Jiangcheng is only half a day away from the border of Dachang state. Li Yuanhe led the vanguard army all the way to the south, but he did not catch up with the goal on that day. Instead, they ordered the whole army to set up camp and rest for one night at a distance of about 10 miles from the border. After all the soldiers had a good night's rest, they made their way to the border of Dachang state.

The time that Li Chang took to the border was only two hours. When you look at the tower in front of you, you will see a tower in front of you. Li Yuanhe turned his head and asked Xiao Yuesheng, "elder brother Xiao! Is this the territory of Dachang

Xiao Yuesheng looked at the watchtower in front, nodded and said, "yes! At that time, general Luo Tianhan led our army of the post Qin state once occupied this plain. Unfortunately, there was no danger to defend here. So general Luo Tianhan built the watchtower in three days. Unfortunately, when general Luo Tianhan ordered to withdraw his troops, the watchtower was given to the nanmanzi of Dachang at a low price. "

Li Yuanhe didn't expect that the watchtower was still made by Luo Tianhan. He was surprised and then said with a smile: "I see! Good! Today, Li Yuanhe will take back the watchtower built by general Luo Da Jun as the first step for our vanguard army to capture Dachang state! " With that, the silver spear in his hand pointed to the front, and with all the vanguard soldiers, he rushed to the watchtower in front of him. Those soldiers followed Li Yuanhe to attack the city and pull out the stronghold. They were invincible. Their morale was like a rainbow. At the command of Li Yuanhe, all of them roared loudly and drew up their weapons and rushed towards the watchtower.

At this time, on the watchtower, the garrison of Dachang kingdom had seen the black armored army rushing out of the woods. Although the position of the watch tower was important, it was impossible for Dachang state to place too many soldiers here. In the whole watchtower, including the cooks and other non combatant personnel, there are only about 50 people. Fortunately, the watchtower is solidly built. Around the high tower, there is a circle of five people high walls, and the walls are particularly thickened.

The second prince of the state of Dachang passed by the watchtower when he led the army to retreat. However, the second prince did not stop here to rest. Therefore, the officers and soldiers in the watchtower did not know what had happened. However, from the second prince, he marched north with 100, 000 troops with full confidence, but now only a few thousand people came back in confusion, thinking with their toes that they had lost the battle. Now seeing such a black armour army coming, the officers and men in the watch tower can't help but panic.

In the watchtower, however, there is a man who is not flustered. This is Meng Gang, the commander of the watch tower! Meng gang was born in a poor family. Although he has been in the army for five years, he has never had a chance to show his ability. Therefore, he is still only a Wuchang. Now seeing the enemy invaders, Meng gang did not panic like other soldiers, but walked quickly into the hall in the middle of the watchtower with full face of war. He was dressed in full armor, with a long gun in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

, however, was not out of the war, but not has the final say. The leader of this watchtower was Meng Gang's superior, a surnamed yuan's champion. When Meng Gang strode into the hall, the assistant general surnamed yuan was walking back and forth in the hall with a sad face. As soon as Meng Gang entered the hall, he hugged his fist and said to him, "my Lord! Now the enemy is coming! The last general is willing to lead the officers and men in the tower and go out to meet the enemy! "

After hearing Meng Gang's words, Yuan Pei's brow became more and more tight. This Meng gang has always been proud of his talent, and has earned him some skills. He has always ignored his boss. Now seeing Meng Gang's appearance, it seems that he was saying who would defeat the enemy. Yuan Pei's heart was not comfortable. He immediately rebuked him: "nonsense! There are many enemy troops! There are only about 50 people in the tower. How can we fight with the enemy? You are just a poor girl, dare you call me a general? Don't get out of here and get back

He was enthusiastic, but he was reprimanded by his boss. Meng gang was as miserable as eating a few flies. However, he would not be reconciled to his resignation. Meng Gang immediately stepped forward a few steps, went to the general yuan, and said, "my Lord! I just watched from the tower. The number of enemy troops is not large, only less than 3000. Now, with a momentum, they dare to rush into the border of our Dachang state! If we fight head-on, we can certainly bring down the enemy's arrogance. If we don't leave the house behind, we will only encourage each other's anger. Although there is a wall around the tower, it is far from the wall of the city, so it is impossible to resist the attack of the other party. Therefore, in the view of my subordinates, it is the best policy to go out of the tower to meet the enemy! "

