When Yuan Po arrived at the place where they had found the footprints before, the sky was completely dark, and they could only barely see the road ten steps ahead through the moonlight in the sky. Because they had just left in a hurry, the officers and men had no tools to ignite the fire. General Yuan said, "the road will be broken in the dark! It's so late now. We'd better take a rest night and catch up after dawn. "

It's reasonable to say that, but now yuan Po is eager to catch Wang Ye and devour him alive. How can he wait. When he even glared at the general, he said, "don't say more! We will continue to pursue now, and we will not give up until we catch the king! All the officers and men! Follow me Said, is toward behind a roar, and then with the army to continue to move forward.

The general was helpless, but there was no other way to keep up with the team. At this time, bursts of night wind blowing, but let the general inexplicably more uneasy, but do not know where this sense of uneasiness comes from. Of course, the general would not tell yuan Po about this incident. Telling yuan Po about such a groundless matter would only be a reprimand.

Yuan Po's men and horses of more than 600 people quickly arrived in the valley where they had been ambushed before. However, Yuan Po did not have so many scruples and went straight to the canyon with his men and horses. At this time, Yuan Po's heart had only one thought, that is, to seize Wang Ye immediately, and to tear him into pieces, in order to vent yuan Po's hatred!


All of a sudden, a scream rang out, echoing in the narrow canyon, but it made the heart of the uneasy general jump violently. He immediately pulled the mount and could stop at the mouth of the canyon. Immediately, the prejudice looked nervously at the dark in the canyon and asked, "what's the matter? Who's screaming? "

However, the answer to Pian Jiang was only a mixed sound, and then there was a dead silence. This silence made the pian general's heart jump more and more fierce, almost from the general's throat. Just as the general was about to ask for a second time, a cry came from the canyon: "my Lord! don't worry! It was a brother's horse that stepped on a stone on the road and turned the horse over! Many other brothers have suffered too! "

will listen to one thing, and this is a long sigh of relief. He can not help but get his old face red. He himself is regarded as a war veteran. He can't imagine that he would be so timid today. I'm afraid yuan is now watching his jokes in the canyon. Just thinking about it, Yuan Po's voice came from the canyon: "Damn it! How can there be so many stones in this road Listening to the voice, I guess he was also hit.

The general thought about it for a while, but he tried to resist his smile. He immediately replied to him, "general, maybe it was during the day today when we were preparing a stone trap on the mountain. If you are careful to avoid it, there will be nothing wrong with it! In any case, it's not too late for now. It's better to be careful on this part of the road! " In fact, in the general's heart, he couldn't help but scold him. He should have fallen to death!

Yuan Po inside had no sound. I think he had already tacitly agreed to the general's proposal. Therefore, both those who have entered the canyon or those who have not entered the Canyon have lowered their speed. By the moonlight, all the officers and men carefully around the broken stones on the ground, and slowly walked towards the front. But the general was not in a hurry. He stayed at the intersection of the canyon, waiting for all the soldiers to get into the canyon. Then he followed others and walked in slowly.

The canyon was indeed the place where they had prepared to ambush before. The road was narrow enough for two carriages to keep abreast of each other, plus the broken stones on the road. If Wang also leads the troops to enter here, it is really like stepping into the gate of ghosts, there is no going out! Think of here, the general will not stop shaking his head, if not yuan Po impulse, then how can Wang escape!

Just thinking about it, he can't help but lift his head and look up at the line of sky between the mountains on both sides. The silver and white moonlight can only shed a ray of light from the hills on both sides. Suddenly, he seemed to see something shining on the top of the mountain. In a moment, the general felt that the light was getting bigger and brighter, even with a whistling sound. Then, the general heard "Puchi!" A sound, I don't know why, but will feel some of his neck cold, and even something from the neckline into his clothes.

"Well, is it raining?" Prejudice thought like this and opened his mouth, but he didn't know why, but he couldn't say anything. He felt his neck subconsciously with his hand. The hand on the neck, but found his neck in addition to a wet, but also a long, thin thing, is connected to his neck.

