At this time, the vanguard soldiers who are guarding Yan Fu can only describe their mood by burning their hearts. Their vanguard general has been in Yan's house for nearly an hour, but there is no news so far. Several times, they almost couldn't help but rush into Yan's house. However, Li Yuanhe's orders before leaving still made them stop. They could only look anxiously at the closed gate of Yanfu.

Li Yuan and the officer who left to lead the team was more anxious, "my Lord! Look All of a sudden, a soldier pointed to the gate of Yanfu and whispered to the officer. All eyes turned to the gate of Yanfu at the same time. The door of Yan's mansion, which had been closed before, has been opened. From the gate, there are more than ten figures. The first one is Li Ping, a little soldier who went in with Li Yuanhe!

What's going on? All the officers and men were puzzled for a moment. Why did they only see Li Ping but not the general? Besides, looking at Li Ping's appearance, it seems that he has not been restrained by the other party. Is it difficult for Li Ping to leave the general and run out by himself? The officer frowned and said to the left and right, "no matter how much! Take those people down

After hearing this, the officers and soldiers who could not wait for it were like a group of hungry wolves. They rushed to the gate of Yan mansion with their weapons in their hands. The people at the gate of Yanfu suddenly found that there was such a large group of people on the street. They were all frightened. Li Ping, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, quickly stood up and whispered to the officers and men of the vanguard Army: "don't do it! They all work for the general! "

Finally, the vanguard soldiers were not dazzled. Hearing Li Ping's cry, the leading officer raised his hand in a hurry and stopped the soldiers. They looked suspiciously at Li Ping and other domestic servants. The officer looked at Li Ping with a frown and asked in a low voice, "Li Ping! What about the general? Why not come out with you? "

Li Ping expected that the other party would ask this question for a long time. In fact, before he came out, Li Yuanhe had already thought of meeting this kind of scene, so Li Ping immediately explained the whole process of the matter according to Li Yuanhe's account. Finally, Li Ping pointed to the people behind him and said, "these are all sent by the Yan Family leader to contact other aristocratic families in the city, and one is going to follow us to the military camp! According to the Yan Family leader, there are many family members in the barracks. With their help, it should be easier to seize the barracks! "

Suddenly, a trace of excitement appeared on the officer's face. He did not expect that Li Yuanhe actually succeeded in persuading the Yan family to surrender. His worship of Li Yuanhe was deepened. But after thinking about it, he hesitated and said, "is it appropriate for us to leave the general here alone?" With that, he pointed to Yan Fu with his finger, but worried about the safety of Li Yuan and one person staying in Yan Fu.

But Li Ping shook his head and said with confidence: "don't worry! If there is no general, you can stop him! What's more, I don't think the Yan family is trying to cheat us. Since the Yan Family leader has already agreed to the general, he should not go back on his word rashly! Let's go to the barracks and help the brothers over there

Li Ping said this, the officer thought it was right, but he still left more than 100 soldiers to guard Yan's residence, and then he took others with him to the military camp. After a while, Li Yuanhe came out of the gate of Yan's mansion with a strange look on his face. But behind him, he was pathetically followed by a young man, Yan Ze, the young master of the Yan family who had been tied in by Li Yuanhe before.

Yan Ze naturally as like as two peas in the same time, but the clothes that had already become a cloth had been changed, but they had changed a suit of black armor, and they were almost identical to the armor of the Qin army on the sample. As soon as the vanguard soldiers guarding the gate of Yanfu saw Li Yuanhe, they all surrounded him. Li Yuanhe nodded and asked, "Li Ping, have they gone to the barracks?"

The soldiers all nodded at the same time. Li Yuanhe pondered for a moment. He was constantly calculating in his mind that there was originally Xiao Yuesheng and Wei brothers, plus 1500 vanguard soldiers. If he wanted to win the camp, there would be no problem. What's more, there are some internal agents of Yan's Government in the barracks. I think they can solve the problem completely. The next thing to worry about is that there are only 500 people around ma er pockmarked, so it will be a bit of trouble to take over the chengshoufu.

Immediately, Li Yuanhe waved his big hand and said to the soldiers, "OK! Brothers! Follow me After that, Li Yuanhe did not forget to look at Yan Ze behind him and said to him, "you are my personal soldier now! Just stay with me for a while! But according to your skill, I don't have to worry about your safety? "

After listening to Li Yuanhe's last words, Yan Ze's calm head suddenly raised his head and said confidently: "that's of course. I'm also the young master of the Yan family. The Yan Family's sword technique is not a real name!"

