Li Yuanhe didn't ask the boy what he said. He said angrily: "over the years, I have been bullied and humiliated in Hu village. Every day, I not only shed sweat and tears, but also shed a lot of blood. My half of the blood of the southern barbarians has been drained away with this blood! My father died in Nanman's hands, and my mother died in Nanman's hands, so I'm just a Han now, and I'm still a Han with a deep hatred for them! "

The hatred on the young man's face actually surprised Li Yuanhe. I'm afraid that the hatred of the southern barbarians in the youth team will not be much less than his hatred for those northern foreigners! Looking at the expression on the boy's face, Li Yuanhe suddenly chuckled and said, "kid! If you were a soldier, you would have to suffer a lot? Can you take it? "

"Bitter?" The boy looked up at Li Yuanhe and said, "general! Have I suffered less every day since I was young? Don't worry, general! No matter what kind of suffering, I can stand it! As long as I can fight to kill those Southern barbarians! Avenge my parents

Li Yuanhe looked at the boy, and he was indeed a stubborn child. Suddenly, Li Yuanhe had an interest in seeing how far the child could go. Immediately, Li Yuanhe suddenly stood up, looked down at the boy and asked, "kid! Say your name and your age? " As soon as Li Yuanhe said this question, ma er pockmarked son behind him was immediately beamed with joy. This shows that Li Yuanhe has agreed to put the boy into the army.

The boy kept his head down, but he didn't see the expression of Ma Er pockmarked son. However, he knew that whether he could join the post Qin army or not depended on the general in front of him. Even though he replied, "my name is Li Ping! I'm two years old. I'm sixteen years old! But general! My body is very strong! I have a lot of strength. I can do anything! " The young man raised his thin arm to prove his words, but his figure could not be linked with his strength.

Li Yuanhe was amused by the young man's action. With a smile, Li Yuanhe turned his head and said to Ma Er Ma: "old horse! This kid is brought by you. I'll let you train him for the time being. If you can use it, you can transfer it to my side as a soldier holding the flag! But don't be selfish. You know what we are going to do next. If we force him to stay, it will only hurt him! "

Ma'er pockmarked son, with a straight face, bowed to Li Yuanhe and said, "don't worry, general! If this boy is really not good, there is no need for the general to say that his subordinates will send him back to Jiangcheng! "

Seeing ma er pockmarked, he understood the truth. Li Yuanhe didn't say much. He just turned to Li Ping and said, "kid! Don't let me down After that, he turned around, threw off his cloak and walked back, leaving Li Ping with a tall figure. However, he was so stunned that he even forgot to salute Li Yuanhe.

However, the soldiers around him were jealous of Li Ping's stupidity. During this period of time, they had fully understood how powerful Li Yuanhe was. In their hearts, Li Yuanhe was an invincible general. However, Li has become a natural champion.

However, this kind of thing is not envious, not to mention anything else, is to see that Li Yuan and ma er pockmarked son, a close friend, are supporting this boy, so they have nothing to say. At that time, they did not say anything more. They took the time to rest and prepare for the next war in accordance with the orders given by Li Yuan and his predecessors.

After seeing Li Yuanhe off, Ma Er Ma turned back and said to Li Ping with irrepressible joy on his face: "little devil! This time you can get the general's appreciation, is your blessing! But don't be careless! The general has said that if you can't pass my test, you will still be sent back! And you don't expect me to release water to you, but you should be aware

After hearing ma er pockmarked's words, Li Ping nodded his head and grasped his fists. Then he asked, "my Lord! I just heard them say, are we going to war later? Are you going to Dahu village? Those Southern barbarians in Hu village are the enemies who killed my mother. Can I fight to avenge them? "

Li Ping's request made ma er pockmarked some hesitation. Although Li Yuanhe had agreed to recruit Li Ping into the vanguard army, there were preconditions. Now Li Ping has not passed his test. That is to say, Li Ping has not officially joined the vanguard army, so he can not be allowed to fight against the enemy. However, seeing Li Ping's eager eyes, Ma Er Ma couldn't say anything. Finally, he nodded helplessly and said, "it can be, but I have a little request! You must be by my side

