Although this hammer failed to kill Meng Jie, Wu San curled his mouth and was not satisfied with it, but he did not continue to attack. He grabbed the collar of Mengjie's back with one hand and picked up the chicken, which was also regarded as a big man. "The enemy general has been captured!" he yelled directly to the garrison soldiers who were still fighting in the corner at the head of the city! Don't surrender quickly

Wu San's voice covered the whole battlefield in an instant. Everyone was stunned and turned to look at Wu San. After seeing Meng Jie in Wu San's hand, all the vanguard soldiers in the whole battlefield all cried out in unison, while those garrison soldiers were all gray, and their weapons were unable to grasp and fell to the ground.

"My God! Run All of a sudden, there was a cry of panic from the garrison soldiers. All the garrison soldiers came back to their senses and turned around and ran away, but no one knelt down to surrender. This is not because all of these Dachang soldiers are tough bones, but in the propaganda of Dachang military, if they are captured by Han people, the end will be more terrible than death. Therefore, this is one of the reasons why Dachang soldiers are willing to be killed rather than surrender.

The officers and men of the vanguard army knew that these Dachang soldiers would not surrender and did not stop them when they saw that the other side had begun to flee. They just kept a close eye on those who fled and did not let the other side cheat. After confirming that all the Dachang soldiers had fled, the vanguard soldiers who climbed up to the city began to clean up the battlefield. The Zhao brothers also went down to the city and opened the gate. Li Yuanhe, with the rest of the soldiers who did not climb to the top of the city, entered the city, and the eight cities occupied by Dachang kingdom were recovered!

Li Yuan and Zongma entered the city, but they were stunned to see the strange atmosphere in the city. Just now the city was fighting fiercely, but the city was still the same as usual. The residents did not panic at all. In particular, they were not afraid to see their soldiers wearing armor with blood stains. Even a few businessmen were selling ointment to the wounded soldiers.

Li Yuanhe had never seen such a situation before, and he could not help but feel surprised. At this time, Xiao Yuesheng, who had been stationed in the frontier before, saw Li Yuanhe's surprised expression and went forward to explain the reason for this situation. After listening, Li Yuanhe nodded, but there was a chill in his eyes.

At this time, Cheng Hu, who was in charge of clearing the battlefield, came forward, clasped his fist at Li Yuanhe and said, "general! After a preliminary count, 73 people were killed and 59 wounded in the siege! 309 enemy soldiers died in the battle. Some of them were captured, but after they were caught, they all chose to bite their tongues and commit suicide! "

Li Yuanhe made a gesture to Cheng Hu, indicating that he was clear. However, no one saw the flickering cold light in his eyes. Li Yuanhe turned to Xiao Yuesheng and asked, "elder brother Xiao, the residents of this river city are so complicated, why are the city guards here left to their own devices? What effective rectification has not been made? "

Xiao Yuesheng said with a wry smile, "this river city is located at the junction of the two countries after Qin and Dachang. Whenever there is a war between the two countries, the first one to be captured is this river city! This Jiangcheng Calendar City guard even self-protection is not enough, how can we manage these. What's more, these nanmans who lived in the city did not make any trouble. At most, they sold some medicine and made some money in the war. So the city guards of Jiangcheng didn't care about them. "

"Oh?" Li Yuanhe's face became more and more strange. He took a look at a Nanman vendor who set up a stall on the street selling some unique knives of Nanman, and asked, "aren't those city guards not afraid that these Southern barbarians will inform the Dachang army? Is this not to make the defense of Jiangcheng even weaker? "

"Ah Being asked by Li Yuanhe's question, Xiao Yuesheng didn't know how to answer it. He mumbled for a long time and then said, "no! I've heard that these Nanman people living in Jiangcheng are very honest. They buy and sell daily goods. I haven't heard of Nanman people acting as spies in Jiangcheng? "

"Oh! That's it Li Suoyuan and he did not turn his head. After all, I don't know why there are so many people in xiaoyuecheng who have been interested in Xiao Yuecheng for more than ten years. After all, it seems that he is not interested in these people.

Soon, Li Yuanhe and the vanguard army arrived at the chengshoufu in Jiangcheng. Sure enough, the chengshoufu was already a mess. When the Dachang soldiers fled, they took all that they should take. Li Yuanhe immediately ordered the vanguard army to take over the defense of Xiajiang City, and then he took a group of officers into the chengshoufu. Li Yuanhe didn't care about the things lost in the chengshoufu. The soldiers who fled would only take the property. What matters to the chengshoufu is the information about the government affairs of Jiangcheng. The defeated soldiers will not take them.

