Xiao Yuesheng laughed and said, "general! I really have something to do with you! We want to invite you and Master Kong Bo to have a drink to celebrate the victory. It's also an apology for the previous rudeness! They have set up a banquet in the best jadeite square in the city. They also invite the general and Master Kong Bo to show their respect! "

Of course, Li Yuanhe would not refute Xiao Yuesheng's face. He then said with a smile, "brother Xiao, you are welcome! My second brother and I must go! Wait for a moment, brother Xiao. I'm going to call out the second brother! " After that, Li Yuanhe turned around and went to the mansion. When he got to the study, he couldn't help but tell. He pulled out the Kong Ling who was dealing with the government affairs and said something about it. Kong Ling just thought about it for a moment, and then he readily agreed.

When Xiao Yuesheng and his brothers came to the feicui square where the banquet was held, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were stunned. I thought feicuifang was just a restaurant, but looking at the decoration of the small building, it was clearly a brothel! Although Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling are also the leaders of the younger generation, in terms of women, they are both genuine first brothers. Listening to Xiao Yuesheng's greeting at the door, their legs are just like cast iron, but they can't move.

Seeing their appearance, Xiao Yuesheng, who is also a brothel frequenter, immediately understood it. However, with a smile, he came forward, grabbed their arms and dragged them inside. Finally, he dragged them into the emerald square. As soon as I came in, it was a large courtyard, surrounded by small buildings of three floors, which formed a courtyard. And Xiao Yuesheng called directly to the courtyard: "madam! Don't find me some red card girls to serve you

"Oh! Junye! Don't worry! There is nothing good about feicui square, but there are many beautiful girls there! I will serve you all in comfort A middle-aged woman with heavy make-up immediately rushed out, twisting a red silk scarf in her hand, gently patted Xiao Yuesheng's chest, and said with a smile: "if you don't believe me, you can ask the masters above, and you can keep them all comfortable."

However, Xiao Yuesheng ignored the middle-aged woman's eyes and turned to Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling and said, "General Li! Kong Zhu Bo! Brothers are already happy! Let's go up quickly, too

Hearing Xiao Yuesheng's words, they were even more embarrassed. They were neither advancing nor retreating. Fortunately, the old lady was also used to the world. She immediately knew that the two young people were higher than Xiao Yuesheng. She quickly changed her target and walked to the middle of Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling with a smile. Her hands were directly under their arms. She put her big chest close to their arms. She said in a soft voice, "how beautiful you are! It's a pity that I'm old and old. Otherwise, I must serve the two young masters myself

The procuress's arrival, however, made Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling more embarrassed. Kong Ling had completely lost his usual calm expression. His face was red and his mouth was open, but he couldn't say anything. Finally, Xiao leaped forward to help the two people out of the siege: "madam! Don't you hurry to find some beautiful girls to serve our general and your majesty! Be careful that I'll take someone to copy your jadeite square

Although Xiao Yuesheng's words were very vulgar, the procuress was not unhappy at all. Instead, she released Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling with a smile and said to them, "don't worry! None of the guests from our jadeite square are not satisfied! Yuerong! Huarong! Come and greet the guests The last few words are aimed at the small building on the right.

"Here it is! Here we are A few Jiao Di Di Di's voice immediately returned to me, only to see two gorgeous young women from the exit of the small building. The two women also have a bit of beauty. The red makeup on their faces is also very colorful. In addition, the light gauze on their bodies makes their beautiful and graceful figures appear, which makes Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling look straight.

Xiao Yuesheng looked up and down at the two women and nodded with satisfaction. The procuress was satisfied with Xiao Yuesheng. Although there was nothing on her face, she was relieved. After so many years of staying in this happy field, she knows that these military masters are not easy to be provoked. If she did not serve them well, she might have led troops to seal her Jade House. As soon as the two young masters saw that they were first brothers, they were easy to deal with, so as long as Xiao Yuesheng was satisfied, the rest would be easy to handle.

Immediately, the procuress quickly called up: "Yue Rong! Huarong! You two are lucky today! Can serve such a handsome young master! Don't hurry up and take these two gentlemen upstairs Hearing the bustard's greeting, the two brothel women rushed forward to hold Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling, skillfully sticking their plump bodies to their bodies and panting in their ears.

