"What's going on?" As soon as Xu Wei came out, he was shouting, and his eyes finally fell on Li Yuanhe's body. Especially after seeing Li Yuanhe's eight Zhang spear in his hand, he frowned deeply and directly asked, "how is it you? Why did you come so late? "

Although Li Yuanhe felt that Xu Wei's attitude towards himself had changed a lot compared with before, he didn't think that Xu Wei was only because of his Zhangba spear. He had just joined the army. Naturally, he didn't want to offend Xu Wei, so he immediately took back his spear and said, "General Xu Wei! I chose weapons and tried on armor at the warehouse, so it was delayed for a while

Xu Wei glanced at Li Yuanhe's Zhangba spear and snorted contemptuously. However, he thought that the Zhangba spear in Li Yuanhe's hand was a kind of hollow fake gun. He glanced at Li Yuanhe and said, "in the future, you can't drag your feet when you work in the army! Do you remember? " Then he waved around and said, "OK! Break up! Let's go

With Xu Wei's guarantee, there was no doubt about Li Yuanhe's identity. All the soldiers left, leaving only the two soldiers guarding the gate of the barracks, looking at Li Yuanhe with trepidation. They now know that Li Yuanhe is indeed a newly appointed team leader. Needless to say, Li Yuanhe's rank must be higher than their two third class soldiers. But now he offended Li Yuanhe, always worried that Li Yuanhe would wear shoes for them in the future.

The two soldiers looked at each other, and at the same time went to Li Yuanhe and knelt down. They clasped hands and said, "the villain has offended the adults! Please forgive me

As soon as Li Yuanhe looked at the posture, he immediately understood what the two soldiers were thinking. He quickly stepped forward to help them up and said with a smile, "it's not because of the two brothers. It's that Li can't prove his identity. What is the sin of the two brothers who are just doing their duty? "

Xu Wei, on one side, was impatient to wait, and said to Li Yuanhe, "dawdling! Have you finished? Come with me now With that, he no longer cared about Li Yuanhe and went to the barracks. Xu Wei's actions made Li Yuanhe angry even though he was in a good temper. Even when his face sank and he clasped his fist at the two soldiers, he followed Xu Wei into the barracks.

After Xu Wei's seven turns and eight turns in the camp, he finally comes to a small tent. Xu Wei points to the tent and says, "from today on, you will sleep here! In addition, the soldiers in the army have been properly assigned. Although the general has appointed you as the team leader, I don't have any redundant soldiers for you to control. For the time being, you are the only one in this team! okay! What's the matter? Go to the gate of the barracks and ask the soldiers on guard. " With that, Xu Wei seemed unwilling to stay for a moment and left.

As soon as Xu Wei left, only Li Yuan and a man stood alone beside the humble tent. Looking at this shabby little tent, Li Yuan and such strong men can't sleep at all. Recalling Xu Wei's contemptuous actions, Li Yuanhe could not help clenching his fist and staring at Xu Wei's back.

At this time, in the camp tent, Chen Xuanchu and Wang ye were making a comparison on a map of Jingnan City, studying how to defend the bandits from attacking the city. At this time, Xu Wei came in from the outside. Chen Xuanchu looked up at Xu Wei and asked, "what's going on at the gate of the barracks? Why is it so noisy? "

Xu Wei turned his lips indifferently and said, "isn't that the boy appointed by the commander-in-chief today? It seems that it's called Li Wuhe! I don't know what happened to him. He was regarded as a spy by the soldiers guarding the camp. He almost didn't fight! " With that, Xu Wei took up a teacup on the table and drank up the tea in the cup.

A few drops of water dripped on the table along Xu Wei's whiskers, and two of them fell on the map that Chen Xuanchu and Wang are studying. Chen Xuanchu didn't care, but Wang frowned inadvertently, but the dissatisfaction on his face was just a flash. Chen Xuanchu said with a smile, "Oh? That boy! I haven't congratulated Lao Xu for having an extra tiger general! "

"Tiger fart!" As soon as Xu Wei threw the teacup away, he directly scolded him: "I thought he was good at it, but I didn't expect that it was a silver gun, wax head and embroidered pillow! I would have kicked him out of the barracks if he hadn't been ordered by the commander himself under my account! "

"No?" Chen Xuanchu looked surprised and said: "before in the city Lord's mansion, as soon as the boy entered the gate, I saw that his body was steady and his pace was steady. Obviously, I could see that his skill was good. What's more, judging from the way he handled the intelligence, he was also a decisive man, not as bad as you said? "

