Although he was worried, he could not refuse to win in such a situation. He could only put on a smile and said to Li Yuanhe, who was behind him, with a smile: "this is my negligence. Come on! Fourth brother! These are Li Yuan and General Li, who have made great contributions to the post Qin State! "

After introducing Yingqi, Ying Zhen turned around again, walked to Li Yuanhe, patted Li Yuanhe on the shoulder affectionately, and said to him with a smile: "General Li! Your Highness the first Prince and the fifth prince must have seen you last time. This is the second prince, and this is the fourth prince! You should learn more from them With that, he patted Li Yuanhe on the shoulder.

As for the real meaning of winning, Li Yuanhe certainly understood that it was for fear that he would be poached by other princes. However, Li Yuanhe never thought of leaving Yingzhen to join other princes. Apart from other things, the big prince won because Yuan Po had already had a bad relationship with him in the last ambush. It is totally impossible to turn to him. The second prince yingnai, although there is no clear evidence, but all kinds of signs show that he was behind the attack of Jingnan city at the beginning! Although winning does not show any hostility to Li Yuanhe now, Li Yuanhe has broken his plan after all. If Li Yuanhe and Mao rush into yingnai's account, he may be victimized one day.

As for the fourth Prince's winning the throne and the fifth Prince's winning the sheep, to be honest, Li Yuanhe really has no confidence in these two little kids. Fighting for the throne is not a child's family affair. There is no good result for the two kids to get involved. If Li Yuanhe had gone to the hands of these two little princes, his future fate could be expected.

Li Yuanhe gave Yingzhen a smile, and then saluted the four princes and said, "the last general Li Yuanhe! I've seen four princes

As Li Yuanhe expected, he was still filled with resentment about the last incident. Seeing Li Yuanhe saluting, he only snorted coldly, but turned a blind eye to Li Yuanhe. Although winning is not as obvious as winning, there is not much smile on his face, just a faint reply. The youngest, Yingyang, first glanced at Li Yuanhe and then at Yingzhen. A sigh flashed on his face, and then a smile appeared and arched at Li Yuanhe. Winning sheep likes literature but not martial arts. People in Bian city know that he is good at laughing at Li Yuan and he.

The four princes, that is to win, showed great interest in Li Yuanhe. Seeing Li Yuanhe, his eyes brightened and they were busy holding Li Yuanhe's hand and asked, "are you General Li? As expected, he is a great man! General Lee! Tell me about your journey to the south. How did you think of going to attack Danube? "

Even Li Yuanhe did not expect to win it would be so enthusiastic, was made some unprepared. One side of the win is to see, frown, said: "fourth brother! Now it is in public. As the prince, you should pay attention to your own identity! Let go of General Li soon

Yingnai, as the legitimate eldest son, is still somewhat dignified in front of Yingqi and Yingyang, the two little princes. After seeing him, Yingqi spoke. Although Yingqi was dissatisfied, she still let Li Yuanhe's hand and retreated to yingnai's back. Win is to see, this just nodded, just took a look at Li Yuanhe, then to Ying Zhen clasped his fist and said: "third brother! My father ordered us to come to meet you triumphantly. Please follow us to the palace to see you

When Ying Zhen heard this, he immediately bowed to yingnai and said, "thank you, brother. I'm going to enter the palace." After that, Ying Zhen turned to Li Yuanhe and others and said, "you can go back to your home first. If I have something to do, I will let people go to you! General Lee! Last time I told you about the mansion, I have asked my staff to come back in advance and buy it for you! I'll let a soldier take you to have a look. If you are satisfied, if you are not satisfied, I'll ask someone to look for a new one for you! "

"Thank you, your highness." When Li Yuanhe heard that Yingzhen still put this matter in his heart, he could not help feeling a little moved. He quickly bowed to Yingzhen, but was helped up by Yingzhen. Ying zhensui assigned a soldier to lead Li Yuanhe. After making arrangements, he went into the city and headed for the palace, surrounded by four princes and civil and military officials.

With the departure of several princes and those civil and military officials, those people who were surrounded by the crowd began to become active, especially when the army had completely arrived at the gate of Bian city. The people of Bian city were amazed by the majestic military array. Gradually, the people began to cheer for the soldiers who fought for the post Qin state.

"The post Qin army is mighty!"

