In Yantian City, since Dachang army occupied the city, curfews have been implemented all the time. Let alone pedestrians in the street, even the patrolling guards have been sent to the city wall to help guard against the night attack of the enemy outside the city. And in the whole city, no one would have thought that two or three thousand people had been assembled in the underground of the city!

In the cellar of a family, a wall suddenly vibrated slightly. After a few muffled noises, the wall was completely smashed and a big hole came out. A head with a helmet came out of the big hole, looked around for a moment, and then, with a whoosh, came out of the big hole, and the cat was directly beside a vegetable shelf.

Making sure there was no one else in the cellar, the figure made a strange whistle towards the big hole behind him. Soon, from the big cave began to gush out of the shadow, about 200 people came out, the cellar was not very big to squeeze is full. At this time, I heard a murmur from those figures: "light fire!"

Immediately, a lot of fire lights appeared among these figures, and three or four torches were lit at once, and the cellar was gradually illuminated. And in the crowd, a man with a mask helmet looked around the environment, he said with a smile: "or you several eye-catching! Even if we can dig this cellar, we must have an advantage over other teams this time! " Listening to this voice, it was no one else but Xiao Yuesheng, an officer of the vanguard army.

"Haha! The general is flattered The answer is a soldier standing in front of Xiao Yuesheng. He grabs the back of the head and says with a smile: "not afraid of general jokes! Before I joined the army, I once did the business of toppling tombs! The density and humidity of the soil around the cellar is different from that of the general soil, so the small soil can be judged! "

"Good! There is a future Xiao Yuesheng clapped the soldier on the shoulder and whispered: "if our team has made great achievements this time, I will guarantee you promotion to the rank of official! okay! Everybody ready! Divided into a team of five, first occupy this house! The goal is to keep the city in the center of the city! Laozi promised the vanguard general that he would capture Xiong and move the old tortoise alive

"Here it is All the soldiers drank in a low voice and worshipped Xiao Yuesheng. Then they began to march towards the entrance of the cellar. In fact, the owner of this house is just a common people in the city. After the city was broken, because of the restriction of Xiong Qian, there was no disturbance of soldiers.

However, the common people could not have imagined that so many armored soldiers would suddenly spring out of their cellar, and were immediately restrained by these soldiers. They did not even dare to resist. Naturally, Xiao Yuesheng would not embarrass these people who were originally the descendants of the state of Qin. He just asked a few soldiers who were not so fierce in appearance to pacify them and shut them in the inner room.

"General! Our present position is still a little far away from the chengshoufu, but there are no people on the streets in the city, which is very convenient for us to move! " The soldiers sent out by Xiao Yuesheng to investigate before rushed to Xiao Yuesheng's side. They saluted Xiao Yuesheng and reported the results of their investigation to Xiao Yuesheng.

Xiao Yuesheng frowned, a little distance from the target, obviously made him a little dissatisfied, but now his situation is much better than other teams. The other teams didn't have the cover of the cellar, and they didn't come out as smoothly as he did. Then, Xiao Yuesheng nodded, waved to the soldiers behind him, and whispered: "leave ten guards! The rest will follow me

With more than 200 people, Xiao Yuesheng jumped out of the wall of the house. As expected, as the soldier said before, there was no one on the street. However, Xiao Yuesheng didn't take it lightly. Xiong Qian was always steady and could not have no protection in the city. Therefore, Xiao Yuesheng suppressed his anxiety and drove cautiously towards the chengshoufu.

Xiao Yuesheng used to be stationed in the city, so he is quite familiar with it. After turning around several blocks, Xiao Yuesheng and his party have already arrived at the chengshoufu. Xiao Yuesheng saw from afar the city guard house full of torches, and quickly stopped the advance of his men behind him. He made a gesture and took the people to hide in an alley beside the street. Xiao Yuesheng himself is standing at the entrance of the alley, quietly stretched out a head, looking at the closely guarded city guard house.

