However, Li Yuanhe didn't rest for long. Soon, the soldier who had gone to report came back. Seeing Li Yuanhe sitting there resting, he ran and yelled, "Li Sima! Lisma! Come on, follow me! Follow me

As soon as Li Yuanhe heard the soldier's greeting, he knew that it was the City chief who saw him. He quickly stood up and rushed to the soldiers. Led by the soldiers, Li Yuanhe turned East and West in the city Lord's house. Li Yuanhe grew up in the big mountain temple. The biggest house he lived in was the small quadrangle where he now lives. How to walk through such a large house, he turned dizzy for a time. After walking for a while, he bumped into the soldier in front of him, and then raised his hair. Now the soldier has taken him to a hall outside.

The soldier was hit by Li Yuanhe and almost knocked down. He just wanted to get angry, but when he turned around, he saw Li Yuanhe's dizzy appearance, but he couldn't help laughing. But immediately the soldier remembered his mission and said to Li Yuanhe, who was slightly sober, "wait here. I'll report to the city Lord first. When I call you, you can go in again."

Li Yuanhe just nodded subconsciously, but shook his head and threw his dizziness out of his head. Immediately, the soldier's voice came from the hall: "report back to the city Lord! The north gate guard, Sima Li Yuanhe, has brought him here Thanks to the soldier's good memory, Li Yuanhe just said his name again. He even remembered it. It must be the reason why he became the guard of the city Lord's mansion.

After waiting for a while, he didn't hear any answer. When he was strange, he saw that the soldier had walked out of the hall and waved to Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe hurriedly went to the door of the hall. Led by the soldier, he crossed the high threshold and walked in directly. But Li Yuanhe, who just entered the hall, was stunned because he saw an acquaintance in the hall.

There were already seven people sitting in the hall. Three of them on the left, all in black armor, only put their helmets on the table in front of them. The man closest to Li Yuanhe was very fat, and his armor was tightly on his body. It was obvious that he could not breathe, so he relaxed his chest with his hands from time to time. The contrast between his white face and his black one was more striking. But his eyes, nose, mouth are all squeezed together, as if pushed together by the fat on his face, the appearance looks very kind, but his small eyes are flashing cold light from time to time.

But sitting next to the fat man, it was a middle-aged and strong man. Although he was sitting, he was also a bit higher than the people around him. His armor was also tightly tied to his body like the fat man. However, his skin color was almost as black as his armor. It was estimated that if he walked in the dark in this suit of armor, he might not be able to see people at all. Compared with the fat man, his appearance is very fierce. His eyes, like copper bells, stare at the eldest and run all over his face, but almost all of the strong man's face is covered. At first glance, this strong man is more like a beast.

On the other side of the strong man, he was also a middle-aged man. However, compared with his two companions, the middle-aged man was much more attractive. He looked like a man who taught in a private school. His armour was worn on him, but he added a bit of English martial arts. The eyes under the eyebrows of a pair of swords are thin and long, but the light flashes from time to time, indicating that the master of the eyes is extraordinary. Under the straight bridge of nose, there is a thick beard left and right, and a wide and long hand is smoothing the beard left and right.

At the moment of Li Yuanhe's entrance, the three men looked at Li Yuanhe's steps at the same time, and a glimmer of light flashed in their eyes. The strong man in the middle even pressed his sword on his waist, but he was held down by the middle-aged man.

On the right were three men, all in uniform black robes, but with a black cap on their heads. The man close to Li Yuanhe, with sharp nosed and goatee, looks about forty years old. Just don't know why, the man in Li Yuanhe came in, has been staring at Li Yuanhe, a trace of fierce light in his eyes.

Beside the goatee, it was Luo Yan who introduced Li Yuanhe into the army. At this time, he was dressed in a black robe, but he looked serious. But when he looked at Li Yuanhe, he showed a smile and showed his kindness to him. Sitting on the other side of Luo Yan is an old man of Huajia. Although he looks yellow and thin, and his beard and eyebrows are gray, his spirit is very good, but his face shows a trace of anxiety.

