The house that Yingzhen arranged for Li Yuanhe was just a few houses away from Yingzhen's third prince's house. Originally, Li Yuanhe had already guessed that Yingzhen would never prepare a poor house for himself. However, Li Yuanhe was still frightened when he came to their new home under the leadership of Ying Zhen's soldiers.

It is not inferior to the third prince's mansion. Although it has not been entered, it can be seen from the red gate at the gate that the house is not small. Looking at the plaque hanging above the gate and the two big characters "Li Fu" written in gold powder, Li Yuanhe felt as if he was dreaming.

As for Li Yuanhe's reaction, the soldier in charge of leading the way seemed to have expected it. However, Li Yuanhe is now a red man in front of the third prince. He dare not laugh at him. Immediately, he said to Li Yuanhe with a smile: "General Li! The house was set up three days ago by the order of his highness. All the furniture inside was new, but the original domestic servants and maids were not prepared, so general Li arranged it according to his own will. However, his Highness has also told us that if General Li is too busy and has no time to arrange, he can send some people from the third prince's house to General Li. It only needs a word from General Li! "

Li Yuanhe doesn't have the courage to use the servants in the palace. It's all against the ban. Although winning really doesn't care about this kind of thing, Li Yuanhe can't bear it if he is caught by someone who has a heart and tells himself in front of the emperor. Li Yuanhe had his own arrangements for the domestic servants. It's obviously impossible for such a large house to win. Li Yuanhe and Gu lianniang alone can't take care of it. Therefore, domestic servants and maids will definitely want it. However, Li Yuanhe didn't want to bother to win. It was a good idea to ask Kong Ling's uncle Kong De.

Immediately, Li Yuanhe clasped his fist at the soldier and said, "thank you very much! I'll see about it myself! I would like to thank his highness and tell his highness that I would like to go to the door some other day to thank him in person! Please take this, brother Speaking of the last words, Li Yuanhe's voice suddenly lowered, and then took out a ingot of silver from his arms and stuffed it into the hand of the soldier.

As Ying's real soldier, he had seen many such things. He didn't give up at the moment. He beamed at Li Yuanhe and turned away. After seeing each other leave, Li Yuanhe turned around and walked to the carriage and said to the carriage, "Lian Niang, come out! We're home! "

As soon as Li Yuanhe's voice dropped, Gu lianniang ran out of the carriage. Gu lianniang was originally a rowdy character. All the way, Gu lianniang was stuffy in the carriage, which was not good for her to show up in public, but she was bored to death. After getting out of the carriage, Gu lianniang looked around excitedly. She grew up in Sichuan city. Although Sichuan city is the capital of Dachang state, Dachang state is not as prosperous as Bian city. Especially after seeing the brand-new Li's house in front of her, Gu lianniang was even more excited and almost jumped up. Only the Miao and Yang families in Sichuan could be qualified to live in such a mansion.

When Li Yuanhe saw that Gu lianniang was happy, he was also very satisfied. Even to Gu lianniang, he said, "come on! Lotus mother! Let's go in and have a look! " With that, he took Gu lianniang's little hand and ran to Li's house. Li Yuanhe was followed by Li Ping and Yan Ze. They were not affiliated with the regular army of the late Qin Dynasty. So when they returned to Biancheng, they had to follow Li Yuanhe. Their mood was as excited as Gu Lian Niang. They immediately looked at each other and followed them into Li's residence. However, the soldiers guarding the carriage did not know what to do. They had to guard the gate of Li's mansion honestly.

Gu lianniang spread her feet in Li's house and ran, leaving Li Yuanhe, Li Ping and Yan Ze sitting in the newly decorated hall. Before he was able to sit down, he heard a burst of noise outside. Li Yuanhe and Li Ping and Yan Ze walked out of the hall together. However, he saw that there were a lot of heads in front of him, and they were walking towards him. The first few people were Xiao Yuesheng, Kong Ling and other officers of the vanguard army.