Xiao Yuesheng, with a smile, made a gesture of invitation to Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. He took them directly to the second floor. When he found a hall, he pushed the door into it. There is a big round table in the hall. There are rich drinks and food on the round table. All the generals in the vanguard army are sitting around the round table. Of course, there are also beautiful and charming brothel women who are constantly teasing them.

When she saw Xiao's wife, she immediately stepped up to the front of the building! Why did you go so long! I'm waiting for you in a hurry Say, the expression on the face is a pair of resentment, but the resentment also shows a trace of charming, really let people heart."Ha ha ha ha ha!" Xiao Yuesheng is not the first brother like Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. He hugs the brothel woman in his arms. His palm is tilted directly behind the brothel woman and grabs hard. However, he turns his head and shouts to the people in the hall: "ladies and gentlemen! I'm lucky to live up to my life! General Li and Master Kong Bo are invited here! " Finish saying, holding the brothel woman in the arms to the side a let.

"General Li! The main hole is thin! " Seeing Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling, a group of officers immediately got up and saluted them. Those brothel women around them were surprised, especially after seeing the appearance of Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. I didn't expect that these two men were so young that they were the superior of these officers. Especially after seeing Kong Ling's handsome appearance, they couldn't help but envy Hua Rong, the brothel girl beside Kong Ling.

Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling are not ordinary people. After a period of embarrassment, they are gradually getting used to it. At least they are not as helpless as they just came in. This banquet in the brothel is also a kind of current fashion. Li Yuanhe also knows this. Even with a smile, he said to the people in the hall: "you don't have to be polite. Elder brother Xiao said that today is a celebration banquet! You don't have to be polite

After that, Li Yuanhe took the initiative to hold Yuerong beside him and went straight to the round table. Kong Ling also took Huarong with him. Xiao Yuesheng invited them to the upper seat and sat down in turn. All the people present are from the army, and they are very open-minded. After a period of formality at the beginning, they gradually let go. They either toast each other or laugh with the beauties around them. The atmosphere is very lively.

Xiao Yuesheng motioned to the beauty beside her to fill her glass with wine. She stood up, raised her glass and said to Li Yuanhe and Kong Lingjing, "General Li! Kong Zhu Bo! We're all good at guns! I have offended both of you before! I'm here to make amends to both of you with this glass of wine! Please don't worry about it Finish saying is to drink the wine in the cup in the hand, and then turn the wine cup upside down to light it for two people to see.

Seeing that Xiao Yuesheng apologized solemnly, all the generals also looked at Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling, expecting their reaction. In fact, this is also the main reason why they invited Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling to dinner. Before, they were indifferent to Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. That was because they thought that Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling had climbed up through the relationship and looked down on them more or less. If Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling really have no ability, they are not afraid of Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. After all, the officialdom of the post Qin state is still Qingming. They have nothing to do with them. They will not have a good future.

However, after the first battle of Tiancheng, they found that although Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were young and promising, why should they not be developed if they were as related and capable as they were? If Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling's rudeness to them these days has been kept in mind, then these officers will have a bad future!

Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were familiar with the wishes of these officers for a long time. Now seeing Xiao Yuesheng act like this, they looked at each other with a smile, and then stood up at the same time, holding up the cup that had been filled by the beauty and drinking the wine in the cup. Li Yuanhe said with a smile, "brother Xiao, your words are heavy! Our brothers are very young. We have a lot to learn from you! This southern expedition is of great importance, and there will be a big battle to be fought in the future. I need your help a lot! "

Seeing that the two men took up the toast, all the officers on the scene were relieved in their hearts. They were polite to Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling, and toasted Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling one after another. Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling also took over, but also lost Li Yuanhe's drunkenness several times ago, and his drinking capacity gradually increased. As for Kong Ling, Li Yuanhe put him on the table when he was drunk last time. So although the two people have been a bit wobbly, but they can hold on, did not make a fool of themselves in public.

Just as the atmosphere in the hall was getting better and better, suddenly there was a loud noise outside the hall: "bastard! My childe is always served by Yuerong and Huarong! How dare you change these mediocre and vulgar powder to make up for my childe? I've eaten leopard gall