All generals, you look at me, I see you, do not know what to do for a time, finally by an old general to the new commander in chief Yang Ge said: "General Yang! All the officers and men are ready. At the command of the general, we can start to attack Danube city! I also ask the general to give an order, so that our officers and men can fight and seize the city of Danube! " Now that the matter has come to an end, no matter how unwilling it is, it will not help. It is better to take down Danube city immediately, and the task of the expeditionary army will be over. At that time, we can return to Sichuan city as soon as possible, so as not to be angry with Yang Ge, a villain.

However, they never thought of it. Yang Ge gave a cold hum and said, "pass on my general's order. All the officers and men of the expedition army are scattered and return to their own army account to rest! Close the camp gate and hang up the exemption card. We will not attack in these three days With that, Yang Ge glanced at the general's reaction.

After listening to Yang Ge's words, these generals were all stunned, but they didn't expect that things would change like this. Immediately, the veteran general took a step forward and said aloud to Yang Ge: "General Yang! Didn't general Miao say that just now? Today's war is of great importance. The city of Danube needs only one full attack to win. If there is a three-day truce, then will the defenders in Danube recover their vitality, and all the hard work of the generals and soldiers will be in vain

Hearing the old general's question, Yang Ge immediately glared at the veteran and yelled: "nonsense! Miao Fu is not an immortal. Is he able to calculate and win the Danube city today? Besides, now that I am the commander-in-chief of the expedition army, you should obey my orders now, not those of Miao Fu! I now order your entire army to rest for three days! If anyone dares to disobey my military orders, they will not be lightly punished by military law. " After that, Yang Ge directly pushed the generals aside and left the army tent, leaving only a group of generals looking at his back in amazement.

On the other hand, the reason why he didn't want to go was that he was not willing to leave. The reason why he came here under the arrangement of Yang Bingde was to rob Miao Fu of his credit. If Miao Fu had just left, he would have captured Danube city immediately. All the blind people could see that it was Miao Fu's contribution to capture Danube city. So Yang Ge had been ready for a long time. He had to stop for a few days. When Miao Fu's influence faded, he began to attack the city.

The Qin army, which captured Danube City, was an isolated army. Even if they were given time to rest, the soldiers who had died before could not survive, and the force of the expeditionary army still had the advantage. If we attack Danube city again, we will be able to capture it, but it will only cost more soldiers. For Yang Ge, the lives of those soldiers are just the stepping stones for his rapid development.

The generals were stunned for a long time in the army account, and finally determined that Yang Ge was not joking. All of them were indignant. A young general angrily took off his helmet and fell on the ground fiercely. He called out: "Damn it! There is no way to fight this battle! "

Other generals were also swearing to express their anger, while the former veteran had a bitter smile. He had rich experience and immediately guessed Yang Ge's intention. For this kind of thing, they are no longer the ordinary generals can participate in. Although he was unwilling, he also knew that Yang Ge would never change his mind. Even if he only shook his head, he slowly walked out of the army tent to carry out Yang Ge's military orders. Although he didn't agree with Yang Ge, he knew that Yang Ge could definitely say and do it. Although Yang Ge is a bit of a dandy, he is as ruthless as his father Yang Bingde. If their generals do not follow his military orders, then Yang Ge will surely take the opportunity to get rid of the supporters of the Miao family!

Although the generals constantly vent their discontent in the army, in the end, they can only carry out the military orders of Yang Ge as honestly as the old general. They all know that it is impossible for Yang Ge to change his mind just by having a mouth addiction like this. The result of disobeying the military order is not acceptable to them. They can only do it according to Yang Ge's military order.

With the closure of Dachang army's barracks, Li Yuanhe, who had always been strange in the city, was confused. Li Yuanhe watched the opposite camp for more than an hour, but no soldier came out of the camp. On the contrary, Li Yuanhe was afraid that this might be Miao Fu's new trick, and ordered the officers and men to be more careful. At first, he had already determined that Miao Fu would never send troops to besiege the city, but now he is not sure. Even if he ordered, 300 people were sent to the other three gates to reinforce.

