"Smoke cage cold water moon cage sand, night visit Qinhuai near restaurant. The women of the Shang Dynasty do not know the hatred of the country's subjugation. They still sing the flowers of the backyard across the river! "

A cadence of chanting poetry sounded in a pavilion along the Qinhuai River, followed by a long sigh.

"Brother song! Why should you think about those unhappy things? " In the pavilion, a young scholar in a blue robe said to another frustrated scholar in white.

On the face of the scholar in white, however, there was a sense of indignation. Not far away, on the Qinhuai River on a moonlit night, the laughter of the Orioles and swallows came from the flower boats. After hearing this, the scholar in white could not help turning pale.

The scholar in white stamped heavily on the ground and said angrily, "the hatred of national subjugation! The hatred of national subjugation! I think of Daqin, since the founding of the first emperor, has been a whole thousand years! At that time, the iron cavalry of Daqin was so majestic, but now it has been lost half of the country by the barbarians in the desert! And the most hateful is! How many of these descendants of the Qin Dynasty can aspire to restore the country? But I'm addicted to all this wine and sex all day

The scholar in qingpao also sighed with a long sigh, and said, "now our country of Qin is just a part of the south of the Yangtze River. These nobles of Daqin have carved up the rest of the country! These nobles only knew how to enjoy themselves and fight for power and gain all day long. They spent all their troops in the internal struggles of the Han people. How could they have enough troops to go to the northern expedition? "

Hearing what the scholar in Green said, the scholar in white could not help but burst into tears and knelt down towards the north, covering his chest and crying: "Daqin, Daqin! When can I see you once majestic! When can we see the flag of Daqin flying over the capital again? "

"Where are you from! I'm not happy with you! I'm not sure I'll blow you out The feeling of the scholar in white was that the prostitutes on the flower boat drank and scolded him. After a while, he saw many tough looking men outside the pavilion. These people are the guards employed by the flower boat, responsible for the safety of the shore and solving some unnecessary troubles. After all, every time a flower boat starts business, it will sail to the middle of the river. It is impossible to stop the flower boat again every time something goes wrong.

At this time, a middle-aged woman with heavy make-up came out of the deck of the flower boat, with her waist crossed and her toes high, she shrieked out to the shore: "where is the poverty! Dare to disturb my business! You all give me a good Hello! Do you hear me? "

Looking at these strong men coming with bad intentions, the scholar in green robe could not help changing his face, but he still pretended to be calm and called out to those strong men: "do you dare to attack us? We are all scholars! However, it is clearly written in the laws and regulations of the great Qin Dynasty. We must treat the literati kindly! "

As expected, the poor man laughed at the book and said, "the poor man is laughing at the book! It has been fifteen years since the great Qin Dynasty was conquered! What kind of laws and regulations of the Qin Dynasty have been mentioned! This is Hou Qin! Not Daqin! "

"You Hearing the words of the strong man, the scholar in green robe turned green even with anger. The scholar in white, who had knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, suddenly stood up, pointed to those strong men and scolded, "you people who have no heart, no lung, no king and no father! Even say such insulting words to our ancestors! It's really hopeless! I don't know what you will look like after you die to face the ancestors of Daqin! "

Hearing the scolding from the scholar in white, these strong men stopped laughing immediately. Although they were all stupid people who had not read any books, they still understood the swearing words. The strong man with a scar on his face seemed to be the leader of the gang, but the scholar in white just pointed to his nose, and immediately his face turned blue. He waved his hand at the left and right of the strong man, and said, "teach me a lesson to these two ungrateful poor people!"

At the direction of the leader, these gangsters, who had already been unable to restrain themselves, rushed forward and seized the two scholars. Unfortunately, the two scholars were just ordinary scholars. Where could they defeat these strong men, they were beaten to the ground with fists and kicks, and they had no strength to fight back.

At the beginning, the scholar was still screaming, with unyielding scolding in the middle. At the back, there was only the scream. Slowly, slowly, even the scream disappeared. Those strong men who had a good fight felt something was wrong, so they stopped their fists and looked at them by moonlight. The two scholars are now covered with blood, the bright red blood stains hanging on the pale cheeks, so dazzling. And the two scholars stare at their two eyes, it seems that there is endless injustice and resentment, but the pupil is becoming gray.

A strong man bravely stretched out his hand under the two scholars' noses, but he immediately shrank back, shouting to the leader outside the pavilion: "head! This, this, these two scholars can't help beating, being, being killed! "

The leader of the strong man was startled. He immediately ran to the pavilion and explored the two scholars. He really died completely. He should have been hit to the key. The leader of the strong man stood up and punched and kicked those strong men around. His mouth was still swearing: "you bastards! I just want you to teach them a lesson! How could I have killed someone! "Hard to get a few punches from the leader, the bald man who laughed the most fiercely before asked some yes and yes: "head! What are we going to do next? "

After a while, the leader said, "what can I do with the dead man?"? It's impossible to report to the official and throw yourself into the prison! You! You! You two go to find some big stones. Then we will tie their bodies to stones and throw them into the river. This is called destroying the dead! Look at these two poor people dressed in rags. I think they are all poor people with little money. No one will try their best to find these two people! After that, no one will know that we have killed people! "

As soon as the leader of the strong man said something, he immediately won the approval of the people. Everyone was constantly bowing and bowing to the leader's flattery. The two thugs assigned by the leader of the strong man also went to find the big stone obediently.

After a long time, the strong men tied the stones to the bodies of two scholars and dragged them to a boat which they used to contact the flower boat. Then several strong men rowed their canoes to the middle of the river. Taking advantage of the darkness around them, they threw the bodies of the two scholars into the river.

When these strong men were glad that they had done it, they did not notice that a young man was sitting on the branch of a big tree in the nearby woods. He glared at a pair of bright big eyes, and saw everything that had just happened in his eyes. However, he didn't say anything or do anything. He just sat there watching quietly.