But Miao Fu couldn't figure out why Yang Ge came here as an emissary at this time. However, since Yang Ge's present status is Yu Wenqing's emissary, Miao Fu has to come forward to salute Yang Ge, although he is usually extremely disdainful of Yang Ge. Yang Ge, however, was full of complacency, and looked like a villain. He snorted at Miao Fu, and then put his hand to the side. In his side of the soldiers quickly from the hand of the brocade box out of a yellow scroll, respectfully presented to Yang Ge.

Yang Ge took the scroll with both hands, then raised it over his head, and said to the generals like Miao Fu: "Miao Fu! Yuwenqian! Take orders After shouting, Yang Ge is a pair of small eyes, staring at Miao Fu and Yu Wenqian in front of him. Of course, the meaning is very clear. This is to receive the emperor's edict. There should be no less etiquette!

Seeing Yang Ge's attitude, all the generals behind Miao Fu were angry. They wanted to smash Yang Ge's bad face with a punch. However, Miao Fu kept calm and stopped them. Miao Fu glared at Yang Ge fiercely. Then, he threw his lower hem, knelt down to Yang Ge, and cried out, "I will not take over Miao Fu's order!"

When he saw Miao Fu, they all put up with it. The others didn't do anything about it. Yu Wenqian followed Miao Fu and knelt down. However, after Yu Wenqian kneels down, he secretly scolds Yang Ge and vows to let Yang Ge return ten times and one hundred times after he ascends the throne! With Miao Fu and Yu Wenqian taking the lead, although they were disgusted with Yang Ge, the second ancestor, the generals still fell to their knees.

Although Dachang state was established by the southern barbarians, it always followed the pattern of the Han people in terms of system, and even the document format of emperor's decree was very similar to that of the Han Dynasty. Yang Ge opened the emperor's edict slowly, shaking his head and said, "carry by heaven! According to the emperor's edict, Miao Fu, commander in chief of the expedition army, led the army to invade Danube city under the king's command. However, the march was disadvantageous and defeated repeatedly by the enemy! Thousands of people can't defeat thousands of enemy troops! Yu Wenqian, the prince in charge of the army, did not report his duty! Both of them are suspected of dereliction of duty! Therefore, two people are specially recruited to return to Beijing to commit a crime! The expeditionary army is temporarily under the command of Yang Ge! Give it to me

After hearing the content of the imperial edict, Miao Fu and others were stunned. At last, Miao Fu and Yu Wenqian were able to stay awake. They immediately bowed to Yang Ge and said, "the last general (the son's minister) will take the order! Long live my emperor! hooray! Long live And the other generals also followed, three hooves long live, which can't wait to follow Miao Fu and Yu Wenqian to stand up.

Miao Fu took over Yang Ge's imperial edict in disbelief. Although he knew that Yang Ge would never cheat people with the imperial edict, he still had to take it and see it for himself before he could believe it. When he saw that the black and white characters on the emperor's edict were clearly written, which was no different from what Yang Ge had just read, Miao Fu's face became very pale. He knew that this was not because Yu Wenqing didn't believe in himself, so he called him back. Yu Wenqing had no less trust in Miao Fu. But now yuwenqing made such an imperial edict that he and yuwenqian were summoned back. This shows that great changes have taken place in the imperial court and yuwenqing has to do so.

Seeing Yang Ge's complacent appearance, Miao Fu immediately understood that it must be Yang Bingde, an old fox, who made the bad. However, what made Miao Fu puzzled was how Chuancheng could know about his war situation here, because Yang Bingde was absolutely afraid to make a lie to frame himself. Obviously, Yang Bingde got the accurate information of his side's disadvantageous war, so he had this action. However, it is thousands of miles away from the city of Sichuan. The other party could transmit the military information to Sichuan city in four days. It is obvious that there are spies planted by Yang Bingde in the expedition army.

Thinking of this, Miao Fu could not help but turn his head and look at the group of generals who were talking quietly behind him. At least, his nephew Yu Wenqian could be trusted. If he falls down, yuwenqian will never do any good, so he can first get rid of the suspect. In addition to Yu Wenqian, there were more than ten generals left, and all of them were close friends with him for many years. It was difficult for Miao Fu to believe that among these people there would be Yang Bingde's spies.

When they saw Miao Fu looking over, the generals immediately surrounded him and spoke to him. They all expressed their incomprehension and anger at the imperial edict. Seeing that the city of Danube was about to be captured, the imperial edict called Miao Fu back and replaced Yang Ge to fight the battle. It was obvious that Yang Ge was asked to pick up a bargain! They are all generals who have followed the Miao family for many years, and some even follow the Miao and the old generals of the expedition to the West. Naturally, they look down on Yang Ge, the second generation ancestor.

