After listening to Mengjie's arrogant words, let alone Li Yuanhe. Even the officers and men of the vanguard army behind him were furious. The Zhao brothers, who were responsible for carrying the flag, glared round their eyes and stepped forward to Li Yuan and said, "general! Please allow your subordinates to fight! I'm going to kill the bloody thief

The cold light in Li Yuanhe's eyes shot out from the mask. His left hand was raised directly and made a gesture to stop. Along the way, Li Yuanhe heard the word "Han dog" the most. Although Li Yuanhe had known for a long time that the hatred between the Han people and the southern barbarians had reached the point of no tolerance, the two words still made Li Yuanhe angry.

Li Yuanhe was not interested in fighting with the garrison. He held up his spear, pointed to the wall in front of him and said, "break the wall! Kill all the dogs With Li Yuanhe's command, all the officers and men of the vanguard army immediately howled and attacked the city wall in front of him. The momentum was just like that of thousands of troops. The garrison soldiers who had low morale at the head of the city retreated one by one.

"Asshole! Don't go back! All prepare for my defense Mengjie himself was frightened by the vanguard army's momentum, but after returning to God, Mengjie found that this would only make the other party easily break the city. He was excited just now, but he had already said a big story. If the city was broken, I'm afraid he could not even die. Immediately, Meng Jie pulled out a big knife from his waist and cut down several backward garrison soldiers, forcing the surrounding garrison soldiers to prepare for defense.

There are less than 500 garrison soldiers in the city, of which archers are few and few, only 20 of them look like. Under the orders of Mengjie, the more than 20 archers came forward with fear, bent their bows and arrows and started shooting at the vanguard soldiers outside the city. However, the bows and arrows in their hands are constantly shaking, and the arrows they shoot out are also weak. Let alone hurt people, they have fallen to the ground without shooting at the vanguard soldiers.

And the vanguard soldiers outside the city saw that the garrison at the head of the city was so useless that they rushed forward without fear. Ma er pockmarked from the hunter's family, with a group of archers from the vanguard army, also began to bend their bows and build arrows to attack the garrison at the head of the city. Ma er pockmarked horse was the first to open the bow. He calculated the range, stopped his March, took down the long bow, drew out the arrow and put it on. He pulled the long bow to the full moon shape and aimed at the enemy soldiers at the head of the city. The next moment, a scream was heard on the head of the city. An archer of the garrison, with an arrow in his throat, fell directly from the head of the city.

With ma'er pockmarked arrow as an example, archers of the vanguard army began to suppress the city. Different from the archers in the garrison, although their range was shorter than that of ma'er pockmarked, they shot out with strong force, which immediately caused heavy losses to the archers who stayed at the edge of the women's wall, and nearly all of the more than 20 archers were killed.

In this way, the garrison archers were even more timid. One archer couldn't hold his long bow firmly, and dropped it from the city. Seeing this situation, Meng Jie was even more distressed. The cultivation of archers was not so easy, especially in the state of Dachang. Because of the lack of sufficient craftsmen and materials, longbows and arrows are very rare for Dachang army, so the proportion of archers in Dachang army is very small, and the cost of training one archer is enough to cultivate ten infantry soldiers. Seeing that the archers could not play a role at all, Mengjie had to order all the remaining archers to step down and guard at the head of the city with a group of garrison soldiers to prepare for hand to hand combat with each other.

Outside the city, the vanguard's officers and soldiers have rushed to the city, and dozens of cloud ladders that have been prepared have been put up one after another. Zhao brothers, who had been carrying the flag before, cried out in one voice: "let me come!" He directly handed the flag to the soldiers around him, pulled out the big knife from his waist and bit it on his mouth. At the same time, he climbed up the ladder and climbed up the city head.

Seeing the bravery of the Zhao brothers, the rest of the officers and men of the vanguard army were even more desperate to climb the ladder. However, the garrison soldiers who wanted to rush forward and push away the ladders were surprised to find that the top of those ladders was all blood red, which was obviously dyed red by blood. Many soldiers even found some flesh residue on the barb of the ladder, which scared them to take back all their hands.

These flesh and blood stains were all left by the vanguard army when they attacked the city. Li Yuanhe had already ordered that all these ladders should not be cleaned up. They would use these ladders to fight all the way to Dachang. Seeing the remains of these ladders, the garrison soldiers were scared to move for a moment. They were stunned, but the officers and soldiers of the vanguard army did not stay. In such a moment, the Zhao brothers were the first to climb the city. One by one, the two brothers turned over and jumped into the city, holding the big knife in their mouths. They looked at the frightened soldiers with bloodthirsty eyes. They even grinned ferociously, but they were scared to shiver.

