Although he knew that Sun Jian said this sentence in order to win his heart, Chen Ren, who had just gone through the hell like experience, was still a little moved. At the moment, he clasped his fist and said, "the Lord has treated Chen Ren so much, but Chen Ren can't repay him!" Of course, only Chen Ren knows how much water there is in this sentence.

Sun Jian thought he had moved Chen Ren, but he helped Chen Ren up and comforted him. He even helped Chen Ren wipe the blood stains on his face.

"Lord, here they are Zumao pointed at his back and said to Sun Jian.

Chen Ren and Sun Jian looked back and saw Huang Gai and Han Dang coming with their troops. Among them were the 3000 Jiangdong soldiers sent by Chen Ren. It turned out that Sun Jian followed Chen Ren's plan and left Sishui pass, and occupied the empty Hulao pass without any effort. After only a night's rest, Sun Jian rushed to Luoyang.

Chen Ren reminded Sun Jian that he must be careful not to encounter Dong Zhuo's army along the way, and if he does, he should not fight against him. For this reason, Sun Jian divided the army into two parts. He and zumao, Huang Gai and Han Dang, went far around the main road to Luoyang, so he arrived later than Chen Ren.

"My Lord! this matter should not be delayed! We are going to Luoyang now! " Chen Ren busy is said, in the heart is also secretly calculated, now sishuiguan princes see Luoyang fire should also start? Then we must take the first step to get the jade seal!

That's right! It's the imperial seal! This is the last step in Chen Ren's battle against Dong, which was planned by Sun Jian to seize the imperial seal of the state! Although in history, Sun Jian also smoothly got the imperial seal, but now there are more Chen Ren. This change is very different from history. What's more, in history, Sun Jian's way of getting the jade seal was not satisfactory. In the end, it was not known by other princes, so that Sun Jian died in chaos because of the jade seal. Chen Ren made up his mind to help Sun Jian, and naturally he would not let Sun Jian make the same mistake.

Because of the massacre before Chen Ren, Sun Jian did not meet the remaining Dong army on his way to Luoyang. Sun Jian successfully drove the army into Luoyang. When he came to the Imperial City, Sun Jian saw that the city was still burning with fire and ordered the soldiers to put out the fire.

Since entering the Imperial City, Chen Ren began to look left and right, carefully recalling the location of the jade seal. It is in a well called Jianzhang hall in the south. Chen Renke didn't dare to wait for the night. It seemed that the thing would shine at night. Although I don't know why it is so obvious, Dong Zhuo didn't find it at that time, but Chen Ren didn't want too many people to know about it, even the soldiers of Jiangdong army. In history, Sun Jian was betrayed by a soldier of Jiangdong army?

But for Chen Ren, a very important problem is that he doesn't know where Jianzhang hall is? Although we know that the direction is in the south, there are countless palaces in the imperial city. From a distance, there are pavilions everywhere. If you look for them one by one, this time is certainly not enough.

Seeing Chen Ren as if he had no head, Han Dang came over and asked, "what is Zici doing?"

Looking around, Chen Ren looked down and whispered to Han Dang: "I want to find a treasure, but I can only figure out that this treasure is in the south of the Imperial City, under the Jianzhang."

Han Dang opened his eyes and exclaimed, "can you still make divination?"

"Shhh!" Chen Ren was frightened by Han Dang's sudden cry and immediately covered his mouth, "be quiet! This treasure is not an ordinary treasure! Watch out! Walls have ears! I plan to find it secretly and give it to the Lord in private. Unfortunately, I can't figure out what to do. This is worrying me

Han Dang frowned and thought: "south of the imperial city? Under Jianzhang? Under Jianzhang? Ah! Is it Jianzhang hall

Chen Ren's eyes brightened. He was busy holding Han Dang and asked in surprise, "General Han knows how to build Zhang hall?"

Han Dang saw that Chen Ren, who had been at a loss for a long time, also came to ask him. He was obviously a little proud and said ostentatiously, "of course I know! This Jianzhang hall is where the imperial edict was issued! I once met an old civil servant who retired from the palace in Jiangdong. He once told me (make up, make up!)

"Great!" Chen Ren was so happy that he almost jumped up. He was so sleepy that someone would send a pillow! Chen Ren was busy pulling Han Dang to run to the south of the Imperial City: "quick! Come on! General Han, take me to Jianzhang hall

"Wait! Hold on! Zici, don't worry! Isn't this Jianzhang hall right next to this hall? " Han Dang was almost dragged away by Chen Ren. He was busy shouting. However, the soldiers around him looked at him one after another. It is estimated that before evening, the spread version of "the story that Chen Zhubo and General Han had to tell" would come out of Jiangdong army.

Chen Ren's face was red, and he looked at the soldiers who had looked at them with strange eyes. He shouted, "look at what! Don't do anything! " The soldiers were scared to go back to work.

