With this method, as expected, the casualties were reduced a lot, which made yuan Po somewhat complacent when he resented Wang Ye. Just as he was hiding under the horse, laughing and imagining that he would kill the mountain, Wang Ye's frightened expression suddenly felt that his horse was lighter, as if there was no stone falling down.

Immediately, Yuan Po carefully stretched out his head and looked up. Sure enough, not only was there no stone, but also no arrow. Yuan Po was overjoyed. He immediately pushed away the body of his horse and drank to the soldiers beside him: "little ones! The enemy is no longer armed! Let's kill them and avenge our dead brothers

"Kill!" Those officers and men were originally bloody men. They had just watched their companions die, and were forced to hide under their own horses. They had already held back their fire. Now, hearing yuan Po's cry, one by one, they opened their horses, pulled out their weapons according to Yuan Po's instructions, and rushed to the stone walls on both sides.

All of a sudden, the soldiers who had just prepared to rush into the stone wall found that there was a dark sky on their heads, and the moonlight that had been sprinkled on the canyon was gone, so they all raised their heads. However, there was a large piece of things that did not know what fell from the sky. These officers and men were suddenly shocked and silly. They all rolled up on the ground one after another, holding their heads with their hands. Even yuan Po, who had just shown such bravery, was no exception.

A burst of noise, those inexplicable things fell on Yuan Po and other soldiers, but did not bring them the pain they imagined. Yuan Po could not help but slowly opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at his back, but found that what fell on him was a large piece of branches and leaves. But I don't know why, these branches and leaves seem to be wet.

Yuan Po seems to remember that there was no rain around here during this period. How could these branches and leaves be wet? What's more, why does Wang throw these branches and leaves down all of a sudden? If you want to lose it, you should throw away those heavy and heavy tree trunks! However, his anger soon made yuan Po give up to pay attention to these doubts. He threw his branches and leaves aside and yelled at the soldiers who were still lying on the ground: "what are you still doing? Don't rush up the mountain yet

With the roar of Yuan Po, the soldiers found that only a few branches and leaves had fallen down, and only a few of them were stabbed by the spines on the branches and leaves. The others were not in any serious trouble at all. Although some people doubted why the enemy had left so many branches and leaves, they were immediately frightened by Yuan Po and continued to rush towards the stone wall.

At this time, a cold hum came from the top of the mountain. Yuan Po, who had suffered a lot of losses in the whole day, could not help but shiver when he heard the cold hum. When he looked up, he saw that there was only a bright moon in the night sky. There were dozens of lights in the sky. Those lights were clearly arrows with fire!

Before Yuan Po could react, the rockets landed directly on the ground of the canyon. Yuan Po did not understand that there were at least three or four hundred people in the canyon, and only dozens of rockets could play a role. However, at the next moment, Yuan Po did not have this idea any more.

I saw that the falling rockets hit the branches and leaves on the ground, and immediately the flames on the arrows began to spread. Especially those who have not yet had time to shake off the branches and leaves, the flame quickly climbed up on them, burning them to make bursts of cry for help, and ran madly towards the surrounding companions, but it spread the flame to other people.

"Fire! It's kerosene! Oh, my God! These branches and leaves are full of kerosene The cry of panic from the soldiers around him solved the mystery in Yuan Po's mind. kerosene! No wonder the fire spread so fast! But the king on the mountain did not give yuan Po and others any room to ease, but continued to throw those branches and wood into the canyon.

At this time, Yuan Po could not care about the officers and men around him. He was the chief bodyguard of the great prince's house. Naturally, he had some skills. The stone wall at the exit of the canyon can block the ordinary soldiers, but it can't stop him. Although the name of Bian Cheng's first military expert is somewhat moisture, it still has some material!

Yuan Po completely ignored the howls of his subordinates and pulled his cloak off his back. While running forward, he kept blowing his cloak in front of him. Now the fire is not very serious, and he has finally opened a road. One breath rushed in front of the stone wall, heard yuan break a loud drink, a jump, and directly jumped on the stone wall. Although there was still some distance from the highest end of the stone wall, Yuan Po was able to see a protruding stone on the top of the stone wall, which was just right for him to settle down.

