Biancheng, originally a prosperous city in the south of the Yangtze River, has a very convenient transportation because it relies on the direct current of Tianjiang river which runs through the Central Plains. Boats bring endless wealth to Biancheng. However, such a Bian city is just a prosperous city at best. Even compared with Jingnan City, which is not far away from each other, it is also inferior to it.

However, the change of Bian city began 15 years ago. The Qing Empire, which had been inherited for hundreds of years, collapsed overnight. The emperor of the great Qin Empire and all his sons committed suicide in the palace. The emperor's younger brother, Ying Yan, took his wife, children and children with him. Under the protection of general Luo Tianhan, who was also the capital of the emperor at that time, he crossed Tianshui and went south to Bian city. He took Bian city as the capital and established the post Qin state. Biancheng was transformed from a water town in the south of the Yangtze River to a capital of the Qin Empire.

Li Yuanhe came not far from the city wall of Bian City, looked at the towering wall in front of him, and listened to the introduction made by Kong Ling: "ten years ago, after general Luo Tianhan led the army of the post Qin state to fight in all directions, the boundary of the post Qin state was initially determined. Now his majesty, who had already ascended the throne as emperor, ordered to rebuild the wall of Bian City, which is now the wall of Bian city. Thanks to your foresight, your majesty built such a high and strong wall to resist the surprise attack of Dachang state, which was established by the southern Tu nationality five years ago, adjacent to our post Qin State! "

"Dachang state?" Li Yuanhe was far behind Kong Ling in this respect. He didn't even know what state Dachang was. However, he did not worry about making a fool of himself, because he found a habit of Kong Ling, that is, to be a good teacher. Although he did not know, he knew that Kong Ling would explain it to him soon.

Sure enough, Kong Ling gave Li Yuanhe a look that you were really ignorant of. Then he said excitedly, "now that the central plains are divided into two parts, the northern tribes have established three empires, ruling the northern people. But in the south, including our post Qin state, there are seven countries, namely, the state of post Qin, the state of Shu, the state of pre Tang, the state of Dazhou, the state of Dachang, the state of song and the state of Yan! "

"Among the seven countries, the strength of our country after Qin is the strongest. Of course, this is also due to the fact that general Luo Tianhan fought everywhere in those years." Speaking of this, Kong Ling's face showed a little admiration and a few regrets, "and next to us after the Qin state, is in the most Western Shu! The king of Shu was Yinghe, the king of Shu in the Qin Dynasty, and the cousin of his majesty. But I don't know why. It seems that the relationship between our majesty and the leader of Shu state is not good. If the other five countries were not separated between the two countries, I would have fought each other to death! "

Obviously, Kong Ling was not very interested in the gossip between the heads of the two countries. Although Li Yuanhe wanted to know why the later Qin State and the Shu state were at odds, Kong Ling did not continue to talk about this topic: "the five countries between the two countries, except Dachang, which I just mentioned, were established by the local Tu people in the south The country was built by the warlords of the original Qin Empire! In the former Tang Dynasty, Yan Delong, a general guarding the northwest, was preparing to lead his army to the imperial capital 15 years ago after he learned that the alien race had broken the barrier. Unfortunately, the emperor did not wait for Yan Delong to come, has been broken by the alien race. After the downfall of the Qin Empire, he continued to fight against the alien races in the north, and finally was defeated before crossing Tianshui. Yan Delong was loyal to the Qin Empire when he established the former Tang state to the east of Shu. At the beginning, he once said that as long as the Lord of Shu and the head of our country had negotiated, and one of them would inherit the throne of the great Qin Empire, he would be loyal to the whole country immediately! "

After looking at Li Yuanhe, who was thinking with his head down, Kong Ling confirmed that Li Yuanhe was listening to his own words, and then continued: "the state of the Zhou Dynasty was Zeng Xishan, the Lord of the southern Tianshui River Basin. He was not like Yan Delong. Before the collapse of the Qin Empire, he had a vague sense of self-reliance. After the destruction of Emperor Qin, he immediately established himself as king. Originally, he wanted to occupy the defense line to the south of Tianshui and take all the southern territory under his control. However, his army could not beat the heroic division led by general Luo Tianhan. After the whole army was defeated and fled, Zeng Xishan also died in the chaotic army. After that, his son Zeng Qing ascended the throne, and immediately presented a letter of surrender to China, becoming a subordinate state of China, now between China and the former Tang state. "

Li Yuanhe nodded. He thought Zeng Qing was really a character. The later Qin state could be said to be his enemy of killing his father. However, he was able to bear the humiliation and immediately chose to surrender when he knew that he could not do it, so as to retain the last bit of vitality of the state of Zhou. Such a person may be an important enemy of the post Qin State in the future! Thinking like this, Li Yuanhe also wrote down the name of Zeng Qing in his mind.