"Ha ha ha ha! Of course, the younger brother will come to congratulate you on your moving in! " Kong Ling was the first to open his mouth. He bowed to Li Yuanhe and said with a smile. All of a sudden, a man and a woman came to pay homage to the old man in his clothes

Li Yuanhe was stunned, but he immediately responded. He laughed and said to Kong Ling: "second brother! I just thought I would go to the Confucius Mansion to ask for your help later! You sent it to me. Thank you very much, big brother

Kong Ling also had a smile on his face, waved his hand and said, "this is nothing. We are brothers. If I can help you, I will help you. You have done it! These are all domestic servants and maids bought by my younger brother along the way. They are all collected from big families. I absolutely understand the rules. I can rest assured! " Kong Ling's sentence is a pun, and only he and Li Yuanhe understand the meaning."Ha ha ha ha! General Although some of the generals are not willing to give up their fists, they can only smile at some of the generals. They don't want to give up some of them With that, Xiao Yuesheng waved his hand towards the back, and saw a dozen or so generals carrying gifts to Li Yuanhe. Although Xiao Yuesheng said that the gifts were poor, but their military rank was not low. How could their families be really poor? The gifts they gave were very rich.

Li Yuanhe, on the contrary, was somewhat embarrassed and said to the generals: "Oh, ah! Why are you so polite! Let Li Mou some sweat! Li just moved into this new house, and he didn't even have anything to entertain you. Li Ping! Yanze! Don't hurry to the street to buy wine and food and treat all brothers! "

"That's not necessary!" However, Xiao Yuesheng stopped Li Ping and Yan Ze, who were about to take orders, and said to Li Yuanhe with a smile: "Lord Kong told us before that the general had just moved into his new house, and he certainly did not prepare any food. Therefore, we will provide the wine and food by ourselves Immediately, an officer quickly walked to one of the gift boxes covered with red cloth and opened the red cloth directly. However, more than ten jars of wine and large pieces of meat were revealed inside.

All of us are comrades in arms who have lived and died. Now Li Yuanhe is not polite to them. He laughs and says, "since the brothers are ready, then Li Mou is not polite to them either! Come on! Today, Li Mou and his brothers will not come back if they are not drunk! " With that, he took Kong Ling in one hand and Xiao Yuesheng in the other, and walked towards the hall, and the rest of the generals followed him with laughter. The servants and maids brought by Kong Ling didn't stand there, but immediately began to perform their duties. The servants sent all the gifts to the backyard, while the maids moved the wine jars to the hall, took the meat to the kitchen, cut them and then sent them up.

Of course, Li Yuanhe didn't forget Gu lianniang in the backyard. Even if Li Ping was asked to take care of Gu lianniang in the backyard with some smart looking maids, he also gave Gu lianniang a meal. Seeing that Li Yuanhe had entrusted the matter to Li Ping, Kong Ling looked at it with a smile. After Li Ping went down, Kong Ling quietly touched him with his arm and asked in a low voice, "elder brother, you have already seen it already?"

With a smile, Li Yuanhe said in a low voice: "of course, I saw it on the way to Danube city. He thought he could cheat me? If I hadn't helped him cover up, I'm afraid he would have revealed his secret already! " Kong Ling laughed and stopped talking. He felt relieved. It seemed that Li Yuanhe was not as simple as he showed. This guy is careful!

With the wine and food on the table one by one, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling and other generals began to drink freely. They toasted each other and talked about the anecdotes on the journey to the south. Sometimes when talking about some sad things, these old men will quietly wipe a few tears, and when talking about the happy place, they will laugh. Before long, Cheng Hu and others, who had been sent out by Li Yuanhe, came back one after another. Li Yuanhe didn't treat them politely, so he asked them to sit down and drink. For a while, the whole Li family was full of laughter and laughter.

As for Li Yuanhe, he continued his bad drinking habit. After a while, he was poured down by the generals and sent back to the backyard to rest early. Kong Ling succeeded Li Yuanhe and temporarily became the host of Li's house to entertain all the generals. Although Kong Ling was just a scholar, his drinking capacity was not weak. He just resisted the general's repeated toasts, which was much better than Li Yuanhe. In the end, a dozen or so fighting men were drowned by Kong Ling, a weak scholar. Xu Liansheng, who was waiting on the side, looked straight at him.

Seeing Xu Liansheng's dazed appearance, Kong Ling couldn't help laughing and saying, "don't be silly. I'm not like your general. I know I can't drink enough and I don't know how to exercise well. After I was drunk by your general in Yucheng last time, I began to work hard on my drinking capacity. This is a mistake. If I get drunk again, I'm not sure it will ruin the event! "