But whether this is the reason, at least now Li Yuanhe is not known, but Li Yuanhe feels that all the reasons are in the south of Beijing. Whether it is yingnai, the second prince behind Luo Tianhan's assassination, or Yingyang, the fifth prince who immediately sent people to inquire about the news in Jingnan city after the war, or even Yingzhen, the third prince who sent Wang to Jingnan city a few years ago, all their targets are in Jingnan city. In the end, what is the secret of Jingnan City, which is worth these princes to be so keen on Jingnan City openly and secretly?

However, Li Yuanhe felt a little headache. He could not help but press his own temple, and then said to the crowd, "besides, can you find anything else?"

Qian Laojiu just saw that Li Yuanhe was bowing his head and Pondering over something. When he saw Li Yuanhe's question, he immediately said, "yes! My subordinates found two scars on Lord Luo's body! These two scars are completely different from other scars. The other scars are either the marks of the iron or the marks of the whip. Even if there are a few cuts, they are obviously drawn with a knife slowly, just to bring pain to Lord Luo, but the wound is not very serious. "

"What's so special about these two cuts?" Listening to Qian Laojiu's words, Li Yuanhe couldn't help being a little strange. Is there any difference between knife wound and knife wound?

Qian Laojiu nodded and said, "I didn't notice this, but Liansheng discovered it. Remind me, I saw it. One of the two wounds was on Lord Luo's right wrist. Although the wound had healed, judging from the length and thickness of the wound, the knife was very quick. Although the force was not heavy, it just cut off Lord Luo's tendon, but did not hurt other parts. Therefore, my subordinates judge that this knife should have been cut by the enemy with a flying knife, and the time of looking at the scar is earlier than all the wounds on Lord Luo's body. I think it should have been hurt when Lord Luo was caught. "

After listening to Qian Laojiu's explanation and analysis, Li Yuanhe nodded incessantly. In his heart, he gradually understood why Qian Laojiu would take out the scar alone. If Qian Laojiu's analysis is correct, this knife can hurt Luo Yan's wrist so accurately. It can be seen that the person who sent out the throwing knife is absolutely not weak. Such a person must be noted!

Qian Laojiu continued: "the other wound was on Lord Luo's feet and ankles. These two wounds are relatively new and have not yet completely healed, and the earliest time will not be more than 10 days. This wound is completely opposite to the one on the wrist just now. The cut was very deep, but it directly cut off the tendons of Lord Luo's feet. Moreover, his subordinates found that the two stab wounds were obviously caused by one knife, and the blade was very smooth, which showed that the speed of the knife man was very fast! "

Li Yuanhe nodded again, and then Qian Laojiu said: "this knife shows that the swordsman's skill is very fast, and he is also a top expert! What's more, the purpose of cutting off brother Luo's feet and tendons with a knife is not to torture him, but to prevent him from escaping! Judging from the new and old degree of the wound, it should be that brother Luo got the knife wound before he was killed. It's very likely that he was cut by this knife and then poisoned! "

"The general is wise! That's it Seeing Li Yuanhe saying what he wanted to say, Qian Laojiu didn't go on talking any more. He paid homage to Li Yuanhe and said, "according to the inspection of three people under his command, there are so many clues that can be found on Lord Luo's body!"

Li Yuanhe waved his hand and said, "in this case, you will bury brother Luo's body well later, but don't be found by others! As for what you said, the farmers who found the body of brother Luo the first time, give them some silver and send them to other places. Don't let others find them! " Originally, the best way to deal with these farmers was to kill them, but after all, the other side was innocent. Li Yuanhe could not do this. He could only send them as far as possible.

"Here it is Qian Laojiu immediately took the order, but he did not immediately carry out it, because he knew that Li Yuanhe's order was only to let him do it later. Now Li Yuanhe absolutely has other things to command.

Sure enough, Li Yuanhe frowned and said with a black face: "we must keep a secret about the discovery of brother Luo's body. Except for you, don't even tell the Zhao brothers. Their mouths are not strict and they are fond of drinking. When they are drunk, they are easy to make mistakes." If Zhao banju is not afraid of his brothers, they will be hard to understand them. But I'm afraid that if they are invited to drink a few drinks by someone with ulterior motives, their mouths will not be so firm. Li Yuan and himself also have a deep understanding of drinking.