"What a tortoise! Even if there are so many people in the enemy's house, they still guard the city lightly. " Xiao Yuesheng looks at the guards inside and outside the city. Although Xiong Qian is an opponent, he still can't help admiring his steadiness. "It's just a pity that the bear moved out of our race. Otherwise, Lord Bo must find a way to make him surrender! It's used by the later Qin Dynasty

"General! There should be no less than 100 soldiers in the garrison of this city! We alone can't destroy all the guards in the first time! What to do? " One of the officers following Xiao Yuesheng saw the scene of the city guarding the mansion beside Xiao Yuesheng, and immediately asked Xiao Yuesheng. According to the previous arrangement, they wanted to quickly eliminate the garrison of the city garrison and then capture Xiong Qian. However, under the present situation, they will certainly not be able to do so. If there is any delay, they are afraid that all the garrisons in the wall will come.

"What are you afraid of?" Seeing that his plan to win the first prize could not be realized, Xiao Yuesheng was also a little annoyed and drank in a low voice. Suddenly, from the other side came a burst of neat footstep sound, Xiao Yuesheng and others could not help but change their faces, and hurriedly withdrew their bodies to the darkness of the alley. After a while, I saw a small group of about dozens of people coming to see them wake up one by one. They should be the guards who just got up and came to take over.Xiao Yuesheng's eyes brightened, turned his head and murmured in the officer's ear, and then whispered, "hands and feet should be sharp! Do not let the enemy in front of the city guard the house find out! " After that, he patted the officer on the back of the head. Then the cat pulled out the big knife from his waist. However, he put the knife face under his arm to avoid being exposed by the moonlight.

Other officers and men also learned from Xiao Yuesheng, and drew their own swords one after another, followed Xiao Yuesheng against the wall and crept toward the entrance of the alley. When they got to the entrance of the lane, it happened that the team had just passed the entrance. Xiao Yuesheng, the leader of the team, looked at the back of the guards. A cold light flashed in his eyes. He suddenly flashed forward and rushed to the soldier who was at the back of the team.

The guard just felt a chill behind his back. Just about to speak, he suddenly put out a palm from the back of his head and directly covered his mouth and nose. Then, a cold feeling came from his throat. He didn't even have time to shout out a dull voice. He was so soft that he went straight to the ground and collapsed.

With the success of Xiao Yuesheng's attack, those soldiers and soldiers behind Xiao Yuesheng are also moving towards the team of tens of people. If it comes to the ability of the soldiers, the soldiers of the later Qin state can be said to be among the top seven in the south. How can these dozens of newly awakened defenders compare with more than 200 fierce post Qin troops? They have learned about them. However, Xiao Yuesheng was also mentioned earlier, or left two alive. After they got the job, without Xiao Yuesheng's instructions, the officers and soldiers immediately dragged the corpses of the guards into the alley. Apart from a few indistinct blood stains on the ground, no one could see what had just happened in the street.

After a long time, dozens of soldiers wearing Dachang army armor came out of the alley. Naturally, these people were Xiao Yuesheng with a cadre of vanguard troops. As for the more vanguard soldiers, Xiao Yuesheng handed them over to the officer under his command. As soon as they made trouble in the city garrison, he came to meet them. After the account was completed, Xiao Yuesheng, with dozens of people, swaggered towards the chengshoufu, including the two Dachang soldiers who were deliberately let go.

"Stop! Who is it? " Before Xiao Yuesheng and others came to the gate of the chengshoufu, they heard a loud drink. Suddenly, several dark shadows jumped down from the walls of the chengshoufu, which were the secret sentries arranged by Xiong Qian. At this time, they are closely watching Xiao Yuesheng and his party, and the dozens of garrison at the gate of the city garrison also put forward their weapons and face this side.

Xiao Yuesheng can't help but wipe a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't rush here by force. I'm afraid that the whole city's garrison will know before they rush to the gate of the city's garrison! Xiao Yuesheng quickly and implicitly pointed to the captured guard in front of him with a knife.

The guard obviously felt a chill on his back. He immediately put on a smile and said to the soldiers in front of him, "I'm Wang San of the tiger camp! Isn't it the right time for us to change shifts? " However, the smile on Wang San's face was too reluctant. Fortunately, the light here is not clear now, otherwise these secret sentry soldiers will find out the wrong places.

However, those secret sentry soldiers were not released because of Wang San's words. One of the secret sentry soldiers glared and said, "Wang San! Since you are a veteran in the army, you should know the rules! Don't say there's nothing about it! Tell me the code

And the code? Xiao Yuesheng was surprised. Thanks to the two survivors, he could not conceal the defenders. However, he was also very dissatisfied with Wang San's actions. Obviously, he wanted to suppress them. He immediately sent his knife forward slightly.