Huang Kui took a deep breath and bowed to Liu Xie and said, "it's true to report back to your majesty. It's true that one of the spies arranged by Wei Chen in Cao Cao's mansion risked his life to send out the news. Last time Jiguan was defeated, Cao Cao fainted in his study after he got the news! After that, many imperial doctors were secretly called to diagnose Cao Cao, but none of them returned to the palace. It must have been left by the people in Cao's residence. If Cao Cao had nothing to do with it, why should he make such a fuss? "

"Yes! you 're right! You have a point in saying that! It makes sense! " Liu Xie began to have some nerve texture, nodded and said. This news is very important to him. If Cao Cao is killed, and Cao Cao's sons are all in Chang'an, they are going to be brothers and sisters! At that time, he can take advantage of Cao Cao's sons to fight for the throne, Cao's family will be completely pulled down!

"Your majesty!" At this time, the other eunuch suddenly said, "I think that if you want your majesty to take over the government again, you can't do it without a * *. Otherwise, even if Cao Cao died, Xia Houdun was in charge of his troops and horses. Few of the civil and military personnel in the Manchu Dynasty would really listen to his majesty. His majesty could only watch the successor of the Cao family ascend to the throne and was unable to fight back. "

Hearing the eunuch's words, Liu Xie calmed down a little, nodded and said, "Wang rang, you have a point! However, there are only civil servants like Lord Huang who really want to join me, but there is not even a general. Besides, even if there are generals to join us, only those relatives of Cao family or Xiahou family can control the troops and horses in Chang'an city! "

Liu Xie's point was on the point. Although Cao Cao did not stick to one pattern in the appointment of talents, he always insisted on being led by his cronies. Moreover, the members of Cao family and Xiahou family of Cao Cao's generation were excellent, including Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong and so on. Therefore, Cao Cao Cao was a well-known general To those who would never betray themselves. Other generals rarely get the chance to unify the army independently. Even Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and other generals would never have been able to unify the army independently if it was not for the lack of manpower.

The eunuch Liu Xie didn't speak any more. It seemed that the eunuch Liu had just told him not to speak. Although Liu's Association is too deep to rely on, he will not rely on himself. If Liu Xie is successful, Wang rang must be a great meritorious official. However, if there is something wrong with Liu Xie, Wang rang will not hesitate. He will kick Liu Xie away immediately, and he may fall into trouble.

How can Huang Kui not see Wang rang's mind? Although he looks down on Wang rang as a eunuch, Huang Kui knows that in the current situation of Liu Xie, Wang rang's help is particularly important. Almost all of the servants in the palace were Cao Cao's Secret lines. Wang rang controlled most of the eunuchs in the palace. If necessary, it was also a great help. However, after Liu Xie's success in the future, he would inevitably be Zhang rang and Zhao Zhong's.

When Huang Kui thought of the ten constant attendants' chaos, he suddenly had a flash of light in his head. He said to Liu Xie, "Your Majesty, if you think of one person, you may be able to relieve your Majesty's worries."

Liu Xie is in distress here. Hearing Huang Kui's words, she can't help but see a light in front of her. She grabs Huang Kui's sleeve and asks in surprise: "seriously, Qing family, tell me quickly!" Looking at Liu Xie's anxious face, we can imagine how much pressure Cao Cao has brought to him over the past ten years.

Seeing that Liu Xie was in such a hurry, Huang Kui immediately replied, "report back to your majesty, the person recommended by Wei Chen is Guan Yu, the current general of motorcycles."

"Is it him?" Liu Xie and Wang rang on one side listened to the name and were stunned. Then Wang rang shook his head and said, "no! no way! This man has been attached to Cao Cao for a long time and is loyal to him. He is one of the four generals under Cao Cao's account. Cao Cao treats him better than Xia Houdun. How can he help us Obviously, what Wang rang said, also said, was in Liu Xie's mind, but because Huang Kui was one of his few loyal subordinates, it was not easy to refute his face.

