Obviously, the spies in front of him would not let Li Yuanhe have time to wait for reinforcements. The man who took the lead winked at his companion and said, "let's make a quick decision! In case of a long night's dream After saying that, he rushed to kill Li Yuanhe. The dagger in his hand was shining blue under the sunlight. He could see that it was poisoned.

With the man taking the lead, several other spies also held up their daggers one by one and killed Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe can't help but complain secretly. Although he has a good skill of shooting, this set of shooting techniques is widely used, which is most suitable for fighting in the battlefield. However, the skills of these spies in front of them are all small Kung Fu used by those so-called Wulin people. Now Li Yuanhe can only rely on the weapon advantage of Zhang eight long spears in his hand. How long can he block it.

Li Yuanhe has been practicing the Zhangba spear for more than ten years. The spear is like a dragon in his hand, swimming around him. Previously, when the spies saw Li Yuanhe holding Zhangba spear in his hand, they thought it was a hollow Zhangba spear used by those followers before. However, after several hard strokes with the dagger, they found that the spear was actually solid and made of pure steel, which was not what the daggers in their hands could cut. At the moment, several spies can't help but be shocked, and look at Li Yuanhe highly.

Some of the spies also wanted to lead Li Yuanhe away, and then took out their hands to steal the city gate. However, Li Yuanhe is not stupid. He has only one person and only one task, that is to guard the city gate. So no matter how the spies sell their flaws or change their tactics, he will not be fooled. He is steadfastly guarding the arch entrance with a long gun in his hand, which has the momentum of a man in charge.

"Who are you? How dare you make trouble here? " At this time, there was a sudden burst of drinking. Several soldiers came from the direction of the city, but they were not wearing Li Yuan and his black armor. It is similar to the armor that Li Yuan and Sima, the gate of the north gate, wore before.

When the spies saw reinforcements coming, they couldn't take down Li Yuanhe for a moment. The man who took the lead winked at his companions and called out, "withdraw!" Several other spies also nodded one after another, and immediately, these spies were a step back, all rushed to the city, and in a flash there was no trace.

"What's the matter? Chase me! Chase me The soldiers looked surprised. One of the leading soldiers kept shouting at the spies who had run out of shadow, and his hands were still waving. But Li Yuanhe is a long sigh of relief, he now only need to guard the city gate on the line, those spies in the city anyway can not run away. When the time comes for Chen Xuanchu's infantry battalion to find out, those spies can't escape.

Although the fight with Li Yuan has just ended, some of them are still in the end. Holding the spear in hand, gasping for breath, and sweating on his forehead. But the momentum is not a bit lax, in case those spies kill a gun again.

"Well, this officer?" The leading soldier came over with his subordinates with regret on his face. Obviously, he did not catch the spies. "I'm Sima, the city guard of the south gate. Who are those people? Spies? How fast it is

Although it was a pity, Li Yuanhe did not expect these half hearted soldiers to catch the spies who had been carefully trained. The leading soldier claimed to be the city guard Sima of the south gate, but it reminded Li Yuanhe that he really wanted to see such a person a few days ago. It seems that Li Yuan and his original colleagues are really.

Li Yuanhe took a deep breath, waved his hand and said, "it's OK. They are all spies of the thief army. They want to open the gate secretly, but they are few. It's impossible for them to open the gate openly! Now that you're here, I'm relieved! " With these words, Li Yuanhe moved his body with difficulty. He had just fought hard with those spies. Li Yuanhe did not step back, but now he has two deep footprints on the ground. Looking at these two footprints, Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing bitterly. This should be the real first battle in his life!

Shaking his head, he said to the soldiers, "if you stay here for the time being, I'll go to the head of the city to have a look. It's better to transfer some people down. Never let anyone near the gate Thinking of the skills of those spies, Li Yuanhe still felt that the city guards must not be able to defeat them. He must send more formal soldiers down. So he explained to the city guard Sima who had already come to his side. He turned around and walked towards the head of the city.

"Well, it's called a traitor!"

