Of course, Li Yuanhe meant to ask Li Ping to put away his knife. Li Ping was also a smart man. He immediately put away his big knife and sat down to his place. However, Li Ping didn't relax his vigilance. On the contrary, he looked more and more carefully at the Yan Family and his son, especially Yan Ze, who was still in a daze. If he had any movement, Li Ping would not hesitate to attack.

Li Yuanhe turned a blind eye to Li Ping's actions. Instead, his eyes flashed and he looked at Yan Duoqi. Now he let Yanze go. It is a good time to strike while the iron is hot. Before Li Yuanhe's reform, Li Yuanhe looked at Yan Duoqi and said, "master Yan, to be honest, if possible, I really hope that the state of Qin and the state of Dachang can coexist peacefully as the great Qin Empire and the southern barbarian Kingdom did at that time!"

In Li Yuanhe's words, he deliberately accentuated the tone of the three words of Nanman kingdom. Yan Duoqi seemed to understand something when he heard it. He looked at Li Yuanhe with a little deep feeling and said leisurely, "General Li's wish is actually my wish! I am a businessman. Naturally, businessmen want peace in the world. If the two countries can coexist peacefully, it will be more convenient for us businessmen to do business in the future. "

Li Yuanhe smiles. Although Yan Duoqi doesn't show anything, he can be sure that the old fox in front of him must have guessed his meaning. But after all, the old fox was still resourceful and would not reveal the truth easily. So he decided to add another fire. Li Yuanhe laughed and said, "the master of Yan's family is too modest! Don't mention this Danube city. Even when Li was in Biancheng before, he had heard about the deeds of the Yan Family leader. People who knew the Yan Family leader would give their thumbs up and praise the Yan Family leader as a dragon among the people! " However, Li Yuanhe emphasized the last word "dragon" again.

Although Yan Duoqi's face remained the same after listening to Li Yuanhe's words, Li Yuanhe clearly saw that Yan Duoqi's right hand suddenly trembled. Seeing Yan Duoqi's reaction, Li Yuanhe was determined. Yan Duoqi was as ambitious as he had expected. Otherwise, he would never have such a reaction to his words. Next, all he has to do is wait for Yan Duoqi's expression.

Perhaps aware of his strange reaction, Yan Duoqi shrunk his hand from the table to the bottom of the table, and said with a smile, "General Li's praise is ridiculous! I'm already a person who has stepped into the coffin. I don't have the ability. Old man! But I dare not think too much. It's better to be down-to-earth! "

Although Yan Duoqi said so, it was Li Yuanhe, but it was absolutely not what the old fox thought. Yan Duoqi didn't want to take too much risk. He wanted to get more guarantee from Li Yuanhe! On the contrary, Yan Duoqi, unlike Li Yuanhe, is a loner. After all, Yan Duoqi is the life of hundreds of people in the Yan family. He is not careless. If it is no longer found that the garrison of Xianfeng and Tianchen is no longer delayed, the distance between them will be increased. However, if they have not been found out, they will have to wait for three times to defend the city.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanhe said to Yan Duoqi with a straight face: "master of the Yan family, although the Yan family is no longer the royal family of Nanman Kingdom, the status of the Yan Family in the eyes of the Nanman people has not changed at all. If you are the leader of Yuchang's family, you can respond to the call of Yan, the leader of the whole kingdom

Hearing Li Yuanhe's words, Rao is Yan Duoqi's face changed no matter how calm he is. Fortunately, this is said in the dining room of Yan's family. If you put it outside, the spy of Yuwen's family hears it, the accusation of treason can't be washed out in any case. Thinking of this, Yan Duoqi's smile was not natural. He pulled the corner of his mouth and forced to smile and said, "well, General Li must be drunk! Why don't I arrange a guest room for General Li to have a good rest? "

Li Yuanhe stood up and said, "master Yan! To be honest! Now the Danube city has fallen into the hands of the post Qin army! Li with 3000 vanguard army has entered the city this time. As long as Li orders, the garrison in the city will become a prisoner under the rank! But I don't know what the Yan Family leader is going to do to our post Qin army? "

If Li Yuanhe had just entered the mansion and said so, Yan Duoqi might have taken Li Yuanhe directly. Although the Qin army after 3000 sounds very frightening, Yan Duoqi is not afraid of it. But Li Yuanhe just showed another way to Yan Duoqi, which made Yan Duoqi hesitant.

Yan duo opened his cool head and closed his eyes, but he did not immediately answer Li Yuanhe's question. For a while, the atmosphere in the dining room became a little dull. Yan Ze, who had just returned to his senses, was shocked and froze by Li Yuanhe, who suddenly stood up. Li Ping also raised the broadsword and stood beside Li Yuanhe at the first time.