"Hum!" But now he can only make a sound that sounds hollow, and then he can clearly feel that his whole body strength is constantly losing, and the world is constantly rotating. Finally, his final consciousness is that his face is stuck on a cold soil, and he can even smell the rotten smell of the soil. And, of course, a little bit of blood that he had smelled many times.

"Ah! It's a landslide? " Suddenly, there was a cry in the canyon. Yuan Po had already walked to the exit of the canyon, but suddenly he saw a huge stone falling from the top of the exit in front of him. The big stone fell heavily on the ground, shaking the earth. Yuan Po could feel it even on his horse's back. But this is not the end of this, a block of boulders fell from the top, and constantly piled on the top of the previous big stone."What's going on?" Yuan Po was surprised to see the boulder in front of him. After a while, he built a stone wall that was several people high. Yuan Po couldn't help but exclaimed, and he quickly recognized that these huge stones were just the ones he and his subordinates had worked hard to move up the mountain, even when he raised his head and looked up at the top of the mountain.

Just as Yuan Chuang had just raised his head and looked up, he suddenly heard a sound of "whew". With years of experience in fighting on the battlefield, Yuan Po quickly judged the sound of this arrow flying. Without much thought, Yuan Po subconsciously dodged his body to the side, but a sharp pain from his arm showed that he did not completely avoid the arrow.

Yuan Po soon understood that he was ambushed! Just when he was ready to remind his subordinates, countless stones fell from the sky and hit yuan Po and the soldiers behind him, including several arrows. Yuan Po's subordinates were not as smart as he was. They were either hit by a stone or shot by an arrow.

Yuan broke his face and looked at the sudden change in horror. Fortunately, the pain on his arm made yuan Po react. This is not the time to be dazzled! Immediately, Yuan Po pulled the horse's head and clamped his legs. He drove the horse to the road. However, he did not rush out a few steps. Yuan Po saw from a distance that the entrance of the canyon was also blocked by large stones.

At this time, a burst of arrogant laughter came from the top of Yuan Po: "ha ha ha ha! General yuan! I haven't seen you for years! I don't know if general yuan is satisfied with the present I prepared for you? "

Yuan Po raised his head, pulled up his long sword at his waist and kept fending off the falling stones and arrows. He squinted and looked up carefully. But I saw a fat figure standing on the top of the hill on the other side. Then the moonlight, Yuan Po clearly see that smiling face, is not he was looking for the target Wang also!

"Wang Ye! How mean you are By now, Yuan Po naturally understood that all that he had encountered was a trap designed by Wang Ye. From the ambush to the ambushed, how could yuan Po accept the difference? He was so angry that his face turned red, and his blue veins on his forehead beat. Pointing at the king was a curse.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Wang also didn't care about yuan Po's drinking and scolding at all. He just laughed triumphantly and said, "general yuan! You're welcome! My brother is just treating him in his own way! Originally, these were all used by general yuan to entertain my younger brother! But I can't stand the reception of general yuan, so I'll do it for you! "

Angry at Wang Ye's words, Yuan Po would like to insert a pair of wings in both ribs and fly to the top of the mountain to cut Wang into hundreds of sections. But the reality is cruel, now yuan Po can only greet his subordinates, and constantly use weapons to resist those boulders from the sky. However, Yuan Po was still lucky. He ordered all the boulders on the top of the mountain to be moved up. At that time, the target was only Wang Ye's tens of people, so there were not many boulders.

Yuan Po is gambling now! Bet those boulders are not enough to kill hundreds of his men! As long as the rock on the top of the mountain is finished, Wang Ye's dozens of people will have no way to deal with him. When the time comes, Yuan Po will be able to take the rest of the soldiers to abandon their horses and climb out of the stone walls on both sides. As long as he can get out, Yuan Po is confident that he will defeat Wang completely!

Yuan Po Dang, who had made up his mind, even gave orders to all the officers and soldiers to get off their horses and hide under the horses to help them ward off the flying stones. Not to mention, this method really reduced the casualties of Yuan Po's subordinates, but pitied the horses, who were used as shields by their masters, which were smashed into flesh and blood and whined incessantly. Some of the horses were unwilling to be betrayed by their owners. They wanted to escape alone, but they were brutally killed by the soldiers. Their bodies also continued to bear the responsibility of shield.