Jiangcheng was originally the last city on the border between the state of Qin and the state of Dachang. However, this city is not as high and thick as Yantian City, so it can only be regarded as a small city. However, the city's effect on the later Qin Dynasty was actually just a beacon tower. Therefore, Jiangcheng can often be occupied by Dachang and taken back by the later Qin Dynasty. The residents in Jiangcheng are not necessarily Han people, on the contrary, there are many people living in Nanman.

When Dachang army invaded houqin, it was the Jiangcheng city that was first occupied. For the residents of Jiangcheng, it was already a matter of habit. They also lived their own lives as usual. Many local businessmen even saw this time and sold the wounded medicine or grain and grass they usually hoarded to the troops who had just entered the city.

Today, the general of Dachang who is guarding Jiangcheng is Meng Jie, an unknown little general in Dachang state. At this time, he is frowning in his own city guard's house and feels headache. Two days ago, the second prince, who had just set out from Jiangcheng, passed by Jiangcheng in a mess and spent the night. The news from the second prince surprised Meng Jie.

A hundred thousand troops! A hundred thousand troops! Even in the performance of Tiancheng, the whole army is destroyed! Although the second prince recalled thousands of soldiers one by one, many of them lost their weapons, and there was no way to continue fighting! Is the post Qin army now powerful to this point? But why were eight cities easily captured by Dachang army before?

When the second prince came to Jiangcheng yesterday, he was probably ashamed, but he did not tell Meng Jie how he lost 100000 troops. Therefore, Meng Jie is very afraid of the army of the post Qin army. There is no doubt that the post Qin army, which destroyed 100000 Dachang troops, will take advantage of the victory to pursue and attack Jiangcheng. There are less than 500 garrisons in Jiangcheng. How can the small Jiangcheng resist the tiger wolf division.

It is not that Mengjie didn't want to lead troops to retreat before, but he gave up the city to the enemy without fighting a battle. Even if he returned to Dachang safely, he was afraid that only the sword of the criminal Department of Dachang state could meet Meng Jie. It is certain that we can't take the road of retreating first. However, if we stay here, menjie does not have the confidence to be able to resist the attack of the other side. Maybe he can't resist the first World War and will be defeated by others. Meng Jie's loyalty to Dachang does not mean that he is willing to pay the price of his life.

"What? What to do? " Mengjie walked around the small assembly hall. Since the second prince left with the defeated army, Mengjie ordered the whole city to be on guard. All the gates of the city were closed and ready to fight at any time. Although there has been no news of the enemy's attack up to now, Meng Jie's heart seems to be hanging by a thread, and he can't go up or down. Thinking of this, Meng Jie can't help but feel a little angry. This time he asked someone to find a relationship to come to Jiangcheng. Originally, he was trying to gain some credit, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing. The second prince is also. Go and go. He took all the thousands of defeated soldiers away! Although those defeated troops have no morale, they can stay in Jiangcheng, how much can make Meng Jie's heart have some bottom, right!

"General!" In the heart of Meng Jie, when he was thinking wildly, he suddenly heard a sound of shouting and drinking from the outside of the assembly hall, which made Meng Jie's heart jump suddenly and turn around mechanically. I saw a soldier running in from outside with sweat on his head. When he saw Meng Jie, he knelt down directly and said, "general! City, find the enemy in the north of the city

At last! Mengjie heart a sigh, should come, hide is unable to hide, after hearing this news, Mengjie even more calm than before. Taking a deep breath, Meng Jie gave a big drink: "come on! Get my armor and weapons! And, order the whole army! Gather at the north gate of the city! Resist the enemy

"Here it is As the saying goes, generals are brave. However, the boldness that Meng Jie erupted at this time shocked several soldiers nearby. When they just heard that there was an enemy attack, their timidity disappeared. They all bowed to Meng Jie in high spirits and went down to carry out Meng Jie's orders.

After everything is ready, Mengjie takes the garrison to the north of the city. People on the streets along the way saw it, but there was no panic at all. Those who should go shopping and do business still set up stalls on the street, as if the battle to be carried out outside the city had nothing to do with them.

When Mengjie arrived at the north end of the city, he heard the sound of war drums just outside the city. The sound of war drums was like beating in the heart of Mengjie, which made Meng Jie feel a little sweet in his throat. When he went to the top of the city and looked out of the city, he could not help feeling dizzy. If he had not grasped the wall to support his body, he would have made a fool of himself in front of the garrison soldiers.

