After hearing this arrogant cry, the first people who changed their faces in the hall were the two brothel women nestling next to Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. The second is Xiao Yuesheng. He often lingers in the carnival. His drinking capacity is not so good, so he is not drunk. He soon remembered that the two brothel women who accompanied Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were Yuerong and Huarong.

Xiao Yuesheng, who often competes with others in brothels, immediately knew that there would be trouble, but for him, it was just trouble. At present, the vanguard army is the strongest in Yantian City, and all the officers of the vanguard army are in this hall. No matter who the childe is outside, he doesn't have to worry about it.

However, Xiao Yuesheng's only thought was that he didn't want that childe to disturb Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling's interest. After all, he invited Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling to come. If people didn't have a good time, he would have no face. After a glance, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling didn't seem to notice the noise outside. Xiao Yuesheng made a gesture to an officer on the other side and wanted to get up and go out to solve those problems.

But before Xiao Yuesheng gets up, he hears the sound of "Dong", and the door of the hall is kicked open. Then, we saw dozens of people dressed as domestic servants rushed in from the door, and finally a young man in a long white shirt came in. Looking at the young man's appearance, pale and emaciated, he knew that he had been immersed in wine and excessive consumption.

The young man looked at the hall, his face was gloomy, especially when he saw the two brothel women Yuerong and Huarong were leaning against the two men, and their faces were as black as ink. He said coldly, "Yuerong! Huarong! You two bitches! I haven't been here for a month. How dare you serve other men? "

The young man's face was ugly. Xiao Yuesheng and other people's faces were not much better. Originally, according to Xiao Yuesheng's idea, it was to try not to make things big. If the other party talks well, maybe Xiao Yuesheng will find an excuse to have the two women replaced, because he can see that Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling actually don't care much about the two brothel women.

But now the other party is so rude, Xiao Yuesheng, who is also a fighting man, will not be so angry, even if it is a cold hum: "where the dog! procuress! What's the matter with you? Even let these people like a dog come here to disturb men's interest! Don't you want to keep the emerald square open? " Xiao Yuesheng did not look at the young man, directly at the door of the procuress.

The procuress could only complain in secret. She just wanted to reply, but she was slapped out by the young man who looked more and more ugly. The young man saw that Xiao Yuesheng looked at himself as if he had nothing. He could not help but pointed to Xiao Yuesheng and swore: "where is the old earth hat? You don't even know me, Mr. Wu? "

"Mr. Wu?" This time, it was not Xiao Yuesheng's reply. Li Yuanhe glanced at the elder Master Wu with half open eyes. Although he was a little drunk, he saw the scene that the elder Master Wu had just started to beat the lady. Although he just recognized the pimp, she was respectful to him. At this time, she was beaten by others, and her heart was inflamed. However, her face was still calm and said, "I have never heard of Mr. Wu! Have you heard of it, second brother? "

Kong Ling is now between drunk and non drunk. In fact, he has no reaction to the things around him. He just holds Huarong, a woman in the brothel, drinking and listening to Li Yuanhe's questions. Kong Ling is stunned and stares at the Master Wu at the door. However, he shakes his head and replies vaguely: "Mr. Wu." ? What, Mr. Wu? I don't know! I don't want to recognize it! Come on! Beauty! Let's have another drink

When Kong Ling finished, he held up his glass and reached for Hua Rong in his arms. Hua Rong was already pale. She didn't know how capable the man was, but she knew the identity of the eldest son of Wu. At least in the original performance City, this eldest son of Wu can be said to be a bully in the city. Not many people dare to offend him.

To talk about this eldest son of Wu, he is actually the son of the Wu family who is the richest man in Tiancheng. This Wu family has settled down here since it was built in Tiancheng, and has been engaged in business for generations. This is also a great family business. In the generation of Mr. Wu, the Wu family can be said to be the real master of the city of performing arts. There are thousands of soldiers in the family. However, Mr. Wu often bullies men and women, but no one in the city dares to treat him. Even if Xiong Qian captured Yantian city on that day, there were only a thousand soldiers in his hand, and they did not dare to treat the Wu family. Fortunately, the Wu family did not show any hostility to Dachang army. Instead, they sat and watched Yan Tiancheng be captured by Dachang.

