What happened next was something unexpected to Li Yuanhe. He had already made preparations. It would take more than ten days to wait for the news from the post Qin state. However, they did not expect that they had been waiting in Danube city for more than a month, which almost made Li Yuanhe think that they were really forgotten by winning. Fortunately, when Li Yuanhe and others were about to sit still, Ying Zhen led the army to the outside of Danube in person.

It turned out that after receiving the messenger sent by Li Yuanhe, Ying Zhen did not come to Danube city at the first time. After all, what Li Yuanhe said in his letter was too important. He had always been cautious and decided to report to Ying Yan, the head of the state of Qin, and wait for Ying Yan's ruling. This naturally delayed a lot of work.

Ying Zhen didn't believe Li Yuanhe and others, but Ying Zhen as a minister. After all, the head of the state of Qin is still Yingyan, let alone whether Yingzhen can inherit the grand unification in the future. Even if you have confirmed that you are the successor, you don't dare to take charge of such a big event, which will cause trouble for you.

Li Yuanhe and others got the news that Ying Zhen was coming, so they dressed up and all rushed to the gate of the city to meet them. In fact, not only they, but also Yan Duoqi and other representatives of Danube city families have rushed to visit, because Ying Zhen's visit represents what their ultimate fate will be. Before they chose to take refuge in Li Yuanhe, they were gambling with Li Yuanhe with their family fate. Now it's time to announce the result. If the later Qin State refuses to accept them, it means that they have lost the bet this time. This loss will not only lose their lives, but also the lives of thousands of them.

Because of this, the representatives of these aristocratic families followed Li Yuanhe and other generals. They were all worried, nervous and looking forward to the arrival of the winning team. On the contrary, Yan Duoqi, who was the most entangled in interests, seemed to have nothing to do with him. However, he was laughing and talking with Li Yuanhe and others. This old fox had already figured out that even if the state of Qin abandoned all other aristocratic families, he would not give up their Yan family. Supporting Yan Family's restoration was the only choice of the latter Qin state.

Ying Zhen's team was slowly approaching the gate of the city. At this time, Li Yuanhe did not care to chat with Yan Duoqi. Even with Wang Ye and Kong Ling, he took the leaders of the vanguard army and paid homage to Ying Zhen, who was in the front. Li Yuanhe clasped his hands, bowed his head and said, "last general Li Yuanhe! See your Highness the third prince! Your highness, thousand years old! Thousand years old! Thousand years old

"Your Highness, the third prince! Thousand years old! Thousand years old With Li Yuanhe as the leader, all the people behind him, including the officers and men of the vanguard army, as well as the representatives of the major aristocratic families, all knelt down one after another, shouting "thousand years old".

Ying Zhen, dressed in black armor, stopped his mount with a smile and made a stop sign to the team behind him. Then he directly turned over and dismounted. He quickly walked to Li Yuanhe. He reached for Li Yuanhe and helped him up. He laughed and said, "General Li, don't be too polite! This time, General Li can be said to have made great contributions to the post Qin Dynasty! It should be my king who salutes General Li! " After that, Yingzhen will pay homage to Li Yuanhe.

How dare Li Yuanhe accept Yingzhen's obeisance? He turned over in a hurry, then put out his hand to block Yingzhen's arm. He bowed his head and said, "Your Highness can't do this! I can't stand it! What's more, it's not only the contribution of the last general, but also the bloody battle of the vanguard army! They are the greatest meritorious officials! "

After hearing this, he was stunned, then he laughed and said, "General Li is modest! When I met General Li for the first time, I said that General Li would open up the territory for the later Qin Dynasty. But I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly! But General Li's words are also reasonable! Ladies and gentlemen, please get up The last word of Ying Zhen was said to Li Yuan and those who were still kneeling on the ground behind him. With this sentence, they dared to stand up.

Next, Li Yuanhe hugged Yingzhen and said, "Your Highness! I'll be tired all the way, and then I'll go to the city to rest! " With that, he will lead the way for Yingzhen and welcome Yingzhen into the city.

Suddenly, General Li said, "don't think of Li and yuan! I still have something to do With that, Ying Zhen stretched out his hand to the back, and immediately a private soldier came forward and respectfully presented a yellow scroll to Li Yuanhe's hand. After taking over the scroll, Ying Zhen suddenly put away his smiling face and yelled, "Li Yuanhe, the Military Academy of the vanguard camp of the fortress, receives the order!"

