He pulled out the Zhangba spear that nailed the city guard to the gate. He had just killed those soldiers. It can be said that Li Yuanhe had exhausted all his strength. Just now, Li Yuanhe almost had no strength to pull out the spear. Li Yuanhe leaned directly against the gate of the city, gasping for breath, but in his heart, he kept thinking.

Why is the garrison of the South Gate a traitor to the bandits outside the city. Luo Tianhan is a veteran of military affairs. Although it seems that he never pays attention to the appointment of the city guard, Li Yuanhe does not believe that Luo Tianhan will let a spy become the important position of the city guard Sima so simply. In other words, Sima, the city's guard, would never have been a spy in the beginning.

Since he is not a spy, then the city guard Sima will become a traitor. It must be later that he defected. Maybe it was during this period of time. Otherwise, why didn't the bandits come early or late? Why did they choose to attack the city at this time? They must have arranged their internal organs in the city and made sure that they would attack the city.

However, in this case, another question is put in front of us. Why does the city guard Sima, instead of doing his official duties well, want to be a spy of the thief army? You know, those bandits are famous for their lack of credibility. No matter whether they promise money, power or beauty, Sima, the city's keeper, should not be naive enough to think that they will fulfill their promise.

You know, although the city guard Sima is not a very big official position, but every day at the gate of the city, that oil and water is very abundant, this point, once the city guard Sima Li Yuanhe is of course very clear. In any case, Li Yuanhe couldn't figure out why the city guard Sima could live a good and comfortable life. However, he went to do this kind of brain dropping thing.

Unless! Li Yuanhe's eyes suddenly brightened, and a glimmer of light flashed in his head. He suddenly remembered what Wang had said about the distribution of power in the southern city of Beijing when he was drinking with him last night. If Li Yuanhe remembers correctly, count him as one. There are two gates in each of the four gates in the southern city of Beijing. The position of Sima, the guardian of the city, is the confidant of Luo Yan and Luo da. Luo Yan controlled the east gate and the north gate, while the west gate and the south gate where Sima was stationed were controlled by Rhoda.

Li Yuanhe had no doubt that what the famous city guard Sima had just said was a lie, because Li Yuanhe was sure that he had seen the city guard Sima there. At that time, Sima, the four city gate guards, gathered together, while Sima, the city guard of the east gate, was very close to himself, and Li Yuanhe knew him. So even if this person is not Sima of the south gate, it must be Sima of the west gate controlled by Rhoda.

Thinking of what Luo Yan and he said this morning, Luo Yan frankly told himself that two princes had sent people to woo him. Then, since the other party has courted Luo Yan, it is also likely to have won over Luo Da, who is also an important official in the southern city of Beijing! And this attack, it is obvious that there is a very important person involved in it!

All the questions are interlinked, so the answer is ready to come out. The city guard Sima is not a real traitor. He is only ordered to open the city gate. The real traitor is Luo Da, who has been fighting with Luo Tianhan for many years! After thinking this out, Li Yuanhe couldn't help but take a long sigh of relief, and the doubts that have plagued him for the past two days have finally been solved.

After a short rest, Li Yuanhe recovered a lot of strength. He didn't hear much shouting from the city gate, which proved that the bandits outside the city had not crossed the moat. Presumably, they were still waiting for the spies to open the gate for them. Looking up, he saw that the soldiers of the pioneer camp sent out by Xu Wei were coming back with baskets of arrows on their backs. Li Yuan and this just picked up Zhangba long gun and walked out of the arch cave.

Although Chen Xuanchu's infantry battalion has not yet come down, with these vanguard Battalion soldiers, only a dozen or so soldiers are enough to defend the city gate. What Li Yuanhe wants to do is to go to the head of the city to find Xu Wei and ask for some people. I believe that with the previous contact, but also to the overall situation, Xu Wei will not refuse him.

Just out of the arch hole, I just saw the two footprints left by myself. I couldn't help shaking my head and laughing bitterly. It seems that it is not easy to wander in the army. Li Yuanhe had just turned around to go to the city. Suddenly, the whole person stopped. He suddenly thought of a question, that is, why didn't those spies sneak in while he was fighting with the soldiers guarding the city? Where are the spies?

Since we know that these city guards are the accomplices of those spies, those spies can't be chased away by the city guards, but even if these city guards are just chess pieces, those spies will not watch them be killed by themselves. There is only one answer, that is, these spies have other tasks to do.