But sitting at the top of the middle is a middle-aged man who looks more than 40 years old. He is wearing a black robe with strong black clothes inside. He doesn't wear an official hat like Luo Yan and others on his head. Instead, he just uses a black jade to tie his hair bun. He has a square face, sword eyebrows and tiger eyes. He has a short beard under his high nose. Different from the other six, the middle-aged man leaned lazily on the chair, his right hand resting on the armrest of the chair, and clenched his fist on his cheek. And the left hand, very casually placed on the thigh, index finger regularly gently tap, in the left thumb wearing a blood jade trigger finger, index finger is a black iron ring. Although the middle-aged man was just sitting lazily like that, it brought more pressure to Li Yuanhe than the other six people, especially the twinkling light in his eyes made Li Yuanhe feel cold.Luo Tianhan, the Lord of Jingnan city! No one introduced Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe also knew the identity of the middle-aged man. In the southern city of Beijing, he was the only one who could have such prestige. Even though Li Yuan and Dang knelt down to him, they clasped hands and bowed their heads and said, "subordinate of the garrison of Jingnan city! North gate guard Sima Li Yuanhe! See the Lord of the city

Li Yuanhe called out to see the city Lord, but in his mind he kept recalling what he had heard about Luo Tianhan. In the south of Beijing, as long as the name of Luo Tianhan is mentioned, no one does not give a thumbs up. Fifteen years ago, when foreigners invaded the Central Plains, the great general of the Qin Dynasty won and led his troops to resist the alien tribes. However, those alien tribes seemed like locusts and could not be killed completely. In addition, the corrupt officials were rampant in Daqin, which made it impossible to provide enough supplies for the army of Daqin. However, the whole million majestic troops of Daqin were forced to close the last pass of garrison and were completely wiped out.

When the alien invasion came, it was Luo Tianhan, who was the general guarding the capital of the great Qin Dynasty at that time, made a decision and fled to the South with the descendants of the royal family of Daqin, and helped the present-day emperor ascend to the throne and establish the post Qin state. After that, he led tens of thousands of Daqin troops from the imperial capital to kill one-third of the southern territory in the south, which had already been established by the princes. This was a great contribution in the post Qin state. After that, the present emperor of the Qin state was also aware of Luo Tianhan's achievements, and he was named the city master of Jingnan City, which was second only to the capital of the state. Luo Tianhan has made brilliant achievements in all his life. Except for the war when he withdrew from the capital of the great Qin Dynasty, he has never been defeated in his whole life. He is already known as one of the four great gods of war who won and tied with the great general of the Qin Dynasty.

Li Yuanhe had reverence for Luo Tianhan in his heart. This worship was sincere, but before Luo Tianhan asked Li Yuanhe to get up, the white old man could not wait to stand up and asked, "are you Li Yuanhe? What happened to the military intelligence? And the owner of the token? "

Li Yuanhe had just raised his head, but he was stunned when he was asked by the old man. He didn't expect that in the south of Beijing, someone would dare to steal Luo Tianhan's words, so he could not help turning his head and looking at Luo Tianhan. Luo Tianhan is the city Lord of Jingnan City, and Li Yuanhe is the city guard of Jingnan city. Naturally, Luo Tianhan wants to listen to Luo Tianhan. Luo Tianhan has no questions, and he can't answer them casually.

Sure enough, Luo Tianhan frowned, sat upright, and said to the old man, "old Liu! You don't have to worry. I'll ask him carefully! " Luo Tianhan's voice is very low, with a trace of hoarseness, but the tone of voice is not allowed to refuse the dignity of the other side.

The old Liu realized how rude his behavior was just now. He pleaded guilty to Luo Tianhan and sat back to his seat, but his face still showed that look of urgency. Luo Tianhan waved to the soldier who took Li Yuan and came in, and the soldier immediately threw his fist and left the hall. Then Luo Tianhan looked at Li Yuanhe tightly, picked up the bloody token on the table in front of him with his right hand, kept playing with it, and asked in a deep voice, "go ahead! What the hell is going on! "

Li Yuanhe took a deep breath, and then he said what had just happened at the gate of the city. When he said what the scouts wanted to say, all the people in the hall could not help taking a breath. However, only naluo Tianhan remained calm. The cold light in his eyes was getting colder and the frequency of his left index finger beating on his thigh was faster and faster.

When Li Yuanhe had finished all the process, Luo Tianhan snorted coldly and suddenly called out: "Wang Ye!"

The fat man sitting on the most edge of his left hand was suddenly stunned, but then he stood up and said to Luo Tianhan: "the end will be in!"

Luo Tianhan said faintly: "order, close all the city gates on all sides! No one in and out! Those who violate the order will be killed! " When Luo Tianhan said the last word, the chill in his words made everyone feel cold at the back of his neck.