Looking at Yan Ze's arrogant expression, Li Yuanhe didn't know what to say about him. When he thought that he had just been in Yan's mansion, he was trapped by yanduo's words. He had no choice but to accept such a burden. He would have to bear it in the future. I think I still lack of experience. If I think I have reached an agreement with Yan Duoqi, I lack of vigilance. It seems that this kind of lip service is not suitable for me!Lazy to say anything to Yan zeduo, he pushed Yan Ze to one of the soldiers and said, "from today on, this guy will be in your charge! Be strict with me After that, Li Yuanhe no longer paid attention to Yan Ze. Anyway, when Yan Duoqi asked Yan Ze to join the Qin army, he also said that he hoped that Yan Ze could have a good exercise. Naturally, Li Yuanhe would not be polite to him.

With a group of officers and men, Li Yuanhe went straight to the chengshoufu. With the introduction of the Wei brothers before, Li Yuanhe was very familiar with Danube city. Soon, the chengshoufu house appeared in front of Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe was relieved to see that several soldiers of Dachang army were still standing at the gate of the chengshoufu, which showed that Ma Er Ma Zi had not been found. Even after pressing down on the soldiers behind him, he observed them from left to right. Before he found Ma Er Ma Zi and others, he was found by Ma Er Ma Zi. He heard a cat call coming from the opposite alley. Li Yuanhe turned his head and saw Ma Er Ma's pockmarked face winking at him.

Li Yuanhe immediately arrived at the entrance of the alley with his men and horses. However, he saw that Ma Er Ma Zi was hiding in the alley with dozens of people. Before Li Yuan he asked, Ma Er Ma Zi clasped his fist and said, "general! According to the general's command, my subordinates have asked the brothers to quietly surround the chengshoufu. Before that, eleven Dachang soldiers wanted to leave the chengshoufu, and they were all captured by the brothers! But they are all on duty back to the camp, so the brothers are not found by the other party

"Well done!" Li Yuanhe gave a praise. At this moment, a burst of noise came from the west of the city, and the barracks of Danube city were also in that direction. Li Yuan and immediately knew that it must be Xiao Yuesheng who started with his soldiers. Even when he was facing Ma Er Ma Zi, he said, "start! Take this city guard house

As soon as Ma Er pockmarked heard Li Yuanhe's general, he could not help flashing a ray of bloodthirsty excitement in his eyes. He first called out to Li Yuanhe: "here Then he pulled out the big knife from his waist and yelled at the soldiers behind him: "send a signal to the brothers around immediately! The rest of the brothers follow me! Kill in

At this time, at the gate of the city's garrison, the soldiers of the Dachang army had no idea of the fate they were about to face. Among them, two soldiers were sleeping by the pair of stone lions at the gate. At this time, bursts of shouts and murders suddenly came, startling the soldiers. They all subconsciously turned their heads and looked at the direction of the sound. In the middle of the night, a group of dark figures suddenly appeared. Only the cold light reflected on the weapon blade in their hands made them shiver involuntarily.

When the other side had already killed them, they responded. They raised their weapons and yelled to the city guard house behind them: "yes, there are enemies! There are enemies Unfortunately, their response was too late, and their shouts only rang once or twice, and they could not cry out again, because those weapons had penetrated into their bodies and were pulled out with blood.

Ma Er Ma took the lead in killing the soldiers who were guarding the gate. He ran directly to the gate of the city garrison. He raised his foot and kicked at the gate of the city garrison, but he didn't kick the gate open. The two pockmarks of the horse could not help but get a long face. They simply picked up their feet and backed up a few steps. Then they rushed forward, and the whole body crashed into the gate and opened the door directly.

As soon as the gate opened, I saw several Dachang soldiers running towards the gate with their weapons in their hands. Ma Er Ma Zi, without saying a word, raised his sword and chopped at the enemy soldiers. With such a brave general, the officers and men behind him were not vague, and they followed Ma Er Ma and rushed forward. At the same time, the shouts of killing began to ring in all directions of the whole chengshoufu, and the soldiers who were guarding around the chengshoufu began to rush into the chengshoufu.

As for Li Yuanhe, he took a group of soldiers including Yan Ze, followed Ma Er Ma Zi and others, and quickly walked into the gate of the chengshoufu. Looking at Ma Er Ma Ma and others who killed a regiment there, Li Yuanhe naturally would not sit idly by. With his relatives and soldiers, he rushed forward with his gun and killed directly into the battle group.