"Long live my emperor! hooray! Long live

"All the ministers are in peace!" Sun celang called out to all the ministers below, "can the Qing family have something to tell you today?"

"Your majesty!" Zhuge Liang, dressed in a black civil servant's robe, went out to pay a deep homage to sun CE. Then he bowed his head and arched his hands and said, "a few days ago, chuliji, the leader of the Western Qiang nationality, presented a letter of surrender to Ling Cao, the general of the western expedition, and offered the heads of Cao Pi and Sima Shi, the remaining evils of Cao thief! Willing to submit to Wu forever! Your Majesty's instructions are requested! "

"Good!" Sun CE slapped the armrest beside the Dragon chair and said with a smile, "general Ling has really lived up to my high expectations! This western expedition, the first world war will be full success! What's more, he removed all the remaining evils of the bandit Cao who had been fleeing for many years. It was also a matter of my mind! After general Ling returns to the capital, I will reward general Ling and the officers and men of the western expedition! Er, as for the Xiqiang people, since they are so knowledgeable about the current affairs, they are required to send their sons as pledge and pay tribute every year! Kong Ming, I'll let you make an agreement with Bo Yan and Zi Jing. "

As soon as sun CE's voice dropped, Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun and Lu Su, who had just come out of the line, paid homage to sun CE. After receiving orders, they returned to the civil service formation. After that, sun CE dealt with several local government affairs. After that, it was determined that there was no other government affairs. Sun CE issued an order to disperse the court and withdraw from the main hall.

After seeing sun CE away, all the ministers began to walk out of the hall and out of the gate of the hall. They were no longer as restrained as they had just been. They formed groups in twos and threes, chatting and laughing, and facing the gate of the palace. At this time, a sharp cry came from behind the crowd: "general Pingnan! General Pingnan

Chen Yang, dressed in a yellow military general's robe, turned his head and looked at a small eunuch, waving and yelling at him as he trotted. He could not help frowning. Ling Tong said with a smile, "bodang! It seems that the boy in your family has made trouble again. Now your Majesty's decent people have come to settle accounts with you! You're going to have bad luck After Ling Tong finished, all the officials and military generals around him all burst into laughter.

Chen Yang gave Ling Tong a bad look, but in his heart he was thinking, frowning and saying, "no! This period of time, that smelly boy has not been to the palace! How can you make trouble in the palace? If you want me to say, it should be the boy of Xiaomei's family who made trouble! What do you say, shizai? " Chen Yang turned his head and called out to a young man who was chatting with Pang Tong.

The young man laughed and said, "don't depend on the honest loyal son of my family for your son's trouble! Zhong'er has been staying in the mansion with his mother all the time, and has not gone anywhere! "

Pang Tong, however, pointed to Chen Yang and said with a smile, "I say bodang! In my opinion, your boy is the same as you were in those years. He sneaked into the palace to make trouble. I remember that you did a lot of such things in those years! The so-called dragon born dragon, phoenix born phoenix, mouse's son can hole! I think it's normal for your son to make trouble in the palace! Ha ha ha As soon as Pang Tong's words were finished, all the people around him burst into laughter. Many of them were old ministers who had seen Chen Yang's troublemaking skills in those years. When I think of it, they really said that to Pang Tong.

Chen Yang immediately old face is red, at this time, that little eunuch also has already run to Chen Yang body, breathless to Chen Yang to make a gift. But before he opened his mouth, he saw Chen Yang angrily roaring at the little eunuch: "what's the matter?" But the little eunuch was scared, and the people saw Chen Yang was even more angry, and they were laughing.

The little eunuch was full of grievances and thought that it was easy for me to be a poor man! However, he did not dare to lose his temper to Chen Yang. In front of him, however, the real emperor in law had to perform his task honestly. He bent down and said to Chen Yang, "general Pingnan, your majesty, please see him at the praying palace!"

Hearing the words of the eunuch, Chen Yang can't help but jump. It seems that every time his little boy makes an accident, he is called to the blessing Palace by sun CE to be scolded. Can't he really be guessed by these people? Son of a bitch! Chen Yang gritted his teeth and thought that if he really got me scolded again, he would have to teach him a lesson when he got home! Although there were some kicks in his heart, he still wanted to listen to sun CE's orders. He was not interested in paying attention to those people around him. He waved to the eunuch and said, "OK! I'm going! Lead the way Although Chen Yang is familiar with the praying palace, according to the rules, the little eunuch should lead the way.

At this time, not far from the palace, a large house to the east of Jianye city was full of peach blossom forest. At this time, it is the spring peach blossom in full bloom, only to see the pink peach blossom, the breeze, with a peach petals fluttering with the wind.

