As soon as Cao Cao entered the hall, he pulled out his sword from his waist, pointed to the masked man in black, and said, "what a bold assassin! Dare to assassinate your majesty! You're not going to get caught! "

Huang Kui and Liu Xiexian are stunned. Isn't the assassin Cao Cao's? Why didn't Cao Cao know? But in a flash, I can guess the meaning of Cao Cao's words. Before, the man in black dared to say Cao Cao's intention in front of them. That's because the three people in the hall are mortal, so the assassin can say it freely. But what a crime it is to assassinate the emperor of Han Dynasty. Now that Cao Cao appears, he naturally wants to get rid of himself and this matter.

However, the assassin did not even return his head. He put his foot on Huang Kui's chest and pulled the sword out of Huang Kui's chest with one hand. The pain was simply beyond the ordinary people's endurance. Huang Kui was heard to utter a series of shrill cries, but the assassin's foot on his chest was unable to stop the assassin's behavior. Seeing Huang Kui's miserable appearance, those bodyguards who were following Cao Cao's back could not help but change their faces. Liu Xie, who was hiding behind Huang Kui, could not help but turn his eyes off and fainted.

When the assassin heard Cao Cao's words, he knew that it was Cao Cao who was reminding himself. He immediately shook his wrist, and the sword he had just pulled out turned out a sword flower in the air, and it fell directly on Liu Xie, who was behind Huang Kui.

"Stop it!" Cao Cao yelled, but his feet seemed to be made of iron, not moving at all. Cao Cao did not move, and the bodyguards who followed him would not move. The people watched the head of Liu Xie, emperor of Han Dynasty, cut off by assassins. Then the assassin turned around and looked at Cao Cao. Suddenly, a sharp look flashed in his eyes. Holding up his sword in his hand, he cried out: "long live Soochow! Long live King Wu After drinking, he saw that the assassin suddenly turned his wrist, and the sword fell down, but it slipped on his throat and drew a bloodstain. In a flash, the blood is like a spray, flying out.

Cao Cao watched the assassin fall on his back without any expression. Then he made a gesture to the bodyguards behind him and asked them to come forward. But when looking at the assassin, Cao Cao's eyes flashed a trace of hidden sadness. In Cao Cao's heart, he said quietly, "go all the way! Not long, mate. I'll be with you soon

This night, it was doomed to make Chang'an City uneasy. Many ministers in Chang'an City were awakened by Cao Cao and rushed to the conference hall of the Imperial Palace overnight. When they were talking about it in the hall, the sergeant who was guarding the gate of the hall roared: "the prime minister is coming!"

All the people in the hall were stunned. Didn't you say that the prime minister was seriously ill in bed? Many people turned their heads and looked at Cao Cao's sons. Cao ang, Cao Pi and others were all surprised. However, they saw Cao Cao with their own eyes. They were absolutely sure that Cao Cao was seriously ill and could not go to court. However, they were speechless in the next scene. They saw that Cao Cao came in from the gate of the hall in armor. Without looking at anyone in the hall, he went straight to the top of the hall. Suddenly, his cold eyes swept over the people in the hall. Everyone who was swept by Cao Cao could not help feeling his hair Cold.

Cao Cao snorted coldly, and then said, "just now! Your majesty has been assassinated by Dongwu assassins and has been killed! Sun ce of the eastern Wu Dynasty dare to commit such atrocity. He is fatherless! Unfaithful and unjust! "

Cao Cao's voice had just dropped, and the whole hall was silent. All the people were staring at Cao Cao with a gloomy face. Cao Cao frowned and said, "the so-called country can't be without a monarch for a day! Now the army of the traitors in the eastern Wu Kingdom is arrogant, but his majesty has no offspring left! So today, I specially invite you to discuss this matter! "

Cao Cao has already said this. How can those Cao Cao's cronies not understand the meaning of Cao Cao's words? Although Sima Yi, who is the official with a long history, is not the highest ranking official among Cao Cao's cronies present, all the people are focusing on him at this time. Now that Jia Xu is not in Chang'an, Cao Cao's most trusted counselor should be Sima Yi.

Sima Yi was also very depressed at this time. Whether the Emperor Han was killed by an assassin sent by the eastern Wu Dynasty is a secret that everyone knows. However, Sima Yi did not expect that Cao Cao would make such a decision without consulting with himself. It's not that Sima Yi was loyal to the Han Dynasty, but that Sima Yi thought it was a good time to usurp the throne. But now all the responsibilities have begun to press on him. Sima Yi's head also began to move rapidly. Finally, his eyes were fixed on one person and he quickly winked at him.

This man is the current situ Wang lang. although Sima Yi is very important under Cao Cao's account, he is still a newcomer in the imperial court and is not suitable for such a speech. Wang Lang, on the other hand, was a famous scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty and a close friend of Cao Cao. He could not have spoken more appropriately.

