"Brother Li! Brother Li! Are you up? " Wang also called out loud, and a strong knock on the door, but let the streets of Biancheng in the morning become a little noisy from the quiet.

"Here it is! Here we are An old man's voice rang out, and then a "squeak" was heard. The red lacquer door was slowly opened, and an old face full of wrinkles appeared between the two doors. After seeing Wang Ye, the old face showed a wry smile and said, "it's really General Wang! Oh, my God! General Wang, please take pity on me! Please knock on the door later. Don't be so loud! If you disturb the master's rest, you will suffer, but I am a slave

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" But Wang didn't have the slightest intention to correct, and he still said with a loud smile, "I say humble uncle! Don't complain to me again! I was born with such a loud voice that I can't change it if I want to! okay! okay! You should be tired. I'm here to look for brother Li this time! I have an appointment with him today

The old man said helplessly, "young master Li you are looking for is practicing in his yard now! You can go straight to him! I still have to go to plead with the master, otherwise the master must lose his temper and smash some things! Wangzai! Wangzai! Die for me! You come and take general Wang to find Master Li! "

As soon as Qian Bo's voice dropped, he saw a young man with a loyal face and a tired face coming quickly. As soon as he saw Wang standing at the door, the young servant slapped him in the face, but his face was much more energetic. He ran to Wang Ye with a smile and said, "General Wang! Hello, Little Wang Chai

However, Qian Bo kicked Wang Zai's ass with a kick and said with a smile: "don't flatter me there! Are you awake? When you wake up, take general Wang to master Li's yard! General Wang! Let the boy Wang Zai take you there! The old slave will leave first! " Said, toward the king also deeply a worship, spin even if turn around to walk toward the mansion.

Wang didn't care much about his seemingly rude behavior. Although he was only a servant of the Confucius family, he had been following Kong De, the master of the Confucius house, for many years, and he was half a family in the Confucius Mansion. Even Kong De himself was very kind to him. In addition, Wang himself was a bit out of touch, so he didn't pay so much attention to it.

After Wang sent off Qian Bo with both hands, he said with a smile to Wang Zai, the young domestic servant of that year: "Wangzai! Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead! I don't believe he can kick you like this with one foot! Get up! Take Ben and go to see your Master Li! "

"Haha! General Wang is brilliant With a smile on his face, he stood up from the ground without dusting off his body. He bowed to the king and made a gesture of invitation to the king. Then he walked in another direction of the house. And Wang is also swaggering to follow Wangzai's back, from time to time laugh and scold a few.

After several corridors, he had reached the side yard of the Confucius Mansion. The king also vaguely heard the sound of breaking the air in front of him. Then, I saw Wang Chai walk quickly to the door of a courtyard, turned his head and said with a smile: "General Wang! Master Li is practicing in it! I don't know what General Wang has to tell me

Wang also went to the gate of the courtyard. Sure enough, the sound of breaking the air became louder and louder. First he took out some copper coins from his arms and threw them at Wangzai. Then he waved his hand at Wangzai. As soon as Wang Chai's eyes brightened, he reached out and grabbed the copper coins that had been thrown at him. The smile on his face became more brilliant. In a moment, Wang Chai bowed and nodded, and left backward. Wang didn't take care of Wangzai, a domestic servant. Instead, he opened the gate and walked in.

As soon as you enter the courtyard, you will see a wide courtyard. However, unlike other courtyards of this house, there is no tree in this courtyard. There is neither bluestone nor turf on the ground. In addition to the innermost wing room, the whole courtyard is a vast land.

In the middle of the courtyard, a strong figure was flying, especially the silver gun in his hand, like a dragon, rolling around the figure. The sound of breaking the air that Wang had heard before was the result of this silver gun cutting through the air. After Wang entered the courtyard, he could feel that the sound was like rolling thunder.

And with the figure flying faster and faster, the dust on the ground gradually flew up from the ground, and before long, the figure was covered. In Wang Ye's opinion, if it was not for the sound of breaking through the sky still ringing, there were still gun shadows shooting like lightning from time to time, and even the existence of that figure would not have been detected.

Although Wang is not good at martial arts, he was born in a family of military generals, so he still has some insight. In his opinion, Li Yuanhe's shooting skill has improved a lot compared with that when he was in Jingnan city on that day. If he had such a good skill at that time, he was afraid that even if all the killers came to besiege him, he would not be able to make a good deal of it.