Immediately, Li Yuanhe took another look at Luo Yan's body on the wooden platform, sighed a long time, and said, "Lao Qian, you should not track down this matter for the time being. Since the other side can have such a powerful master, although you are all elite, but after all, are some ordinary soldiers, and those masters are unable to compare. If I continue to track down, I'm afraid that I will start to scare the snake. In short, this matter will stop here for the time being! I believe that the murderer behind the scenes will never give up! As long as the secret kept by brother Luo has not been revealed, he will certainly show up again! ""Here it is Qian Laojiu once again gave Li Yuanhe a drink. This time, Li Yuanhe waved his hand to Qian Laojiu, and he directly got out of the army account. And other people also followed Li Yuanhe to drill out. Qian Laojiu was the last one. He first closed the army account, then called several fine soldiers and ordered them to deal with Luo Yan's body in their ears.

Since he came out, Li Yuanhe's face has been bad. Luo Yan is his first friend. Now Luo Yan has suffered misfortune, and his family is very likely to end up in the same way, which makes Li Yuanhe happy. However, Li Yuanhe couldn't stay in the barracks for a long time. Although there was a Kong Ling to take care of him in the Li mansion, he was the main character today. If he left for too long, he would be doubted. Maybe the murderer of Luo Yan was hidden among the visitors today!

Immediately, Li Yuanhe took them out of the barracks, mounted a mount and went straight back to Li's house. However, as soon as he entered Li's mansion, he saw a group of people coming out of the mansion. Li Yuanhe fixed his eyes on it, but it was the third prince Yingzhen and his guards. Li Yuanhe rushed forward and pretended that nothing had happened. He clasped hands with Ying Zhen and said, "Your Highness, are you going back? Why don't you have a few more drinks? "

Seeing Li Yuanhe coming back from the outside, Ying Zhen was obviously surprised. Instead of answering Li Yuanhe's questions, he said with a laugh: "General Li! You are the bridegroom today! Why did you leave alone at the banquet

Li Yuanhe had already thought out the Countermeasures on the way to come, and said with a smile: "I can't help it. Originally, at the end of this wedding, he sent several jars of wine to the brothers in the army to drink. I didn't expect that there were some boys who could not drink enough. They even made trouble when they were drunk, but I had to go there by myself. This is not just a few boys to the governance of a meal, this is in a hurry to come back! "

"Oh Win really had a sudden realization and said with a smile: "Oh, it's really a disappointment to have such a thing happen! However, General Li, I also want to talk about you. Sometimes the soldiers under the enemy can't be very good. We should discipline them! If there is no strict military discipline, we will not be able to give full play to the best combat effectiveness in war! " Winning really deserves to be an old hand in leading troops to fight since childhood. He was a little bit hit by Li Yuanhe's shortcomings.

Li Yuanhe also paid homage to Yingzhen modestly and said, "I will know at the end of the day. Thank you for your guidance! Your highness! Since the last general has come back, why don't your highness have a few more drinks with him. Speaking of it, the last general has not yet given thanks to his Highness for the matchmaker's wine! Today, your highness, you must be drunk and go home With that, he made a gesture of invitation to Ying Zhen.

Actually, he shook his head with a smile and said, "let's call it a day."! News came from the palace just now. Something urgent needs to be done by the king! General Li, go in! I think your younger brother Kong Ling seems to have been unable to hold on. All the officers and men are besieging him, a weak scholar After that, Ying Zhen also smiles and winks at Li Yuanhe, which seems to be laughing at Li Yuanhe's letting Kong Ling, a weak scholar, be born as his shield.

Li Yuan and his face were so old that he could not even make such a frail scholar even more than his hole. However, since Ying Zhen said that he had something to do, he could not force him to stay. He could only give him a hand and said, "in that case, I will not delay your Highness's business! At the end of another day, I will make a special trip to replenish your Highness's thank you matchmaker wine! Your highness, go

Ying Zhen is walking, while waving his hand to Li Yuanhe not to send him off, and then he takes a group of his own people to leave Li Fu. Li Yuanhe watched Ying Zhen and his party leave the Li house, but they stood there in a daze, until Cheng Hu came up and called out, and Li Yuanhe came back to his senses. Li Yuanhe frowned and asked the people around him, "who are the people who have just brought behind the third prince's highness?"

Although I don't know why Li Yuanhe suddenly asked this question, Cheng Hu, who was responsible for welcoming the guests, immediately recalled it and replied, "reply to the general, I remember that those people are the bodyguards of the third prince's Royal Highness's house!"