Five days after leaving Hu Village, the vanguard army is on its way to Danube city. With the guidance of that map, the road was very smooth. Li Yuanhe and others even couldn't help sighing that if Luo Tianhan had been given more time in those years, he might have broken the state of Dachang.

Although it has been more than ten years, according to the map, the path is only a little deserted, but it is no problem for marching. Along this path, the forest between Danube city and the watchtower is avoided. Although the distance is a little far, it does not necessarily take longer than directly crossing the forest.

As for the attack on Hu village before, Li Yuanhe also sent scouts to investigate, as expected by Li Yuanhe. After learning that Hu village was attacked, the general of Zhangcheng didn't send a garrison to support Hu village. Instead, he kept the city gate closed. In this way, the vanguard army left Hu Village in a swagger.

Li Yuanhe looked up and looked at the sky. At this time, the sun had gradually set in the west, leaving only a piece of blood red light, which dyed the last piece of western sky red. Li Yuanhe directly stopped his mount and turned his head to Wu Sanfen behind him: "the sky is almost dark. Go ahead. Let's go on. Let's camp here, let's rest!"

Wu San nodded, and then passed on Li Yuanhe's military order. After a day's journey, the officers and soldiers were also tired. Li Yuanhe's military order was really appropriate. The soldiers skillfully set up the camp, because before going south, Li Yuanhe had ordered to throw away the heavy baggage, so the tents they used to rest were just simple small tents. This kind of small tent is also very simple to set up, so soon a small camp was built on this path. The soldiers set up a campfire in the camp and began to eat dry food slowly.

Li Yuanhe made a brief inspection of the camp and arranged some defensive measures. Although the state of Dachang did not notice their isolated army, it was necessary to guard in case of emergency. Li Zhengqin's tent, which he had just left before, had not been dealt with by Li Zhengjun. Dressed in black armor, with a big knife pinned to his waist, it looks like that.

Seeing Li Yuanhe coming back, Li Ping immediately saluted Li Yuanhe and said in a loud voice, "see you, general! general! General Xiao Yuesheng is waiting for the general in the general's camp! "

Xiao Yuesheng? Li Yuan and a Leng, then nodded, said that they know, a bent down into the tent, just saw Xiao Yuesheng sitting in the tent looking at himself. Li Yuanhe smiles at Xiao Yuesheng, and then sits down directly in front of Xiao Yuesheng. The tent is only the size of three people. In such a small place, they don't have to worry about any etiquette. Li Yuanhe first called out to the tent: "Li Ping, you should go back and have a rest first! I have nothing to do here! "

"Li Ping, is this general's new soldier?" Xiao Yuesheng also asked with a smile. When Li Ping killed the head of Hu Village, Xiao Yuesheng was collecting grain on the other side of Hu Village, so he didn't see it. He just heard from other generals. Just when I entered the tent, I saw Li Ping for the first time, so I have such a question.

Li Yuanhe nodded and said, "yes, this kid is a good kid! In addition, the old horse highly recommended, so I will make an exception to receive him in the army With that, Li Yuanhe took out some dry food from the package on one side and directly handed a pancake to Xiao Yuesheng.

Xiao Yuesheng was not polite. As a result, pancakes were nibbled. He didn't care much about Li Ping's affairs. He just asked casually. Then he began to say the purpose of this time: "general! According to the distance, we should arrive at Danube in four days, but I don't know if the general has prepared the plan for the siege? "

Li Yuanhe took out a piece of cold steamed bread. He also chewed it. Listening to Xiao Yuesheng's question, Li Yuanhe laughed and said, "brother Xiao, are you in a hurry? Don't worry! I'm sure you'll have a good time! "

Li Yuanhe's ridicule made Xiao Yuesheng's old face blush. To be honest, he was really worried, but it was not what Li Yuanhe said, but worried about the future of the attack on Danube city. Although the defense force of Danube city is much less than that of Zhangcheng city and Xiangnan City, it is after all the former capital of Nanman Kingdom, and the defense of Dachang state in Danube city is not so small. If there is no reasonable arrangement and deployment, it is not so easy to attack Danube city.

