Under the guidance of Li Yuan and the three of them, who received the will, slowly retreated to one side. For Li Yuanhe, the purpose of Ying Yan seems to have been promoted, but it is no different. This is just Ying Yan's response to Yingzhen, so that Li Yuanhe can serve Yingzhen in a fair manner. For Li Yuanhe, Ying Yan doesn't care much. Maybe for him, Li Yuanhe is just a pawn.

Although he is not angry about this, Li Yuanhe also knows that his identity is just a pawn for Ying Yan. Li Yuanhe couldn't help but clench his hands. Li Yuanhe, who had made up his mind, had never longed for power as much as he did today. Taking advantage of everyone's ignorance, Li Yuanhe, standing behind Ying Zhen, raised his head slightly and looked at Ying Yan, who was sitting in the carriage. The light in his eyes was gone.

After dealing with the affairs of Li Yuan and the three, Ying Yan, with the help of the internal servant, put on an extra linen coat on his body, and then put it on the inside servant's arm beside him and slowly got off the carriage. At this time, Li Yuanhe could see that Ying Yan's stature was not bad. It was also tall and powerful. It was a good sign of old age. However, he did not know why those princes would make a lot of money for the throne at this time.

At this time, a child who seemed to be only about ten years old suddenly came out from the back of the carriage. Although the child was young and looked very weak, he had a lot of elegant demeanor in his actions. The children's clothes are the same as those on Ying Yan's body. They are all made of white linen. However, from the gap between the clothes, there is a touch of yellow inside.

As soon as the child came forward, he waved the servant to step down. Then he reached out his hand and took Ying Yan's arm. He said respectfully to Ying Yan: "father emperor! Let the child help you to meet general Luo Da! " The child's voice has not changed, which proves that his actual age will not be more than 14 years old, but the tone of his speech is so mature.

Ying Yan laughed. He patted the child gently with his other hand, holding the back of his hand and saying, "it's still small five who is intimate! Good! When general Luo followed me, you didn't know anything. When you are old, general Luo has already gone to the south of Beijing. I don't think you have really met general Luo. This time, you can come with me to see general Luo. " When he said this, there was a trace of regret in Ying Yan's words.

The child immediately said to Ying Yan with a look of concern: "don't be so sad. If you want to come to the spirit of general Luo in heaven, you don't want to see him like this. Come on, father, let's meet general Luo With that, he took Yingyan and walked toward Luo Tianhan's coffin. It seemed that the child was very sensible, but inadvertently, the child showed a strange smile towards Yingzhen from an angle that Yingyan could not see.

This smile looks a little complacent, and some hostility, but it makes Yingzhen face more helpless. However, the smile on the child's face was fleeting. If Li Yuanhe was not behind Yingzhen, and just looked up, the smile on the child's face would not have been seen at all.

Li Yuanhe looked at the child a little strange. He put his head slightly to Wang Ye beside him and asked, "brother Wang, who is that child?"

Wang was also stunned by Li Yuanhe's question. After a long time, he replied in a low voice: "that's not a child. He's the fifth Prince's highness! He is also the most beloved prince of his majesty now

The fifth Prince wins the sheep? Li Yuanhe, some of whom couldn't believe it, looked at the child whose face was still childish. He thought of the children of Wanjia and Sun family who met in Jingnan City, and immediately felt that his head was not enough. Such a child should also participate in the struggle for the throne? It is said that the children of the poor are early masters of the family. What are the children of the emperor's family?

Wang Yuan and Li Yuan looked at the strange faces and wanted to understand immediately. But the front is win Zhen, some words, Wang is not good at this time to Li Yuanhe, when even with his elbow against Li Yuanhe, indicating that these things will be explained to him later. Li Yuanhe glanced at Yingzhen's back in front of him, only his head gently nodded.

At this time, Yingyan and Yingyang have already come to Luo Tianhan's coffin. Yingyan pushes away Yingyang's hand and slowly walks to the coffin. He stretched out his hand and gently patted it on the coffin, as if he was patting an old friend he had not seen for many years. Ying Yan said softly, "I say Lao Luo! Think about it. How many years have we not met? Well, well, it's been ten years! "

Speaking of the last sentence, Ying Yan's voice began to choke. The hand that patted the coffin began to turn into a slow touch, and Ying Yan's eyes began to become dull. Seeing his expression, he seemed to be remembering something. Ying Yan then said leisurely, "I met you for the first time. It was the imperial capital 25 years ago. At that time, we were all so young. You said that you should command the troops and horses of the whole world and expedition for the great Qin Dynasty."