The Zhao brothers, however, did not care what the garrison soldiers were doing. They waved their swords and slashed at them. When the Zhao brothers cut down three or four garrison soldiers in a company, they knew they had to resist. However, more and more vanguard soldiers climbed to the top of the city, suddenly the whole city showed a trend of one side down, and the defenders were beaten by the vanguard soldiers.Meng Jie, as a city guard general, was unable to command at this time. When he saw the Zhao brothers slaughtering their soldiers there, he had to prepare to attack Zhao Yong, who was close to him. However, before he got closer, a strong wind came from behind his head. Meng Jie hurriedly raised his sword to the back. However, he was beaten by a powerful force. He stepped back several steps, raised his head, and looked at the attacker with surprise.

"Dog! Your opponent is me He was a big man with a fair face and a black complexion, but he had a pair of big and round tiger eyes. He was staring at Meng Jie. The weapon in his hands was different from that of others. It was a long hammer. It looked like a hundred and eighty Jin in the light of the amount. However, in this man's hand, it seemed as light as nothing. This person is no other than Wu San, one of the first seven people who followed Li Yuanhe!

Wu San is introverted and does not like to talk. He has always been the most silent of the seven. However, Wu San was born with divine power, but he was much older than the Zhao brothers. He was calm and calm, not as impulsive as the Zhao brothers. Li Yuanhe usually left Wu San by Kong Ling and asked him to be his guard to protect Kong Ling's safety. This time, Kong Ling stayed in the rear. He felt that it was a pity that Wu San, such a powerful general, followed him to the rear, so he asked him to follow the vanguard army southward. The Zhao brothers won three of the six cities along the way, but the three remaining cities were the first to win.

Seeing that Wu San's dress was just a soldier's appearance, he even had such a momentum, but he scared Meng Jie. He didn't dare to attack for a time, but he was very careful to block his sword in front of his chest. Wu San doesn't want to spend so much time with Meng Jie. Seeing that the Zhao brothers nearby are killing each other happily, Wu San is also determined to take the lead in taking the Jiangcheng city and win over the Zhao brothers. Immediately, Wu San waved the huge hammer in his hand and swung it in the direction of Mengjie.

Meng Jie had just fought with Wu San. He knew that Wu San was very powerful. In addition to his weapons, he didn't dare to take the hammer and took two steps back to avoid it. Seeing Wu San's hammer flying in the air, Meng Jie rushed to Wu San with a big knife held high and chopped down at Wu San.

Wu San's eyes flashed with cold light. He was different from the Zhao brothers. They were all wild people. However, he was born in a family of escorts. He had a good Kung Fu since he was a child. This hammering technique is so perfect that it is not easy to show flaws? He waved the huge hammer and turned back. However, he raised his leg towards Mengjie and hit the wrist of Mengjie holding the knife accurately, which made it impossible for Mengjie to come down. Immediately, Wu San turned around again. The huge hammer in his hand had already turned around his body for a circle, but he again smashed it at Meng Jie.

This time, however, Meng Jie could not be avoided. His hands were just kicked, and the middle door opened wide, and he was hit by the hammer on his shoulder. Meng Jie heard the sound of Gacha coming from his shoulder. His whole body was like a kite and flew out lightly. Wu San, however, took advantage of the victory and chased them with a hammer. After smashing the garrison soldiers who were on the way to the front, he took a big hammer and jumped to the top of Mengjie, and then he smashed down towards the festival with a hammer.

Meng Jie looked at the huge hammer that fell from the top with horror. However, he could not move because of the injury on his shoulder. At this time, several soldiers rushed out from both sides, holding up their big knives to block Wu San's hammer. However, Wu San's divine power was not what they could resist. They immediately smashed the steel dagger in their hands into scrap iron. At the same time, the garrison soldiers also screamed and flew out. However, their sacrifice was not in vain. Although they did not block Wu San's hammer, they succeeded in diverting the huge hammer and narrowly hit Meng Jie's ear. The ground made of bluestone was suddenly smashed into a big pit, and the splashing stones fell on Meng Jie's face and immediately drew a bloodstain. Although Meng Jie was not hit by this hammer, he was scared to faint.