Hearing that the young master of the Yan family was outside the city, the guards were so frightened that they almost didn't sit on the ground. The leader of the guard did not say a word, but turned around and was about to go down to the city. One of his subordinates was full of doubts and asked, "boss! So late, they said it was the young master of the Yan family, so we believed it? Don't we go and ask? "

The head of the guard glared at his men and said, "I want to ask you to inquire! I want to save my life! What's the advantage of pretending to be the young master of the Yan family so late? Just to cheat the city gate? When we open the gate, we will know whether the other party is the young master of the Yan family. If not, it will be too late for us to trouble them again! But if you neglect the young master of the Yan family, you can see the end of the guard this afternoon

Listening to the above mention of this afternoon's matter, the guard also made a shiver, but he did not dare to ask about the matter again. A group of people hurriedly went down from the head of the city. When they arrived at the gate of the city, several guards came up and asked, "boss, what's the matter? Why is it so noisy outside? Who is it? " It turned out that there was a gate, but the sound was also dissipated a lot. The guards at the gate only heard someone shouting outside the city, but they didn't know what to shout. Even one guard was so nervous that he ran to the drum.

The guard leader waved his hand and said, "don't be nervous. It's the young master of Yan's family outside the city! Everyone should be smart. Don't be like this afternoon. We can't afford to offend the Yan family. " As soon as the guards at the gate of the city heard that they were the young master of the Yan family, their reaction was the same as that of the guards who had just been at the head of the city. The guards who were guarding the battle drums threw their drumsticks aside in a hurry, for fear that they might accidentally sound the drums.

The head of the guard himself was no better than that. He just took a deep breath and tried to hold back his inner tension. He said to the left and right, "are you all ready? Open the gate to meet the young master of Yan Family

With the order of the guard leader, the four guards ran to the gate of the city, took off the baffle on the gate with all hands and feet, and called out the song in a low voice, and exerted a force at the same time. At the sound of a creak, the huge gate of the city opened slowly. The light of several torches in the gate only slightly illuminated the distance of ten steps outside the gate, and faintly saw the figures of the five horses outside the city. The chief guard, who dares to neglect him, quickly walked to the gate of the city and said to the five riders, "villain, please see Mr. Yan!" Of course, he couldn't tell which of the five horses was the young master of the Yan family, so he paid homage to the five horses directly. He would never make mistakes.

"Well!" From the opposite of the five horses spread a dull hum, but can not hear whether it is happy or angry. The head of the guard was bent and did not dare to move. Drops of cold sweat were gathering on his forehead, for fear that the next roar would come from the opposite side.

"All right! At last you opened the door in time! My little master will not blame you! " Just when the guard leader was about to be crushed by the invisible pressure, suddenly the leftmost rider took a few steps forward on his horse and said to the guard leader. And his voice is undoubtedly the sound of nature to the garrison leader.

A guard behind him quietly said to him, "boss, I know the man who spoke is the guard of the Yan family, the Wei brothers, but they are four brothers of our compatriots. They look very similar. I don't know which one is. But they are all escorting the young master of the Yan family. I think it is the young master of the Yan family who is not wrong! How close it is The last word of the garrison was said to himself.

And the leader of the guard also secretly wiped a cold sweat. Fortunately, he did not listen to the words of the former subordinate. If he inquired about it, he would certainly offend the young master of the Yan family. I can't say, I'm going to follow the footsteps of those brothers this afternoon. Thinking of this, he subconsciously put out his hand again and wiped it on his forehead. The guard leader quickly raised his body and put his fist in front of him. He said with a smile, "master Yan, there are a lot of them! I can't thank you enough! "

"All right! All right The guard was a little impatient and said, "my little master is tired on the journey. I need to go back to my house immediately. Don't stop us here and get out of the way quickly!" With that, the young master of Yan's family, who was in the middle, snorted again, regardless of whether the guards gave way or not.