"When I met you for the second time, it was 15 years ago, when the imperial capital was about to fall. You wanted to lead the city garrison of the imperial capital to fight against those alien armies, but I stopped you. From that day on, you decided to help me. In fact, I know that your heart has always been regretting that you did not die with your comrades in armsYing Yan's voice was full of emotion. The black generals mentioned were red in their eyes. Some of them were younger, and even began to wipe their tears. However, Ying Yan continued: "now I have become the king of a country. I promised that if I were the king, you would take charge of the military power in the world, but I never realized this promise. Until now, I still remember when you left Biancheng to go to Jingnan city! You said that you would wait in the southern city of Beijing one day when I asked you to lead the northern expedition. But you didn't wait for this day

"Father, don't be so sad!" Seeing Ying Yan's eyes turning red, Yingyang, the fifth prince, hastened to pacify him. "General Luo died for his country. He is a hero of the state of Qin. His father and emperor can treat general Luo's family well, which can be regarded as a compensation for general Luo's family."

"Ah! Sweet? You mean Yan Ran After Ying Yang's warning, Ying Yan seemed to remember that Luo Tianhan had a daughter in Bian city. Even when he turned around, he said to the internal servant who was following him: "pass on my will! From today on, I will take Luo Yanran as my adopted daughter! And canonize her as Tianhe princess! "

Just as soon as Ying Yan's intention was given, before the internal servant could reply, he heard a burst of metal beating. All the dozens of black armor generals knelt down toward Ying Yan. The big bearded general, who took the lead, turned red in his eyes and clasped his fist at Yingyan and said, "I will wait to replace the commander-in-chief. Thank you for your grace! Long live my emperor! hooray! Long live

"Long live my emperor! hooray! Long live The black armored generals behind the bearded generals all followed, and they all kowtowed to yingyanjie. Winning sheep rushed forward, one by one to these black armor generals to help up, and a slow step to win really can only look at the winning sheep's back, hate gnashing teeth.

However, these black armour generals are not fools. After seeing that the winning sheep helped them up, they all took a step backward and bowed their heads to express their gratitude to the winning sheep. Then they all stepped back to one side. That is to say clearly that they did not take refuge in winning sheep because of the performance they just won, but they were stunned.

However, Ying Yan used the corner of his eye to see the behavior of those black armor generals. A trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, but he did not make any explanation. He just wiped the moist corner of his eyes and said to the soldiers he brought: "pass on my will! Escort general Luo's coffin into the city! All the officials and people along the way kneel down to meet each other! "

"Here it is The imperial guards answered, and they directly ran out of about a dozen of them. All of a sudden, they surrounded the carriage with Luo Tianhan's coffin, and then watched them stretch out a hand at the same time and directly reached the bottom of the coffin.

"Up On hearing a leader of the imperial forest army drink a drink, more than ten of the royal forest army at the same time, even this weight of hundreds of Jin coffin high up. However, the faces of those soldiers still kept a calm expression. It seemed that the coffins on their arms were not coffins weighing hundreds of kilograms, but just pieces of paper weighing several kilograms.

At this time, with the help of the internal servant, Ying Yan got on the carriage again. He said to the golden warrior driving, "turn around! Today, I will personally open the way for general Luo! "

However, the golden warrior did not have any hesitation. After Ying Yan gave the order, he saw his hands pulling the reins, and the eight black horses in front of him made a neigh at the same time, and turned the horses obediently. Simply put the huge eight carriages at the gate of the city, it can be seen that the golden warrior's ability to control the carriage is absolutely superb!

At this time, at the side of the third prince Yingzhen, Wang Qiong took a small step forward and whispered to Ying Zhen: "Your Highness, do we have to show that we can't let the fifth Prince's highness buy people's hearts like this!"

However, she immediately put up a hand, shook her head, and said with complicated complexion: "no! Now we can't move! The dispute between us and the boss seems to have alarmed the father and the emperor, who is obviously very dissatisfied, so what we have to do now is to do nothing! As for the fifth, hum! It's not me who looks down on him! If he was the fourth, he might have some effect. How could he win the loyalty of those soldiers who used to live and die on the battlefield? "