In the peach blossom forest, a man in his forties is sitting on a clean bluestone in his splendid clothes, holding a roll of bamboo slips in one hand and a wine cup in the other. From time to time, he picked up a wine cup to drink, and beside him, a beautiful woman in green was holding a wine pot, continuously adding wine to the man, but a pair of beautiful eyes were staring at the chess game on the stone table. A beautiful woman in red and a beautiful woman in yellow were playing chess on the stone table. The beautiful woman in green was watching the chess game between them with concern. On the other side of the man, a beautiful woman in white is sitting on another clean bluestone with her knees crossed. She has a Guqin on her legs. Her green fingers are beating actively on the guqin, playing a wonderful music."Hee hee! Sister Diao Chan lost! It's my turn! You are responsible for pouring wine for your husband! Come on! Come on The beautiful woman in green suddenly laughed, pointing to the beautiful woman in red and mumbling, but her voice was very clear and pleasant.

The woman in red stood up helplessly on her face and went to the man and took over her wine pot. But the beautiful woman in green ran to the place where the lady in red had just sat, and even rolled the sleeves of her arms, revealing her pink and tender arms, she said to the beautiful woman in yellow in front of her: "sister Yueying! Today I must win you a set to avenge yesterday

The beautiful woman in yellow is a little smile, but in the smile showed incomparable self-confidence, playfully blinked her eyes and said: "sister zhen'er, if you want to win my game, it's not so simple! Did you go to learn from sister CAI and show off in front of me? "

It was obviously said by the woman in yellow. The beautiful woman in green blushed, but she was busy reaching out to clean up the pieces on the chessboard. In a flash, she began to fight with the beautiful woman in yellow on the chessboard. But the beauty in red is not as one-sided as the woman in green, but concentrate on helping the man pour wine, from time to time looking at the man's skinny face in a daze, her eyes showing strong affection.

"Grandfather! Grandfather "Grandfather! Grandfather "Daddy! Daddy

A few crisp children's voices interrupted the calm atmosphere. They saw three children of five or six years old running in from the gate of the hospital, shouting at the same time. Among the three children, two were boys and one was a girl. It was the girl who ran ahead, while the two boys were running behind.

The man and several beautiful women, seeing the three children, immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at them with a smile. Three children directly rushed to the man's body, the girl jumped into the man's arms, the older child jumped onto the man's lap, and the remaining boy saw that the man's hands were no longer empty, so he simply wrapped around the man's back and jumped directly onto the man's back. A pair of chubby little hands around the man's neck.

"Daddy! Daddy The girl raised her head and looked at the man with her big and bright eyes. She called out in a coquettish voice, "you don't know! Zhonger and qinger are not good! Xiuer is their elder, but they just don't want to call my aunt and aunt honestly! Dad, I want to tell the elder brother and the third brother-in-law! Let them punish Zhong'er and Qing'er well! "

After hearing the girl's words, the two boys could not help but shrink their heads, especially when they saw the man fondly touching the girl's hair, they immediately felt that the man in front of him was still not very safe. Immediately, the older boy looked like a good baby. He jumped down from the man's thigh and ran to the lady in red. A pair of chubby little hands took the wine pot in the hands of the beauty in red, and cleverly said, "grandma, are you tired, Zhong'er will help you pour wine for your grandfather!"

The other boy ran to the beautiful woman in yellow and threw herself directly into her arms and cried: "Grandma! How miss you

The man looked at the two little ghosts and said, "you, you! Just like your parents when they were children! And you, Xiuer, go to your mother. " Although the mouth said so, but the tone is very soft, it sounds like praise the three children in general, put out his hand on the little girl's face gently pinched.

The beautiful woman in white, who had stopped playing the piano over there, put the Guqin on her legs aside, waved to the girl and said, "Xiuer, come to your mother." The girl made a face at the two boys, then hopped and ran to the white lady. The white lady helped her to tidy up her clothes. She said with some blame: "really, the girl is a family. I don't know how to pay attention. You see, there is so much dust on your body."

Dad "Father in law!"

At this time, there are two men walking into the peach forest, one of them is the man who joked with Chen Yang outside the hall. The other man's face was as white as a woman's, with only a goat's beard. It was Chen Kang who added a sense of maturity.

As for the men in the peach forest, it is no one else. Naturally, they are the former governor of Dadu who has resigned from his post and is now the first general in the world. The four beautiful women, white, yellow, red and green, are Chen Ren's four wives, Cai Yan, Huang Yueying, Diao Chan and Mi Zhen. As for the three children, the girl was born to Chen Ren and Cai Yan five years ago, and their name was Xiu. The older boy was Chen Ru's son, whose surname was Deng Mingzhong. Chen Ru's husband was Deng AI, who was promoted by either of Chen's hands six years ago. The youngest boy was Chen Qing, the son of Chen Yang and sun Shangxiang.

Deng AI and Chen Kang salute Chen Ren and his four lovely wives respectively. After seeing Deng AI and Chen Kang, Xiao Chen Xiu also put aside his previous impertinence, saluted them obediently and called out: "Xiuer has met the third brother-in-law! I've met my second brother With little Chen Xiu taking the lead, Xiao Deng Zhong and Xiao Chen Qing salute to both of them obediently. The little Deng Zhong comes from Diao Chan's side. First, he salutes Chen Kang, and then he shouts his father to Deng AI. In that case, there is no ghost spirit just half a minute away.Chen Ren answered with a smile, but he took a look at Deng AI's back. He asked strangely, "shizai, why didn't you see yang'er? Didn't he go down with you?" At present, only Chen Yang and Deng AI join the Chen family, but Chen Kang resigns his official position early and stays in his own house to study the array under the pretext of physical discomfort.

