Hearing this, Li Yuanhe and others could not help but stand up and look around. At the gate of the city, I don't know when several carriages came. Only because Li Yuanhe set up a platform to recruit soldiers here, so many people were attracted. They even blocked the gate of the city, so that several carriages could not pass through. The coachman on the carriage was crying out in a hurry.

When Li Yuanhe saw him, he quickly turned to Qian Laojiu and asked him to help disperse the crowd and let the carriage pass. Then he looked at the chariots which were decorated with gorgeous decorations, but at a glance, it was obvious that the people in the carriages were not ordinary people. All of a sudden, Li Yuan and his heart moved, wondering, is this carriage is the person sent by the second prince?

Qian Laojiu still let Li Yuanhe feel at ease. In a flash, he evacuated the crowd blocked at the gate of the city. The coachman of the carriage also nodded to Qian Laojiu to express his thanks. At this time, it seemed that something was coming out of the carriage. The coachman quickly leaned over to listen and kept nodding his head. After a long time, he raised his body, clasped his fist at Qian Laojiu and asked, "this elder brother, do you know where General Wang yewang is now?"

After hearing this question, Li Yuanhe was more sure that the other party was sent by the second prince. He quickly explained to Cheng Hu and quickly walked to the gate of the city. At this time, Qian Laojiu was giving directions to the coachman. Li Yuanhe immediately stepped forward and said, "I am a subordinate of Lord Wang, but General Li Yuanhe! What can I do for you

Li Yuanhe had just given his name when he heard a exclamation in the carriage of the carriage. Then, a man's voice rang out: "are you Li Yuanhe?" Voice with a trace of surprise, but also some surprise, but let Li Yuanhe some confused.

However, since they have asked, is Li Yuanhe a fearsome person? Even if he has both hands clasped and worshipped the carriage, he said in a loud voice, "I am Li Yuanhe!"

"Squeak," the door of the carriage opened, and the coachman quickly got out of the carriage and went to the door and stretched out an arm. Then, a hand stretched out from the curtain of the door, and it just fell on the driver's arm. As soon as Li Yuanhe looked at the hand, he knew that he must be rich or expensive. Just looking at the skin on his hand, he could maintain a very white skin, which ordinary people could not do at all. In addition, there is the jade ring on the index finger. Under the sunlight, it seems that there is a cloud of smoke floating in it. I'm afraid that ordinary people can not afford to wear such ornaments.

Then, a middle-aged man in splendid clothes came out of the car. Li Yuanhe could not help but admire himself when he saw the appearance of the middle-aged man. This middle-aged man is about 40 years old. He is wearing a black official uniform, which is extremely clean and tidy, which makes people feel comfortable. But the middle-aged man's figure is just right. He is as tall as Li Yuanhe, but his figure is not as big as Li Yuanhe's, but he is not too thin. Wearing black official clothes on his body gives people a solemn and solemn feeling.

Then look up, hair neat geography into a bun, with a good blue jade hairpin good, leaving only the gray of the temples to the chest. If you look at his appearance, he is really beautiful. Under the eyebrows of a pair of lying silkworms, his eyes are bright and shining from time to time. Under the towering bridge of the nose, there are two curling beards and wide lips, but the whole face is convincing.

Faced with such a figure, Li Yuanhe could not help but salute the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man stepped forward with a smile, lifted Li Yuanhe, and said with a smile, "a few days ago in Biancheng, I heard that there was a young talent in the southern city of Beijing. Today, I saw that a hero turned out to be a teenager! I really admire you! I admire you

Li Yuanhe quickly worshipped the middle-aged man and said, "adults praise me wrongly! My humble position is just an ordinary Wufu. Fortunately, I have been appreciated by Lord Wang. Only in this way can I have the opportunity to contribute to our country. How dare you be a hero? " Judging from the clothing of the middle-aged man, Li Yuanhe knew that he must be a senior official, so he called the other party an adult, which was the most appropriate.

Immediately, Li Yuanhe made a gesture of invitation to the middle-aged man and said, "now Lord Wang should be handling military affairs in the barracks. Please follow me!" With that, Li Yuanhe secretly made a gesture towards Qian Laojiu. Qian Laojiu immediately understood Li Yuanhe's meaning and immediately turned around and secretly left. In fact, Li Yuanhe doesn't know whether Wang is in the military camp, so Qian Laojiu takes the first step to find Wang Ye and asks him to wait in the barracks.

