Wang also frowned, nodded and said, "when the third prince sent for us, it has been explained that we will take over the affairs here for the time being. After a period of time, the emperor will seek the will from his majesty, and let us take the corpse of general Luo Tianhan back to Biancheng. At that time, the third prince will also take the opportunity to send people to take over the military and political affairs of Jingnan city. Now, it is estimated that your Majesty's will will will be in these two days. "

After hearing Wang also said this, Luo Yan's heart was finally relieved and said: "listen to what you described before, the children of the Wanjia family and the sun family should not be important people. I want to come, the fifth Prince just appointed the Wanjia and Sunjia to send people to inquire about the situation of the southern city of Beijing. However, if we just use those trivial things to trap those tens of thousands of families and grandchildren here, I'm afraid it will not be a long-term solution. I can't say, it will only attract the hatred of the fifth prince! "

Wang didn't care. Anyway, their Wang family was already a strong supporter of the third prince. If he hated him, he was afraid that other princes would have hated them for a long time. However, Luo Yan and Li Yuanhe are different from him. How to say that Wang also has a Bian City Wang family to support them. They have no background. If they are hated by a superior prince, they will die miserably. Thinking of this, Luo Yan looked to Li Yuanhe on one side, but in his heart, he was more determined to work with Li Yuanhe and the United Front.

Now that you've offended me, just break the pot! Luo Yan immediately raised his head and said, "listen to you describe the children of the Wanjia and the sun families. They should not be fierce people. Let me have a trial! I don't believe you can't pry something out of their mouths! After the trial, we will With that, Luo Yan raised his palm and made a downward cutting movement.

Li Yuanhe can't help being surprised, but looking back, Luo Yan is not wrong. Now they have been involved in the struggle between several princes fighting for the throne. They can't help being half distracted and soft hearted!

At the moment, the three men quickly discussed the details. For the secret that Wang had said before, they all kept silent. After dealing with these affairs, it was very late, so they all said goodbye and went back to have a rest.

In a flash, three days passed. However, Wang also arranged for Li Yuanhe to recruit new soldiers, which did not mean that Li Yuanhe had nothing to do in these three days. After the previous battle, there were only 300 regular troops in the city. Later, Li Yuanhe introduced Cheng Hu and others into the army, but it was just a drop in the bucket. Although Jingnan city is located in the hinterland of the post Qin state, it does not need too many garrisons, but at least 1000 people are necessary. Now that you wang is also in charge of the military affairs of Jingnan City, it is natural to recruit the garrison.

However, Wang seemed to be busy with something these days, and he directly left the recruitment work to Li Yuanhe. Therefore, for the past three days, Li Yuanhe had to sit at the South Gate of the city, counting the people who had come to join the army. Because the treatment of soldiers in the state of Qin is so good, and the capital south city is located in the hinterland, there is no need to worry about going to the north to fight against the barbarians, so there are a lot of people who have signed up for the army. Li Yuanhe's task is to test whether those who come to register meet the requirements.

"One! Two! Three! Four! Ah With a sigh, a candidate was directly crushed to the ground by the stone lock. Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng, two brothers nearby, quickly pulled the stone lock away from the candidate. Fortunately, there was no injury. The candidate had only a red face and ran down from the platform with shame on his face.

"Who else needs to sign up?" Qian Laojiu, who was standing behind Li Yuanhe, yelled at the bottom of the platform. In this recruitment, Li Yuanhe specially recruited Cheng Hu and others from the barracks to be their assistants. Naturally, Li Yuanhe had a little selfishness in doing so. He hoped that he could cultivate a group of his own in the New Army recruitment, but the less people knew about it, the better. At present, there are not many people who can use Li Yuanhe's hands. The only people who are really trustworthy are those who barely count Chenghu.

Li Yuanhe took a look at Cheng Hu and others. From now on, these people have not let him down. They are doing things in an orderly way. Even the Zhao brothers, who are usually reckless, work in a sullen way.

In the twinkling of an eye, several young men climbed onto the stage to sign up for enlistment. According to the Convention, to pass the test and join the army, the first thing is to see the physical fitness. Today, Li Yuanhe has prepared a 30 Jin stone lock. All recruits who want to join the army must be able to lift the stone lock for 50 times. In the past three days, only more than 70 have passed the first test, and even half of the goal of recruiting new recruits has not been achieved.