Under the guidance of Han Dang, Chen Ren came to a small hall and saw three gilded words "Jianzhang Dian" written at the door. Chen Ren was a little relieved. At this time, the sky has begun to dim, Chen Ren is busy and Han Dang two people back to the courtyard.

Sure enough, as soon as I got into the backyard, I saw an old well in the corner of the yard. At this time, there was a faint light of five colors. Chen Ren did not leave Han Dang, who was dazzled. He immediately arrived at the well and saw a little light in the well."Righteousness and justice!" At this time, Chen Ren did not pay attention to politeness, and directly called up Han Dang's words, "justice, come quickly! Turn the wheel and put me down for the treasure

Han Dang woke up like a dream and rushed to Chen Ren's side. He couldn't help sighing that Chen Ren was really not an ordinary person, and even divination was so accurate. When Chen Ren grabs the rope and gets into the well, Han Dang starts to slowly swing the wheel and slowly releases Chen Ren.

"Stop!" From the well came a sound of entering the water and Chen Ren's cry. Han Dang stopped immediately and clasped his hands tightly around the wheel to avoid any accident and compensate Chen Ren.

In the well, any Chen who enters the water finds out why Dong Zhuo did not find the jade seal. The jade seal was indeed tied to her body by a maid of honor as mentioned in the book, but because the body sank into the well water, although the jade seal would shine, it was covered by the well water. As time went on, the body of the maiden was gradually rotten, which made the jade seal slowly float to the surface.

At this time, Sun Jian came to Luoyang a few days in the morning than recorded in history. The body of the maiden had not yet completely floated up, so Chen Ren had many worries. Even at night, as long as no one came to the backyard of Jianzhang hall, no one would find the light in the well.

As for all the bodies in the palace seal, Chen Jingbao took out all of them. Just met the brocade bag, Chen Ren suddenly felt that the heavy feeling of this period of time had been dispelled, and even the discomfort after killing Dong Jun had disappeared.

It's a legendary treasure indeed! Chen Ren carefully put the brocade bag into his arms, pulled the rope and called out: "justice! Pull me up With the creaking sound from above, Chen Ren was slowly pulled out of the well.

"How about it? How about it? " Han Dang looked at Chen Yiyi out of the well, busy to ask.

Chen Ren shook the water stains on his body, nodded at Han Dang and said, "go! Let's go to the Lord now When Han Dang learned that the treasure had arrived, he was so happy that he went to the hall with Chen Yiyi to look for Sun Jian.

At this time, Sun Jian was looking at a miserable imperial city and sighed, with Huang Gai and zumao beside him. Chen Ren and Han Dang came to Sun Jian to worship him. Sun Jian looked at Chen Ren and then showed a trace of joy.

Chen Yiyi, with a nervous look on his face, whispered to Sun Jian, "please hold your back! Chen Ren has something important to report! "

Sun Jian saw that Chen Ren and Han Dang were dignified. They were busy drinking and retreating. Even Huang Gai and zumao wanted to call back. Chen renmang said: "General Huang and general Zu are the confidants of the Lord. There is no need to hide this from them." Sun Jian left Huang Gai and zumao.

Chen Ren looked around, still feel not very safe, so led Sun Jian and others to a nearby small hall. It was as if they were thieves. When they looked around the hall and found no one, they closed the door and windows and came to Sun Jian.

"My Lord! His subordinates and General Han found treasures in the imperial city! Dedicated to the Lord! It's just that this treasure is extraordinary, so be careful After that, Chen Ren carefully took out the brocade bag from his arms and handed it to Sun Jian.

When Sun Jian saw Chen Ren and Han Dang like that before, he knew that the matter was not simple. At this time, he saw Chen Ren's brocade with five colors of light. Sun Jian knew that this was an unusual treasure. He took it over, slowly opened the bag and took out the imperial seal. For a while, the hall was full of light, but it was not dazzling at all. Fortunately, Chen Ren closed the door and windows of the hall before. Otherwise, people around the hall would have to see the light.

After a long time, the light gradually faded away. Sun Jian could look at the jade seal carefully: it was about four inches up and down, and five jade dragons were carved on it. At the bottom, there was a missing corner, but it was filled with pure gold. Turning it over, I saw eight big characters written in seal script: "to be ordered by heaven, both longevity and Yongchang." Holding the whole seal in my hand, I felt warm and comfortable.

Sun Jian stared at the eight characters. At first, he was a little surprised. Then he seemed to think of something. He carefully looked at the eight characters and the gold inlaid horn. He suddenly raised his head and asked Chen Ren, "son, Zici, is it possible that this is..." Open mouth, those four words are always unable to shout out.

Chen Ren also said with a dignified face: "the Lord is right. This is the jade seal of the state."