The Quartermaster only wanted to see Li Yuanhe lose face, but he would not leave easily. In case he came back after he left, Li Yuanhe said that he had tried and didn't fit in. It was not a good play to miss. So the Quartermaster took out the ready armor from behind and said with a smile, "it's already ready! The same size as General Xu Wei It's just that the tone of Quartermaster's speech is always a little odd.

However, Li Yuanhe did not think that the Quartermaster was making any calculations in his mind. Instead, he happily took the armor and stroked the black and shiny armor, especially on his helmet, the relief of the lion and the majestic lion, which symbolized the great master of the Qin Dynasty!

However, the Quartermaster did not have so much leisure to look at Li Yuanhe and sigh there. He was still waiting to see Li Yuanhe make a fool of himself. Even though he said to Li Yuanhe, "OK! okay! Why don't you try your weapons? It is said that there will be no more people coming! "

Being reminded by the quartermaster, Li Yuan and this just reacted, showing a little embarrassed smile, and said: "I'm really sorry! I just can't help it. " With that, Li Yuan and this can't wait to change the suit of armor on his body, and put on the black armor.

Not to mention, the suit of armor selected by the Quartermaster for Li Yuanhe fits well. Although Xu Wei is bigger than Li Yuanhe, the armor on Xu Wei does not fit. Besides, Li Yuanhe's stature is also bigger and stronger than that of ordinary people, so a suit of armor of the same size is slightly smaller on Xu Wei's body, but it is just right for Li Yuanhe.

And put on this suit of armor, Li Yuan and the whole person all looked very powerful. This suit of armor was originally made in accordance with the original style of the Qin Dynasty soldiers' armor. The black armor was in the style of fish scale armor, covering the whole body of the soldiers. Even the helmets were wearing a mask, which only showed a pair of eyes. Before, although Chen Xuanchu, Xu Wei and Wang all wore this type of armor in the city Lord's mansion, they did not feel much because they did not wear helmets. Now Li Yuanhe put on his helmet and pulled on his mask. It seemed that the whole man had added a lot of murderous spirit.

The Quartermaster wanted to make fun of Li Yuanhe, but at the moment when Li Yuanhe put on his helmet, the Quartermaster was subdued by his momentum. Even back several steps involuntarily, it just hit the tip of a long gun in the back. The sharp point of the gun almost stabbed a blood hole in the Quartermaster's ass. Rao was so, he almost jumped up after stabbing the Quartermaster.

The red faced Quartermaster rubbed his buttocks and glared at Li Yuan and the "culprit" at the same time! Come on! Now you've tried armor. Try your weapon now He was shot for no reason. Although he didn't even get blood, he didn't see Li Yuan and make a fool of himself. The Quartermaster was also very impatient.

Although he didn't know what the Quartermaster was thinking, Li Yuanhe still held his fist to the Quartermaster and said, "OK! Thank you, brother With that, he bent down and grasped the eight Zhang spear with one hand under the gaze of the Quartermaster. However, Li Yuanhe did not like the Quartermaster imagined that he couldn't lift it. Instead, he grabbed Zhangba spear with one hand.

Although it was strange why the Quartermaster looked at himself in such a daze, looking out of the window, it was really getting late. Li Yuanhe, holding a gun, saluted the Quartermaster and said again, "thank you very much! Just now, General Xu Wei also asked me to rush back to the barracks, so it was not convenient for me to stay for a long time! Farewell With that, Li Yuanhe turned down the second floor and went out directly from the door of the warehouse.

On the second floor of the storehouse, the Quartermaster stood still for three incense sticks. Then he came back to his senses. He looked at Li Yuanhe's position with surprise on his face and muttered: "impossible! impossible! I must have taken it by mistake! yes! Take the wrong one! I must have given him the hollow gun by mistake! It must be so! " As he spoke, the Quartermaster began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets in the warehouse on the second floor. He must find out the solid Zhangba spear.

Not to mention how the Quartermaster deceived himself, Li Yuanhe held the Zhangba spear he had just got, but he was very excited. After starting with this spear, the heavy weight made Li Yuan and he couldn't put it down. They almost didn't hold the spear in their arms. Fortunately, Li Yuanhe was too familiar with the road of Jingnan City, so even though Li Yuanhe was fascinated, he still came to the gate of the barracks.

