Shame! This is a naked shame! Xiong Qian and the Dachang garrison on the head of the city were all in flames, staring at the sparse and loose Qin army outside the city. But the Kong Ling outside the city seemed to have not seen the hot eyes at all. He picked up a wine gourd from his horse's back and began to drink wine from himself.

"General! Please allow me to wait out of the city! " Those officers couldn't bear it any longer. Even if they took up the guy, they would go out of the city to fight with Xiong Qian.

"Nonsense!" How can Xiong Qian not be angry when he is so despised by the other party, but Xiong Qian still tries to suppress his inner anger. His face changes from red to white and from white to green, and finally slowly recovers his normal color. Xiong Qian took a deep breath and said, "don't you all forget what I said a few days ago? It must be the other party's plan to leave the city at this time! "

"General! These days, the other side has always been 3000 people to meet, we do not have to go out of the city, it is fair to say! But now there are only a few hundred people outside the city, and we are still scholars and soldiers. If we don't go out of the city, we will be ridiculed by people all over the world Xiong qian can bear this tone, does not mean that these officers can bear it, they red face to fight with Xiong Qian.

But how could Xiong Qian agree? Even though he waved his hand firmly, he said, "why don't you think about it! If the Qin army still sent 3000 people today, maybe I would agree with you to go out of the city to have a try! But didn't you see that? Why can't we reduce the number of people in the city to 500? It's very telling in itself! Pass on my general! No one is allowed to go out of town without my consent? Just wait for the other party to attack the city! "

After that, Xiong Qian simply ordered people to move a chair and sit directly on the head of the city to guard, so that the officer guarding the city could not help disobeying the general's orders. Seeing Xiong Qian's attitude is so firm, all the officers only have to look at me and I can see you. They dare not put forward the matter of facing the city any more. They can only faithfully perform their duty of guarding the city.

At this time, outside the city, Kong Ling took a mouthful, but he slowly drank the wine in the gourd and even belched. He wiped the wine in the corner of his mouth with his hand, and looked at the city still without any movement, but he was smiling. He waved his hand and stopped the soldiers who were still swearing in front of him and said, "give me the last few words and let's go."

Hearing Kong Ling's order, the soldier immediately licked his lips, swallowed his mouth, and continued to shout to the head of the city: "Xiong Qian! Our army leader, Lord Bo Kong, said it! Since you are so afraid of him as a scholar, we are all good men! Ashamed to fight with rats like you! Give you three days, if you don't surrender out of the city! The vanguard army of Qin will attack the city! Don't regret it then

After shouting, Kong Ling directly pulled the horse's head and took 500 soldiers to the camp behind him. At the head of the city, Xiong Qian listened to the soldiers of the late Qin Dynasty and looked at the sparse formation, but he gave a sneer. He said to the officers around him, "look, this last move is revealed! This is tempting us to pursue! If we go to the front to pursue them, we will be sure that we will be caught in the tricks of these Han people

None of the officers in Dachang had any doubt about what Xiong Qian had said. They all looked at Kong Ling's thin figure outside the city. One of the officers snorted coldly: "when the reinforcements arrive, I will certainly tear this scholar and the previous boy to pieces! In return for today's hatred

But Xiong Qian on one side heard the officer's cold hum, but he nodded with satisfaction and drank cheers: "well said! There is a saying in the Han Dynasty that it is not too late to ask a gentleman to take revenge! Although we have been humiliated by the Han people for a while now! However, as long as we keep the city and wait for reinforcements, there will be opportunities for us to revenge! At that time, I'm afraid you will be too weak to kill! "

Xiong Qian on the head of the city joked with the officers. In the camp not far away from the city, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were also laughing at each other. As soon as Kong Ling returned to the camp, he went directly to Li Yuanhe's big tent. In the big tent, besides Li Yuanhe, there are also a group of officers of the vanguard army, such as Xiao Yuesheng. However, these officers have no previous arrogance on their faces. Instead, they are full of admiration and shame.

Kong Ling and Li Yuanhe said hello to Cheng Hu who was guarding Li Yuan and behind him: "Cheng Hu! I'm so thirsty! Go and get me some drinks! It's just early spring, and the sun is so big outside! " He also raised his hand and touched the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, but he kept waving his sleeve to Chenghu with his other hand, urging him to do so.

Cheng Hu smiles and hugs his fist at Kong Ling, and he goes out of the big account directly. This time, Li Yuanhe, as the vanguard general, proposed Chenghu and others as their own close soldiers, but other soldiers dare not treat them equally. As we all know, they are Li Yuanhe's confidants. After the southern expedition, they will certainly be promoted with Li Yuanhe.

