Although the number is too small, these garrisons are regular troops who have received regular training. Under the suppression of the token, those Dachang soldiers quickly gathered behind Meng gang. However, these soldiers were pale, their legs trembled, and their whole strength was not sure whether they could make full use of them. I'm afraid they would fall down before they rushed to the enemy.

Meng Gang looked at these soldiers who had lost their courage and sighed in secret. If it was not forced by the situation, he would not like to take such a group of people out to meet the enemy. But now he can't make him hesitate any more. Meng Gang directly raised his long gun in his hand and kept facing the front gate. He called out to the soldiers who pulled the gate: "open the door!"

Those Gang soldiers were not regular soldiers and did not have to follow the battle to kill the enemy. Previously, they were secretly glad. However, seeing that Meng Gang really wanted to go out to meet the enemy, he thought that when Meng Gang left, only a few of their leading soldiers were left to guard the city. In the end, it was hard to escape. The difference was just earlier and later. However, with the token in his hand, Meng gang did not have the courage to disobey Meng Gang's orders. They only shivered and pulled. They did not think that because of their own fear, the pull did not open. The two soldiers took a look at each other, swallowed hard, and calmed down a little. Then they pulled the gate for the second time and finally opened it.

See the door open, Meng Gang legs a clip, pull the reins in his hand, the other hand of the spear in the horse's hip a pat, then drove the horse out. The soldiers behind them were reluctant to rush out of the only protective wall. However, thinking that their families in the rear would suffer because of their disobeying the military order, they had to follow Meng gang with trembling steps. On the psychological side, however, the dead general Yuan Pei and Meng Gang, who took the lead in rushing out, were scolded bloody. By the way, they also asked their female family members hundreds of times.

At this time, just as Meng gang led his troops out of the gate, Li Yuanhe had already rushed to the place less than 100 steps away from the watchtower with the vanguard army. Seeing the watchtower, a team of men and horses poured out. Although there were only dozens of people, Li Yuanhe still held up his long gun in his hand. After seeing Li Yuanhe's gesture, the vanguard soldiers stopped consciously. This also shows that Li Yuanhe's prestige in the vanguard army has become higher and higher.

Originally, the dozens of people who came out here, facing nearly 3000 people of the vanguard army, were simply unable to withstand a single attack. However, Li Yuanhe's going south this time, but he has to make up his mind to win one or two cities. If he loses some men and horses here, it will not be worth the loss. Immediately, Li Yuanhe looked at the dozens of Dachang soldiers on the opposite side and asked the vanguard soldiers behind him to make a formation. Li Yuanhe didn't believe that if the vanguard army had formed its formation, what threat could the tens of people in front of him pose to the vanguard army.

On the opposite side, Meng gang saw that the vanguard army did not rush directly. He felt relieved. If the other side is so rude to rush over, even if Meng Gang is good at fighting, he can't resist so many people from the other side, so the watchtower must be lost. Seeing that the first step of his plan had been successful, Meng Gang waved his spear and ordered the soldiers behind him to line up. Then he pointed the spear at the vanguard army in front of him and said, "this is the border of Dachang state! Why do you March here without authorization! Step back quickly, or we will not blame the soldiers in Dachang

Li Yuanhe looked at the young general in front of him with interest. He should be about the same age as himself. But this will face such a strong man, only dozens of people behind him, can still be calm and self-confident, just this courage is not enough. Originally, I thought that the state of Dachang would be Xiong Qian, but I didn't expect that he met another one just after he attacked Dachang. It seems that he has underestimated the people in the world before!

Although Li Yuanhe was making a self-examination in secret, on the surface, he was not willing to show his timidity. Instead, he looked up to the sky with a smile and said, "there is no way in the state of Dachang! Dare to lead troops to invade our country after Qin Dynasty! If we don't give you a little color to see! Is it not to let all the countries in the world underestimate our post Qin State? Today, instead of my Lord, I will take back some interest from you in Dachang! If you are wise! Surrender early! I will spare you from death! If we resist in a desperate situation, the 100000 troops that invaded our territory before will be an example! "

The defeat of the 100000 Dachang army is something worth boasting about for the whole vanguard army. Now Li Yuanhe used it to deter the other side. The vanguard soldiers and soldiers behind him were all in high spirits, raising their weapons and shouting loudly. And those Dachang soldiers on the opposite side were more and more afraid at this time, and even some of them had fallen on the ground, their legs were too soft to stand up.