Deng AI took a look at Chen Qing from the corner of her eye, and then said with a smile, "bodang is indeed going to the court together with my son-in-law. But just after he withdrew from the court, his majesty sent someone to invite him. It seems that he is going to pray for blessing palace!"

"Blessing palace?" Chen Ren picked up his eyebrows and turned his head to look at Chen Qing, who started to dodge. He said with a smile: "Qing'er! Are you a boy who has made some trouble in the palace again? Now your father is scolded by your emperor's uncle, and he is afraid to be beaten by your father in the mansion. So he came to my grandfather to take refuge

The little Chen Qing didn't say right or wrong. She just hugged Huang Yueying's coquetry: "Grandma! Grandma! Qinger really miss you! How about qinger staying with her grandmother these days? Qing'er wants to hear the story told by her grandmother! "

Chen Ren was speechless. The boy's ability to pretend to be stupid was more powerful than his father Chen Yang. Immediately Chen Ren showed a indifferent expression, leisurely said: "at this time, it should have been scolded for more than one hour, right? It seems that some people will have a lot of anger to run Oh! In some cases, it can't be covered by grandma alone! "

Little Chen Qing couldn't help but shiver. She quickly pushed out her face and ran to Chen Ren. She hugged Chen Ren's arm and began to act coquettishly towards Chen Ren: "grandfather! Grandfather! Qinger miss you very much! Why don't you stay with my grandfather these days? Qing'er also wants to hear the story told by his grandfather! "

"Hum! You son of a bitch Chen Ren directly pinched little Chen Qing's fat face, but he couldn't get angry with the baby grandson. Chen Yang and Dong Bai gave birth to their first child as a girl, while Chen Kang only gave birth to a daughter. Now he has only such a grandson as Xiaochen Qing. Naturally, he has to cherish it very much. But think of that clever granddaughter Chen Yue, Chen Ren said with a smile: "Stinky boy! Here's a mission for you! Go and take your sister to my grandfather. It means that he hasn't seen her for a long time. Well done, your grandfather and I will take care of your father and Dad this time! "

"Make sure to finish the task!" Chen Qingli used the tone that he had learned from Chen Ren. He made a very irregular military salute to Chen Ren, and then quickly ran out of the hospital.

When Huang Yueying heard Chen Ren's words, she couldn't help sighing: "yue'er is such a cute child that she is just like her mother! This time, she must be allowed to stay in the mansion for a few more days. It's better to come with her mother and live in the mansion for a month or two, which is nothing! " When Dong Bai had not officially married Chen Yang, he lived with Huang Yueying. Although Huang Yueying also liked sun Shangxiang, he always cherished the soft and weak Dong Bai more.

At this time, Deng AI suddenly said to Chen Ren: "father-in-law, today there is a very important news that the battle in the West has been won. Cheriji submitted a letter of surrender to general Ling and presented the heads of Cao Pi and Sima Shi to general Ling! His majesty also agreed to accept cheriji's surrender and gave it to brother Kongming, Zijing and Boyan to discuss the specific plan. "

Chen Ren nodded, but he was not surprised. He had already predicted the ending when he arrived at Chang'an city. When Chen Ren arrived at Chang'an City, he found out that Cao Cao had ordered the palace to be burned. When Chen Ren commanded the Dragon general camp to act as a fireman, he put out the fire in the palace. Chen Ren found the remains of Cao Cao on the Dragon chair in the hall. It was obvious that Cao Cao, who was critically ill, ordered himself to burn himself, preferring to die at his own hands rather than be killed by the enemy.

When Chen Ren learned that Cao Cao's five sons and a group of Cao's ministers had already broken out to the West with all the garrison in Chang'an City, instead, he ordered Tai Shici's army to follow Cao's army, recover the captured cities one by one, and drive Cao's army out of the Central Plains. After meeting with the army of Xiqiang, Cao army obediently withdrew from the territory of Xiqiang.

After learning that the eastern Wu army had not pursued, Cao Cao's five sons immediately began to fight for the ownership of the army. Because of his eldest son's identity, Cao ang was supported by Cao Hong and Xia Houdun's family. Cao Pi, on the other hand, was supported by his three brothers and his mother, and he courted Sima Yi and a military officer with a foreign surname. Immediately, the Cao family was divided into two groups. If Jia Xu had not been struggling to maintain it, they would have been fighting.

After the unification of the Central Plains, the eastern Wu began to discuss the succession of the Han Dynasty. Liu Xie had been killed by Cao Cao, and the remaining Han clan relatives were too humble to inherit the throne. Finally, in Guo Jia's article

and so on