"Bodyguard?" Li Yuanhe looks at Yingzhen and his party who have disappeared in the distance, but they don't know what they are thinking. However, without Cheng Hu's voice to remind him, he also realizes that he can't just stay here. Kong Ling is still struggling to support it. Although Li Yuanhe deliberately let Kong Ling suffer, it is not good to really intoxicate him.

Immediately, Li Yuanhe took the people to the hall, but when Li Yuanhe stepped into the hall, they were fooled by the scene in front of them. Li Yuanhe thought that his family had been attacked if it was not for the drunken talk of several people with their eyes closed.

At the front table, Kong lingzheng and Kong De and Wang Yang raised their glasses to each other. Of course, they didn't drink like the previous guests did, but drank lightly. Most of the time, they were still talking and laughing. Although Kong Ling's face was still ruddy, it was not as drunk as Li Yuan and he had imagined before. On the contrary, it was much better than Li Yuanhe when he left.

While looking at the guests lying on the ground and on the wine table, Li Yuanhe walked in cautiously, for fear that he might step on someone lying on the ground. Finally, he came to Kong Ling's wine table and asked curiously, "second brother, what's going on? Why are we all drunk? No, you didn't pour them all by yourself, did you? "

Kong Ling was smiling and did not speak, but Wang Yang said with a smile: "you boy, you are the bridegroom official! Just now, I've been sneaking away! A fine Wang Yang didn't care about the Wang brothers lying on the ground. Instead, he poured a glass of wine to Li Yuanhe and handed it to Li Yuanhe. It seems that Wang has drunk a lot today.

Wang Yang handed over the wine, Li Yuanhe of course did not dare to refuse, can only take a sip and drink it. After wiping the wine stains on the corner of his mouth, he asked strangely, "Mr. Wang! What's wrong with everyone? Why are you all drunk? " In fact, what Li Yuanhe wants to ask most is why everyone is drunk, but Kong Ling is like a nobody. But now Kong Ling is sitting there. Li Yuanhe can't ask.

Wang Yang picked up a glass of wine with a smile, but he didn't drink it with Li Yuanhe. Instead, he pecked at Li Yuanhe's question. Hearing Li Yuanhe's question, he just pointed to Kong Ling, who was drinking leisurely and leisurely. He said, "this is all the good deeds of your righteous brother. If you want to ask anything, you might as well ask your righteous brother!"

Li Yuanhe followed Wang Yang's fingers and looked at Kong Ling on one side again. However, Kong Ling raised his head and said innocently: "this has nothing to do with me! They all came to offer my wine, but I took it one by one. But before I drank, I said a few words, but they all began to drink with each other, but I couldn't stop them. It turns out to be what you see! " With that, Kong Ling shrugged his shoulders.

Li Yuanhe was not able to laugh or cry. Needless to say, these barbarians must have been in the scheme of instigating dissension by Kong Ling. Most of the people who came to attend the wedding banquet were generals in the army. They were all hot tempered. Although they didn't know what Kong Ling said to them, they always said that you were inferior to him and he was inferior to you. The worst thing about these fighting men is that they are provoked by others. This is good. Before they can solve the Kongming, they will pour out each other.

Kong Ling didn't ask Li Yuanhe what he had done before. He believed that if Li Yuanhe wanted to tell himself about it, he would say it later. If Li Yuanhe could not tell himself about it, he would ask him and he would not say it. Immediately, Kong Ling stood up, clapped his hands, and said to Li Yuanhe, "this wine is almost drunk. Next, I should also say goodbye! All these guys will be handed over to elder brother and you will deal with them! " With that, Kong Ling made a salute to Kong De and Wang Yang. His legs and feet were a little wobbly and went out. Although Kong Ling succeeded in pouring all the others down, he also drank a lot before. I'm afraid that he is approaching his limit.

Looking at Kong Ling's back, Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing bitterly. Then he turned to Kong De and Wang Yang and said, "Lord Kong and Lord Wang might as well rest in the shed." The mansion that Ying Zhen gave Li Yuanhe was very large. There were four or five courtyards. Besides Li Yuanhe's new house, there was no problem in dividing a courtyard for Kong De and Wang Yang to rest. As for the people who were drunk on the ground, there was no need to be so particular about it. Li Yuanhe only had to let the servants carry them all to the rest of the room, which was more than enough.

Kong De and Wang Yang looked at each other, but they didn't get polite with Li Yuan and he. After all, they were both old and drank a lot of wine today, so it didn't matter to rest in Li's residence. Immediately Li Yuanhe called several maids and helped Kong De and Wang Yang to another yard to rest. But Li Yuanhe turned to look at the drunkard in this place. He did not know whether he was angry or funny, so he directed Cheng Hu and others and took the servants to settle them all.

After Li Yuanhe had dealt with everyone, it was getting dark. Cheng Hu said to Li Yuanhe, "general! Today is your wedding day. It's getting late. Don't let your wife wait for a long time. Let's deal with it here. " Cheng Hu's proposal was also approved by several other people. Li Yuanhe looked at the mess in the room, and knew that if he could clean up all this, he would have to stay up late at night. Before, he asked Li pinger to send a message to Gu lianniang. She was worried about him all the time. So Li Yuanhe didn't insist. He just patted Cheng Hu on the shoulder and turned around and walked to the back yard.Straight into the backyard outside the new house, but see Li Ping Er is a person leaning on the doorframe, nodding a head to doze off. Li Yuanhe couldn't help but smile, walked to Li pinger's side, patted her on the shoulder, and woke her up. Li Ping'er, however, was still a man's character. The first time she was awakened, she subconsciously assumed a posture of confrontation, and hit Li Yuanhe, who had awakened her.