When the Dachang army attacked Yan Tiancheng, Wu Shouye, the contemporary master of the Wu family, ordered the Wu family to stay in the Wu house. When Li Yuanhe and his vanguard army recaptured Yantian City, Wu Shouye lifted the ban and opened the Wu mansion. But the ban, which lasted more than a month, has stifled Mr. Wu, who is used to eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. As soon as the ban was lifted, Mr. Wu went to the Jade House to find the old lady.After hearing Kong Ling's drunken talk, the eldest son of Wu couldn't help getting angry. But before he could get angry, Li Yuanhe snorted coldly and said to Xiao Yuesheng, "brother Xiao! I don't know Mr. Wu. I don't know whether it's your friend or not? If not, don't let him barking here, or you will disturb your brothers' drinking interest

"Damn it!" When Mr. Wu heard Li Yuanhe's words, he couldn't help it. In fact, although Mr. Wu is usually a dandy, his father, Wu Shouye, has long told him who can and who can't. If they had been wearing armor at this time, Mr. Wu would have retired. But another question is, where is anyone wearing armor on the brothel? Li Yuanhe had planned to go shopping in the street like ordinary people, so today, no matter Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling from chengshoufu, or Xiao Yuesheng, who arrived earlier, all wore ordinary civilian clothes and looked like a group of ordinary people. Even if they are polite, what can they do to them? Don't beat them to death

Those domestic servants and Mr. Wu are used to it. They are the only ones who bully others. They have never seen themselves bullied by others. When they hear the taunts of Li Yuanhe and others, they can't help it. Now, hearing the order of Mr. Wu, they rushed to the table one by one. Those brothel women at the round table immediately screamed and hid under the table.

At this time, the officers were laughing at the same time. Their drinking capacity was much better than that of Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. Although they were not as sober as Xiao Yuesheng, they were more impulsive. See these dogleg son unexpectedly still dare to start a hand, do not wait for Xiao Yuesheng to direct, all agreed to rise to welcome up.

These family servants of the Wu family are not as good as the soldiers of the Wu family. They usually rely on the force of the Wu family to bully others and bully the ordinary people. However, it is not enough to see these men who often fight in the battlefield. Although there were only seven or eight officers, in the twinkling of an eye, the dozens of domestic servants were beaten to pieces, all lying on the ground and wailing.

I didn't expect that these ordinary villagers would be so fierce. In a flash, he beat his men down. Mr. Wu couldn't help but turn pale. Looking at the officers staring at themselves one by one, Mr. Wu stepped back involuntarily, but he knocked down the railing outside the door and almost didn't turn over. Looking at the several people who were slowly approaching him, Mr. Wu couldn't help but say, "you, what do you want to do! I, I, I am the eldest son of Wu family! If you touch a hair of mine! Don't want to get out of the city alive

"Ha ha ha ha! What a big voice At this time, Xiao Yuesheng came out of the hall slowly. Staring at Mr. Wu, he said coldly, "for so many years, Xiao hasn't heard anyone dare to open his mouth and take my life!" What Xiao Yuesheng said is true. Although Xiao Yuesheng is just a general now, his prestige in Bian Cheng army is not low. Even the prince dare not say that he will kill him.

Mr. Wu still hasn't figured out the origin of the people in front of him. In fact, only the lady who was present really knew that Xiao Yuesheng and others were officers of the post Qin army who took Yan Tiancheng back from Dachang army. But the procuress was slapped by Mr. Wu, and even his front teeth were knocked down. How could he be so kind as to remind Mr. Wu.

Just at this moment, a voice came from the next stairway: "stop it! Don't be rude to the little Lord Suddenly, dozens of soldiers, wearing simple armor and holding spears, rushed out in front of Mr. Wu. With a brush, he pointed all the spears in his hands to Xiao Yuesheng and others, who were the official soldiers of the Wu family. Naturally, these soldiers were sent by Wu Shouye to protect his precious son. Originally, they were guarding the gate of feicui square, but just after hearing the screams from inside, they realized that something had happened and all of them ran in.