Yuan Po took more than 600 people to the north along the official road, but he never saw any trace of Wang Ye and others. If there were no traces on the ground, I'm afraid yuan Po would have been angry. Rao is so, Yuan Po still turned back and glared at the general, drinking and swearing: "you have a look! The king has already run so far. If we follow you, I'm afraid we will let Wang run away this time! "

Although the general had scolded yuan Po to death in his heart, he had no choice but to admit that he was right. Yuan Po is still her boss. How dare he say that Yuan Po is not. Can only secretly scold yuan Po in the heart, this time the blind cat met a dead mouse.

With Yuan Po, this team has been rushed to the outside of Yucheng City, but still did not see Wang Ye's team. However, after seeing such a fierce group of men and horses, the city guards of the city of Henan thought of the siege of Jingnan city some time ago. Even when they were scared to close the gate, they even blew the trumpet on the head of the city.

Although yuan Po was a fool, he was not a fool. Now, he finally realized that something was wrong. However, due to his own face, Yuan Po still frowned and rushed to the city wall. He called to the garrison at the head of the city: "I am yuan Po, the bodyguard commander of the prince's house! Was there a large group of people in Malayu city before

After a long time, Xiong Gongming, the city keeper of Yucheng, put his head out of the city and asked cautiously, "what kind of hero are you? My city is just a small city, and I don't have much money. Please go to those big towns!"

Yuan Po and others in the city were almost not amused by Xiong Gongming's words. With Xiong Gongming's words alone, Yuan Po knew that he was a mediocre official. However, yuan was not an official of the Ministry of officials. He did not have the responsibility to manage whether Xiong Gongming was competent or not, and he had no leisure. "We are the troops from Bian city to meet Lord Wang Ye! Have you ever seen Lord Wang Ye At last, Yuan Po was a little clever and asked Xiong Gongming.

Xiong Gongming heard that it was the regular army from Bian city. If you take a closer look, you can see that these soldiers are wearing regular army armor. Xiong Gongming was relieved at last, but he could not help complaining. When the guard of this small town, he was scared every day. He sent away a batch in the morning, and now there are more. Xiong Gongming nagged in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it in his mouth. He had to smile and say, "general! Well, Lord Wang set out early this morning. Didn't the general meet him on the way? "

Hearing Xiong Gongming's words, Yuan Po's heart couldn't help but thump. He had some bad premonition, and quickly continued: "didn't lord Wang return to Yucheng?" However, Yuan Po just asked about the exit. After a close look, Xiong Gongming on the head of the city has disappeared. After a while, I heard a creaking sound coming from the gate. The gate was slowly opened. Xiong Gongming came out with a group of city guards and paid homage to yuan.

Yuan Po asked Xiong Gongming again what mood he had to deal with these rituals. Xiong Gongming was stunned by Yuan Po's question. Shaking his head, he replied, "well, the general is joking. Since Lord Wang has left, how can he suddenly come back?"

I'm in a trap! Yuan Po's heart exclaimed, and his face became gloomy. However, he still didn't understand what was going on. He clearly followed the mark of the other party! At this time, the former prejudice was also full of doubts and looked around. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and pointed to the direction of the wall beside him and exclaimed: "general! Look

Yuan Po turned his head and looked around, but he saw what the general was referring to. It was the soldiers who had been guarding the city in a hurry to close the gate of the city, but had not come to rush in. All these people looked at Yuan Po and others in horror. The usual ferocious city guards were so afraid of the troops in front of them that they were naturally more unpopular.

These are very common people! Yuan Po, however, did not know what he was going to see for himself, and gave him a impatient glance. But the general hastily explained: "general! Look at that carriage! And the horses! Obviously not what these ordinary people can have! It's definitely the official stuff! "

After listening to the general's explanation, Yuan Po paid attention to the carriages and horses among the common people. After the general reminded yuan Po, he immediately found out the problem. Yuan Po immediately exclaimed, "isn't this Wang's carriage? There's a sign of the Wang family on it! What's going on? How could Wang's carriage be in the hands of these civilians! "

However, the general took a look at Yuan Po, who was already a little crazy. He pressed down his contempt and asked his soldiers to come forward immediately and capture the people who were sitting on carriages and horses. However, the general did not doubt that these people would be under Wang Ye's command. Judging from their manner and appearance, they were full of common people. When they were captured, the general immediately asked, "where are your carriages and horses from?"