Seeing ma'er pockmarked's promise, Li Ping almost jumped up. Ma'er pockmarked looked at Li Ping's happy expression, and his heart was open. Then ma er pockmarked simply handed Li Ping the big knife on his waist and said, "you are too small to use long weapons. I will give you this big knife! You'll kill and avenge the enemy with this big knife later

Ma'er pockmarked knife had been sent to him once before, but Li Ping didn't accept it at that time. This time, ma'er pockmarked knife was given to him again. Li Ping took ma'er pockmarked knife with a full face. Although his hand still could not fully grasp the scabbard, there was no problem holding the handle. Li Ping has been doing the heaviest and hardest work in Hu Village for many years. In fact, he is still in good health, but he is still in such a thin and weak body. However, Li Ping still had a lot of strength in his hands. He grabbed the scabbard in one hand and the handle in the other. With a choking sound, he pulled out the big knife.A beam of moonlight sprinkled on the blade through the gap between the leaves, reflecting a silver white cold light. However, Li Ping stood up his sword and looked at his own shadow reflected from the blade. Ma'er pockmarked son squatted in front of Li Ping, stretched out his hands, grasped Li Ping's hands, held them all on the handle of the knife, and said with a smile, "your strength is still weak. If you hold the knife with both hands, you can save some strength, and the power of chopping will be much greater." Then he tied the scabbard on Li Ping's belt.

Li Ping nodded and held the handle tightly with both hands, but his gesture was ridiculous. Ma er pockmarked looked at it, and then he said, "this is your first lesson in becoming a soldier! That's knife holding! To learn this lesson well, only by holding your own weapon can you use it well. In the battlefield, your weapon is your best partner. You can't lose your weapon at any time! Do you understand? "

Li Ping nodded his head again, but this time his eyes were burning with enthusiasm. Especially when he looked at the big knife in his hand, as Ma Er Mazi taught him, he regarded the big knife in his hand as his partner. His hands, in particular, held the handle tightly, as if it were cast iron.

"Good!" Ma er pockmarked eyes flashed a trace of appreciation, and then continued to Li Ping: "next, what I want to teach you is to wield a knife! It's not enough to make a knife your partner. You have to learn to use it! Don't underestimate the use of a knife. This is the most basic way to use a knife! In the battlefield, there is not so much free time for you to use complicated Sabre techniques. After a while, you will know how practical a knife wielding is! okay! Now listen to me. Hold the handle with your hands! Stand up to your chest, look at the front of your eyes, your waist should be straight, and you should stand in a bow stance at your feet

Under the instruction of Ma Er pockmarked son, Li Ping held up the knife, and his eyes were fixed on the darkness ahead. His eyes were red, as if there were enemies who killed his parents. Immediately ma er pockmarked son continues to shout: "good! Step forward! Hands up, over your head! The knife fell back a little bit! yes! Lean forward and see the target! Use all your strength! Cut it off

"Drink it Li Ping heard Ma Er Ma's cry, but he couldn't help drinking. He waved his big knife in his hand and directly cut it on the trunk of a big tree in front of him. All the knives were cut into the trunk of the tree, splashing some sawdust on Li Ping's face. Li Ping seemed not to feel the pain of those sawdust stabbing his face at all, but the knife he had just made made him feel extremely excited, as if that knife had already been cut on those enemies.

"It's good for your first cut! But as a soldier, you're not as good as that! " Ma er pockmarked on one side nodded, but said with a smile. His words made the soldiers around him laugh. After all, Li Ping, a new recruit, is still far from being a veteran.

Ma er pockmarked, however, glared at the old soldiers who snickered, and then said to Li Ping, "OK! You should remember the action of your knife! Don't forget it later! Now you have a rest! In two hours we'll start marching! You can't have no strength, or you won't be able to get revenge, right? You are resting here now. I have something else to do! "

Having settled down, Li Ping turned and walked towards the back. However, without taking a few steps, he heard bursts of broken air behind him. Ma'er pockmarked back and looked back, but he saw Li Ping, who had just been resting under the tree roots. At this time, he stood up again and waved the big knife he had given him. He practiced the knife one by one. Ma Er Ma Ma Ma shook his head with a bitter smile, but he didn't stop him. Instead, he continued to walk towards the back.