Ying Zhen was also an outstanding figure in the post Qin Emperor's room. He immediately woke up from his short joy. He immediately put away his smile, frowned and said to Kong Ling, "it's easy to say that. Is Dachang so easy to break? At that time, Luo Da general's army was defeated. What was his ability, Li Yuanhe, to boast of conquering Dachang with 3000 men? "

Kong Ling had long guessed that Ying would really ask, but he didn't hesitate at all. He raised his head and replied, "Your Highness! This time, that time! At that time, although Luo Dajiang's army led tens of thousands of troops, they could not break the Dachang state, but that was because Dachang state at that time also devoted the whole country's strength to defend the army. But now Dachang state has just lost 100000 troops, and his morale has been greatly reduced, and Li Xianfeng is unprepared. Therefore, the probability of Li Xianfeng's success this time is much higher than that of general Luo! "

"Oh?" Ying Zhen was blinded by Kong Ling's words. Of course, he also hoped that Li Yuanhe could successfully conquer the state of Dachang. Listening to Kong Ling's analysis, Ying Zhen seemed to see a glimmer of hope. At that time, he did not care to investigate Li Yuanhe's fault. He quickly turned to the side of the bookshelf and flipped several times. However, he drew out a map of Dachang and spread it directly on the desk. He raised his head and waved to Kong Ling. He said, "Master Kong, come here quickly. Tell me how Li Xianfeng will march?"

As soon as Ying Zhen's address to Kong Ling and Li Yuanhe changed, Kong Ling knew that Ying Zhen would not investigate Li Yuanhe's murder of the southern barbarians. To be honest, when he heard about this, Kong Ling's heart was cold. Now Yingzhen will not investigate Li Yuanhe's guilt. As long as Li Yuanhe can help Yingzhen break the defense of Dachang state, then Li Yuanhe has made a great contribution this time! Seeing Ying Zhen come to greet him, Kong Ling is about to step forward. However, with a glance of his eyes, he sees Wang Lei kneeling on the ground with a bitter face. Dare to win now is really too excited to forget him completely.

Kong Ling smiles in his heart, but he can't ignore Wang Lei. Even if he gives a bow to win, he says, "Your Highness! General Wang, who was a descendant of a general, had studied military books since childhood. If not, he would have been invited to advise his highness and see how Li Xianfeng would march? "

As soon as Kong Ling reminded him, Ying Zhen responded, and immediately said with a smile to Wang Lei, "if it wasn't for Master Kong Bo, I'd forget it. General Wang quickly comes forward and advises me." However, Wang Lei didn't dare to say anything. He just stood up immediately, touched his knee quietly, and walked quickly to win Zhen.

Kong Ling also came slowly. First, he made a salute to Yingzhen, and then he looked down at the map on the table. This map is also the data that the army of the late Qin Dynasty has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to detect. Although it may not be as detailed as the map that Li Yuanhe found in the watchtower, it is also detailed. All three of them have planned on the map with their heads down.

Wang Lei frowned and said, "Your Highness, although Dachang has a vast territory, there are too many mountains and forests, and most of them are for development, so there are not many cities. However, there are two adjacent cities just at the junction of China's post Qin state. The Zhangcheng city and the southern Hunan city are too close to each other. They are easy to defend and difficult to attack. "

Win really almost can't help rolling his eyes at Wang Lei. It's nonsense. If it's easy to attack, Luo Tianhan won't fail and return! But in this way, is it not even more impossible for Li Yuanhe to break through the two cities of Dachang state? Ying Zhen can't help but put his eyes on Kong Ling. Ying Zhen has learned from the previous intelligence that the strategies of the previous intelligent capture of Tiancheng and the burning of 100000 troops were all from the young counselor in front of him. Although Kong Ling is still a little younger than Zhou fan, his achievements will surely be higher than that of Zhou fan, who does not know how to be smooth over time.

Kong Ling also frowned at the map and looked at it from left to right. He was not optimistic that Li Yuanhe could break the barrier between Zhangcheng and Xiangnan. Zhangcheng city has high walls and thick walls, and it is heavily guarded. Although the defense of South Hunan city is worse than that of Zhangcheng City, it is an obvious trap. If we attack Xiangnan City, we will only fall into the attack of Xiangnan city and Zhangcheng garrison.

However, Kong Ling did not believe that Li Yuanhe would not see this. Although Li Yuanhe usually showed the vulgarity of a general, Kong Ling could see that Li Yuanhe's military strategy was not inferior to him. If he had not made a complete plan, Li Yuanhe would never have done so many things easily. So Li Yuanhe must have considered making all the plans when he was in Jiangcheng. Now what Kong Ling wants to do is to guess Li Yuanhe's plan, and then talk about winning the truth to give Li Yuanhe support.

