Chen Xuanchu is also worthy of being the first general under Luo Tianhan. After a brief surprise, he immediately began to think. Before he came, he would be worried about gains and losses and got into the top of the ox horn, which was also caused by his desire to protect Luo Tianhan's troops. Soon, Chen Xuanchu gave instructions: "Lao Wang! Lao Xu! The two of you are leading the troops at the head of the city! Lao Wang, as long as the enemy does not attack, the archery camp will not shoot arrows outside the city for the time being. We must control the consumption of arrows! "

After hearing this, Wang immediately nodded and ordered the archery camp to stop attacking. With the help of Xu Wei, Chen Xuanchu stood up and said to Li Yuanhe, "brother Li! You and I will go to the city Lord's house and rescue the marshal

Li Yuanhe also nodded. Whether it was because of Chen Xuanchu's request or out of respect for Luo Tianhan, Li Yuanhe was willing to save Luo Tianhan. Immediately, Chen Xuanchu immediately gave a drink to the soldiers of the infantry battalion guarding the city: "all infantry battalions, listen! Follow me With that, he directly led Li Yuanhe and ran to the city. More than 500 soldiers from the infantry barracks followed them to the city.

Xu Wei couldn't help being stunned and immediately called out, "no way! I'm going to save the marshal, too

Then he yelled at the soldiers of the vanguard camp: "boys! I'm going to rescue the commander. During this period, all of you should obey the command of General Wang! In case of violation! Don't blame me, Xu Wei. I'll settle with you then! " After the roar, Wang and the soldiers of the vanguard camp did not wait for the king to react, so he went down to the head of the city in a hurry.

Chen Xuanchu, who had just stepped down from the head of the city, was reminded by Li Yuanhe and left about 100 people to guard at the gate of the city to prevent those spies from taking the opportunity to open the gate. Just after setting up the defense at the gate of the city, Xu Wei's voice came from behind. Chen Xuanchu turned his head and saw Xu Wei's pursuit. He frowned and said to Xu Wei, "old Xu! What are you doing with us if you don't keep a good watch over the city? "

"What are you doing? Of course, I want to follow you to rescue the commander! " Xu Wei also glared round his eyes. After saying that, he ran directly to the city. While running, he waved to the back and called, "why stop here, hurry up!"

Chen Xuanchu was also helpless, so he only put up his hands and ran after Xu Wei with Li Yuanhe and the soldiers from the infantry battalion. Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei were worried about Luo Tianhan's safety. Their feet were faster than those soldiers. When they got to the gate of the city Lord's mansion, they found that the soldiers of the infantry battalion had been left behind long ago. Only Li Yuanhe was not red and panting after him.

As soon as they got to the gate of the city Lord's house, their faces changed. They could only see at the gate of the city Lord's house, but the two soldiers who had been guarding the gate in the past were not found. Chen Xuanchu immediately found that there was a trace of blood hanging on one side of the threshold. Three people looked at each other, immediately felt a burst of bad, at the same time quickly broke into the door.

However, as soon as they stepped into the gate, they heard a few shouts. Several men dressed as domestic servants, armed with swords and swords, slashed at the three of them with grim faces. Fortunately, Li Yuanhe, Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei were all good at fighting back. They fought back at once, and then killed them by three strokes and five divisions, but they were just ordinary killers.

"These are Rhoda's men! I have seen it in his house before Xu Weiyi is holding a single knife, the other hand will turn over a corpse, showing his face, when even said. But if Li xuanluo and Chen xuanluo had not revealed their identity before, they would have been a suspect! Instead, it makes the three people more anxious. Rhoda can be said to be regarded as a confidant by Luo Tianhan. If Rhoda intends to plot against Luo Tianhan, he is afraid that Luo Tianhan will not escape this disaster!

Connected with this point, the three ran to the backyard of the city Lord's house. If there was no accident, Luo Tianhan should be in the study in the backyard at this time. Li Yuanhe has only been to the city Lord's house once before. The winding roads are too big. If Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei were not leading the way, Li Yuanhe would have to get lost in the mansion.