As soon as Yuan Po stopped, he immediately stabbed with his long sword and inserted it directly into the stone gap on the stone wall. Then, with the power of the sword stuck on the stone wall, it jumped to the top of the stone wall. Looking back, I found that more than 600 subordinates were still in the canyon at this time, surrounded by the raging fire, and they fell down one by one. Yuan Po saw that his eyes were cracked, but he finally refrained from going back. Facing the fat figure on the top of the mountain, Yuan po said, "Wang Ye! Today's feud, I yuan broke down, I want you to pay blood

On the top of the mountain, Wang also listened to Yuan Po's angry roar and laughed. At Wang Ye's side, Li Yuanhe, Luo Yan and Kong Ling are all looking at the situation in the canyon under their feet. Li Yuanhe also raised his head after hearing yuan Po's roar, glanced at Yuan Po's escape direction and asked, "brother Wang! Yuan Po's actions have been included in the second brother's plan. Why do you want to let yuan Po leave? Isn't it a case of raising tigers? "Wang also smiles and says to Li Yuanhe, "no! Yuan Po is not a tiger! But the eldest prince regards him as his confidant. If we kill him, I'm afraid the eldest prince will resent us and the third prince even more. At this stage, the third prince, the first Prince and the second prince are in a period of confrontation. If the first Prince and the second prince join hands, it will be more than worth the loss for the third prince! "

Li Yuanhe and others all nodded, but Kong Ling couldn't bear to turn back. This time, the strategy he offered to Wang Ye was an important reason for the death of these soldiers. In fact, there was no fire scene in Kong Ling's plan. Maybe it was the will of God. The people they met on the road were actually peddlers of kerosene. As soon as Wang saw the kerosene, he thought of setting the fire. The carriage and horses were still sent. In addition, Wang also bought all the kerosene in their hands with a large sum of money.

It can only be said that Yuan Po was doomed to escape the robbery. If he had been more careful when interrogating the vendors, he might have known that Wang also bought kerosene from them, then he would have taken precautions against it.

After this war, Wang Ye and Luo Yan finally understood the ability of Li Yuanhe's brother. He was doomed to die, but he was killed by Kong Ling. Fortunately, Kong Ling's uncle was standing on the side of the third prince, and Li Yuanhe, who had sworn to him, was also a comrade in arms on his side. Otherwise, if such characters were their own enemies, they would have to be worried even if they were sleeping.

Luo Yan gently relieved, turned his head and said: "I believe that after this war, we should be much more relaxed on the way to Biancheng, but the coffin transportation, there is some trouble!" With that, Luo Yan took a look behind him with a bitter smile. In order to cheat yuan Po away, they sent the carriage used to transport the coffin. Now the coffin is standing alone at the foot of the mountain.

"That's a good thing to do!" Li Yuanhe pointed to the forest at the foot of the mountain and said with a smile, "there are so many woods there. We can simply make a trailer. It's not far away from the next city. We can get there in half a day. When you get to the town, you can buy a new carriage. It's just that we need some blood from our rich Wang! " Among all the people, Wang Ye has the best family background. Of course, he also has a lot of silver on hand, so he is often called a rich man by Li Yuanhe and Luo Yan.

This fire is to burn Wang Ye's former adversary to flee, Wang Ye's mood is also great, when even the chest thumping, said: "good to say! Good to say! Ha ha ha

As the sky became clearer, the fire in the canyon began to extinguish. After such a fire, the whole canyon was scorched, but no one survived. Since then, this valley has been called ghost Valley by the people around, and no one dares to enter it. However, the local government had to open up a new official road for the common people.

After simply making a trailer with the trees in the nearby woods, he put Luo Tianhan's coffin on the trailer and pulled the cart with only a few horses left in the team. And Li Yuanhe and Wang Ye and others simply walk, talking and laughing along the way, but also comfortable. Until noon on the second day, they finally arrived at the next town. After finishing up, people did not stop as much as before, but continued to move towards Bian city.

Although it is speculated that there may not be any more interception, in order to prevent accidents, the public still deliberated and decided to speed up instead of moving forward as easily as before, as if playing. Finally, on the eighth day, they finally arrived at the destination of the trip, Biancheng, the capital of the state of Qin!