However, Meng Gang's defeat means that this originally unequal battle ended with the defeat of Dachang garrison. After a brief absence of consciousness, Meng Gang immediately dropped his half broken gun in his hand, pulled up his mount and fled directly to the south. He even ignored the watchtower and disappeared in a flash.

Wu San was not good at riding. Naturally, he couldn't catch up with him. Although Li Yuan and several officers behind him wanted to pursue him, they were stopped by Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe only said in a light voice: "do not chase poor bandits! Take the watchtower first and let the officers and men have a rest. " With that, the spear in his hand was pointing at the Dachang garrison which had been in a mess in front of him. When the vanguard soldiers saw him, how could they not understand Li Yuanhe's meaning and rushed towards the watchtower one by one.

Those left behind in the watchtower were looking at the enemy troops who were rushing like the Kuroshio, but in their hearts, Meng Gang, who had already escaped, was scolded to death. Every day they pretended to be invincible in the world. When they really went to the battlefield, they ran away like this. What's more, they even lost their defense support. We can only watch the enemy soldiers mixed in the Dachang Garrison and rush into the gate together. These cooks are not as good as those regular soldiers. They can't do anything when they see something. They all squat on the ground one by one, ready to be prisoners.

In this way, Li Yuan and the first battle of this southward expedition to Dachang were so easily taken down. When Li Yuanhe and a group of people came to the watchtower, the officers and men of the vanguard army had all the soldiers in Dachang under control. However, it is worth mentioning that none of the regular soldiers in Dachang surrendered. Either they took advantage of the chaos and fled, or they were killed by the soldiers of the vanguard army. As a result, only a few Gang soldiers were captured in this battle.

Li Yuanhe and a group of vanguard army officers gathered in the hall in the center of the watchtower, where Meng gang had just started to kill general yuan. Of course, Li Yuanhe and others would not know who the Dachang officer who died in the hall was and what was the cause of his death. Li Yuanhe directly ordered that the corpse of general yuan be thrown out and burned together with those of Dachang soldiers.

Li Yuanhe sat down in the chief, turned his head and looked at all the generals who had been sitting together. Li Yuanhe gave a smile and said, "ladies and gentlemen! Now we are the first territory to capture Dachang, although it is only a small watchtower. However, you should know that the territory to the south of the watchtower was not occupied by general Luo Tianhan at that time. From now on, every time we attack and occupy an inch of land in the south, we are refreshing the history of the post Qin State! From now on, the names of the officers and men of our vanguard army should be recorded in the historical materials of the post Qin State! "

"Whoa!" Li Yuanhe's words, however, made many generals ebullient one by one. They joined the army as generals, in addition to being able to mix rich and noble, and to be able to make a name in history, it is not their wish. Moreover, to be able to compare with Luo Tianhan, a legendary military figure in the post Qin state, is an exciting thing for them.

Li Yuanhe saw that he had successfully raised the morale of the generals, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but look up slightly. The next battle is more and more difficult to fight, which is for sure. If these officers can not be inspired to fight, then the next battle will be more difficult. This, of course, was taught to him by the old man before. I didn't pay attention to every word he said at that time. Now I think of it, every sentence is full of profound meaning. At this time, Li Yuanhe was more and more curious about who the old man was. If he could teach himself such a powerful set of shooting skills and teach him so much knowledge about marching and fighting, the old man would never be as simple as a vagrant old man.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan and involuntarily reached out and stroked the jade on his chest, which was the only thing the old man had left himself in this world. What's more, Luo Tianhan's expression when he saw his jade during the war of Jingnan city was absolutely not simple. Maybe he could find the real identity of the old man.

However, Li Yuanhe was not stupid enough to ask about the jade. Even his brother Kong Ling, Li Yuanhe did not show him the jade. Intuition tells Li Yuanhe that the meaning contained in this jade is definitely not so simple. Now Li Yuanhe is no longer a young boy in the early days of Jingnan city. Li Yuanhe has slowly begun to learn to let himself have some city government.

"General! General The continuous shouts awakened Li Yuanhe from his meditation. When he looked up, he saw that he was the most experienced veteran among the generals, Xiao Yuesheng. At this time, Xiao Yuesheng was looking at Li Yuanhe strangely. It was the first time that he saw the young vanguard general distracted when discussing the military situation.