Through several corridors and courtyards, along the way, the three also encountered several groups of killers, of course, these killers can not stop them. The identity of these killers is no exception. Xu Wei and Chen Xuanchu both proved to be Luo Da's men. Just after killing a killer, Li Yuanhe faintly heard the sound of shouting and drinking coming from the front, and quickly called out to the two people who were leading the way: "Lord Chen! Lord Xu! Listen! It's like someone's fighting in front

At this time, Chen Xuanchu also heard the sound of shouting and drinking, with the sound of metal hitting in the middle. His face sank and he said, "it's in front of us, let's hurry up!" Under the leadership of Chen Xuanchu, the three men directly broke into a courtyard. They had just stepped into the gate of the courtyard. However, Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei were furious.

In the courtyard, a lot of corpses were fallen, including soldiers in armor, killers in household servants' clothes who stopped Li Yuan and them before, and several men in coarse cloth clothes. In the innermost part of the courtyard, about a dozen men in coarse cloth were fighting around several soldiers in armor. Among the soldiers, Luo Tianhan leaned against a stone table with a touch of blood on his mouth. Outside the encirclement, a goatee civilian officer was constantly whistling and drinking, directing the killers to kill the soldiers. The bearded civilian did not need to ask, but it was Rhoda."Marshal? Rhoda! Damn you Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei both had red eyes and yelled. Luo Tianhan's face turned like that. Needless to think, he must have been poisoned. But Luo Tianhan is very careful in ordinary times. What can make Luo Tianhan take poison by mistake is Rhoda, who is regarded by Luo Tianhan as his confidant! At the thought of this, Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei are eager to cut Rhoda into pieces. Immediately, two men, one with a sword and one with a knife, killed naroda.

After hearing the shouts of Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei, all the people present could not help but look at the gate of the hospital. Li Yuanhe recognized at a glance that among the killers who killed the soldiers, those spies who wanted to open the gate of the city before were astonished. Li Yuanhe didn't say much about it. He directly raised his Zhangba spear and rushed towards those killers. First of all, he had to relieve the pressure of the soldiers around Luo Tianhan and rescue him!

Seeing that Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei rushed over, Rhoda was immediately frightened that the two Buddhas were born, and his face turned pale. "Hurry up!" he yelled at the killers! Come and help me! Come and help me! Stop them quickly Those killers were sent to him by the authorities. Although their skills may not be comparable to those of Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei, these ten killers can stop Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei from killing themselves!

However, to Rhoda's surprise, those killers who had been obedient to him just glanced at him, and then continued to kill Luo Tianhan, ignoring Rhoda's life and death. Without the help of these killers, all of Rhoda's cronies were dead. Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei rushed to Rhoda without any hindrance. With a knife and a sword, Luo Da stabbed her heart through her chest. Luo Da looked at the angry Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei in disbelief. The whole person just shivered and softened.

Chen Xuanchu frowned. The reason why he and Xu Wei came to kill Rhoda was that he hated Rhoda deeply, but he also hoped to attract some killers to come here. However, they did not expect that these killers at the critical moment did not care about Rhoda's life and death. Instead, they accelerated their actions and were determined to take Luo Tianhan's life.

At the same time, Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei kicked Rhoda's body from their own weapons. They did not dare to delay at all, so they killed the killers. However, the spy leader who fought with Li Yuanhe before, but with a wave of his hand, several killers rushed to Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei from the side. The dagger with the weird blue light in his hand stabbed at their vital parts.

Of course, Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei know that the other party is trying to delay their actions. However, they have no way to deal with these killers, so they have to kill the killers who stop them. However, because of their anxiety, they can not quickly solve these killers.

However, at this time, Li Yuanhe, who had earlier rushed to the killer, had already rushed into the encirclement and stood with the soldiers who had guarded Luo Tianhan. Although the soldiers didn't know Li Yuanhe, they just saw Li Yuanhe come in with Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei, so they boldly let Li Yuanhe stand beside him and fight side by side.

Although Li Yuanhe's gun technique is not suitable for this kind of small fighting, just like when he was at the gate of the city, Li Yuanhe only needs to use his weapon advantages to block the attack of these killers. These killers have the same skills, but they are still the best of the spies who have dealt with Li Yuan and Li Yuan before. Although the number of them has increased several times, Li Yuan and his side also have more soldiers.

These soldiers all followed Luo Tianhan's own soldiers, that is, the remaining 100 cavalry Battalion soldiers in Jingnan city. Usually, they all got off their horses to guard Luo Tianhan's side. Only when Luo Tianhan also mounted a horse to fight, these soldiers would mount their horses and become a famous cavalry.