Promoted by the generals, sun CE announced his accession to the throne in the fifth year of Xingping. He changed the title of his country to Dawu and his year to Huangwu. He also named Sun Jian emperor Shengwu. Under the amnesty, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty also competed for promotion, but only Chen Ren asked sun CE to resign. Sun CE didn't agree at first, but after Chen Ren proposed to let Chen Yang still be an official, sun CE finally reluctantly agreed to Chen Ren's request.

In the third year of Huangwu, Jia Xu died of illness in the territory of Xiqiang, but Jia Xu's death made the dispute between Cao ang and Cao Pi clear. And in the winter of this year, Cao Pi united with the leader of Xiqiang to launch a mutiny, killing his big brother cao'ang, and officially became the ruler of the Cao army. This mutiny, however, reduced the number of Cao Jun's generals and soldiers who had not had many people, and killed all Cao's and Xia Hou's families who supported Cao ang. Meanwhile, Cao Pi suffered heavy losses. Sima Yi, a counselor who had been assisting Cao Pi, was also wounded by Cao Ang's dying struggle. Finally, he died the next year.

After receiving this news, Zhou Yu, who succeeded the governor of Dadu, immediately offered advice to sun CE. The kingdom of great Wu sent 500000 troops, and Ling Cao, the general of the expedition, led his troops to fight against Xiqiang. Until the third year, he finally got a victory, which was already the sixth year of Huangwu.

Chen Ren heard that Deng AI reported to himself some of today's upward trends, and talked with Chen Kang from time to time, which has been Chen Ren's habit in recent years. Although Chen Ren has retired, it does not mean that he does not participate in the decision-making of the kingdom of Wu. In fact, he is just a different form. However, the four beautiful women around her did not understand these political affairs, but played with the two children, Xiao Chen Xiu and Xiao Deng Zhong.

"Chen Qing! You son of a bitch! Get out of here

A roar rang out, needless to say, it was Chen Yang who was angry with sun CE. He also understood his son's temper. He didn't even go back to his family, so he went straight to Chen Ren to settle his son's account. Deng AI and Chen Kang looked at each other with a smile and stood on their side consciously. Since Chen Ren had promised to take over the matter, it was estimated that Chen Yang could not get rid of it this time.

Chen Ren had no expression, so he drank wine and watched Chen Yang's figure slowly appear in the peach blossom forest. He saw Chen Yang come in a rage and sweep in the peach blossom forest, but he didn't see his son. He was stunned. Then he came up to Chen Ren and said, "Dad! Can you see Chen Qing? You don't know what a disaster Chen Qing made. He even dyed the feathers of the white cranes in the palace garden black and couldn't wash them off! Those white cranes are the elder martial brother's favorite. I was scolded by the elder martial brother today! I must teach this son of a bitch a good lesson today

Chen Ren raised his eyelids and suddenly lifted the bamboo slips in his hand and knocked on Chen Yang's head, which made Chen Yang stagger. Chen Ren scolded: "you bastard! Qinger is my grandson! What do you think of me when you call him a son of a bitch

Chen Yang's heart that called a grievance, of course, is to understand that Chen Ren would not let himself teach his son, but kept mumbling: "when I was a child, you often called me a rabbit?" Although Chen Yang's voice was not loud, it was still clearly heard by all of us. All of a sudden, except Chen Ren and Chen Yang, they all burst into laughter, including Huang Yueying and other four beautiful women, as well as Xiao Chen Xiu and Xiao Deng Zhong.

"What are you talking about! Say it again Chen Ren, of course, is going to take the title and yell at Chen Yang. In the past, Chen Ren and Huang Yueying loved Chen Yang very much. Unfortunately, since the birth of the third generation of Chen Yue, the love of Chen Ren and Huang Yueying has shifted from children to grandchildren. And the only thing that Chen Yang's generation can still enjoy the love of Chen Ren and others is Chen Xiu, who is even smaller than Chen Yue.

Chen Yang shrunk his head and said to Chen Ren and Huang Yueying: "father, mother, I'll go back to the house first!" With that, he quickly ran out toward the outside for fear of being scolded by Chen Ren.

Chen Ren lost his temper, but he solved his grandson's problem. He waved his hand with a smile and said to Deng AI and Chen Kang, "well, I'm a little sleepy. You all go back. Er, by the way, it's rare that both Yueer and qinger will come to live with me. Zhonger will stay. Kanger, you go and bring me your little girl, and you will give it to your mother. Your mother is nagging every day during this period of time

Chen Kang, who dares to disobey Chen Ren's orders, quickly nods to Chen Ren and Mi Zhen, saying that he will follow suit. Deng AI called Deng Zhong in the past. Of course, she only told her not to be mischievous or make her grandparents angry. After that, he and Chen Kang left together. After discussing political affairs with Deng AI and Chen Kang for a period of time, Chen Ren felt a little tired, so he directly lay down on the bluestone, closed his eyes and rested. After a while, he fell asleep like this.

"Mother! Mother! You see daddy is asleep! Still snoring Seeing Chen Ren snoring after he fell asleep, Chen Xiu seemed to point at Chen Ren strangely and said to Cai Yan.

"Hush! hush! Don't quarrel with your father to rest! Go and take Zhong'er out to play. By the way, pick up Yueer and qinger. Don't let your elder brother run into each other and teach Qing'er a lesson. " Cai Yan touched little Chen Xiu's braid and said with a smile.Little Chen Xiu nodded, and immediately waved to Deng Zhong and said, "Zhong'er! Come on! My aunt will take you to play! " Hearing what Chen Xiu said, Deng Zhong immediately put a black line on his face. However, he was very curious about what he was going to take him to play. He ran out with him involuntarily.

The peach blossom forest also returned to its former calm. Four beautiful women looked at each other and laughed. Cai Yan quietly walked to the side of the peach blossom forest and took out a quilt. Huang Yueying quietly picks up the bamboo slips in Chen Ren's hands and feet. Diao Chan gently takes away the wine cup from Chen Ren's hand, while Mi Zhen takes over the quilt in Cai Yan's hand and gently covers Chen Ren's body. The four girls carefully looked at Chen Ren's thin face and white hair on his temples, and at the same time showed a smile. Then they paired up and played chess beside Chen Ren.

As for Chen Ren, although the four women's movements are very light, Chen Ren can still clearly feel the movement of the four women, but he is unwilling to wake up, because he is now having a dream. In his dream, he seems to think of something that has been forgotten for a long time, such as flying airplanes in the sky, cars running on the ground, computers, air conditioning, tall buildings of reinforced concrete