Kong Ling looked around Zhangcheng and Xiangnan city on the map, but he couldn't find the flaw of the two cities. It has to be said that the king of Nanman, who built these two cities at the beginning, was very powerful. All around the two cities were mountains and forests. The only way to the South was blocked by these two cities. Even if he wanted to go around, he couldn't find a way. Thinking of winding, Kong Ling's eyes could not help but glance to the side, but all of a sudden, Kong Ling's brain seemed to grasp some key point.

"Around? Go around! yes! It's winding Kong Ling suddenly cried out, but he stretched his head to the left and searched the map repeatedly. Finally, he fixed his eyes on a city. Suddenly, he put his finger on the top of the city. He raised his head and said to Ying Zhen, "Your Highness! I found it! Li Xianfeng's southward March must be from here! Danube"Danube city?" Both Ying Zhen and Wang Lei were stunned. For so many years, as long as the post Qin state entered the state of Dachang, it must have taken Zhangcheng or Xiangnan city. There was never a third route. Now he saw Kong Ling pointing at the Danube city. He didn't respond for a moment. He looked down at the Danube City pointed by Kong Ling's finger in a daze.

"Kong Zhu Bo! You're not kidding, are you? " After a careful look at the location of Danube City, Ying Zhen's face immediately became gloomy and said with dissatisfaction: "this Danube city is not only so far away from Jiangcheng, but also located between the border of Shu and Yan. If the city of Danube can not be attacked for a while, will it not be a suicide

Kong Ling communicated with Li Yuanhe's plan. He was in a good mood, but he was not satisfied with winning. He said with a smile, "if someone else is in charge of the vanguard army, his subordinates dare not make such a guess. However, Li Yuan and Li Xianfeng are the leaders of the vanguard army this time. So their subordinates have fully affirmed that the vanguard army must follow this route! "

Wang Lei is not optimistic about Kong Ling's judgment, and says: "Kong Zhubo, it is obviously a dead end to go to Danube city. Why do you think that Li Xianfeng will choose this road? Besides, even if Li Xianfeng is like you said, there are many experienced generals in the vanguard army. They will never sit by and watch Li Xianfeng lead the vanguard army on a road of no return! "

Kong Ling knew that Wang Lei was talking about Xiao Yuesheng and others, but he didn't care. He thought that the generals had already been taken over by Li Yuanhe. Otherwise, how could he agree with Li Yuanhe's plan to go south? Of course, this matter must not be said in front of win. Then he shook his head and said, "Your Highness! General Wang! And listen to my instructions! Although going to Danube city seems like a lonely army, in my opinion, it is a place of death and a posterity! Although the vanguard army took advantage of the new defeat of the Dachang army, Zhangcheng and Xiangnan city were easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if the vanguard army could capture the two cities, it would certainly be a heavy loss and could not cope with the counter attack of Dachang! Therefore, if the vanguard bureau wants to win, it must choose strange strategies! "

However, the eyes of Yingzhen and Wang Lei are bright. In his early years, Ying Zhen also experienced many battles. Wang Lei's family background is even more deeply influenced. He immediately grasped the essence of Kong Ling's words. This time they went south, that was to occupy a strange word. Immediately, they raised their heads and looked at Kong Ling, waiting for the next words of Kong Ling. Kong Ling continued: "although the Danube city seems very far away from our post Qin state, if the vanguard army wants to enter Dachang, it certainly will not go down so directly to the south. We must seize this watchtower first! In this way, it has narrowed the distance with Danube city. Therefore, Zhangcheng, Xiangnan city and Danube city can all be the targets of the vanguard army. Zhangcheng and Xiangnan city are the only way for the post Qin army to go south. This not only formed inertia in our post Qin army, but also the defenders of Dachang country were used to such defense! If it's an accident, isn't it a direct attack on Danube? "

Kong Ling said that, but let Yingzhen and Wang Lei nodded involuntarily and agreed with Kong Ling's statement. However, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked, "Master Kong Bo, although what you said is reasonable, it is also your inference. How can you be sure that Li Xianfeng will march towards Danube city according to what you said?"

With a smile, Kong Ling stretched out two fingers and said, "Your Highness, your highness, this inference is based on two reasons. First, Li Xianfeng killed all the Nanman spies in Jiangcheng before he went south. The purpose was to cut off the sources of Dachang state. It can be seen that Li Xianfeng has decided to attack Dachang state, which is not a good defense. Secondly, Li Xianfeng himself is also well versed in the art of war, and his military strategy and intelligence will never be under his command. As the so-called wise men plan things, their ideas will surely lead to the same goal. So my subordinates decided that Li Xianfeng would take the vanguard army to Danube city! "