In the woods about a mile to the north of Hu Village, there are thousands more shadows. Among these shadows, the only campfire is lit, which lights up the night around. Li Yuanhe and the officers of the vanguard battalion are listening to the information reported by Ma Er Ma Zi about Hu Village in front of him.

"There are 30 families in the whole village. Except for the three outdoor surnames, all the others are Nanman people with the surname Hu! The only Han man is the kid who was brought back to the camp by his subordinates! According to that kid, his mother was originally a Nanman girl from Hu Village, but she married a Han man, that is, Xiaogui's father. Later, Xiaogui's father died by the sword of Dachang soldiers because he offended the soldiers in Zhangcheng. His mother took him back to Hu village. However, because his mother eloped and left Hu Village at that time, the village did not accept her. Later, his mother was willing to accept the punishment from the village and asked the village to accept the kid. However, the villager's mother was thrown into Hanoi and drowned. "

"Hum!" Hearing this, Xiao Yuesheng curled his lips and said indignantly, "these Southern barbarians, we Han people have not learned good things, we have learned these bad habits! It's rotten wood that can't be carved! It's just pity that kid. I've just looked at it. I'm so skinny all over the body. It's really pathetic

Li Yuanhe nodded, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and then dissipated. He said to ma er pockmarked: "that kid, take it with us! When we have gathered all the materials, we can send someone back to Jiangcheng to inform his Highness the third prince and take the kid back by the way! We are all Han people. We can't watch him being bullied here! Ma, you're right! Well, continue to talk about the situation in Hu Village! "

Ma'er pockmarked his head and continued: "according to the kid, there are about 130 people in this village. Except for the village head Hu Xing, who has about 56 domestic servants, the other families have no defense. Because Zhangcheng recruited a new soldier in Hu Village three months ago, there were only 20 strong men left in the village. However, the grain and grass in the village is quite abundant. According to the calculation of my subordinates, it is enough for us to enter the west this time! "

"Good! The goal is set in this Hu Village! Let everyone eat and sleep! In two hours, it will be light, and then we can set off! " Li Yuanhe stood up directly and patted the dust on his body. He bowed his head to all the generals around him. However, the fighting spirit on his body stimulated the fighting men.

"Oh! Oh Xiao Yuesheng and other officers are also enthusiastic. They have been fighting for so many years, and they have never been as happy as fighting under Li Yuan and his men. All the way from yantiancheng to Dachang, no matter what the war was, it was a happy and heartfelt victory. They had regarded the commander who was much younger than them as the spiritual leader from the bottom of their heart.

After all the generals had dispersed, Li Yuanhe had planned to go to the root of the tree to sleep for a while. However, he found Ma Er Ma Zi standing there, looking at himself as if he had something to say. Immediately Li Yuanhe laughed and went to Ma Er Ma Zi and said to him, "old ma, what can I do for you?"

Ma'er pockmarked face was complicated. It seemed that there was something difficult to say. In Li Yuanhe's encouraging eyes, he finally said, "general! The kid I just mentioned is the one I brought back from Hu village. I promised him that I would take him to revenge, so he wanted to join our vanguard army. Without reporting to the general, his subordinates made a proposal without authorization. I agreed to him and asked the general to punish him! "

Ma er pockmarked knew that he had violated the military regulations this time. It was not proper to bring the outsider back to the military camp without permission. This time, ma er pockmarked the outsider into the army. Ma er pockmarked son is just a benefactor. He has no right to recruit. According to his behavior, Li Yuanhe can't kick him out of the vanguard army.

Li Yuanhe frowned as expected. Ma Er Ma Zi was the first group of people to follow him. Moreover, Ma Er Ma Zi was good at skills, especially his ability to be a scout was first-class. Li Yuanhe could not really kick him out of the army. It's just that it's a bit troublesome to stop other people's mouths. After all, every soldier in the vanguard army was registered in Biancheng at the beginning. It's a big taboo to recruit soldiers privately. Otherwise, Li Yuanhe would have recruited new soldiers when he was in Jiangcheng.