After a little sorting out, Li Yuanhe took a group of officers from the vanguard army to sit in the meeting hall. Looking at the full-bodied appearance of the people under the seats, Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing and said, "ladies and gentlemen, do you think the battle just fought was not enjoyable?" Li Yuanhe's joke made all the generals laugh.

After so many days of contact with Li Yuanhe, Xiao Yuesheng is already very familiar with Li Yuanhe, and can also make jokes with him. When he even says to Li Yuanhe, "general! Why don't we fight to the capital of nanmanzi and destroy Dachang in one breath! It's not necessary for these Southern barbarians to come to us all day long! "Xiao Yuesheng's words were originally a joke, but after Li Yuanhe heard it, Xiao Yuesheng was surprised to find that what was revealed in Li Yuanhe's eyes was full of confidence and ambition. Xiao Yuesheng can't help being stunned. Although there should not be such a possibility, Xiao Yuesheng suddenly feels that Li Yuanhe really has this idea.

However, in this situation, it is impossible for him to ask Li Yuanhe. He has to force his own doubts down and cast a glance at Li Yuanhe. At this time, Li Yuanhe's eyes have disappeared and replaced by a very ordinary smile, which makes Xiao Yuesheng feel for a while whether he has just read wrong.

At present, the leaders of the vanguard army have nothing to discuss in the assembly hall. The most important thing is to discuss the deployment of Jiangcheng. After all, Jiangcheng is too close to Dachang. Although Li Yuanhe successfully wiped out the 100000 army in Dachang this time, if the state of Dachang was relieved, he might become angry and lead his troops to attack again. In this regard, the vanguard army must be careful, otherwise the previous hard work will fall short.

After careful division of labor and defense, Li Yuanhe ordered the generals to be disbanded and rested. Cheng Hu, who is sitting at the bottom of the meeting hall, is about to get up and leave the meeting hall. However, he suddenly sees Li Yuanhe, who is sitting at the top of the conference hall, making a gesture to himself in a very hidden way. Cheng Hu was stunned at first, and immediately understood the meaning of Li Yuanhe. He just nodded slightly, then turned around and followed the generals to go outside.

But Cheng Hu slowed down his pace. He was sitting on the outside of the assembly hall. He should be the quickest to leave the chengshoufu. However, under his special purpose, he slowly fell to the end of the generals. Fortunately, he was the lowest ranking officer in the army, and he was not so familiar with the old officers in the vanguard army, so no one noticed this.

Gradually, Cheng Hu was separated from the ranks of those officers. When he saw that all the officers had left the gate, Cheng Hu immediately turned around and walked back. When he arrived at the door of the Council hall, he did not wait for him to step in. However, he saw a soldier give a fist to Cheng Hu and said, "general Cheng! General Li has an order to let you go to the study quickly! " Hearing Li Yuanhe's order, Chenghu knew that he had not understood Li Yuanhe's order. He nodded and went to the study in the chengshoufu under the leadership of the soldier.

Although the garrison house of Jiangcheng was not large, it was equipped with conference hall, study room and so on. He followed the soldier around and came to a courtyard. Cheng Hu gave thanks to the soldier who led the way. Then he went directly into the courtyard. There was only one room in the yard. Cheng Hu quickly walked to the door of the house, calmed down and said in a loud voice, "general! My subordinate Cheng Hu asks for a meeting

"Come in!" From the door came Li Yuan and light words, Cheng Hu immediately opened the door, looked up, but can not help but a Leng. Li Yuanhe was not the only one in the room, except Li Yuanhe, who was sitting behind the desk with his head down. Li Yuan and his brothers Zhao, Ma Er Ma Ma, Wu San and Qian Laojiu, who were worshipped by him at the same time, were standing in the room honestly. Xu Liansheng was the only one who followed Kong Ling in the original group of seven, and the others were already in the room.

This was also the first time since the southern expedition that Li Yuanhe had gathered them together. Although he did not know why, Cheng Hu could guess. Li Yuanhe must have something important to do. But now it's not the time for him to be talkative. Even if he paid homage to Li Yuanhe, he walked straight in. However, the others saluted Cheng Hu one after another. Before Li Yuan and they got to know each other, they always followed Cheng Hu's lead.

When Chenghu stood still, Li Yuanhe slowly raised his head, looked at the crowd, flashed a cold light in his eyes, and said, "this time I asked you to come here, I want you to do something! And it has to be done tonight! Before this matter is completed, we must not disclose any information about it! "