After listening to Xiao Yuesheng's explanation of the route, all the people present fell into silence. Obviously, they also suddenly realized that what was in front of them was not a smooth road. This road was passed by Luo Tianhan with thousands of troops more than ten years ago, but it was defeated. Now they only have less than 3000 people. How can such an isolated army surpass Luo Tianhan and create history successfully.

Li Yuanhe did not say anything, but he was not afraid. He had a deep understanding of the difficulties of going south. Although Xiao Yuesheng said it was so difficult, in his opinion, it was not impossible for him. He was staring at the floor, Xiao Yuesheng painted a simple map, the heart is constantly calculating.

Xiao Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanhe and was silent. He thought he was scared by his words. When he saw this guy who had been fearless for a long time, he finally had some balance in his heart. Xiao Yuesheng said to Li Yuanhe: "general! At the end of the meeting, although it is difficult to go south this time, it is not without a glimmer of hope! At the end of the meeting, the general suggested that we should follow the line of general Luo DA and take Zhangcheng directly! "

Li Yuanhe didn't speak, but Xiao leaped to a halt. He described it on the map with a knife and explained: "general! Ladies and gentlemen! Look! Zhangcheng is the only way from Jiangcheng to Dachang! The hundred thousand troops defeated by our army must go through Zhangcheng if they want to return to Guodu! Previously, Dachang state was full of confidence in their expedition. Otherwise, it would not have sent out a hundred thousand troops. Now the whole army has been destroyed and returned. It must have affected the morale of the garrison in Zhangcheng! We can take advantage of each other's low morale, attack Zhangcheng at one go, but this action is to be quick! If the deserters who were defeated by us from the watchtower before escaped to Zhangcheng, they would give the other party time to prepare. At that time, it would be more difficult to attack the city! "

Xiao Yuesheng's strategy is based on the vanguard army's experience in attacking cities and areas. Before they recovered seven cities, it was because the morale of the enemy's garrison was affected by the collapse of the army, which made it so easy to break the city. Therefore, Xiao Yuesheng thinks that as long as the army rout passes through Zhangcheng, Zhangcheng will be affected by the same way.

Xiao Yuesheng's analysis, however, made all the generals nod their heads and agree with Xiao Yuesheng. After all, the situation along the way is obvious to all. Moreover, the reason why we went south this time was that the morale of Dachang garrison was low because of the influence of the enemy's army collapse. Otherwise, how dare the generals to attack other people's Dachang country with their less than 3000 vanguard troops.

However, Li Yuanhe always hung his head and did not speak. Xiao Yuesheng and other generals were allowed to discuss. After a long time, Li Yuanhe slowly raised his head and suddenly pointed to Xiao Yuesheng's feet. Xiao Yuesheng quickly stepped back and looked down. It turned out that what was just under his feet was part of the map he had just drawn. It was located in Danube city in the West. Not knowing why Li Yuanhe suddenly pointed to the Danube city on the map, Li Yuanhe suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "General Xiao! You haven't explained to me the defense situation of Danube city! "

After hearing Li Yuanhe's words, Xiao Yuesheng and his generals were all stunned. The whole hall was so quiet that even the sound of a needle dropping to the ground could be heard. After a long time, Xiao Yuesheng said vaguely, "general, you won't, won't you want to start from this Danube city?" Xiao Yuesheng this sentence just asked, for a while the whole hall came a burst of cold air-conditioning sound. Xiao Yuesheng has made it very clear just now that all the people present are good at marching and fighting. How can they not understand that if they go to Danube City, the vanguard army will die.

Li Yuan and eyebrows a pick, the corner of the mouth is also slightly up, said: "what's the matter? Can't you? "

Xiao Yuesheng swallowed his mouth and stared at Li Yuanhe's face. From his expression, he wanted to make sure that Li Yuanhe was joking. But Xiao Yuesheng was very disappointed to find that, in addition to the smile just now, Li Yuanhe's face can be said to be very serious, there is no sign of joking. Xiao Yuesheng then remembered that the man in front of him was so bold that he could kill thousands of people overnight. How could he be afraid of his words.