Those people were so scared that they couldn't stand up. They just sat on the ground. One of the middle-aged men shivered and said, "Jun, Jun Ye! These, these are two hours ago, when the villain passed the front of the official road, a few military masters gave it to the villain! The villains are telling the truth As the middle-aged man finished, the rest of the people also nodded and said yes.The general quickly asked, "where are those people now? The man who sent you the carriage and the horse This time, he mainly asked the middle-aged man. Other people were too scared to speak. The middle-aged man looked like a hunter. He was more daring and able to answer questions.

The middle-aged man finally calmed down a little, and quickly replied, "those military masters gave us horses and carriages, and then they went directly to the southeast! We don't know where they're going? Please spare your life! Villains don't know these carriages and horses can't be taken! If we had known, we would not have taken it even if we had killed us! " With that, the middle-aged man was already kneeling in front of the general and Yuan Po, kowtowing to them and wailing.

At this time, Yuan Po's face was already black with anger. Now, even if he was stupid, he knew that he had been cheated by Wang. Being cheated by a dandy who he despised before, Yuan Po certainly had a bad feeling in his heart. What's more, he made a big fool of himself in front of the Ministry. Even when he bit his teeth, his whip was drawn towards the common people in front of him.

Those ordinary people suffered great crimes without any reason. They did not know what they were for. They were beaten by Yuan Po's horse whip. They did not dare to resist. They could only roll on the ground in pain. The general around him couldn't bear to see it. At the moment, he only tried to dissuade him: "general! It's no use losing your temper now! I think Wang Ye and others must have bypassed us. We'd better catch up with them as soon as possible. "

Yuan Po had lost so much face, but what he could say was reasonable. He angrily whipped those people twice and turned to the stunned Xiong Gongming and others and said, "today's affairs, if someone spreads it out! Be careful of your dog's life Yuan Po is reasonable to say so. After all, if people with ulterior motives in Bian Cheng knew about his appearance in Yucheng, it would also bring a lot of trouble to the eldest prince.

After the order was properly ordered, Yuan Po and his men and horses began to run in the direction of the coming road. The speed of this run was faster than that just now. However, the general gave yuan Po an analysis and said: "those civilians met Wang Ye's group two hours ago! According to the speed of these civilians, the king should have sent the carriage and horse out of the place where we had seen the marks before. I still remember that there was a forest beside the official road. I think they must have been hiding in that forest at that time. When they saw that we were gone, they came out from the side and continued to move towards Bian city. According to their journey, they must have passed the canyon by now! However, they have to take general Luo Tianhan's coffin with them. Now that there is no carriage, the speed is certainly not fast. So as long as we keep chasing after them day and night, we can certainly catch up with them! "

"Well!" Yuan looked up and saw his resentment, but he had already seen that he was not angry. Even when he turned his head and yelled at the soldiers behind him, "have you heard me! Speed up the whole army! We must catch up with those rats

Those officers and men tossed back and forth, and were somewhat dissatisfied. However, there was no way for them to work under other people's hands, especially under a irascible person like yuan Po. Even if the boss was wrong, they did not dare to say so. Under helpless, only one after another, that sparse sound, listening to Yuan Po's ears, made yuan Po more and more angry, the evil fire in his stomach was all scattered on the horse, and the whip in his hand kept throwing towards the horse's buttocks, which made the horses howl.

The general on the other side saw yuan Po's angry appearance, but he couldn't help but secretly pleased. He thought that this time yuan was cheated. Even if Wang Ye's party was eliminated later, it would be a stain. When I return to Biancheng, I will make a small report next to the prince. Maybe my relationship with Yuan Po will be over!