Outside the city, a group of about 2000 black armored soldiers were lining up in a neat formation within the range of the archers at the head of the city. In front of the black armored soldiers, a black armored general riding a black horse, holding a very long silver gun, looked up at the city. The horse under the general's seat did not know whether he knew that the war was about to start. He was very excited and kept running back and forth. If the black armour war was not under control, I'm afraid the horse would rush up now.

And behind the black armored general, two black armored soldiers with big arms and round waists stood there. They carried a big flag. The weight of the flag was only one hundred and eighty kilograms, but it was as light as nothing in the hands of the two black armored soldiers. On both sides of the flag are white characters on a black background. On the left side is written "Hou Qin" and on the right side is "pioneer Li"!As soon as he saw these two flags, Meng Jie understood that the army in front of him was the vanguard of the southern expedition of the post Qin state. Looking at the prestige alone, the more than 2000 soldiers stood there, and it seemed that Mengjie could smell a burst of bloody smell from outside the city. Now Mengjie has been able to determine that the army in front of him must be the army that broke down the 100000 army of the second prince, and the comparison of the number of troops has been unconsciously ignored by Mengjie.

Meng was not only frightened by the soldiers, but also looked forward to the city. Especially in front of the other side's battle, the black armored general could not see his face clearly because he was wearing a helmet mask, but Mengjie seemed to be able to feel the cold light from his mask eyes and was staring at himself closely. The feeling was like being watched by a demon climbing up from the underworld, which made people shudder.

The post Qin army outside the city is naturally the vanguard of the southern expedition, and the black armour general leading the team is the vanguard General Li Yuanhe! Li Yuanhe waited for Qian Laojiu's men and horses to come back in the performance of Tiancheng, and immediately started to kill them all the way to the south. Along the way, when they met the enemy, they rushed to kill them, and when they met the cities, they occupied them. It took only five days to recover all the six cities captured by the state of Dachang.

However, Li Yuanhe also had to admire the troops of Dachang state. Even though they knew they were invincible, they still resisted to the end. As a result, the vanguard army suffered some losses in each battle. Along the way, the 3000 vanguard troops had already lost about 4500 people. But compared with the results of the whole journey, it is also a great achievement.

But this is also due to the defeat of the second prince who fled south. Now Li Yuanhe is chasing after the second prince. After seeing the defeat of the second prince, all the defenders in the cities along the way were demoralized and had little fighting spirit. If it hadn't been for the fact that the Dachang army was all composed of the southern barbarians, and those generals and soldiers had always accepted the idea that they would never surrender to the Han people, I'm afraid that Li Yuanhe would not have to fight against them. The defenders of these cities would have been scattered.

After solving the six cities, Li Yuanhe set out for Jiangcheng, the last target of the southern expedition. Seeing that the Dachang army was so vulnerable all the way, Li Yuanhe even felt that he wanted to attack Dachang state at one go. Wouldn't it be more credit for that?

The reason why Li Yuanhe has such an idea is that Kong Ling is not following him now. Although Kong Ling told Li Yuanhe that recovering the rest of the city would not arouse Ying Zhen's suspicion, Kong Ling stayed in Yantian city to wait for Ying Zhen's troops to arrive and explain to Yingzhen in order to guard against Zhou fan's playing tricks around Yingzhen. If Kong Ling stayed at Li Yuanhe's side, he would certainly stop Li Yuanhe's crazy idea. We should know that Dachang has a strong national ethos and is always difficult to capture. Otherwise, as early as Luo Tianhan's time, he would have been defeated by his army.

Li yuanhegei didn't have so many scruples. Now he is full of confidence. He is waiting to break through the small river city in front of him, and then lead his troops to Dachang to establish his outstanding achievements! Thinking that he would lead thousands of vanguard troops to conquer the capital of Dachang state in the future, Li Yuanhe was full of excitement. Even though he pointed his spear at the garrison at the head of the city, he said, "listen to the garrison on the head of the city! Open the door and surrender! I will spare you from death! If we fight in a corner again, we will not blame general Ben for killing you

Although Meng Jie, the guard General of the city, was very afraid, it was impossible for them, the southern barbarians, to turn to the Han people, their enemies of generations. Immediately, Meng Jie took a deep breath, stopped his shaking body and called out to the outside of the city: "Han dog! Don't talk nonsense! Attack the city if you can! Look at your grandfather how I cut off your dog's head