After about a stick of incense, I saw that in the dust flying in the middle of the group, suddenly burst out a spring thunder like cry and shout: "go Then, a silver light like lightning shot out of the dust, but it directly broke all the dust. From top to bottom, it hit the ground heavily. The ground couldn't bear such a strong blow, and it was knocked out a crack!"Good shot!" Wang Ye's eyes brightened when he even cheered. But looking at the middle of the yard, the dust settled down, and the figure gradually revealed, but it was a white robe. In the case of the dust flying just now, it was still spotless! This shows that even in just that case, Li Yuanhe still relies on the long gun in his hand to sweep the dust outside his body.

Li Yuanhe was closing his eyes and spitting out a long breath of turbid gas, which slowly opened his eyes. After that, Wang put out his hand and clapped his face! Come and sit in my room

Wang also came over with a smile, glanced at the ground where Li Yuanhe had just shot out a crack. He shook his head and said, "no wonder you will ask not to pave bluestone slabs in this yard. How can the bluestone slabs withstand your beating like this. It's better to knock it directly on the land. As soon as we fill it with loess, nothing will happen! "

Li Yuanhe laughed, but did not answer. Since the last time he met the emperor at the gate of the city, Li Yuanhe has officially become the chief bodyguard of the third prince Yingzhen's family. Of course, the chief bodyguard does not mean that he is in charge of all the guards in the third prince's house. In fact, Li Yuanhe has no one under him except Cheng Hu and others! However, it was Li Yuanhe's superior, Yan tiechun, who was in charge of all the guards in the third prince's house.

However, Li Yuanhe had not settled down in Biancheng. Originally, according to his official post before he came to Biancheng, Li Yuanhe, as a pioneer camp military academy, could live in the barracks. Li Yuan can't live in another camp, but he can only enjoy the welfare of his bodyguard.

Li Yuanhe didn't know many people in Biancheng. First of all, he couldn't live in the third prince's house. There were also his family members, so it was not convenient. Although the residence of Wang's family in Biancheng is large, Wang has already gone out of the house alone for a long time. He has bought another house in Biancheng. Wang Ye's house is not very spacious. Moreover, Wang Ye's family also has female family members, so it is not suitable to live there. As for naluo Yan, although the Emperor gave him a house, it was in a mess. Even Luo Yan himself now lives in an inn and is ready to clean it before moving in.

After thinking about it, Li Yuanhe had to turn to his brother Kong Ling, who had no residence in Biancheng, but he had an uncle, Kong De, who was a senior official. As a servant of the middle school official, Kong De naturally has a large mansion. In addition, Kong De is quite different in Biancheng. There is no female family member, and Li Yuanhe has no scruples about living in the Confucius residence. Therefore, Li Yuanhe has only temporarily disturbed the Confucius residence since this period of time.

As for Cheng Hu and others, they followed Li Yuanhe and moved into the Confucius Mansion. Of course, they didn't have such good treatment as Li Yuan and could enjoy the single family and single courtyard accommodation. They were all crowded in a courtyard. But it's good for them, and they don't complain.

In response to Li Yuanhe's request, the Confucius government specially changed the courtyard for Li Yuanhe. Originally, the courtyard is also a green green, planted with a lot of green pine and green bamboo, quite freehand. However, this is of no significance to Li Yuanhe. In order to improve his shooting skills, Li Yuanhe also asked to remove all the flowers, plants and green trees in the yard. He was stunned to turn an elegant courtyard into a martial arts training ground and practice his Zhangba shooting skills when he was free.

These days, not only because of their own will, but also because of the sign of Wang Yang, the head of the Wang family. Wang also and Wang Qiong came to the Confucius Mansion to look for Li Yuanhe every day. Today is also because he made a peace agreement with Li Yuan a few days ago. It happened that Li Yuanhe didn't have to go to the third prince's house to go hunting outside the city with Wang's brothers. So Wang also came to look for Li Yuanhe early in the morning.

Li Yuanhe took Wang into his own wing room, entertained Wang to sit down, then said with a smile: "brother Wang, you sit first, and wait for me to change clothes, then go with you!" Then he went into the inner room to change clothes.