Huang Kui seemed to have guessed that Liu Xie and Wang rang would have such a reaction, but he was not worried. After Wang rang finished, he stroked his beard with a smile and said, "your majesty! According to Wei Chen's opinion, Guan Yu was not loyal to Cao Cao. In his mind, Liu Bei was still the main one. If it was not for revenge on Liu Bei by Cao Cao's forces, Guan Yu would never have taken refuge in Cao Cao. This man is Liu Bei's righteous younger brother. When Liu Bei was alive, he often regarded himself as a Han clan. His majesty might as well check the genealogy, count Liu Bei among the Han family members and affix a posthumous title. Guan Yu will surely be grateful to his majesty. When he comes to his Majesty's command, he will not worry about his lack of military power. "

Liu Xie was still hesitant and said, "you have some truth in what you say, but this Guan Yu is highly valued by Cao Cao. If Guan Yu refuses to accept my solicitation, will he not betray the great event? If Cao Cao's cronies knew about this, I would not be able to protect myself! " Speaking of the last sentence, Liu Xie's tone is full of sadness. He thought of empress Fu, who was killed by Cao Cao in the Chang'an revolution. As the king of a country, he could not protect his wife who had been in trouble. It was a kind of sadness!At this time, Huang Kui knelt down in front of Liu Xie, arched his hand and said, "please rest assured, my majesty, I am willing to meet Guan Yu alone. If it turns out that Guan Yu has already taken refuge in the traitor, he is willing to shoulder the responsibility of this crime, and will never drag his majesty down!" Huang Kui is also very loyal to Liu Xiezhong and volunteered to be a touchstone.

Of course, Huang Kui's proposal won Liu Xie's heart, but Liu Xie still had to do something on the surface. He pretended to show a sad and moving face. He lifted up Huang Kui and opened his mouth to speak. But at this time, a voice of Yin measurement rang out: "what a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty! It's just a pity that I'm in the wrong line! "

Liu Xie, Huang Kui and Wang rang all shivered involuntarily after hearing the sound. Huang Kui immediately subconsciously blocked Liu Xie behind him. Although his face was pale, he still ventured to drink and asked, "who is it! How dare you break into the palace of the emperor? " When Cao Kui came to the palace of Cao Kui, they did not have to wait for the consequences of the emperor's plan!

At this time, from the corner of the main hall, a masked man in black came out slowly, holding a long sword with a green front, and walked towards Huang Kui and others with murderous spirit. The masked man looked at Huang Kui and said, "it's true that he is a first-class man, but it's a pity that he can't be used by Cao Gong! If Cao Gong wants to achieve great things today, he must let you make a sacrifice! "

Big deal? When Huang Kui heard these two words, he couldn't help but change his face. He began to sweat from his forehead. His eyes widened and he looked at the masked man in front of him. He drank loudly and asked, "is Cao Cao really going to do this wicked thing? You are going to help tyrants After listening to Huang Kui's question, Liu Xie's face was pale at this time. He was not a fool. How could he not understand what the important events in the masked population meant? His hands suddenly trembled. If Wang rang was not around, he would faint on the ground.

There was a glimmer of gloom in the masked man's eyes and said: "if the world's major events are reversed and Cao Gong is in the ascendant, Cao Gong may not want to bear the name of injustice. But now that the Northern Wei Dynasty is covering the nest, if Cao Gong does not take advantage of this opportunity to do great things, I am afraid Cao will never have this opportunity in the future! Therefore, please set your mind at ease on your way. If you can accomplish the great cause of Cao Gong, you must be valuable! " After that, he gave them no chance to speak. He held up his sword and stabbed them at them.

Like lightning, the sword quickly stabbed at Liu Xie, emperor of Han Dynasty, hiding behind Huang Kui. Obviously, Liu Xie is his ultimate goal. Huang Kui was shocked, but he was just a weak scholar. How could he defeat this obviously skilled assassin. Seeing that Liu Xie was about to die under the assassin's sword, Huang Kui gritted his teeth and rushed directly to the sharp sword, and blocked the sword with his chest.

The edge of the Sword Pierced Huang Kui's chest. A small part of the sword's tip pierced Huang Kui's vest, and he could not move forward any more. The masked man did not expect that Huang Kui could save Liu Xie with his body. He was stunned. He called out to the assassin in the corner of the blood! Run! Run away

But now Liu Xie has been scared by the assassins, so he can't run away. Besides, even if Liu Xie escapes from the palace, how can he escape the palace full of Cao Cao's cronies. And Wang let on one side at this time simply is to throw Liu Xie in one side, oneself spreads foot Ya son to run outside. But before he could run far away, he heard a shrill cry, which was the voice of Wang rang who had just run out.

Hearing Wang rang's scream, Liu Xie and Huang Kui's faces became more ugly. They saw a sound of foot steps coming from the gate of the main hall, and a group of people in armor rushed into the hall. Although the leader was black and fat, he looked domineering in his powerful armor. He was no other than Cao Cao, who was critically ill before. However, Cao Cao is not as sick as before, but energetic, as if he was only in his thirties. His eyes are full of ambition and greed when he looks at Liu Xie's Royal robe.

This is Cao Cao, the traitor!