At this time, Meng Gang's face sank. He knew that if he went on like this, his soldiers would be defeated without fighting. Now what Meng gang has to do is to boost the morale of his army. Immediately, Meng Gang took a few steps forward, held up his spear, and said to Li Yuanhe, "you don't want to show off your tongue! If you want to invade the territory of Dachang, you should come up with real skills! I am Meng Gang, commander of Dachang army! Will you dare to fight me? "

Although Meng Gang's words temporarily improved the morale of the soldiers behind them, they greatly angered the vanguard soldiers on the opposite side. All the officers standing behind Li Yuan and his rear were all full of angry faces. Zhao Meng, in the queue, yelled: "you, the commander in chief, dare to challenge the general! Let me take your head off your neck Finish saying, Zhao Meng is legs a clip, pull out the big knife in the waist, toward Meng Gang then rushed past.Seeing that he drank this, he succeeded in letting the other general and himself fight each other. However, Meng gang was happy in his heart. As for the enemy general who rushed towards him now, Meng gang did not pay attention to it. As for his own shooting skills, Meng Gang is confident that he has never met an opponent. He doesn't believe that Qin will be able to defeat himself after jumping out of an enemy. Therefore, although Zhao Meng is tall and tall, Meng Gang is not afraid at all, clapping his horse to fight.

The two sides were not far away from each other. Meng gang and Zhao Meng drove their horses at a gallop, so they soon collided with each other. Meng Gang held the spear in front of his chest, looked at Zhao Meng's chest, and flew straight through it. However, although Zhao Meng usually seems to be very reckless, it does not mean that he is stupid enough to send the door to Meng Gang thorn. Seeing that the spear in Meng Gang's hand is so fast, Zhao Meng immediately shrinks the big knife that has been stretched out to his chest, and blocks the sword in front of his chest.

"Dang" to a crisp impact sound, Meng gang in the hands of the spear point in Zhao Meng's big knife, but did not break Zhao Meng's defense. Both of them had strong impact, so it was impossible to stop there. Meng Gang just put away his long gun and passed by. At the same time, the two began to hold their own mounts and stopped in front of each other.

Although this kind of combat mode of confrontation and individual combat has not been used by the army for a long time, no one took the opportunity to attack or besiege the generals of the other side before the battle. Meng Gang skillfully manipulates his mount and glances at the vanguard soldiers in front of him. However, he pays special attention to Li Yuanhe who is standing in front of him. He can feel a strong breath around his opponent's body. Li Yuanhe looks at Meng gang who turns his horse's head in front of him, but his mouth is slightly tilted. From Meng Gang's shot, Li Yuanhe can judge that Meng Gang's skill is extraordinary, at least one notch more powerful than Zhao Meng.

However, Li Yuanhe did not order the recall of Zhao Meng. The Zhao brothers have always been fighting on the battlefield with a sound of brute force. Before that, they only dealt with some mediocre people, but it didn't matter. In the future, they must face a general like Meng gang. It is better to take this opportunity to let them learn to keep an eye on them, otherwise they will not even know how to die in the future.

Of course, Li Yuanhe will not sit and watch Zhao Meng fail. Seeing Meng Gang turn his horse's head and rush towards Zhao again, Li Yuanhe waves to Wu San behind him. After Wu San leaned over, Li Yuan and Wu San whispered a few words in his ear, which made Wu San nod again and again. Finally, Li Yuan and he sat upright, patted Wu San on the shoulder, and then focused on watching the battle.

On the other side, Zhao Meng almost didn't drive his horse into the formation of Dachang soldiers because he was not good at riding. However, those Dachang soldiers were scared out of courage. How dare they attack Zhao Meng? They just looked at Zhao Meng and turned his horse head awkwardly. In the end, Zhao Meng glared at him and frightened several soldiers.

After just some contact, Meng gang has already known the strength of his opponent. Obviously, it's just a wild road, let alone the rules. However, the strength of the other side is far beyond Meng Gang's expectation. Although Meng Gang attacked Zhao mengshou just now, his all-out strike failed to make the opponent's broadsword move any minute. This shows that the opponent's strength is not ordinary.

However, even so, Meng gang has not been timid because of this. He has never met a powerful opponent before. When dealing with such an opponent, he can't fight strength with the other party. Therefore, this time, Meng Gang deliberately slowed down the speed of his mount, slowly approached his opponent, wrestled with each other, and beat him with his own skills!