"Who are you?" A roar from the barracks door sounded, but directly immersed in the joy of acquiring new weapons Li Yuanhe to God. The sound came from both sides of the barracks gate, one of the two soldiers on guard.

Li Yuanhe quickly saluted the soldiers in front of him, straightened his back and said, "the new team leader Li Yuanhe comes to report to General Xu Wei!" At present, Li Yuanhe has only been directly and simply appointed by Luo Tianhan as a team leader. As for the military rank, Li Yuanhe is still unclear. I'm afraid that Xu Wei will appoint Li Yuanhe directly."The new captain?" The two soldiers looked at each other, full of doubts around their eyes, which they had never heard of. And I have never seen Li Yuanhe. At least, there has never been such a person in the regular army of Jingnan city. However, the man was wearing the armor of the regular army, which was only available to the regular army in Jingnan city. It was a special type of armor for the troops stationed in the city.

"Since you are the new captain, what is your rank?" One of the guards, still cautious, went on. The military rank system of the post Qin state followed that of the great Qin Empire, which was quite strict. At the lowest level, ordinary soldiers are naturally. However, even the soldiers at the lowest level are also divided into three levels, from third class to first class, and they are promoted step by step. On the other hand, the soldiers were divided into three ranks, namely, the general, the general, the general and the captain. After being promoted to the first-class captain, and then upward, he is a general.

If you get the title of general, you will become a real high-level officer. In Jingnan City, only Luo Tianhan has the rank of a general. And his rank in the general level belongs to the top level, is after the Qin state of Hushi general! In the post Qin Dynasty, I am afraid only the current general ranks higher than Luo Tianhan.

Generally speaking, since Li Yuanhe has been appointed as a team leader, his rank should be a first-class soldier or a third-class benefactor. However, the problem is that Li Yuanhe knows nothing about his military rank. It is even possible that Li Yuanhe does not have any rank at all, which leads to Li Yuanhe's questions about the soldiers guarding the gate of the barracks unable to answer.

Seeing that Li Yuanhe couldn't answer his question, the two soldiers became nervous. Before that, they had received the above order, saying that there was a bandit army attacking the city outside the city. Could this man who said he was the new team leader in front of them were the spies sent by the bandits to the city?

Thinking of this, the two soldiers raised their spears and fixed their eyes on Li Yuanhe. A soldier with a gloomy face said, "who are you? Don't tell me the truth

Li Yuanhe didn't expect that things would develop to this extent. He said with a wry smile, "I'm really the newly appointed team leader, and I was appointed by the city Lord himself! It's just that the city Lord is busy attacking the city, so he forgot to appoint me a military rank! " While explaining, Li Yuanhe slowly put down the long gun in his hand. He didn't want to make any misunderstanding. After all, he would stay in the army in the future. Don't make a conflict with the soldiers in the army on the first day.

"Shut up!" Li Yuanhe didn't explain, but this explanation made the two soldiers confirm that Li Yuanhe was a spy. Luo Tianhan, the Lord of Jingnan City, in the eyes of the soldiers in Jingnan City, is equivalent to the military God level. How could he personally appoint a small team leader and forget to appoint the military rank! Immediately, a soldier took out the trumpet horn in his arms, put it directly on his mouth and blew it hard.

Suddenly, with the sound of the horn, hundreds of soldiers came from the barracks. After seeing the situation at the gate of the barracks, these soldiers naturally assigned Li Yuanhe to the role of the enemy. All of them pointed to Li Yuanhe with their weapons. They did not take Li Yuanhe lightly because he was alone.

Seeing this, Li Yuan and Dang stepped on the Zhangba spear that he had just put on the ground with his feet. He rubbed and hooked the Zhangba spear to his hand again. In the face of so many weapons pointing to himself, Li Yuanhe did not dare to make it big. It was better to have weapons in his hands. Otherwise, in case the soldiers on the opposite side are impulsive and have no weapons in their hands, they will not suffer great losses.

"Damn it! What a fuss At this time, a voice of swearing rang out from behind the soldiers. Then, several soldiers in the periphery were obviously pushed aside and stepped back. A tall figure gradually appeared from behind the soldiers, and by the way, there was a curse: "which son of a bitch doesn't have eyes? Even the barracks This man is tall and big, with a dark face and a full face of whiskers. It is not Xu Wei who can be.