However, with the passage of time, the sun soon set. There was still no movement in the camp outside the city, and no news of enemy attack was received from the other three gates. Li Yuanhe was really confused. Based on Miao Fu's ability, it is absolutely impossible to see that Danube city is at the end of its tether. According to the previous analysis, Li Yuanhe can conclude that Miao Fu will do his best to attack Danube city. But this wait and wait, that is, did not wait for the other side's attack, but let the officers and men white nervous.

In the end, because he was afraid that Miao Fu would attack at night, Li Yuanhe simply took a group of officers and soldiers to guard the city head. Even if he was sleeping, he would sleep on the ground at the head of the city. However, after the night, nothing happened. However, Li Yuanhe did not sleep well all night. As long as there was any movement, he would be awakened. When the next morning, Li Yuanhe was lying on the wall with two panda eyes and looking at the camp outside the city. It was still quiet and there was no movement. Li Yuanhe felt that his head was going crazy. He kept searching in his mind, searching from the memory that the old man had taught him before, but he could not find any trick similar to Miao Fu's present situation.Of course, Li Yuanhe will not know what happened in the Dachang army yesterday. Under such circumstances, Li Yuanhe can not do nothing. Simply, Li Yuanhe gritted his teeth and made the garrison in the city seize the time to rest, rest and cure the wounds. In any case, it is necessary to restore the officers and men to their best condition in the shortest time. Therefore, Li Yuanhe had the cheek to tell the soldiers that Dachang army was frightened by the defenders, so he did not continue to attack, but greatly improved the morale of the garrison.

After three days, the garrison soldiers had enough rest and were full of energy. Zhao brothers in particular, those two pairs of eyes are already beginning to shine green light, I wish to rush out to fight with each other now. However, Li Yuanhe has suffered a lot these days. Although he has ordered the officers and men to rest, he can not really rest. In fact, he has been guarding the head of the city for several days, and he has not even returned to the city guard house, just in case that Miao Fu is really playing some tricks. By the morning of the third day, the camp gate of Dachang army which had been closed for three days was finally opened. After the war drum sounded again, Li Yuanhe's eyes had become bloodshot and looked very tired.

Seeing that the Dachang army outside the city finally sent troops again, Li Yuanhe, with a dignified face, ordered to blow the horn and summon the garrison in the city to come to the head of the city. After this period of rest, the soldiers who had recovered their energy could not help it. Hearing the sound of the trumpet coming from the city head, they rushed to the city head one after another, standing behind Li Yuanhe, ready to obey Li Yuanhe's military orders to defend the city.

Outside the city, Yang Ge, dressed in fine armor, with a white horse and a silver gun in his hand, walked in front of the Dachang army. Yang Ge felt that he had never been so powerful. Over the years, although he had been in the army according to his father's arrangement, he had never had the opportunity to lead his troops out. Now, Yang has become a target. Seeing today's experience, Yang Ge couldn't help but feel that if he spread this magnificent story in the city of Sichuan, maybe those ladies and girls in the city would fall in love with him and throw himself into his arms. Thinking of this, Yang Ge couldn't help but smile, and even shed a trace of saliva.

Looking at his commander, he even looked like this. All the generals behind Yang Ge frowned, and even a few rubbed their foreheads with their hands. But Yang Ge didn't see the headache of these generals. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, then put on a positive color, narrowed his eyes and scanned the soldiers of Dachang army around him, then pretended to point at those generals and said, "isn't general Miao the first general of our Dachang state? Why didn't the siege be ordered? No wonder Danube has not been captured for so long! "

Yang Ge turned away his lips with pride. He felt that he had caught Miao Fu's mistake. Even if he returned to Sichuan city in the future, he would be able to seize this point and report to the emperor. However, the several generals around him did not let Yang Ge do what he wanted. Even if one of the generals came forward to Yang Ge, he said in a loud voice: "tell General Yang! General Miao did it with purpose! According to the military information, the post Qin army now guarding Danube city is just an isolated army. There is no need to worry about their breakout. So there is no difference between besieged city and not besieged city! It's better to concentrate our forces on one point and attack one of the other's gates more effectively. "