"General Li is mighty!"

"The vanguard army is mighty!"

Cheers were heard in the ears of all the officers and soldiers, especially those of the vanguard soldiers who followed Li Yuan and those who went down to the south to die, which made them more and more proud and their chest was very high. Li Yueyue and the people around Li Shuyue have not felt for the first time.

At this time, the officers of the black a army, who was responsible for maintaining order, came forward and gave a very standard military salute to Li Yuanhe, and then said, "General Li! By your Majesty's will! The general and the vanguard army made great contributions to the post Qin State! Special permission general leads the vanguard army officers and soldiers to take a tour around Bian city to show the general's achievementsThe officer's words immediately made Li Yuan and the soldiers behind him all stunned. They patrolled Biancheng. Since the founding of the state of the late Qin Dynasty, only general Luo Tianhan has enjoyed such a great honor! Now those who are not the vanguard army are envious. This is a great event to honor our ancestors! Why don't you have your share?

Li Yuanhe did not expect that he could enjoy such treatment. However, he was not a hypocritical person. After calming down, he first gave the officer a fist and said, "thank you, your majesty, for your grace! Thank you very much for telling me

The officer also flashed a trace of reverence in his eyes, but immediately recovered his previous indifference. After returning a salute to Li Yuanhe, he immediately turned back to the team. Although Li Yuanhe didn't come to ask the officer's name urgently, he still kept the officer's appearance in mind. Immediately, Li Yuanhe immediately turned around and directly mounted his own horse. He took over the weapon sent by Li Ping. He raised it in the sky and said, "soldiers and soldiers of the vanguard army! Follow me into the city

"Here it is Although there are only less than 1000 vanguard soldiers, the cry of these officers and men under the call of Li Yuanhe is earth shaking, which is no less than the so-called 10000 people team. When the people around saw the noise again, they all exclaimed. The vanguard army was really so powerful. Otherwise, how could it have made such great achievements?

As Li Yuanhe pointed his spear to the gate of the city, and then took the lead to march toward the city, the vanguard soldiers were out in line, followed by Li Yuanhe in a neat line. Not only those young generals and men, but also veteran generals like Xiao Yuesheng could not help showing an excited look on their faces. Such an honor can not be met casually.

The rest of the officers and men of the southern expedition, though envious, had no choice but to return to the barracks in the city under the leadership of their respective generals. However, the officers and men secretly remember that if there is any war in the future, they must find a way to go to the tent of General Li Yuanhe, and maybe they will be able to tour the whole city next time.

Li Yuanhe and his vanguard soldiers walked on the streets of the city with their heads held high. Their routes had been arranged by the emperor's majesty for a long time. Naturally, some people showed them the way. The news that the army of meritorious service in the southern expedition would patrol the whole city has spread all over the city, and the people of Bian city have also poured into the streets to watch. Fortunately, the city's security forces had already stopped both sides of the street, otherwise it had to be blocked.

"Look! Is it General Li who leads the way

"Ah! It's Niu! It's Niu of our family! A Niu! Look here! God has eyes! Our family a Niu is finally elated

"Brother Qiang! Brother Qiang! I'm Xiaoyu! Do you remember me? We had agreed to... "

"Oh! You see, the spear in general Li's hand is really long! Can it really make a move on the battlefield? "

"What do you know! General Li is the star king of Wuqu! Of course, the weapons he used must be special. Otherwise, how could he defeat those Southern barbarians and make such great contributions? "

Listening to the cheers and discussions from the surrounding people, Li Yuanhe and the officers and men of the vanguard army were filled with pride and pride. Those who call their heads high in the crowd will be happy.

It took Li Yuan and two hours to make a tour around Bian City, but it raised the morale of the vanguard soldiers to the extreme. When the tour ended, the officers and soldiers had not tasted from the excitement. Li Yuanhe said to the soldiers with a smile: "brothers! This time I can live to bring you back, and finally I can live up to the promise I made to you before going south! From today on, our vanguard army will be disbanded! If it's fate, Li is willing to fight side by side with all the brothers! "

After hearing Li Yuanhe's first few words, the officers and men of the vanguard army were a little lonely, but when Li Yuanhe finished the last sentence, all of them were excited to worship Li Yuanhe and said, "I'd like to serve the general as a dog and a horse!"