"My Lord! I have one more thing to tell you! "

Just before the fat General Wang was ordered to leave, suddenly a voice came out and immediately focused all the attention of all the people present on Li Yuanhe. However, Li Yuanhe, who was staring at by the public, did not feel any discomfort at all. He was still as stable as a rock, slightly lowered his head, clasped his hands and half knelt on the ground.

Even Luo Yan, who introduced Li Yuan and enlisted in the army, didn't know what Li Yuanhe was going to do this time. He was stunned and looked at Li Yuanhe directly. Luo Tianhan, who was sitting at the top of the table, frowned, and finally waved his hand and said, "stand up and say it!"

"Yes! Thank you very much Even if Li Yuan and Dang stood up, and the action was not sloppy, Luo Tianhan and the three men in armour shot a burst of light in their eyes. However, Li Yuanhe seemed to turn a blind eye to the cold light, straightened his back and clasped his fists to Luo Tianhan, saying: "after knowing that there is an enemy situation, my subordinates have ordered the north gate to be closed, and let his assistants go to the other three gates, so that the other three gates are closed!"

"Oh?" Luo Tianhan's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly widened, staring at Li Yuanhe.

"Bold!" A sudden burst of drinking from the right side of Li Yuanhe, but it was the goatee who had been treating Li Yuanhe badly. At this time, he suddenly jumped to the table, pointed to Li Yuanhe and cursed: "it's just a small city guard Sima, who dare to order the city gate closed without permission! It's sheer audacity! When it comes to punishing a crime! "

Luo Yan frowned after hearing the voice of goat beard drinking and swearing, and said slowly, "Rhoda, you are a little too much? As the city guard Sima, Li Yuanhe's duty is to guard the city gate. Since he knows that there is an enemy attack, he certainly has the right to order the city gate to be closed. What a crime! "

"Hum!" Luo Da, who had a goatee, seemed to have known that Luo Yan would defend Li Yuanhe for a long time. He was not surprised at all. He snorted coldly and said, "if he just closed the north gate which he was responsible for guarding, it would be fair to say. But he dare to send people to give orders to the other three gates which are not within the scope of his duties. Can't he say that he is ultra vires? All the city gates were closed. Even if he was the commander in charge of the city, he did not dare to make such a decision at will, let alone his small city guard Sima? This man is so bold that he should be punished by your majesty to rectify the military discipline! "

At this time, even other people can see that this matter has become an excuse for Luo Yan and Luo Da to fight for power and gain. From the fact that Luo Yan can speak for Li Yuanhe, we can see that Li Yuanhe should be from Luo Yan's side, so Rhoda will collect the charges against Li Yuanhe. Seeing that Rhoda, in order to compete with Luo Yan for power, even took the enemy attack to do an article, the rest of the audience could not help frowning. Especially the old man of Huajia shook his head slightly.

However, Li Yuanhe, as the party involved in this matter, did not respond at all, just as Rhoda was not accusing him. However, Li Yuanhe still kept the posture of holding fists, standing upright and looking at Luo Tianhan. Luo Tianhan is also interested in playing eye-to-eye games with Li Yuanhe. Facing Luo Tianhan's majestic eyes, Li Yuanhe began to be unable to bear it. After all, Luo Tianhan's experience is not what Li Yuanhe can compare. Several times, Li Yuanhe almost knelt down in Luo Tianhan's eye injection. However, Li Yuanhe clenched his teeth, resisted Luo Tianhan's astonishing majesty pressure, and remained upright.

At this time in the hall, Luo Yan and Luo Da had already quarreled with each other. If not for the presence of Luo Tianhan, maybe these two people would have started to fight. The other four people are used to the quarrel between the two people. Instead, they are very interesting that Li Yuanhe can support so long under the pressure of Luo Tianhan.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Luo Tianhan suddenly grinned. Suddenly, Li Yuanhe felt the pressure on him completely disappeared. This huge contrast almost didn't make Li Yuanhe collapse on the ground, but even so, now Li Yuanhe is not much better. His face has become very pale, as if he had been seriously ill. Luo Tianhan turned his head to the middle-aged man on his left hand and said, "Chen Xuanchu, how long have you not seen such an interesting young man?"

Chen Xuanchu smiles, and his hands no longer smooth his two beautiful beards. He looks at Li Yuanhe and replies with admiration: "reply to the commander! It's been a long time! " Luo Tianhan used to be the commander-in-chief of the imperial capital in Daqin. But now, those who can still call him commander-in-chief are the garrison generals who followed Luo Tianhan to the south in those years. These generals have gone through more than a hundred battles with Luo Tianhan from the north to the south, and now there are few who can survive. I can't imagine that the man who looks so gentle is such a war general who has experienced many battles.

