Li Yuanhe looked at the vanguard army running into the city with a smile. Originally, Li Yuanhe planned to sneak into Danube as a businessman, and then wait until the night to open the city gate. But this is a bit of risk. If it is found out at the gate of the city, it will be very harmful to the subsequent attack.

However, Yan Ze's arrival is to let Li Yuanhe find a new way. With the surrender of the Wei brothers, the chance of cheating on the city gate is much higher. Li Yuanhe simply took advantage of the Yan Family's reputation in Danube city and chose to cheat the city gate directly. However, Li Yuanhe did not expect that it would be so smooth. Before that, he and the Wei family brothers studied many ways to deal with the interrogation of the guards at the gate. Naturally, Li Yuanhe did not know what happened to Yan Duoqi, the head of the Yan family. The fear Yan Duoqi brought to the guards of the city gate helped Li Yuanhe a lot.

Although the city gate has been broken, it does not mean that the city of Danube has been captured. According to the information given by the Wei brothers, besides the regular garrison, the Yan Family and the big families in the city have no less than 700 family soldiers. Fortunately, the garrison originally stationed in Danube city was transferred more than half a month ago, and there were only a few thousand defenders left in the city. Otherwise, even if the city gate was broken, it would not have been able to resist the crazy counter attack of family soldiers and city defenders.

Naturally, Li Yuanhe knew that more than half of the Garrison who had been transferred had been burned to death in Tiancheng. He also called out a few words of luck in his heart. First of all, he took the armor handed over by Xiao Yuesheng. With the help of his own soldiers, he put it directly on his body. By the way, he threw the Yan Family's long sword to his relatives and took his Zhangba spear. Then he issued an order to the vanguard Army: "General Xiao! You take 1500 officers and men, under the leadership of the Wei brothers, to the garrison camp, secretly surround them, do not disturb them! Wu San! Zhao Yong! Zhao Meng! The three of you will take a hundred of them, and you will get rid of all the remaining guards on the three gates of the city. "

"Here it is All of them gave Li Yuanhe a fist and took orders, especially the Wei brothers, who looked at Li Yuanhe with gratitude. They know that Li Yuanhe must deal with the big families in the city first, and the Yan family is the leader of the big families in Danube. Now, although the Wei brothers have taken refuge in Li Yuanhe's hands, the Yan family is their old master after all. If they face the old master head-on, the Wei brothers will be somewhat embarrassed. It can be said that Li Yuanhe's arrangement fully takes into account the feelings of the Wei brothers.

After all the people took orders to leave, there were only Chenghu, Qian Laojiu, Ma ermazi, and more than 1000 vanguard generals around Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe turned his head and said to Cheng Hu, "Chenghu, I'll give you 200 people to disguise as a guard. Guard the gate for me. Don't let anything in and out of the gate! If anyone escapes from the city, kill them! "

"Here it is Cheng Hu is also holding hands and taking orders. Li Yuanhe is worried that if there is too much noise in the city, it will inevitably be discovered by some Dachang spies. Although it is said that the vanguard army's capture of Danube will be known by Dachang sooner or later, it would be better to be a little later. And Cheng Hu is in the most stable mood among the people, and it is most appropriate for him to do it.

After that, Li Yuanhe waved his hand to the rest of the people and said, "you all follow me into the city. We should pay a good visit to these big families! When we defend Danube in the future, we will have to rely on the help of these families! by the way! Li Ping! Has the young master of Yan family ever been in the army? " Li Yuanhe suddenly seemed to think of something and turned to ask Li Ping, a close soldier who was following him.

Since Yanze was arrested, although he can't let him go, Li Yuanhe doesn't abuse him, but he just leaves him in the custody of his own soldiers. In any case, he did not fight or scold, but tied him tightly with a rope. Li Ping immediately said to Li Yuanhe, "general, Yan Ze has been following the army, and now he is outside the city gate. There are about ten brothers watching over him."

"Good! Take him with you! He may be of great use Li Yuanhe nodded his head and gave an order. Then he directly clipped his legs and ran his horse to the city. The Wei brothers had already given Li Yuanhe a very detailed account of the layout of the city, so Li Yuanhe was also very clear about the location of the destination. Li Ping also quickly stepped out of the city gate, informed the soldiers, took Yan Ze, who was bound to be unable to move, and followed Li Yuanhe toward the city. Of course, they did not forget to put a piece of rag in Yan Ze's mouth to stop Yan Ze's mouth.