Thinking of those spies skillfully stabbing, Li Yuanhe couldn't help but shiver. Several people with such skills are too dangerous in the present capital of South Beijing. If they want to have any task, in Li Yuan and the head of the first thought of a: assassinate Luo Tianhan!

Whether it's the noble people behind Wang Ye, or the masters behind Rhoda and those thieves, their goal in the south of Beijing is only one, that is to get rid of Luo Tianhan! When the spies found that there was little hope to open the city gate, they might choose a way to directly achieve the ultimate goal of the operation, that is, to kill Luo Tianhan directly, and then put all the charges on those thieves outside the city.At the thought of this, Li Yuanhe ran quickly towards the head of the city. At this time, the stone stairs leading to the city head were already full of soldiers from the vanguard camp with baskets on their backs. Li Yuanhe was blocked by the soldiers of the vanguard camp, but he lost his temper. As soon as he clenched his teeth, he jumped directly up the female wall beside the stone ladder and ran straight to the head of the city along the stone bricks on the wall.

As soon as he got to the head of the city, the king saw Li Yuanhe. As soon as he looked at him, his body was covered with bloodstains, and there were scratches on his chest armor. He knew that it must have been a fierce battle. However, looking at Li Yuanhe's still lively, he knew he was OK. He said with a smile to Li Yuanhe: "brother Li! It seems that you are right! The bandits outside the city are waiting for the gate to open

Li Yuanhe quickly looked out of the city. Sure enough, the bandits had already arrived at the moat, but they held up their shields and only defended the arrows shot from the city head. However, no one rushed through the moat in front of him and attacked the wall. It seems that Li Yuanhe is waiting for the spy in the city to open the gate as expected.

But now Li Yuanhe is not in the mood to take care of these things. He is busy looking around, but he sees that Xu Wei is squatting on one side, and Chen Xuanchu's face is even paler, and he is still lying on the ground with a trace of blood on his mouth. Wang also sighed at Li Yuanhe's side: "I'm afraid old Chen got into the top of the ox horn and was haunted by evil spirits. He just vomited blood! I was just about to explain to him that I would send some soldiers from the infantry battalion to help you, but I didn't expect that you came up first! "

However, Li Yuanhe walked quickly to Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei and said to them, "Lord Chen! Lord Xu

Chen Xuanchu opened his eyes slightly and looked at Li Yuanhe with a smile. He said softly, "I've just heard from Lao Xu. Your instructions are very correct. It's really talented people from all over the world! I think that we are all old. I should be wrong at such an important moment. I have negative expectations of the commander-in-chief! "

However, Li Yuanhe was not in the mood to talk to Chen Xuanchu. He said to Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei in a hurry: "Mr. Chen! Lord Xu! Don't mention these people. I just met the spy of the thief army. According to my estimation, the Lord of the city may be in danger now! You'd better take someone to protect the Lord of the city

"What?" As soon as Li Yuanhe said this, Chen Xuanchu, Xu Wei and Wang at the head of the city all changed their faces. Xu Wei immediately laughed and said, "you little boy will be alarmist! Do you know how good your martial arts are? Can a few spies be able to kill them? What's more, those spies can't even beat you, let alone the commander-in-chief! "

Wang also immediately agreed and nodded, although he came to the south of Beijing to get rid of Luo Tianhan. But Yu private, after this period of contact, he himself was also impressed by the spirit of Luo Tianhan, did not want Luo Tianhan to have any accident. But Yu Gong, if Luo Tianhan was removed by the noble's hostile forces, then the noble people's status in the royal family's mind would decline, which was not what the king wanted.

Seeing that no one was willing to believe himself this time, Li Yuanhe was so anxious that he said to the crowd, "although it is not wrong that the Lord of the city has great martial arts, this assassination is not just a few spies. According to my guess, Rhoda may also be the other party's spy. If he is around the Lord, the Lord will be in danger! " Said, also does not wait for the public to ask, then will just the matter after and their own speculation said again, for fear that people will not believe. Although Li Yuanhe can be said to have taken refuge in the hands of the noble man behind Wang Ye, but out of respect for Luo Tianhan, he also does not want Luo Tianhan to die in the hands of curfews.

Li Yuanhe's analysis is very reasonable. After he finished, Wang fell into silence. Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei were shocked. Chen Xuanchu even sat up.