How dare those guards stop them? They quickly let the two sides pass by. And then, the remaining four horses also followed the young master of Yan's family through the arch hole of the city gate. After passing through the arch hole, under the light of the guard's torch, it can be seen that the young master of the Yan family, who is walking in the front, is tall and big. He is wearing a blue robe and carrying a famous Yan Family long knife in his hand. But on his head was a hat, the front of which was so low that his face was blocked. As like as two peas, the four guards behind him were exactly the same as the four brothers.

But for some reason, the young master of Yan's family suddenly stopped his horse after he passed through the arch hole, turned his horse's head, and headed for the war drum under the wall. The guard who stood by the drum was frightened by the young master of Yan's family. He knelt down and kept kowtowing. Although I don't know where I offended this ancestor, but this one is not a reasonable one, so I still kowtow to beg for mercy.However, the young master of the Yan family did not pay any attention to the kowtowing garrison at all. He went to the drum and suddenly swung a knife and cut the drum in half. Suddenly, all the guards at the gate of the city were stunned. Of course, they did not dare to blame the young master of the Yan family, but they could not understand where the drum had offended this master.

At this time, the guard, who had just recognized the Wei brothers, frowned and looked at the figure of the young master of the Yan family. However, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the tighter his brow became. Finally, he couldn't help it. He attached himself to the guard leader's ear and whispered, "boss, something's wrong! I have seen the young master of the Yan family before, but his figure is obviously not so tall and strong! "

The commander was stunned. At this time, the young master of the Yan Family suddenly turned around and looked at the Wei brothers who had passed through the arch hole of the city gate. At the same time, the Wei brothers also looked at the young master of the Yan family, and then nodded his head vigorously. Suddenly, the young master of the Yan family once again waved his long knife in his hand and chopped the guard kneeling there by the horse to the ground. At the same time, the four brothers of the Wei family were suddenly in trouble. The guards did not have time to react and killed more than ten people at once.

For a while, there were only three or four guards left at the gate of the city, including the chief guard. All of a sudden, the guard leader did not even fully respond. He looked at the young master of the Yan Family and the Wei family brothers in horror. He had no idea why they wanted to suddenly kill people. The guard who was behind the guard leader was frightened. Then he suddenly thought of something. He pointed to the young master of the Yan Family and said, "you, you, you are not the young master of the Yan Family!"

"Hum!" The "young master of Yan's family" snorted coldly again. The horse rushed towards them, and then killed all the remaining guards. Then he looked around to make sure there was no one left behind. Then he said to the Wei brothers, "go to the city and kill all the guards! Be careful not to disturb the city! After finishing this, they signal to the outside of the city and ask general Xiao to come over! "

"Here it is The four brothers of the Wei family saluted respectfully to the "young master of the Yan Family", but naturally they could not ride horses on the top of the city. At the same time, they turned over and dismounted and ran to the city head with a phoenix beak knife. Then, from the top of the city, there were several screams, but there was no one near the gate, so there was no need to worry that the scream would be heard by the residents in the city. However, the "young master of the Yan Family" is still carefully looking towards the direction of the city to ensure that no one passes by.

After about half a column of incense, a low voice came from outside the city: "general? But the general? "

"The young master of the Yan Family" turned his head when he heard the sound. However, he saw a large group of men and horses at the gate of the city. They were all black armor. But all the people didn't have torches. It looked as if their bodies were fully integrated into the dark outside of the city. Only the current rows showed themselves in the light of the torches thrown on the ground at the gate of the city.

At the front of the line, a general in black armor came forward carefully. After seeing the figure of the "young master of Yan Family", he relaxed a little. At this time, the Wei brothers also ran down from the head of the city, looked at the black armour army, and then clasped hands and whispered: "general! All the people in the city have been solved! "

"Young master of Yan Family" nodded, and the black armour general also walked quickly to his side. He also clasped his hands and whispered: "general! All the officers and men of the vanguard army have arrived. We can rush into the city at the command of the general! " After saying that, the black armour general reached out and opened his mask on his head, revealing a resolute and rough face. It was Xiao Yuesheng, deputy general of the vanguard army of the late Qin Dynasty!

However, the "young master of Yan's family" laughs and reaches out to take down the bamboo hat on his head, revealing his original appearance. It is the commander-in-chief of the vanguard army, Li Yuanhe!