The middle-aged man looked at Li Yuan and his small movements in the dark, but he didn't explain them. Instead, he said with a smile: "I'm Ouyang Ming, the head of the military department! This time, he came to Beijing south city to take over the position of Lord Wang and manage the city temporarily according to his Majesty's will. And urged Lord Wang to take the corpse of general Luo Tianhan to Biancheng! "

Department of war? Is such a person just a six grade official? However, Li Yuanhe did not believe that such a figure could be a low-level official in Bian city. However, Li Yuanhe did not show anything on his face, but secretly recorded it in his heart. Ouyang Ming must be an extraordinary person!

Immediately, under the leadership of Li Yuanhe, the two men, with several carriages behind them, walked slowly and leisurely towards Wang Ye's barracks. Along the way, Li Yuanhe deliberately slowed down the speed, that is to give Qian Laojiu enough time to find Wang Ye. But Ouyang Ming didn't seem to care, just chatting with Li Yuan and all over the world while walking.Finally, they arrived at Wang Ye's archery camp. Originally, it took only one incense stick, but it took them an hour. Li Yuanhe himself is a martial arts man, but there is nothing wrong with him. To his surprise, Ouyang Ming, a civil servant, has been away for a full hour, but there is no reaction. This anomaly also keeps Li Yuanhe in mind.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the camp, Li Yuanhe saw from a distance that Wang Yizheng was driving out of the camp with Qian Laojiu and a group of soldiers. He was relieved. Ouyang Ming, on the other hand, said with a smile: "General Wang! I haven't seen you for many years. I'm fine

Wang also looked carefully at Ouyang Ming, who said hello to himself in front of him. He seemed to be surprised. Then he also showed a smile. He quickened his pace, clasped his fist and said with a smile: "it's Lord Ouyang here! What a surprise! I haven't seen you for many years! It's a sin for me to meet you at a distance! Sin

After listening to Wang Ye's words, Li Yuanhe's heart was completely relieved. Although Li Yuanhe had guessed that ouyangming might have been sent by the third prince, he had not confirmed it, and it was not easy to ask him face-to-face. He was still worried. Now, although Wang is a little surprised, the smile on his face is from the heart. It seems that it was sent by the third prince.

Wang also went to Ouyang Ming, but in front of Ouyang Ming, he held up Wang Ye and said, "General Wang! Don't be so polite! This time I came here according to your Majesty's will! This time, General Wang defended the southern city of Beijing and made great contributions to resist the bandits! Your majesty Longyan is very happy. He specially orders that general Xuan Wang and a group of meritorious officials go to the capital city and reward them! "

Wang also immediately showed a happy face. When he knelt down on one knee to worship in the direction of Bian Cheng in the southeast, he said in a loud voice, "I will thank your majesty for your grace! hooray! hooray! Long live From the expression on Wang Ye's face, Li Yuanhe can see that he is really happy. It's also true that after so many years away from home, I can finally return home to be reunited with my family. It's really worth being happy.

Ouyang Ming didn't stop Wang Ye from doing this. Instead, he waited for Wang to finish the ceremony with a smile. Then he reached out to help Wang Ye again and said with a smile, "OK! okay! General Wang! You're not going to entertain me here, are you? However, there are still rewards given to the surviving officers and soldiers after the last war. How can we say that they should be taken to the camp and distributed to the officers and soldiers? "

Wang was a little embarrassed, and said with a red face, "Oh! Lord Ouyang! Don't call me general any more. I can't stand it! Lord Ouyang, please call me by my name as before! Lord Ouyang, please hurry up! Brother Li, please go and ask brother Luo to come! " Wang also didn't forget himself and said to Li Yuanhe with an apologetic face.

Li Yuanhe didn't mind these questions. With a smile, he took Qian Laojiu and went to the official residence to find Luo Yan. Ouyang Ming turned his head and looked at Li Yuanhe's back. He also said to Wang, "Wang is a good nephew. Is that Li Yuanhe who you praised in your letter?"

Wang also said respectfully, "yes! Lord Ouyang, this man has outstanding talent. He is not only skillful, but also very alert. If it had not been for his help, the city would have been broken by the people sent by the second prince! I think this person is really a talent, so I recommend him to the third prince. "

Ouyang Ming nodded and said, "although I don't have much contact with him, I've just got to know him. I'm really a great talent. I just don't know if this person's background is clean. Now in Biancheng, the situation of the third prince is not very good. If this person is a spy sent by other princes, then we can lead the wolf into the house! "

Wang also said solemnly: "please don't worry. During this period, I have explored the origin of Li Yuanhe. There is no problem indeed! But I think his ambition seems to be very big, this period of time has been in the training of his own team, just don't know if there will be any mistakes? "