"Yes! Not bad Luo Tianhan nodded slightly and said to the king who was still standing there and didn't know whether to go or stay! You'd better go to the gate. After all, what he sent is just an ordinary soldier. Sima, the city guard of the other three cities, may not listen to him and close the gate! If it's closed, you'll stay at the north gate. If the black tiger stronghold is in the north, if you want to attack the southern city of Beijing, you will appear from the north of the city first! If you see the enemy, blow your horn at once"Here it is After getting Luo Tianhan's instruction again, Wang immediately took a drink and turned around and walked out of the hall. In a twinkling of an eye, he disappeared. It turns out that the speed of this fat man is so fast!

"Well, as for you!" Luo Tianhan once again turned his eyes to Li Yuanhe, but he also took a meaningful look at Luo Yan and Luo da. From the moment Luo Tianhan just laughed, the two men closed their mouths with interest. Their struggle for power and profit has not been a day or two. Now it can be said that it is a secret shared by the upper echelons of the whole city. For Li Yuanhe's punishment, now has shown Luo Tianhan's inclination and attitude towards them.

"Xu Wei!" Luo Tianhan suddenly called out.

The strong man sitting next to Chen Xuanchu suddenly stood up and gave a reply to Luo Tianhan. Li Yuanhe had guessed from the height of his sitting that he should be very tall, but when he stood up, he realized that the height of the strong man was far beyond his imagination. Li Yuanhe was about nine feet tall, and he was very broad. When he stood up, he almost overturned the table in front of him. Fortunately, Chen Xuanchu around him held the table. Li Yuanhe's body shape is stronger than that of ordinary people, but Xu Wei's figure can be as big as two Li Yuanhe.

Luo Tianhan looked at Xu Wei, pointed his left hand at Li Yuanhe and said, "this little guy will be put into your army to exercise! Give him a small team leader, you should give me a good training, maybe in the future will become useful also not necessarily! "

Even if Xu Wei lowered his head and drank, his voice was much louder than the previous response. Obviously, Xu Wei was very satisfied with Luo Tianhan's arrangement. Then Xu Wei raised his head and glared at Luo Yan and Luo Da, and then looked at Li Yuanhe. The meaning could not be more obvious: this boy will be my man in the future. None of you want to make his idea!

Although Luo Yan and Luo Da had great influence in the south of Beijing, they did not dare to touch the strength of the army. The reason why Luo Tianhan turned a blind eye to their obvious struggle for power and profit was that they consciously did not use the military's brain. In the southern city of Beijing, the army belongs to only one person, that is Luo Tianhan!

Before that, Luo Yan dared to introduce Li Yuanhe to the Chengshou, because the Chengshou troops in Jingnan city could not be called the real army, but were equivalent to the role of Yamen in the city. Before Li Yuanhe, there were already two sides of the four gates of Jingnan City, which belonged to Rhoda. Luo Yan only won Sima, the city guard of the east gate. As for Sima, the city's governor in the north, originally belonged to Rhoda, but he died of illness at home last month. When Luo Yan knew about it, he decided to guard Sima at the north gate. At this time, Li Yuanhe appeared. Luo Yan courted Li Yuanhe, so that Li Yuanhe could be the city guard Sima of the north gate.

Originally, because he had spent so much effort, he finally made Li Yuanhe a real soldier in the army. Luo Yan was also somewhat distressed. However, if you think about it from another angle, in any case, Li Yuanhe was pulled up by himself. As long as he is in the army, he may be able to be used by Luo Yan in the future. What's more, Luo Tianhan personally ordered Li Yuanhe to be sent into the army. It's not that Luo Yan broke the rules set by Luo Tianhan. Thinking of this, Luo Yan could not help but secretly pleased, but on the surface or pretended to be a pair of distressed appearance.

Luo Da also has a sad face. He doesn't see through Li Yuanhe's benefits to Luo Yan like Luo Yan, but he regrets that he offended Li Yuanhe before. A few days ago, Rhoda received a report that Luo Yan introduced a man to become the city guard Sima of the north gate. She was so angry that Rhoda almost didn't smash everything in the room. This afternoon, Luo Tianhan was summoned to a meeting by Luo Tianhan. He heard the guard report that Sima, the city guard of the north gate, had something important to report. Looking at Luo Yan's complacent look, Rhoda was not angry. That's why Rhoda was angry at Li Yuanhe as soon as he came in, and he was also criticizing Li Yuanhe's words, that is, he wanted to kick Li Yuanhe from the position of the city guard Sima at the north gate.