Seeing Sima Yi's look at himself, Wang Lang was secretly complaining. However, in his thoughts, Cao Cao was suddenly in a dilemma. It was estimated that it was the result of discussion with Sima Yi. Now Sima Yi let him get ahead, which may be Cao Cao's intention. Since Wang Lang has already taken refuge in Cao Cao, that is to do it with his heart and soul under Cao Cao's hands. Moreover, Cao Cao is not weak to Wang Lang, and he has become one of the three masters. On the other hand, Wang Lang should also take the lead.After making up his mind, Wang Lang bit his teeth and bowed his hand to Cao Cao and said, "I have seen the king of Wei. Since he ascended the throne, he has been able to spread virtue and benevolence in all directions, and has gone beyond the past and beyond the present, although Tang and Yu have never been able to do so. Since the king of Wei ascended the throne, Qilin was born, fenghuanglaiyi was born, Huanglong appeared, Jiahe Weisheng and Ganlu declined. This is a symbol of the Han Dynasty in the Wei Dynasty. The day before yesterday's meeting of ministers, it was also said that the Han Dynasty was over. Now your Majesty was assassinated! Therefore, the old minister thought that the king of Wei should take over the throne of emperor! "

Wang Lang is also worthy of being an old scholar. He speaks out loud and says that Cao Cao killed the king and seized the throne. He said that it was a good move. Many ministers at the scene secretly scolded Wang Lang, an old boy with thick skin and no such shameless flattery! However, with Wang Lang's offering a brick to attract jade and turning around, they all went out of line and flattered Cao Cao one after another. All of them were Wang Lang's statements that conform to the will of heaven.

Cao Cao was standing on the hall. He had expected this situation for a long time. However, he did not express his position in a hurry. Instead, he kept a close eye on the faces of the ministers in the hall to see who really took refuge in himself. The act of killing the king did not mean that Cao Cao was greedy for the throne. When he drank the bottle of medicine from Cao Xie, Cao Cao was already determined to die, but he wanted to pave a way for his successor! He could not wait for Jia Xu to lead his troops to rescue him, but his successor was able to rush out to meet with the other party, but on the premise that Cao Cao must ensure that the people who follow his successor to break through the encirclement are loyal and reliable.

Soon, Cao Cao has found his own answer, since he announced that Liu Xie is dead, in the crowd, a few people's looks are out of place. Cao Cao's eyes were fixed on one of them, but there was a trace of disappointment and regret in his eyes. Cao Cao suddenly raised his hands and made a quiet gesture. After seeing this gesture, some people in the hall who had just got excited stopped their mouths. Cao Cao looked at the man and said faintly, "the princes praise me so much! Since Chen Liu started his army, he only wanted to help the Han Dynasty. However, he did not expect that the fate of the Han Dynasty was so bad that the decline of the Han Dynasty was irretrievable. But since ancient times, when there is prosperity, there must be waste; if there is prosperity, there must be decline. Is there a country that will not perish and a family that will not be defeated? Han Dynasty is said to have been handed down for more than 400 years! What's more, now that the sun of the eastern Wu Dynasty is against the trend, he is no longer pretending to be affectionate and evasive! "

Cao Cao's words mean that he promised to ascend the throne, and XiahouDun, the top general in the ranks of military generals, knelt down to Cao Cao: "long live my emperor! hooray! Long live The other people were stunned and immediately knelt down, saying long live. In this way, it also represents that Cao Cao officially replaced the Han Emperor and became emperor. Since the first emperor of Qin Dynasty was named emperor, it is estimated that Cao Cao was the simplest emperor in the ceremony of ascending the throne. Although there were several figures in the ministers who seemed reluctant, the general trend was not what a few of them could recover. They only knelt down with the crowd, but their mouths were closed and they did not say anything.

All these Cao Cao looked in their eyes, but as if they didn't know, they turned around and sat right on the Dragon chair, stroking the handle of the carved dragon head with one hand. The excitement in his heart could not be explained by words. However, Cao Cao soon calmed down his mind and said to the people kneeling down: "today, when he ascends the throne alone, he knows that he is not right, and he can't block the mouth of the world! However, in order to deal with the Dongwu Sunni, he is willing to bear the world's reputation! Now, sun of the eastern Wu Dynasty is against the trend. If he is in Chang'an, he will be defeated by sun's army sooner or later! Therefore, he wants to send an army to attack actively and cut off the enemy's rear road! "

Sima Yi's heart leaped below, and immediately knew that the drama was coming. Just now he had been pondering over Cao Cao's mind, but he had almost guessed Cao Cao's mind. In fact, the army that took the initiative to attack was just to let the soldiers escape, and Chang'an city could not have left people. Those who stayed meant that they had to become ghost instead of those who had fled to bear the anger of the army of Dongwu. I don't know who Cao Cao will leave to defend the city and take the responsibility of death.