Although Yuan Pei was not a senior officer relying on nepotism, he was also a man of mediocrity. In addition, he was disgusted with Meng gang before. How could he listen to Meng Gang's advice? Even with a big hand, he reprimanded: "you district commander, how can you understand the matter of dispatching troops! How can we compete with each other's 3000? How can you make a monkey out of this tower guard! Get out of my way

Meng Gang, however, was more and more unwilling to accept it. He simply refused to clasp his hands, so he held his neck and called out: "my Lord! The defense of the tower is related to the border security of our Dachang state! If we take it lightly, will it not be a mistake for state affairs? If we don't go out of the tower to meet the enemy, the tower will surely be captured by the enemy, and then the enemy can drive in! "Seeing that Meng Gang dared to challenge himself, Yuan Pei was getting more and more angry. He immediately drew a big knife from his waist and directly pointed to Meng gang and said, "be bold, Meng Gang! You dare to be so rude when I ask you to step down. Do you want to disobey the military order? " However, Yuan Pei general only pointed at Meng gang with a broadsword, but he did not dare to do it. He knew that his skill was much worse than that of Meng gang. If he did it seriously, even three Yuan Pei generals would not be enough for Meng Gang to kill.

Meng gang was more and more annoyed when he saw that Yuan Pei general dared to attack himself. Looking at the fierce general yuan in front of him, Meng Gang could not help but think of his cold shoulder in recent years. Immediately Meng Gang felt the nameless fire burning more and more intense in his heart. Holding a long gun in his right hand, he suddenly picked the sword forward and opened yuan's sword.

At first, seeing Meng Gang's face, Yuan Pei regretted that he had used the knife. Now he saw that the spear in Meng Gang's hand moved. Even if he was frightened, he gave a big drink: "Meng Gang! How dare you rebel? " After shouting, general yuan decided to fight first, and the big knife in his hand immediately fell on Meng Gang's head.

Meng Gang didn't mean anything at all. He just wanted to get rid of the big knife shaking in front of him. When he heard that Yuan Pei was involved in the rebellion, Meng gang was stunned. After this stupefied effort, Yuan Pei's broadsword had already been cut off. Meng Gang subconsciously put out his hand to block it. The long gun in his hand was just on the hilt of Yuan Pei general, so that Yuan Pei general's broadsword could not be cut down again. Then, Meng Gang is completely reflexive, holding the end of the spear with his other hand and thrusting.

"Oh I heard the muffled voice of Yuan Pei general in front of him. When Meng just responded, the point of his spear had already penetrated into yuan's throat. Meng gang did not want to understand what he had done. He could only look at Yuan Pei in front of him, covering his throat with one hand and loosening the knife to point at himself. Yuan's eyes were staring at Meng gang with resentment, then he fell down slowly, his head tilted, and he could not die again.

Meng Gang immediately froze. After a long time, he was awakened by the sound of killing outside. He looked at the dead general yuan in front of him. Meng Gang knew that the enemy was about to be killed outside the wall by hearing the shouting outside. Even though he bit his teeth, he quickly walked to the body of general yuan, squatted down on his waist and found his token. Then he picked up his spear and ran outside.

When he got outside the tower, Meng Gang found that all the guards in the tower were standing outside. Some soldiers were standing on the wall, but their faces were pale and their legs were shaking. Meng Gang couldn't help shaking his head. If he followed yuan's idea of guarding against the wall, it would not be long before the watchtower would be captured by the enemy.

Meng heard the sound of the enemy outside. Immediately, Meng Gang held up his token in his hand and called out to the garrison soldiers around him: "gentlemen! According to the military order of Lord yuan! Everyone go out with me to meet the enemy! Somebody! Open the gate for me After that, Meng Gang quickly ran to one side of the horse shed, pulled the only horse in the tower, turned over, and directly stepped on the horse's back, pulled the reins, and led the horse to the gate of the city.

Those soldiers looked at the token in Meng Gang's hands with disbelief on their faces. How could they not believe that the timid general Yuan Pei dared to open the door to fight? It's good not to take the lead to escape! However, the token in front of us is absolutely true. According to the law of Dachang state, those who died on the battlefield will have a huge pension. If they do not respect the military order, they will not only be punished by military law, but also their families will be sent to prison. Therefore, although these garrison soldiers are afraid, they have to comply with Meng Gang's bright military order.