After a look at Xiao Yuesheng and others who are also in the big tent, Kong Ling makes a look at Li Yuanhe. Kong Ling turns around and says to Xiao Yuesheng and others with a smile: "everybody! Our previous bets will come to an end tonight. If we lose by then, please show mercy to your subordinates. Don't let me and the vanguard general lose face too much. "Hearing Kong Ling's words, Xiao Yuesheng and others were even more ashamed. Xiao Yuesheng bowed to Kong Ling and said, "Sir, you are so clever that you are ashamed of yourself! This bet doesn't have to go on. Xiao admits defeat! If the general and his husband want to fight and scold, Xiao has admitted to punish him! " With that, Xiao Yuesheng knelt down directly in front of Kong Ling.

However, Li Yuanhe, who was reminded by Kong Ling's eyes, hurriedly stepped forward and reached out to stop Xiao Yuesheng, but he was not allowed to kneel down. Li Yuanhe said with a smile, "General Xiao, please get up quickly! The previous bet was a joke between our brothers and the generals! Generals, don't take it seriously! Our brothers are just new comers, and we still have a lot of places to ask you for advice

Xiao Yuesheng and others are blushing with shame. Kong Ling also came with a smile and said, "General Xiao doesn't need to be like this! Speaking of all, our actions tonight will depend more on the generals With that, Kong Ling bowed his hand to Xiao Yuesheng and others, and bowed down respectfully. Li Yuanhe also quickly followed the salute.

However, Xiao Yuesheng and others were flustered. Xiao Yuesheng quickly stepped forward to hold Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling and said, "you can't make it! No way! General Lee! Kong Zhu Bo! don't worry! Let's leave this fight to us old guys tonight! Take care of Xiong Qian and capture the tortoise alive in front of the two

In fact, Xiao Yuesheng and others are not too old. They are both in their 30s and 40s. However, compared with Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling, claiming to be an old man is nothing. Seeing that Xiao Yuesheng took the lead in beating his chest, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling couldn't help laughing. Seeing the appearance of Xiao Yuesheng and others, Kong Ling also knew that he had recovered these spikes and that there was a lack of obstacle in the South expedition! However, this does not mean that the journey to the South will be smooth. Kong Ling thinks of some things and frowns. However, everyone in the big tent was in high spirits, and Kong Ling was not easy to lose. He only temporarily buried his worries in his heart.

Soon, it was midnight. Before that, Li Yuanhe had ordered that the whole vanguard army should have a good rest early, be full of food and be full of energy. Under the call of the officers, all the soldiers of the vanguard army gathered quietly in the middle of the camp. Li Yuanhe, Xiao Yuesheng and other generals all stepped forward to these soldiers.

In order not to be detected by the garrison at the head of the city ahead, the whole camp was not equipped with torches, and everywhere it was black, it could only be illuminated by the faint moonlight. Kong Ling raised his head and looked at the faint starlight in the sky, nodded and said to Li Yuanhe with a smile: "big brother! It's dark and windy tonight. It's just right for us to move! I wish you all success

Li Yuanhe smiles to Kong Ling by moonlight, and then puts his helmet directly on his head, followed by Xiao Yuesheng and others. Li Yuanhe took the lead to close the mask on his helmet, only showing two shining eyes. He turned to stare at the more than 3000 vanguard soldiers, and whispered: "all troops are ready! Start Although Li Yuanhe's voice is not big, the dignity contained in it is totally different from that of the ordinary Li Yuanhe. Even those officers who have experienced many battles behind him can not help but choose to listen.

With Li Yuanhe's order, the vanguard soldiers immediately separated out a team of men and horses, and quickly ran to each camp in the camp. Then, all the soldiers held out their hands at the same time, grabbed the barracks and pulled them hard. All of them were torn open. After the camp was torn open, it was exposed, but not neat bedding, but one by one big pit.

Each pit is the size of three people. There is a big pit in a camp. Beside the pit, there are already piles of earth. Seeing all these pits appear, Kong Ling on the side also shows a smile of complacency. These pits can be said to be the plans that Kong Ling has been operating these days, and is also an important trick that Kong Ling wants to use to capture the city of performing arts! Over the past few days, Kong Ling always asked Li Yuanhe to lead his troops, but he did not attack the city in a substantive way. He wanted to attract the attention of the defenders in Yan Tiancheng. He started to attack from these tunnels one by one this evening!