"Hum!" Xu Wei snorted disapprovingly and said, "I didn't take him to the warehouse to get armor and weapons! Do you know what weapon he called for? It's a long gun! Ridiculous or not! He even wants to use Zhang eight long spears. He is a follower. How can such a person be an expert? I think it's just a little stronger! "

"Oh?" Wang on one side also suddenly said with a smile: "in this case, Li Yuanhe is not a powerful person. Let's see! Lao Xu, I still lack a soldier under my account. Since Li Yuan and you are not satisfied with him, I'd better give it to me! "When Xu Wei heard this, he didn't care. He was about to say yes, but he was stopped by Chen Xuanchu on the other side. Chen Xuanchu said to Wang with a smile: "this is not good! You know, this boy is the commander-in-chief personally called to hand over to Lao Xu! If Lao Xu gives this boy to you privately, I'm afraid the commander-in-chief will blame him in the future! " With that, Chen Xuanchu's eyes seemed to be looking at Wang Ye.

"Oh! What's the matter? " Xu Wei, however, was like a Maha. He also said to Chen Xuanchu and Wang, "I'll go and tell the commander tomorrow that this boy will be given to Lao Wang! What's the use of coming here for a boy who can't see and use well! "

"Ha ha!" Wang also glanced at Chen Xuanchu quietly, and said with a light smile: "yes, but I think the boy's strength should be not small. At that time, it's good for him to carry the harness for me." As he spoke, a glimmer of joy flashed from Wang Ye's eyes, but Xu Wei didn't see it at all.

Xu Wei didn't see it, but Chen Xuanchu showed the joy in Wang Ye's eyes. He was worried. This king is different from him and Xu Wei. He is not the real lineage of Luo Tianhan, but an officer sent by the royal family to the south of Beijing. Although they said they were helping Luo Tianhan to manage the capital, Luo Tianhan and Chen Xuanchu understood very well that the king was the one sent by the royal family to take charge of monitoring Luo Tianhan. However, Xu Wei was the only one in the upper echelon of Jingnan city who did not know the mystery.

Although Luo Tianhan didn't have many men and horses in his hands, the men he brought out at that time have now occupied the majority of the army of the post Qin state. With Luo Tianhan's great achievements, in fact, the royal family no longer trusts Luo Tianhan as much as before. This king is also in the south of Beijing. Although he has always been respectful to Luo Tianhan in recent years, he has also secretly taken advantage of his position to attract many people. Luo Tianhan and Chen Xuanchu are also aware of this.

Since Li Yuanhe can be valued by Luo Tianhan, it shows that there must be some reason why Luo Tianhan should be so important. Although Xu Wei is loyal to Luo Tianhan, this guy is too honest to listen to, and he is a fool! Chen Xuanchu doesn't believe that Li Yuanhe is really as bad as Xu Wei said. Maybe this Li Yuanhe is a rare talent. Otherwise, Luo Tianhan would not appoint him to Xu Wei.

Chen Xuanchu could think of a man who looked dull on the outside, but was very crafty in his heart. Naturally, Wang could also think of it. So he took advantage of this time to get Li Yuanhe to his men. With Xu Wei's temper, Chen Xuanchu can already think that Li Yuanhe must have suffered a lot of grievances here. In addition, Wang also has the heart to stir up trouble. Maybe this talent will go to Wang Ye's side completely.

Chen Xuanchu narrowed his eyes and touched his beard involuntarily. Now he must not oppose in front of Wang Ye. After all, he has not completely torn his face with Wang Ye. We can only wait until later to find Li Yuanhe, pacify it, and then go to Luo Tianhan to make it clear. Tomorrow, we will find an excuse to shirk it. Otherwise, we will simply put that Li Yuanhe under his own account. Chen Xuanchu believes that if Li Yuanhe is really a talent, he will certainly be able to dig out his talents.

Wang also looked at Chen Xuanchu as if he was pondering something. He suddenly gave a slight smile and said to Xu Wei, "Lao Xu! Well, if you go to the city Lord like this tomorrow, maybe he will blame you! How about this! Now I have something to report to the city master. You should follow me. When the time comes, I will say that I want Li Yuan and his subordinates, and you agree to give them to me, so that the city Lord will not blame you! "

Before Chen Xuanchu responded, Xu Wei immediately said with a smile: "this feeling is good! That's it! Lao Chen, I'll go to the commander-in-chief with Lao Wang first, and I'll be back soon! " After that, Xu Wei directly pulled the smiling Wang out. As he left, Chen Xuanchu obviously saw that Wang also showed a strange smile to him.

By the time Xu Wei and Wang had gone far away, Chen Xuanchu grabbed the tea cup that Xu Wei had just drunk on the table with hatred and fell heavily on the ground.