On a small hill not far from the south of Jingnan City, there stands a dilapidated mountain temple. It is said that the mountain temple was still full of incense. However, since the great disaster 15 years ago, a large number of refugees have fled from the north to the south, causing chaos in the whole south of the Yangtze River. The mountain temple has also experienced several times of refugee impact, and those good men and women dare not come here to pray for God and worship Buddha. Therefore, the mountain temple has also been destroyed. Now it has become a temporary residence for some vagrants.

The moon hung high in the night sky. Under the light of the moon, a figure was running towards the mountain temple on the hill until it stopped at the gate of the mountain temple. At this time, with the help of the moon pass, we can see the appearance of this man, but he is about 20 years old. The young man's appearance was very ordinary, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but some rough faces showed a resolute that did not match his age.

The young man covered his stomach with one hand, but gently pushed open the gate of the mountain temple with one hand. The mountain temple is in disrepair for a long time. The gate is only supported by a pivot. If you use more strength, it will fall down soon. It's going to be late autumn. Without this gate, I'm afraid it will be much colder inside the mountain temple.

The boy walked into the mountain temple and quickly turned around and gently closed the gate. Then he went straight to the flaming bonfire in front of the statues in the temple. It turned out that in this mountain temple, there was not only a young man, but also an old man with white hair and white beard, leaning against a worn-out incense table beside the bonfire. Just looking at the old man's appearance, it seemed that he had some serious illness. His white hair and white beard were spread on his face. By the light of the fire, we could see the old man's face. A long and wide scar extended from the old man's left forehead to his right chin. Because of this scar, the old man's nose collapsed directly.

However, although the old man's face is very pale now, it can be seen from his square cheeks and broad shoulders that the old man must have been a very strong man before. But now it is thin, only skeleton, closed eyes rest, chest regular, weak ups and downs.

"Grandfather The boy covered his stomach and went to the old man. Then he took out several white steamed bread from his arms, handed it to the old man and said, "you are not well now. How much do you want to eat some?"

The old man opened his eyes slightly and looked at the young man in front of him. A little smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. Looking at the white steamed bread in front of him, he shook his head and said in a low voice: "grandfather is not hungry! When you are growing up, you'd better eat it

The boy stubbornly pushed the steamed bread to the old man's mouth and said, "no way! Grandfather! You are so weak now, how can you do without eating? Besides, I've eaten them all on the way! Grandfather, you don't have to worry about me anymore! Eat it! When the steamed bread is cold, it will not be delicious! "

The old man raised his hand tremblingly, took the steamed bread from the boy, and felt the temperature from his fingertips. Naturally, the old man knew that the boy would never eat anything before he saw himself eating. Now the weather is getting colder and colder. It is impossible for the steamed bread from the outside to be hot at all. It is clear that the young man has been using his body temperature to keep the steamed bread hot. The old man looked at the steamed bread in his hand and slowly stretched it into his mouth. At this moment, he seemed to feel that the delicacies he had eaten before were far less delicious than the present one.

When the young man saw the old man eat the food he had found, he also showed a smile of relief on his face and put the remaining two steamed bread beside the old man. Seeing that the bonfire seemed to be going out, the boy got up quickly, ran to the back of the statue, took out some firewood, and put them into the bonfire one by one.

The boy's name is Li Yuanhe, but he is an ordinary orphan. When the alien invasion happened 15 years ago, Li Yuanhe's home was destroyed by the alien race. Li Yuanhe's parents were also brutally killed by other people, leaving Li Yuanhe and a man hiding in the dry well at home to escape.

However, although he has escaped the killing of those alien races, how can a five-year-old child survive in the north, which has become a hell. But Li Yuanhe was lucky. When he fainted on the roadside because of hunger, he was saved by an old man, who is now leaning on the incense table.

After saving Li Yuanhe, the old man took him away from the north and settled down in the southern city of Beijing. In the past 15 years, thanks to the care of the old man, Li Yuanhe was able to grow up. In recent years, the old man not only dragged Li Yuanhe to grow up, but also taught him many things. Therefore, the old man is more important to Li Yuanhe than his own father.

Over the past few years, the old man's health is getting worse and worse. According to the old man's statement, it seems that the root cause of the disease has not been cured, and now it has recurred. Especially this year, the old man's body has reached the point where he can't get out of bed. Li Yuanhe naturally needs to take good care of the old man. Every day, Li Yuanhe went to the south of Beijing to work as a porter for the docks in the city. However, with the winter getting closer and closer, the work of transporting goods on the wharf is becoming less and less. Today, Li Yuanhe only earned enough money to buy the old man's dinner."Grandfather Looking at the old man slowly eating a steamed bun, he could not eat any more. Li Yuanhe put the old man's steamed bread away, but he was hungry. He told the old man what he had seen and heard, which could reduce his hunger: "today, when I was working at the Qinhuai River, I saw two scholars crying and making noise, talking about the restoration of the country, Daqin and so on! As a result, they were killed alive by those thugs of the flower boat! "

After hearing Li Yuanhe's words, the old man's muddy eyes suddenly flashed a light. In that moment, the old man seemed not to be a dying old man at all. But when all this happened, Li Yuanhe was cleaning up the straw mat for sleeping with his back to the old man. He did not notice the change of the old man at all. When Li Yuanhe came back, the old man became the old man who was haunted by injuries.

The old man looked at Li Yuanhe kindly and suddenly said, "Yuanhe, do you still remember the shooting skill I taught you when you were a child?"

Although Li Yuanhe didn't know why the old man suddenly mentioned this, he still nodded and said, "of course, I remember not only the shooting technique, but also all the things you taught me! In particular, what kind of exercise methods, I have been practicing it! Thanks to this method, I am as strong as an ox now With that, he patted his strong chest.

The old man cocked up his mouth and showed a smile, but his body did not allow him to laugh. The old man looked at the back of Li Yuan and the mat. Under the fire light of the campfire, a glimmer of light flashed from the corner of his eyes. At this time, Li Yuanhe kept saying: "grandfather, speaking up, I still remember! When I was a child, your favorite was to play war games with me. On the bluestone outside the temple, you would fight with small stones one by one. But don't know why, I always can't beat you! I guess it must be because I'm too young. When you get well, we'll have another match! This time, I'm sure I can beat you! "

Listening to Li Yuan and the non-stop talk, the old man's eyes are slowly closed, a drop of crystal slowly across the old man's face full of grooves. The old man's mouth trembled gently and spat out a few words, but the old man's voice was too small. Li Yuanhe turned his back to the old man, so he didn't hear what the old man said. But from the old man's mouth shape, or can see clearly, the old man said only two words: "Daqin!"