At this time, on the mountain in the distant gorge, a military general in black armor was standing at the top of the mountain, looking at the end of the official road spreading northwestward. Just looking at the scars on his face, he exudes a ferocious spirit. This will not be anyone else. It is the chief general who came to ambush Wang Ye this time, Yuan Po, the bodyguard commander of the great prince's house.

Yuan Po was born in a humble family. More than 20 years ago, before the invasion of other nationalities from the Great Wall, Yuan Po was just a fallen warrior in the imperial capital. But fortunately, he was favored by the great prince, who was only the king's grandson at that time, and became a bodyguard of the palace. Since then, he followed the great prince to fight in all directions, and even saved the great prince in danger several times. He was loyal to the great prince.

This time, he was ordered by the eldest prince to intercept and kill Wang Ye, a direct descendant of the Wang family who went to Biancheng from Jingnan city. The Wang family has always been the loyal help of the third prince. Wang also made contributions in the southern city of Beijing and was praised by his majesty today. It seems that he is about to take up a post in the military department. In this way, the Wang family's influence in Biancheng is much stronger. If the king's family is strong, it means that the third prince is powerful. If the eldest prince wants to continue to fight for the throne, he can't tolerate this kind of thing, so he will let the first general come to get rid of the new star of the Wang family.

However, although yuan Po followed the great prince for several battles, he had no military talent. This ambush plan was planned by the counselors around the prince before Yuan Po set out. It's a pity that Yuan Po was only able to draw the ladles according to the pattern. He had prepared a lot of stones on the canyon, so he took people and horses to guard the mountains on both sides. He didn't even know that he had been found.

Seeing that the afternoon had passed, Yuan Pu could not help but feel a little anxious when he didn't see anyone coming. When he waved to his back, he called in a sergeant and asked, "are you sure what you saw in Yucheng yesterday is Wang Ye and his party? Why haven't you seen them here until now? "

The sergeant was a spy arranged by Yuan Po in Yucheng before. Yesterday, he saw Wang Ye and his party enter the city. Early this morning, he saw Wang Ye and others out of the city, so he rushed to inform yuan Po. But I didn't expect to see the figure of Wang Ye and his party. Seeing that Yuan broke his fiery temper and was about to send it to his head, the sergeant was so frightened that he could not help but shiver. Even when he knelt down, he cried and bowed to Yuan Po and said, "Report back to general! The villain sees clearly! That pedestrian takes the lead, it is a fat man, and drag a big coffin in their team! It says the name of general Luo Tianhan! "

Wang Ye's appearance yuan Po is known, it is a fat man, there are coffins in the team, I think there will be no mistake. But if the sergeant is right, why has he not seen the trace of this team? Yuan Po frowned. He couldn't do this kind of mental work. After thinking for a long time, Yuan Po still didn't understand why.

At this time, Yuan Po's relatives and soldiers began to give yuan Po advice. However, none of them said anything on the right point, but they made yuan Po a headache. Yuan broke dry crisp a burst of drink, and those who are still noisy were shocked, by the way, a few slaps, said aloud: "straight mother! I said don't use any ambush! Why should a team of tens of people make so many famous people? We have 600 people here! They can be wiped out any way we fight! "

Yuan broke his eyes and said, "Damn it! Why do I have to be so hard to guard, just pull people and kill them! Little ones! All down the mountain! Down the mountain Yuan Po was very satisfied that he could come up with such an idea. With a smile, he roared at the soldiers around him and asked them to give instructions to the men and horses on the opposite hill. Immediately, the men and horses of the two mountains were all withdrawn from the top of the mountain.

The head of another soldier at the top of the mountain was a general of Yuan Po's men. After following Yuan Po's orders and coming down with his men and horses, he asked yuan Po with a puzzled face: "general! Aren't we guarding on the top of the mountain, ready to ambush Wang? Why did you let us down all of a sudden? "

"Stop talking nonsense!" Yuan Po, however, waved his hand impatiently and said, "Wang Ye, such a childlike man, has not arrived yet! It must be his dandy style again. He's on the road while traveling! We don't have to wait here. They are only a few dozen! If we kill them head-on, we can get rid of them in one breath

"General The general quickly made a voice to stop him and said, "general! Before we set out from Bian City, my husband told us that we must lay an ambush on the road we must pass! How can we go against your plan and send troops without authorization? Please think twice, general