Of course, Li Yuanhe knew Xiao Yuesheng's meaning. He just made a joke to Xiao Yuesheng. Actually, Li Yuanhe had a preliminary plan for attacking Danube city. However, Li Yuanhe didn't want to say it so early, so he talked about him and let Xiao Yuesheng feel confused.

Seeing that Li Yuanhe had been unwilling to tell the truth, Xiao Yuesheng had no choice but to put the matter aside and continued: "general, I don't know what the general's next plan will be after he has captured Danube city? Are you staying in Danube waiting for your Highness's reinforcements, or... " In the following words, Xiao Yuesheng didn't say it, but the meaning was self-evident. He was worried that Li Yuanhe would not be satisfied after taking Danube City, and he would still March to the south.Hearing the potential worry in Xiao Yuesheng's words, Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing and saying, "brother Xiao, don't worry. Even if I'm bold, Li Yuanhe won't be able to do that kind of self seeking death! When we have captured Danube City, the task of our vanguard troops going south will be completed. At that time, we only need to hold the city and wait for the reinforcements of his Highness the third prince! Think of it, our scouts should have arrived in Jiangcheng by now After returning from Hu Village, Li Yuanhe sent a scout to Jiangcheng to report the whereabouts of the vanguard army to Yingzhen, so that Yingzhen could send reinforcements in the shortest time.

After listening to Li Yuanhe's reply, Xiao Yuesheng can't help but feel relieved, and then he murmured in his heart: "are you not bold? Take a look at what you have done, massacre the southern barbarians, 3000 people go south to attack Dachang, and lead the troops to go far away to Danube city. Which is not a bold thing? I don't think there is anything you Li Yuanhe dare not do in this world! "

However, Xiao Yuesheng, this is just a secret abdominal Fei, but in any case dare not say it. After such a period of contact, Xiao Yuesheng can also see clearly that although the young general in front of him is not half his age, he is much more decisive and ruthless. It's chilling to think about the Nanman people in Jiangcheng and the villagers in Hu village. Rao is Xiao Yuesheng who has been in the army for many years and has never seen such a bloody method. However, in Xiao Yuesheng's opinion, it is precisely because of this character that Li Yuanhe will achieve great things sooner or later.

While Xiao Yuesheng and Li Yuanhe were talking about other matters, there was a burst of noise from the outside, but they both stood up. The two men looked at each other, and then they got out of the tent at the same time. They both knew that something must have happened, because Li Yuanhe had already explained it before the March. Because this was a secret March, the officers and men were not allowed to make any noise. If there was nothing special, the officers and men would never make such a big noise.

I just got out of the tent, but I saw that all the soldiers around were rushing towards the west, but I didn't know what happened. At this time, Li Ping, who had been on the sideline and never left, walked quickly to the two men, bowed to Li Yuanhe and said, "general! The camp ahead seems to have broken into a group of people and horses. It should not be the soldiers and horses of Dachang state, but where did they come from? General Wu San has just taken people to check it out! "

Wu Yuan's role in the camp is not as good as that of the other's. Immediately Li Yuanhe said to Xiao Yuesheng, "brother Xiao, let's go and have a look."

Xiao Yuesheng was also curious, and agreed with Li Yuanhe's opinion. They walked quickly to the west of the camp with the tide of the soldiers. When they got to the west of the camp, the soldiers had already surrounded it. Li Yuanhe and Xiao Yuesheng were about to go in, when they heard a roar coming from the crowd: "no matter where you are from, you can't be so domineering, occupying the middle of the road and not allowing others to pass through! Today, I have to tell you this truth! "

"Ha ha! Brother! I have offended you a lot before. It's really wrong for us to seize the road. On behalf of several brothers who have just offended my brother, I will make amends to you. But this time our trip is very confidential, so now we can't let brothers and others leave here! I can't ask you to follow us on a journey! " This voice is from Wu San. Wu San was also an escort who had been escorting. It seems that the other side should be some so-called people in the world.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Suddenly, the other side burst into a roar of anger! I don't think you are going to do any good to people. Otherwise, why are you afraid of being broken by others? Today, I'm going to do it for heaven