However, Miao Fu and Yu Wenqian looked at each other. Then he opened his hand and let the generals calm down. He said, "please be calm! We are all generals of Dachang state. We must obey your Majesty's will! Since your majesty has appointed Yang Ge as commander-in-chief, you can only obey your Majesty's orders, and you must not do anything disrespectful to your majesty! Otherwise, don't blame me for not reading the old love Just now, the generals expressed their dissatisfaction with Yu Wenqing in their words, but in Miao Fu's ears, Miao Fu's face changed. Although he knew that these generals were all for their own good, his loyalty to Yu Wenqing made him unable to listen to these words, even if it was a warning.But at the moment, Yang Ge came from the side triumphantly and said to Miao Fu, "general Miao! You have confirmed your Majesty's will! In your Majesty's will, it is very clear that you and your highness can return to Sichuan! Now it's not too early. Let's ask general Miao and his Royal Highness the prince to leave immediately. "

Hearing Yang Ge's words, Miao Fu could not help frowning, but the overall situation was very important. He still resisted the fire, gave Yang Ge a fist and said, "General Yang! It's a crucial moment in the first World War of Danube. Please give me a few days' grace. When my commander finishes today's battle, I will go back to Sichuan with his highness immediately! "

And Yu Wen Qian on one side also quickly nodded his head and said, "yes! you 're right! Changing generals on the battlefield is a big taboo of military strategists. This is the most critical moment in the war. General Miao can never leave! If General Yang is not at ease, how about letting Xiao Wang leave first and letting general Miao stay here first? "

However, Yang Ge said in his heart: what he wants is to let Miao Fu leave. If you don't leave, how can the credit for taking back Danube fall on me! What's more, judging from the actions of the two men, it is sure that the city of Danube is about to be captured! Thinking of this, although Yang Ge was secretly pleased, his face turned into a positive one. He frowned and said with a cold face: "the will of your majesty is clearly written! Is it possible that general Miao and his Highness the great prince want to disobey the emperor's order

All of a sudden, a big hat was covered, leaving Miao Fu and Yuwen Qian speechless for a while. Miao Fu, in particular, has always been a bully. When is it the turn for a small person like Yang Ge to be so loud in front of him, even Yang Ge's father, Yang Bingde, dare not be so presumptuous in front of him. If yu Wenqian didn't pull his sleeve secretly, I'm afraid Miao Fu would have pulled out his sword and chopped Yang Ge into the sword!

In the end, Miao Fu still chose to suppress this tone. His face was constantly red and white. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his tone calm. He said, "in this case, we will not embarrass General Yang! My royal highness and I will leave immediately! However, I would like to advise General Yang that the World War I today is of great importance, and that we can win the city of Danube at one go! I hope General Yang will let the whole army attack Danube with all its strength! " Although he was very resentful of Yang Ge, he always put great importance on major events. Miao Fu still advised Yang Ge.

However, Miao Fu never thought of it. His advice angered Yang Ge. The Miao people have always looked down on Yang Ge. Yang Ge is not a fool. How can he not see it. In particular, when Miao Fu met in Sichuan, he always held his head high and could see the contempt in his eyes. At ordinary times, Yang Ge's heart was filled with anger. Now Miao Fu is obviously suffering from a loss, but he still looks arrogant. Especially these words seem to be giving to Yang Ge. How can the young master of Yang Ge Tang hall, who is the Prime Minister of the dynasty, accept this kind of anger? Even if he decides, he will not listen to Miao Fu's arrangement, but will do the opposite.

However, Yang Ge of course would not say his decision, but chose to be silent, not to comment on Miao Fu's words. However, Miao Fu thought that Yang Ge had listened to his suggestion, so he did not say anything more. He sighed and saluted the generals. Without saying a word, he went straight out of the camp. Now that Yang Ge has listened, as long as he can follow his own arrangements, he will be able to take down Danube city. However, without his own command, I am afraid that the losses of the expeditionary army will be greater.

Seeing that Miao Fu was gone, Yu Wenqian saluted the crowd and followed him with great strides. Of course, Miao Fu and Yu Wenqian could not have set out like this. As soon as they left, they naturally took away the generals of the Miao family, including Miao Xuan, who was still recovering from injuries. Miao Fu didn't dare to give his cronies to Yang Ge, who had a grudge against him. Otherwise, he would not have been tormented by Yang Ge.

As soon as Miao Fu left, the generals seemed to have no backbone. They all looked sad, as if they were not optimistic about the future war. And all this falls in Yang Ge's eyes, let Yang Ge more and more angry.