At that time, Xiao Yuesheng's forehead was covered with sweat, and hurriedly came forward with a bitter face to dissuade him: "general! I can't make it! This is even this Danube city is an empty city! We can't walk from this Danube city! If we go to Danube City, we will completely deviate from the border area of our country. If we are intercepted by the army of Dachang, our army will have no way to escape! It is precisely this time that we sent troops to invade Yan state in the north, and to the west is the kingdom of Shu, which has always been incompatible with our country! There will be only one dead army

It's a pity that Xiao Yuesheng's painstaking efforts are in exchange for Li Yuanhe's heartless smile. Li Yuanhe waved his hand and said, "General Xiao, don't worry. I'm just asking. I didn't say that he must go to Danube city! Anyway, I'm curious to hear you mention this Danube city this time. From the name, it seems that it's not the same as the city of the post Qin State! "

After listening to Li Yueyuan, Li Yueyuan was afraid to see this, but he was still afraid to see it. However, since Li Yuanhe asked, he did not stop answering. He recalled a little about Danube City, and then slowly said, "general's is right. This Danube city is indeed different from our Han City. It is a city built by the local southern barbarians themselves!""Native southerners?" Li Yuanhe was really interested in it. He sat upright and asked, "aren't the Nanman people the same?"? How can there be native southerners? Are there any foreign ones? "

When Li Yuanhe asked, he relaxed for a moment. Most of the generals knew the origin of the Danube city. Listening to Li Yuanhe's question, they all laughed. And young officers like Cheng Hu, who did not know about the Danube City, also looked at Xiao Yuesheng curiously, ready to have a long insight.

Xiao Yuesheng laughed and said, "in fact, the local Nanman people refer to those who have not yet been civilized and live in the mountains and forests. At that time, the Nanman people always depended on hunting for a living. With the fur and herbs picked in the mountains, they exchanged some daily necessities with the Han people. Life was extremely hard! Later, the Qin Empire reclaimed wasteland in the South and accelerated the exchanges with these Southern barbarians. These Southern barbarians envied the culture of the Han people, so they slowly walked out of the mountains, built houses, reclaimed land, and farmed in the flat land like us Han people. Over time, they set up gathering places in this area. Later, one of the most powerful figures among these Southern barbarians was the first generation of man king. He was not willing to be subject to the Han people everywhere. He called on all the southern barbarians to gather together and build cities and train soldiers. The first city built by the southern barbarians themselves was Danube. Danube is the vernacular of Nanman, which means prosperity. At the beginning, the man King took such a city name to symbolize that they were getting stronger and stronger! "

After hearing about this, he suddenly asked, "why is this the same face as that of Da Yuecheng? I remember that Dachang was actually the Nanman kingdom in those days? "

Looking at Li Yuanhe's curious look on his face, Xiao Yuesheng can't help feeling. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yuesheng is a big and crude man. Now he can be a teacher for others. He is not teaching martial arts, but teaching historical knowledge. It's really changeable! "In fact, in a strict sense, Dachang can only be regarded as a part of the original Nanman kingdom! Compared with the present Dachang state, the Nanman kingdom was more than twice as large as the present one! After several generations of efforts, and the government of the Qin Empire at that time was very decadent, so that the Nanman people established a very strong southern man country in the south. In the end, even the Qin Empire had to admit the existence of the Nanman state and exempt it from taxes. Although it was a subsidiary state, it was finally able to become independent, which was a very rare change. "

"But what a pity!" More than a year ago, a large number of people from the south of the Han Dynasty began to sigh, which led to a large number of people from the south. In addition, with the establishment of several Han nationality states in the south, we all aimed at the big fat meat of Nanman state, led by Shu state, Song state, Yan state and our four states after Qin state, and attacked Nanman state at the same time. Although the king of Nanman at that time had the intention to resist and personally led the army of Nanman kingdom to meet the enemy, it was a pity that it was difficult to defeat the United forces of the four countries. In the end, he lost his life on the battlefield. At that time, the great prince of the state of Nanman, that is, the head of the state of Dachang, returned to the south of Xinjiang with the royal family members and the remnant soldiers of the kingdom. Now the capital of Dachang state, Dachang state was reestablished. However, the leader of Dachang Kingdom also learned from his father's lesson. Instead of resisting the Alliance forces of the four countries, he made use of the geographical location and the harmony of people to harass the four countries' coalition forces. Instead, he not only defeated the four countries' coalition forces, but also took back Danube city. But now Danube city is too close to Yan and Shu, so the Lord of Dachang did not move the capital back to Danube city. "