After about a stick of incense, Yan Duoqi slowly opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at Li Yuanhe. He said slowly, "General Li! But I don't know. What General Li said just now is the meaning of general li himself or that of your Highness the Third Prince of your country? " Although Yan Duoqi asked this question in a relaxed tone, his old eyes were staring at Li Yuanhe.However, Li Yuanhe hesitated. Naturally, the idea came out of his mind. Winning was far behind the Qin state. How could he let win really know. However, if it is said according to the truth, it is not telling Yan Duoqi that he is just painting him a big round cake. How can Yan Duoqi take the whole Yan Family and Li Yuanhe crazy.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yuanhe finally gnawed his teeth and said, "don't hide it from the Yan Family master! This idea, however, is Li Mou's own action! However, Li dare to promise to Yan that his Highness the third prince and His Majesty the Lord of our country will certainly agree with Li's proposal! " After thinking about it, Li Yuanhe decided to tell the truth. Although it was risky, if he lied, he would not get the support of the Yan family even if he could succeed in the future. The Yan family has a great influence in the whole south. Without the help of the Yan family, Li Yuanhe will have many plans that can not be implemented in the future.

After saying these words, Li Yuanhe was ready for Yan Duoqi to turn over. However, he did not expect that Yan Duoqi did not show a trace of anger after listening to it. Instead, he laughed. Yan Duoqi stroked his beard and said with a smile, "General Li is indeed a believer! Good! I'll go crazy with General Li for once With that, Yan Duoqi picked up the wine pot and filled his glass with wine. Then he filled Li Yuanhe's glass with wine. He put down the bottle, but he raised his glass and paid a tribute to Li Yuanhe.

Li Yuanhe's eyes brightened and his face brightened. He knew that he had won the bet this time. Even when he raised his glass and touched Yan Duoqi's glass, he said excitedly, "Li, thank you for your support!"

"Ha ha ha ha! You are welcome, General Li! " Yan Duoqi said with a smile that it was not for no reason that he dared to gamble with Li Yuanhe with the whole Yan family. What Yan Duoqi was interested in was the potential of the young general in front of him. In fact, whether Li Yuanhe is telling the truth or lying, he will agree with Li Yuanhe's decision. The only difference is that if Li Yuanhe is telling the truth, then the Yan family will fully support this promising young general in the future. But if Li Yuanhe lied, the Yan family would try their best to strangle Li Yuanhe in the weak.

The most important reason is that the idea put forward by Li Yuanhe just hit the Yan Family's wish for so many years. Li Yuanhe's idea was to rely on the Yan Family's influence in Dachang state, cooperate with the Qin army to overthrow Dachang state, and then rebuild the Nanman kingdom by Yan family, following the peace agreement between the Daqin Empire and the Nanman kingdom. At that time, the Yan family was squeezed out of the royal position by the Yuwen family. All the time, they no longer wanted to regain the throne. Unfortunately, the Yuwen family was not good, and the Yan family had never found a chance. Now that Li Yuanhe has brought this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to his eyes, how can Yan Duoqi push it off!

After drinking all the wine in the cup, they looked at each other and laughed. Li Ping and Yan Ze, beside them, were confused and could only stare at the two laughing people with wide eyes. Li Ping's performance tonight is very satisfactory for Li Yuanhe. After all, more than ten days ago, Li Ping was just an ordinary country boy, and Li Yuanhe's requirements were not high. But for Yan Ze, Yan Duoqi is not so satisfied. Although Yan Ze is his precious son, he is the future successor of Yan family!

Yan Ze had not encountered any difficulties before. Under the strong cultivation of the Yan family, Yan Ze was very skillful and intelligent. Yan Duoqi was very satisfied with the outstanding performance. However, Yan Duoqi didn't expect that as soon as Yan Ze encountered such a dilemma, he showed all his weaknesses, which made Yan Duoqi feel a little cold. Although the post Qin state can support the Yan Family's restoration, it does not mean that the latter Qin State will always be the Yan Family's alliance. On the contrary, the latter Qin state is a hungry tiger on the side, and will jump over to eat at any time. And with Yan Ze's ability, even if he can realize the dream of Yan Family's regaining the royal family in his lifetime, he will not be able to keep it in Yanze's hands! It seems that he wants to find a way to teach Yan Ze a good lesson again. Thinking of this, Yan Duoqi suddenly turns his head and looks at Li Yuanhe, with a smile in his mouth.