Frowning and thinking for a while, Li Yuanhe immediately said to ma er pockmarked: "Lao Ma, since you also know that this is against military regulations, why do you still do it? Don't say it's to get intelligence. It's easy to get information in this Hu village with your ability. Even if you don't have that kid, you can do it! "

Ma er pockmarked son, however, looked queer. He lowered his head and remained silent for a period of time. Finally, he gritted his teeth and raised his head and said, "general! This is because the as like as two peas, who are very similar to me, are his experiences and his character. Subordinates, subordinates, subordinates can't bear to see him continue to suffer! "

Li Yuanhe took a deep breath. In this troubled time, almost everyone will have such stories. Ma Er Ma Zi is like this, Cheng Hu and Wu San are also like this. Isn't he even like this? However, Li Yuanhe did not ask ma er pockmarked son's story. He just patted ma er pockmarked on the shoulder and said, "get up! Take me to see that kid! If there's no problem, I'll recruit him to be my own soldier! "Hearing what Li Yuanhe said, he agreed to it. Ma Er Ma was so happy that he knelt down to worship Li Yuanhe and said, "thank you for your success."

Li Yuanhe picked up Ma Er Ma with a smile, waved his big hand and said, "what are you talking about! Lead the way

After being brought back by Ma Er pockmarked, the boy has been sitting at the foot of a big tree outside, looking at the black armored soldiers around him. He either rested on the tree trunk like him, or polished his weapons with stones on the ground, but no one spoke. In addition to the "rustling" of weapons, there was no other sound around, but the boy felt a chill never felt before from the silence, and even could smell a smell of blood.

The chill made him shiver all over his body. Several times, he could not help but stand up and run away. But he remembered the explanation of the soldier who had brought him here when he left, so that he could stay here. Then he resisted his fear and leaned against the tree trunk, waiting for the soldier to come back.

It's also the boy's luck. Ma Er Ma told him not to move. It was also for his good. The soldiers around here are vegetarians. They are not resting as they appear to be. If there is any disturbance, they will attack them in groups. If the young man did not resist and got up to run away, he would have to face several gun heads or sharp knives. With his current ability, he would have to die on the spot.

The boy just curled up beside the tree trunk and waited for a long time. He had been doing things for a day during the day. At this time, he was sleepy. If his parents' hatred did not support him, he would have fallen asleep. But Rao is so, the youth's eyes have gradually become blurred, after a long time, the youth can not help falling asleep.

"General!" "General!" "See general!"

Just as the teenager was about to fall asleep, a sudden burst of drinking came from his side. He opened his eyes and pinched his thigh with his hands. The intense pain stimulated him to wake up immediately. Looking at the black armored soldiers who were all quiet as stones, the young man jumped up one after another, stood up and saluted directly behind him. The boy immediately realized that the man who had been waiting for one night had arrived.

The young man quickly stood up and turned his head. Sure enough, the soldier who had brought himself before had already arrived. Next to him was a soldier in black armor and a red cape. However, the armor on this soldier is different from that of others. Not only is the style more beautiful, but also there are many heads of beasts on it, which looks more powerful.

Ma Er Ma was stunned when he saw that the boy didn't sleep. When he was in Hu Village, he saw that the boy had been working hard all day. According to the truth, he should have been so tired that he fell asleep! Ma'er pockmarked son was just a little stunned for a moment, then pointed to the boy and said to Li Yuanhe in front of him: "general! That's the kid

Li Yuanhe took a look at the boy and nodded. While walking towards the boy, he waved his hand to the soldiers around him, indicating that they would continue to rest. When he got to the young man, he found that he was just as tall as his chest. Li Yuanhe squatted down and said to the boy, "kid! I hear you want to join the army, don't you? "

Although he didn't know Li Yuanhe, the young man guessed that Li Yuanhe was the commander-in-chief of this army. Even though he nodded his head with force, he immediately knelt down in front of Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe didn't expect that the boy would do this. He didn't have time to help him, so he heard the young man say, "my lord general! I will avenge my mother! And revenge for my father! I will kill all the southern barbarians! "

"All the people of Nanman? Kid, if I remember correctly, you have half of the blood of the Nanman people, and you are also half of the Nanman people Li Yuanhe didn't expect that the young man had such a great hatred, and then he gave a smile, "then how did you kill all the southern barbarians?"