is a succession of powerful ministers who welcome him, from the original Dong Zhuo to Dong min, and then to the present Cao Cao. Liu Xie felt like a tool, which was constantly used by these powerful officials. He also worried about whether his use value was used up. In that case, he would be discarded by these powerful officials without hesitation. Now I hear that Cao Cao is going to die, and sun CE, who has always been loyal on the surface, has led his troops to beat Cao Cao. Although Liu Xie doesn't believe that sun CE will be much better than Cao Cao, Liu Xie always makes him yearn to escape from Cao Cao's hand.

The minister asked by Liu Xie, whose surname was Huang Mingkui, was the son of Huang Wan, a former general of Wuguan Zhonglang. However, he was killed by Li Zhen and Guo Si on the way to escape with Liu Xie. Huang Kui was sent to his hometown by Huang Wan long ago, and now he is a servant. He is also one of the few ministers attracted by Liu Xie in the new court.