Here it is! Hearing Ying Zhen's words, Li Yuanhe couldn't help but jump violently. He knew that it was time to see the evaluation of Li Yuanhe's self-made behavior by the emperor's office. From the attitude of just winning, it should be a good result, right? However, Li Yuanhe couldn't bear to think about it any more. Immediately, Li Yuanhe rushed to the front of Yingzhen and knelt down directly. And those who just stood up and representatives of aristocratic families also knelt down again.

Ying Zhen opened the scroll carefully with a face on his face, and then read aloud according to the scroll: "the emperor of the late Qin Dynasty ordered Li Yuanhe, the former military academy of the vanguard camp of city protection and the vanguard General of the southern expedition army, went deep alone, promoted our military prestige and expanded our territory. It is really the pillar of our country! Li Yuanhe is a general of wupinlang! Appointed as Bian city garrison guerrilla general! That's itAfter Ying Zhen finished reading the imperial edict, the smiling face appeared again on his face and said to Li Yuanhe with a smile: "General Li! Congratulations! Please ask general Li to take the order. "

At this time, Li Yuanhe's heart was full of joy. Although he knew that he had made great contributions this time, he didn't expect that he could be promoted so fast! Five grades! That's half a grade higher than Wang! As the first aristocratic Wang family of Bian Cheng, Wang also lived in the south of Beijing for so many years before he was promoted to the official position of Wupin. But he was promoted from the second-class soldier to the eighth grade official position in less than a year, even surpassing Wang Ye! This shows that Li Yuanhe's merit has been seen in the eyes of the royal family of the post Qin state, and the goal of Li Yuanhe is not far away!

Immediately, Li Yuanhe forced to suppress the joy in his heart, and bowed three times toward Yingzhen. Then he clasped his fist and said, "thank the Lord longen at the end of the day! hooray! hooray! Long live After drinking, he got up and took the imperial edict from Yingzhen respectfully. However, his hands grasped it with force, for fear that the imperial edict would disappear.

However, Li Yuanhe soon regained his composure, especially when he saw the soldiers behind him. Li Yuanhe couldn't help frowning and turned his head to Ying Zhen and asked, "Your Highness, do you have any reward for the officers and men of the vanguard army?"

Listening to Li Yuanhe's question, Wang Ye and Kong Ling couldn't help but change their faces. They both wiped a cold sweat at the bottom of their hearts for Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe's words are not what he can say in his capacity. Isn't this questioning his Majesty's decision? As a courtier, where can you say such a thing? It's the crime of deceiving the monarch! Although the soldiers of the vanguard army at the gate of the city were warm in their hearts, they could not help worrying about Li Yuanhe.

However, it was just a daze to win. Then he laughed and said, "as a general, you should be a loving soldier, but General Li is very qualified. No wonder General Li's army can attack without fail! Don't worry! The contributions of the vanguard soldiers will not be forgotten! There is only a reward for all the officers and men! "

After hearing Ying Zhen's explanation, Li Yuanhe was relieved. He realized how wrong he had just said. He immediately broke out in a cold sweat, knelt down in front of Ying Zhen, clasped his fists and said, "the last general is reckless! Your highness, please

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Actually, he pulled Li Yuanhe up and said, "General Li is a model in the army when he asks for orders from his subordinates! What is the crime? If the father was here, he would praise General Li as a rare good general! Will the king punish the general

Seeing Ying Zhen, he didn't mean to be angry. From Li Yuanhe to those officers and men, they all breathed a sigh of relief in the bottom of their hearts. Then, Li Yuanhe leaned over and made a gesture of invitation to Ying Zhen and said, "Your Highness! Please go into the city and have a rest

Win really nodded, and then he started to walk towards the city. At the gate of the city, both generals and representatives of aristocratic families retreated to both sides of the gate, making way for a wide passage for Yingzhen. They all paid homage to Yingzhen and welcomed Yingzhen into the city. And the army behind Yingzhen also marched into the city after Yingzhen. In front of the army was Mou Zhou fan, the first army under Yingzhen.

At this time, Zhou fan is looking at Li Yuanhe with all his eyes. If you put aside other factors, Zhou fan still admires Li Yuanhe. Although he is only a young general, he can make such achievements. From the military information of Li Yuanhe and his southward expedition, Zhou fan also had to admire Li Yuanhe's boldness. It was because of Li Yuanhe's boldness that he was able to successfully accomplish what no one had done for more than ten years after the Qin state. From this point of view, Zhou fan, who has always been good at military tactics, laments that he is inferior to him.

However, Li Yuanhe is the talent recommended by the Wang family. The contradiction between Zhou fan and Wang family can be said to be irreconcilable. Since Li Yuanhe belongs to the Wang Camp, he is Zhou fan's enemy! Now win really has not been successful on the Dabao, but until that day, that is Zhou fan and Wang family officially war time.