Just at the moment when Li Yuanhe just turned around, the old man's words of that year suddenly rang out in his mind, and then, those pictures flashed in front of him like a lantern. The stone he put in the back wall, the old man reached for the stone to wipe away the smiling face of the earth, and the ten stones that the old man had thrown into the city.

No! The situation is not right! Li Yuanhe immediately felt uneasy and turned around. Li Yuanhe saw that the famous city guard Sima had just turned into a ferocious man with a dagger in his hand, and he quickly killed himself! The dagger flashed a penetrating cold light, which made Li Yuanhe shiver.Although Li Yuanhe suddenly turned around, which surprised the famous city guard Sima, he continued to attack Li Yuanhe with a dagger. Li Yuanhe is completely out of his instinct, holding the right hand Zhangba gun suddenly stabbed out. Because the speed of the famous city guard Sima was too fast, facing Li Yuanhe's long gun, he couldn't dodge at all. The gun's point was solid and stabbed him in the chest.

"Woo!" The city guard Sima let out a dull hum, but his face was full of surprise. How could he have imagined that Li Yuanhe's gun was so fast that he could even take the first step to stab himself. However, a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the city guard Sima, but his legs were forced to push on the ground again. The spear stabbed in his chest was deeper and deeper in his chest, and finally it was a pair of piercing.

And the city guard Sima finally approached Li Yuanhe as he wished. He picked up the dagger in his hand and stabbed Li Yuanhe. Although Li Yuanhe's skill is much higher than that of the famous city guard Sima, after all, his experience in the war is still too little. He can't help but be stunned when he sees such a desperate person. Until the other side's dagger has stabbed in his armor on the heart guard mirror, that metal collision's ear piercing sound, just let him suddenly wake up. He immediately flew up and stepped directly on the chest of the famous city guard Sima.

The leg is always longer than the arm. The city guard Sima, who was kicked by Li Yuan and this foot, also stepped back involuntarily. However, the dagger in his hand could not stab Li Yuanhe any more. However, Li Yuanhe took the opportunity to look around again and was shocked. The soldiers who came with Sima, the city guard, had already run into the arch cave and were ready to open the gate.

Seeing that the several city guards had already arrived at the gate, Li Yuanhe simply held the gun in both hands and directly lifted it and hung it on the spear. However, the city guard Sima, who had no response, swung round and threw it there. However, he threw the body of the city guard Sima out of the spear, and quickly hit the city guard soldier who was about to open the mechanism of the suspension bridge, and knocked him down directly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa The city guard was about to lower the gate of the suspension bridge, but somehow he was knocked down by a huge force. When he fell to the ground, he was still pressed by something. Even if he had to push away something that held him down, he felt something was wrong when he touched it. Subconsciously, he turned his head and saw the wide eyed eyes of the city guard Sima. From his point of view, the city guard Sima seemed to be staring at himself, and immediately scared the city guard to scream.

Hearing his companion's miserable cry, he had stretched out his hand to push down the crossbar on the gate of the city. All of them turned back subconsciously. But when they looked back, they saw a gun head that was getting bigger and bigger in their eyes. And Li Yuanhe was running towards the gate of the city at this time, and his upper body still kept the action of throwing.

"Oops!" A scream, the gun directly shot through the chest of a city guard. The huge force even took the body of the city guard to fly back, and finally nailed on the city gate. And the city guard soldier spit blood, just like a frog whose head has been chopped off. After a few convulsions, there is no response.

At this time, Li Yuanhe roared, ran to the city guard soldier who was knocked down by the body of the city guard Sima. He flew up and kicked at the soldier. The city guard was scared by his boss's body. He lost his three souls. How could he react? He was kicked in the throat by Li Yuanhe, and his head fell to one side in a very twisted state, so he could not die any more.

As soon as the remaining two city guards looked at it, they were the only two left on their side. However, Li Yuanhe killed them like a god of killing. They were so frightened that they even dropped the single knife that had just been pulled out in his hand. Li Yuan and a lunge to the city gate, to see the appearance of the two city guards, but the heart is unbearable. But remembering that he almost let these soldiers open the city gate just now, Li Yuanhe's face changed again, his fists changed into knives, and he hit them in the throat like a thunder and knew their lives thoroughly.