Li Yuanhe couldn't help frowning. The southerners were already weak, and after the peace of the state of Qin for more than ten years, the common people were inclined to enjoy themselves. If this goes on like this, the strength of the army of the state of Qin will be greatly reduced in the future.

This time, a few of them have come up to the standard, and some of them have reached the standard. The two new recruits who met the standard went to Xu Liansheng's side, registered their names and other information, and then went to Ma Er Ma Zi and Wu San to get armor and weapons. Of course, it's not their old armour and some of their armour, but some of their regular armour and armour. Only when they have passed the final test can they become the real regular army soldiers of the post Qin state."Did anyone else come up and have a try? Is there anyone else? " Qian Laojiu continued to yell at the people under the platform. After three days, many people had already tried. Most of those still under the platform failed in the first test. However, they have not yet dispersed, but they are ready to sign up for the test of the soldiers guarding the city. Although they are not comparable to the regular army, they are still a bit eager.

After Qian Laojiu yelled three times in a row, suddenly from the outside of the crowd under the stage, there was a violent drink: "wait! Hold on! I'll try! I'll try it! " Then, from the direction of the sound, a huge strong man suddenly stood up. The tallest of the people around him was just around his chest.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let me pass The strong man muttered, picking off the crowd in front of him and strode forward. Those who were stripped away by the strong man are also full of resentment, but when he saw the strong arm of the strong man, the swearing words that just came to his mouth were automatically swallowed down, and they could only be secretly disgusted in their hearts.

So the strong man rushed to the front of the stage, put one hand on the table, and with a sound of "ha ha", he jumped onto the platform. At this time, Li Yuanhe could not help but feel happy. The strong man was tall, and his arms were as thick as those of ordinary people's thighs, but his face was white and tender, and he was very handsome.

If this face belongs to a weak scholar, Li Yuanhe may believe it, but under this face, there is a stronger body than Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng, which makes Li Yuanhe feel awkward. The strong man seemed to know that his appearance made people laugh. He couldn't help but blush and grabbed the back of his head.

Li Yuanhe held back his smile and motioned for the strong man to catch the stone lock. Looking at the figure of the strong man, he thought that the first level should be difficult for him, but the procedure still needs to be done again. As Li Yuanhe expected, the 30 Jin stone lock in the hand of the strong man was like a ball of cotton. The strong man took the stone lock and waved it for nearly a hundred times.

"All right! All right Qian Laojiu saw that the strong man was still in his mind. He had a tendency to continue waving, so he made a voice to stop him. The strong man threw the stone lock to the ground, just like throwing a rag. But the stone lock is heavily hit on the board, issued a huge noise, as if to remind people that it is a genuine stone lock, not cotton.

Li Yuanhe was also a little surprised. Although he had estimated that the strong man could pass the first test, he didn't expect to be so relaxed. Even with a smile, he asked, "what's your name?"

The strong man took a look at Li Yuanhe and knew that the man in front of him would be his boss, so he replied honestly: "my name is Cheng Jin. I'm from the north of the city. I have no father or mother since I was a child. The last time the bandits came, he pushed the only house I could live on. I have nothing but strength, so I'm trying to find a job in the city. Today, when I see the recruitment here, I'll give it a try. "

After that, he said to me, "I'll leave you with my head." After the last battle of guarding the city, Wang also promoted Li Yuanhe in accordance with his own authority. Now Li Yuanhe is also a partial general, and there is no problem to have a personal guard.

Cheng Hu immediately clasped his fist and went to the back with Cheng Jin. Cheng Hu had been promoted by Li Yuanhe before. This time, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to recruit new recruits and set up a team that belonged to Li Yuanhe, so he made preparations early. But in the past three days, what really attracted Li Yuanhe was the strong man named Cheng Jin. Li Yuanhe was able to take a fancy to Cheng Jin's future opportunities, so his words were very polite.

Just when Qian Laojiu was ready to shout again, suddenly, a cry came from the direction of the city gate: "get out of the way! Get out of the way! Don't block the gate