"Eh! What's the matter? " Li Yuanhe has a hot face. In the education of the old man, as a commander-in-chief, he should set an example. However, he was distracted when discussing the military situation. This is not what a qualified commander does. However, Li Yuanhe adjusted quickly and turned to look at the crowd.

Xiao Yuesheng clasped his fist and said, "general! We are all discussing the route of our March next! Although we have attacked Dachang now, according to the experience of our army attacking Dachang, Dachang should send a large army to intercept us soon! Therefore, the route we are going to choose is also very important! "Li Yuanhe nodded his head first, but then he laughed again and said, "actually, I don't think it's necessary to worry about it! If I'm not wrong, in the past, when our rear Qin army invaded Dachang, they were immediately intercepted by the other army. Even this small watchtower could not be occupied. The problem should be Jiangcheng! Jiangcheng, as the only way for the Qin army to attack Dachang, is full of fish and dragons. I believe it is not only the spies of Dachang state, but also the spies of southern countries! Since then, as soon as the Qin army set out from Jiangcheng, the detailed information of the army has been passed to the army of Dachang. How can such a battle be invincible

Xiao Yuesheng and others all nodded their heads and said nothing in silence. Naturally, these veteran generals who have been on the battlefield for a long time are aware of this matter. But who can be as ruthless and resolute as Li Yuanhe and slaughtered all the Nanman people in Jiangcheng at one go. This is the first time that Xiao Yuesheng truly respects the young commander who is more than 20 years younger than himself. Perhaps, this man can really realize the wishes of countless generals of the Qin army for many years.

"But Li Yuanhe's tone changed, but he said with a straight face: "this does not mean that our next journey will be very relaxed! After the war just now, the news that we went south must have reached the army of Dachang state. Dachang will not tolerate the presence of an army like ours on their territory, and will certainly send heavy troops to intercept it. So just as General Xiao said, the choice of this route is very important! I just don't know how many choices we have now? General Xiao! Tell me about it

Xiao Yuesheng nodded, looked around, frowned and said, "it's a pity that we don't have the map of Dachang country in our hands, otherwise we can explain it to you more carefully! Ah! Yes Said, Xiao Yuesheng suddenly stood up, pulled out the big knife in his waist and went to the center of the hall, but dipped the knife into the pile of blood stains on the central floor that had not dried, and drew a map on the floor.

Looking at the distorted map drawn by Xiao Yuesheng, Li Yuanhe can't help but think of his brother Kong Ling who went to Yingzhen. With him, I'm afraid it is equivalent to having a live map. In Li Yuan and his stupefied Kung Fu, Xiao Yuesheng has briefly drawn a map, but the map is obviously out of shape, and its reference is really questionable.

Xiao Yuesheng also knew that the map he painted was not very old. He could not help but get a long face. After all, drawing a picture of such a literati's work gave him such a military commander. In addition, Xiao Yuesheng has been away from the southern frontier for many years, and many places do not remember very clearly. However, in this situation, everything has to be settled. In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army, Li Yuanhe left all the civil servants of the vanguard army in Jiangcheng at the beginning. Now it is difficult even to find a proxy to calculate accounts, let alone draw a map.

Xiao Yuesheng coughed a few times, and finally eliminated some embarrassment. Then he solemnly pointed to the map on the floor with a knife, and said in a loud voice, "there are three cities in total adjacent to the plain where we are. The nearest is this city, Zhangcheng! Although Zhangcheng is only a small county, but because it is closest to the border, it has a thousand people stationed all year round. Moreover, the walls of Zhangcheng city have been strengthened. When general Luo Tianhan led his army to attack Dachang, it was just that the wings were folded outside the city! "

"Three hundred miles east of Zhangcheng is another city, the southern city of Hunan! Compared with Zhangcheng City, the southern Hunan city is inferior to Zhangcheng in terms of both the garrison and the city wall. But Xiangnan city is too close to Zhangcheng city. If we attack Xiangnan City, we should be ready to meet the sudden Zhangcheng garrison behind us! It is said that when Luo Tianhan attacked Dachang, it was for this reason that he did not choose the southern Hunan City as the first target. "

"And the last city left is Danube, which is 1300 miles away from us! My opinion is to ignore this city because it is too far away from us, and it is very inconvenient to march through a large forest from the watchtower to Danube city! What's more, if we go to attack Danube, it is to penetrate the whole army into the enemy's territory. At that time, it is likely to become an isolated army. Even if we want to retreat, we will not be able to withdraw back! "