Kong Ling saw Li Yuanhe nodding and frowning. Now he knew that Li Yuanhe noticed Zeng Qing and gave a smile, but he continued: "as for the song state and Yan state, they are the weakest among the seven Southern States, but they are interdependent and survive before the strong enemies around them. It can be seen that these two countries are not idle. Zhao Kaixian, the head of the state of song, was originally a local magistrate, but he was popular with the people. At that time, the state of song was originally a part of the state of Shu. However, because the local officials of the state of Shu took bribes and abused the law, he provoked Zhao Kaixian to rise up and kill all those corrupt officials. Then he launched a rebellion, and finally almost hit Chengchuan, the capital of Shu state. But in the end, Zhao Kaixian withdrew without any reason, rowed away about ten cities of Shu state, established the state of song, and became emperor. "Hearing this, Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing and asked, "how can the Lord of Shu tolerate Zhao Kaixian's taking his own land? Even if the state of song could not be defeated for a while, it is still relatively easy to destroy the state of song with the power of Shu over the years? "

Kong Ling also shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't know. It's said that Ying He, the leader of Shu state, is not a broad-minded person. However, I guess it may be related to the former Tang state, which was just established at that time. According to the records in the book, when the former Tang state was just established, Yan Delong personally led his army which had been baptized by the fire of war and stationed on the border between the former Tang state and Shu state, and stayed for half a year. Half a year later, after the first World War, they retreated back, and then came the news that the state of Shu and the state of song officially established diplomatic relations. "

Li Yuanhe sidetracked his head and thought, but he couldn't understand. After all, he knew too little about the outside world. Soon, Li Yuanhe gave up thinking about these problems and raised his head and asked, "is there another Yan state? If you want to be able to survive among these countries, the Lord of Yan should not be a simple person, right

Listening to Li Yuanhe's interesting remarks, Kong Ling also couldn't help laughing and said: "good! The Yan state is more than simple! The chief officials of the other six countries are the Royal relatives and relatives, or the generals of the powerful side. Even the worst Zhao Kaixian, he is also dressed in official robes. However, the head of Yan state was neither an official nor a king, nor a general. Yu ruochai, the head of Yan state, was a merchant before the establishment of Yan state! "

"Merchant?" Li Yuanhe was really stunned. Although the society did not discriminate against the merchants like the Qin Empire, their status was still very low. Many officials and scholars looked down upon these merchants, but never thought that the head of the country would still be a businessman before!

"Not bad!" Seeing Li Yuanhe's surprised expression, Kong Ling was also very proud, and said with a smile: "this Yu ruochai is also a generation of outstanding people. Although he is a businessman, he is ambitious. Twenty years ago, before the collapse of the Qin Empire, Yu ruochai had foresight. He bought a lot of land in the south, hoarded grain, bought a lot of armor and weapons, and secretly trained the army on the land he bought. Fifteen years ago, when the world was in turmoil, Yu ruochai, with his troops, suddenly set up an incident and occupied more than ten cities. He established himself as the king of Yan and established the state of Yan. The time of self-reliance was only half a month slower than that of Shu. "

Li Yuanhe shook his head. He couldn't think about it. He asked, "why should he be allowed to survive after the establishment of other southern countries?"

Kong Ling said with a smile: "big brother! You also looked down on Yu ruochai, a merchant, just like the other lords at that time! After the establishment of Yan state, he first made friends with Dachang state in the south, and became a minister to Shu state. He offered a lot of money every year. Seeing that Yu ruochai was so knowledgeable about the current affairs, the Shu state did not fight against his Yan state. Dachang state, which was adjacent to Yan state, also needed Yan state to be his shield, so he also gave great help to Yan state. After Qin became the ruler of our country, Yu ruochai became a minister to our country, and also presented a large amount of money every year. Yu ruochai gave full play to his versatile talents in the business world, and bought time for him to consolidate Yan's political power. After the establishment of Song state to the west of Yan state, Yu ruochai immediately established an alliance with song state. At this time, Yan state had become a climate, and with the interdependence of Song state, even other countries did not dare to easily move them. The merchant experience of the Lord of Yan also made most of the merchants in the world famous. He brought a lot of wealth to the state of Yan. Yu ruochai did not disappoint these merchants and opened a convenient door for them in Yan state. Over time, the state of Yan has become a unique commercial country, and its existence has become a feature of the southern countries. "