The whole city of Danube is not big, about half the size of Bian. When the city was built, Nanman kingdom was only just established, and all the money was spent on building an army. How could they spend more time expanding the city. However, after the southern barbarian kingdom became stronger and stronger, although it did not expand Danube City, it did a lot of hard work in the construction of Danube city. The layout of the whole city was well arranged and tightly jointed. If Li Yuanhe entered the city during the day, the garrison in the city could rely on the layout of the city to continue fighting with the vanguard army. However, Li Yuanhe remembers that when the United forces of the four countries occupied Danube City, they spent a lot of people and horses, which directly led to the failure of the four countries' united forces to continue to move south.

But now it's night, and every family has begun to blow the light to sleep. However, Li Yuanhe and the officers and men of the vanguard army all tied thick coarse cloth on the horse's hooves and their own feet, and drove along quietly. No one realized that Li Yuan and the enemy had invaded Danube.Li Yuanhe walked to the intersection of a big street, but carefully identified the direction, and then quietly told him: "Ma Er Ma Zi! You take 500 people and walk along this road to the East, where is the chengshoufu! You just need to quietly surround the city's garrison house, come out one, catch one, just try not to disturb each other. However, if it is found out, we must seize the city garrison as soon as possible! "

Ma'er pockmarked son did not open his mouth to respond. He just nodded his head and waved his hand behind him. He took two hundred people and marched eastward along the street according to Li Yuanhe's instructions. However, Li Yuanhe took the rest of the people to the west, and before long, he saw a big house in front of him. Just from the gate, you can see that this family is absolutely not simple. Above the vermilion gate, there is a plaque with gold characters on a black background. Under the illumination of red lanterns on both sides, the two gold characters of "Yan Fu" are shining with gold. You can see that they are inlaid with pure gold.

Li Yuanhe raised his hand to stop the soldiers' march behind him. Looking at the gate of Yan's mansion, Li Yuanhe turned his head and saw Li Ping. Li Yuanhe said with a smile, "kid! How dare you? Do you dare to join me? "

When Li Ping heard Li Yuanhe's words, it was obvious that there was some banter in his words, but he couldn't resist Li Yuanhe's excitement. He immediately raised his head and said, "general, don't look down on me! As long as the general dares to go! Why do I dare not go, Li Ping? " He also raised his chest, reached out and grasped the big knife in his waist. As long as Li Yuanhe told him, he would rush up and try his best.

Li Yuanhe laughed a few times and said, "good! Since you are brave enough, I will use you! Listen! Take people to guard here for me, without my instructions, all people are not allowed to act rashly! Li Ping! You go and bring Yanze to me! Just the two of us, let's go to Yan's house now! "

Li Ping was already feverish because of Li Yuanhe's provocation. He didn't care so much about it. He turned around and went to Yanze. However, an officer of the vanguard army who followed Li Yuanhe was shocked and quickly dissuaded him: "general, you can't do it! The general's safety is related to our vanguard army. How can we easily commit danger? There are no more than 200 people in the Yan family. If the general wants to take the Yan family, he will take his brother with him. "

"No!" Li Yuanhe solemnly raised his hand and said to the officer, "it's good that I want to capture the Yan family, but I'm not going to wipe out the Yan family completely! That would be more than the gain for us! Although we can win Danube city tonight, we are destined to face the counterattack of Dachang kingdom in the future. Therefore, it is of great benefit to us to have more strength! "

Hearing Li Yuanhe's words, the officer was stunned. He looked at Li Yuanhe with disbelief on his face and asked, "general, are you trying to talk about the family of reducing martial arts? This, this, this is simply impossible! Although the last general was ignorant, he also knew that the Yan family was the royal family of Nanman kingdom. The hatred between the Han people and the Nanman people could not be reconciled. How could the Yan Family surrender to us? "

Li Yuanhe didn't answer the officer's question. At this time, Li Ping had already dragged Yanze to Li Yuanhe. Although Li Ping's stature is not very tall, Yan Ze's figure is not high, which can only be regarded as medium height. At this time, Li Ping has already pulled out the big knife at his waist and put it on Yan Ze's back waist. As long as Yan Ze has any change, he will not hesitate to stab in. What's more, Yan Ze's body is still tied with a tendon rope, and his upper body can't move at all. Therefore, Li Ping guards Yan Ze, which is no problem at all.

The officer tried to persuade Li Yuanhe, but he didn't give him a chance. He said, "this is an order!" He stopped the officer's mouth tightly. Immediately, Li Yuanhe walked towards Yan's house in front of him, without even a weapon in his hand.