Yuan Po's face suddenly became overcast. He was just happy that he could come up with a solution. But now he was said by the general, and his mood immediately became bad. Cold drink a way: "is the so-called will be outside the military orders not to accept! Although he is resourceful and resourceful, how can he fully understand the changes now. Now that the king is not coming, are we just standing here still? "

"But, general However, the general still insisted on his own opinion and said: "Sir, as you said before, our operation is a secret operation, and we must eliminate all Wang Ye and his party. That is why we designed such an ambush plan. If this is the case, I'm afraid some enemies will be missed? "Yuan Po's face was more and more gloomy, but he had no good impression on the man in the mouth. In his opinion, the gentleman was helpless and looked sick all day long. However, he had a strong mouth and coaxed the prince to obey him. Now this general's words "Sir" on the left and "Mr. Sir" on the right are extremely harsh to Yuan Po's ears. Immediately, Yuan po said angrily, "that's enough! The prince asked me to take charge of this operation, that is to let you all listen to my command, not Sir! It's just dozens of people! We, the 600 cavalry, can't let them run away! I'm ordering the whole army to mount! March in the direction of Yucheng! "

Seeing that Yuan Po couldn't listen to his own advice, he was bitter and astringent. He worked under the emperor's hand. How could he not know the contradiction between Yuan Po and that gentleman. But at ordinary times, everyone didn't tear their face, but nothing happened. Even the prince didn't know that his first beloved general had such a contradiction with his husband. Now it seems that Yuan Po had made up his mind, and no matter how much he tried to dissuade him, he did not even have the opposite effect. However, the general had to carry out yuan Po's orders. Fortunately, Yuan Po's orders were reasonable. At that time, as long as you were careful not to let the other party's people run away.

Yuan Po's troops, however, were the guards of the great prince's house. They were not only well-equipped, but also equipped with mounts. At the command of Yuan Po, all the soldiers quickly mounted the horses and assembled at the mouth of the canyon. Yuan Po nodded with satisfaction, and with a big wave of his hand, he took this group of people along the official road and headed for the northwest.

Yuan Po's men, however, were all highly trained masters. They were all good at riding, and soon arrived at the place where Li Yuan and them stayed before. Although yuan Po had no military talent, he had been fighting with the prince for so many years. In addition, he was determined to look for the enemy. He kept his heart on the way. Looking at the official road ahead, he was immediately in front of him.

"Stop!" Yuan Po suddenly gave a big drink, indicating that the officers and men behind him also stopped. Looking at the empty road in front of them, those officers and men all looked at Yuan Po with doubts, and Yuan Po also realized that everyone's eyes were looking at him, and he could not help but turn over and dismount triumphantly, and made a gesture towards the general who had been arguing with himself before.

The general was suspicious, but still in accordance with the instructions of Yuan Po, he turned over and dismounted and followed yuan Po forward. After about ten steps, Yuan Po stopped, and suddenly pointed to the ground in front of him, and said with a proud face, "wait a minute, what's on the ground?"

However, the general looked down along yuan Po's fingers, but he saw that there were messy footprints all over the ground, including horse's foot prints, human footprints, and carriage marks. At the beginning, the general did not understand, but soon his face changed. He opened his eyes and looked at Yuan Po. He asked in a startled voice, "general! This, this is? "

Yuan broke a cold hum, put on a very angry expression, but his eyes showed a trace of satisfaction, said: "see not! This must be the footprints of Wang Ye and his team! To think of it, the king must have been here, but somehow found our ambush, this immediately turned around to escape! If you had stayed there as you said, you would have let the king escape Although yuan po said sternly, his tone was full of "or I have foresight" tone.

The general had already scolded yuan PO for thousands of times. He thought, if you were not a rude man who refused to send scouts, how could the other party find the ambush? However, naturally, he could not say it. He only pretended to be full of admiration. He paid a deep homage to Yuan Po and said, "the general is wise! How can I keep up with my humble position! In this case, the general should lead us to pursue it quickly. "

"Hum! Of course I know that! Do you still need to teach? " Yuan Po Leng took a drink, turned and mounted his mount, ignoring the fact that the general had not yet mounted his horse. With a wave of his hand, he led the soldiers to chase ahead.