However, Li Yuanhe's opponent was Li Yuanhe's opponent. Li Yuanhe's one hand reached out and solved Li Ping'er's attack. Then, the other hand covered Li pinger's mouth and whispered, "OK! See clearly! It's me

Li pinger saw clearly that it was Li Yuanhe who woke up. Fortunately, Li Yuanhe had covered her mouth before, otherwise she would have to shout. Li Yuanhe quickly put his other hand on his lips, made a silent gesture, and whispered to Li Ping'er: "don't shout! Do you want to call everyone in the house up? "

Li pinger noticed that it was already at night. He nodded and indicated that he would not scream. Li Yuanhe relaxed Li pinger's mouth. As soon as Li Ping'er's mouth was free, she took an exaggerated breath and said, "general! Did you just want to hold Ping'er to death? With such great strength

Li Yuanhe was in no mood to fight with Li Ping'er, waved his hand and said, "OK! You go back and have a rest! Just leave it to me! "

Li pinger has been waiting for Li Yuanhe, but he has been exhausted for a long time. Seeing Li Yuanhe's release, Li pinger stretches himself and yawns, and then says, "well, general! I'll go down first! " However, when she left, she did not forget to salute Li Yuanhe. However, the dress of her daughter's house was somewhat inhumane.

After Li Ping'er left, Li Yuan and he opened the door and entered the new house. However, he did not expect that as soon as he came in, Gu Lian Niang in the room directly welcomed her and said with joy: "ah! Yuanhe! You are back. Is it all right? "

Gu lianniang learned from Li pinger that Li Yuanhe seemed to have encountered something important. She ran out on the day of her wedding. The first thing she thought of was not to blame Li Yuanhe, but to worry about whether Li Yuanhe was going to do something dangerous. She abandoned her family and followed Li Yuanhe to this strange place. If Li Yuanhe had any accident, she would have no more to rely on. For Gu lianniang, Li Yuanhe can be said to be the pillar for the rest of her life.

Li Yuanhe didn't expect Gu lianniang to have a rest. After all, even Li pinger, who was waiting on the other side, couldn't bear to doze off. Seeing that Gu lianniang is still wearing a wedding gown, we can see that Gu lianniang has never had a rest before. In addition to what Gu lianniang said just now, it can be seen that Gu lianniang is just worried about herself. Immediately, Li Yuanhe felt warm in his heart. The anger and sadness left in his heart because of Luo Yan's death could not help but disappear.

Immediately, Li Yuanhe held Gu lianniang in his arms, put his head against Gu lianniang's ear, and said in a soft voice, "Lian Niang, it's really my blessing that I can marry you in this life! Today can be said to be the happiest day of my life! Thank you, lianniang

Listening to Li Yuanhe's tender words, Gu lianniang's whole heart is about to melt. Leaning in Li Yuanhe's arms, Gu lianniang can't even use any strength. She can only hang her body on Li Yuanhe's body. As soon as Gu lianniang remembered that today was the day of their big marriage, and tonight, when she was going to give her all to Li Yuanhe, she couldn't help but feel the heat all over her body.

"Yuan, yuan and!" Gu lianniang didn't know what to say any more. She could only read it as if she were in a dream. Li Yuanhe, who heard Gu lianniang's words, seemed to have received a signal. Without even looking at her, Li Yuanhe suddenly bent down, reached for Gu lianniang, and walked to the new bed in the room.

Gu lianniang also knows what will happen next. Although she is usually careless and open-minded, after all, she is a big girl. In such a case, she can only hide her head in Li Yuanhe's chest shyly. Li Yuanhe's chest was rubbed by Gu lianniang's hair, but it made him feel more and more that the fire was rising from his abdomen. Walking to the bedside, Li Yuanhe directly put Gu lianniang on the bed. With the red candle light on the desk in the room, Li Yuanhe looked down at the beauty under him.

Under the light of the red candle, Gu lianniang's face became more and more ruddy and charming, which made Li Yuanhe almost drool. Li Yuanhe couldn't help it. He just bent down and aimed at the round red lips. Until they were completely breathless, Li Yuanhe let go of the beauty's lips, which had become a little red and swollen, but the goal was to start sliding down the slender neck.

At the same time, Li Yuanhe's hands are not idle, but quickly for his bride to untie the shackles. However, the Xi robe is much more complicated than ordinary clothes. Li Yuanhe's eyes are all placed on the smooth and delicate skin of the beauty. It takes a lot of effort to untie the Xi robe completely and reveal the small and narrow clothes inside.Next, Li Yuanhe did not use his hands, but instead used his mouth to untie the last piece of clothing on the bride. This process is inevitable to encounter some important parts of the bride, but the bride from time to time sent out a fascinating nonsense. For their own performance, the bride is also very shy, but also can not bear, finally the bride simply closed her eyes, with her hand to cover her mouth, but still can not block the voice from the throat.

With his mouth to untie clothes, the speed was naturally much slower, but finally Li Yuanhe succeeded in taking off all the clothes on his bride. Immediately, Li Yuanhe sat up and quickly stripped himself of all his clothes, but this time it was much faster than just now. After taking off her clothes, she slowly separated her legs and finally took a look at the beauty. At this time, as if the heart has a soul, the beauty also slightly opened her eyes and looked at Li Yuanhe. In Li Yuanhe's inquiring eyes, the beauty just hesitated for a moment, then nodded shyly.

With Li Yuanhe standing up, there was a short cry of alarm in the room, but soon, the voice was replaced by another voice. Outside the house, the moon in the sky seemed to be ashamed to hear the sound, and quietly hid in the clouds, saying nothing but shed some silver light on the earth through the cracks in the clouds.